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Ben Bernanke



Učebnice ekonomie z pera budoucího šéfa Federálního rezervního systému!Exkluzivní vydání kompletní učebnice ekonomie dvou renomovaných autorů z prestižních amerických univerzit dokáže strhnout i praktické ekonomy a manažery. Autoři totiž sice zachovávají standardní postup kapitol od vysvětlení zákona nabídky a poptávky přes trh práce, peněz, kapitálu až po makroekonomické veličiny, zcela originálním způsobem však odkrývají jádro ekonomického myšlení a chování a nezahlcují čtenáře okrajovými detaily. Učebnice dokáže vtáhnout čtenáře do řešení vzrušujících problémů, ve kterých se díky ní po odborné stránce dobře orientuje, a pronikne tak do podstaty analýzy nákladů a prospěchu, komparativních výhod, efektivnosti a dalších klíčových ekonomických pojmů. Text doprovázejí četné obrázky a názorné grafy, příklady a cvičení. Publikaci přeložil kolektiv pod vedením doc. Ing. Heleny Fialové, CSc., vedoucí programu MBA, Masarykův ústav vyšších studií ČVUT v Praze a zástupkyně vedoucího katedry ekonomiky, manažerství a humanitních věd FEL ČVUT v Praze.
59,85 € 63,00 €

The Courage to Act

In 2006, Ben S. Bernanke was appointed chairman of the Federal Reserve, capping a meteoric trajectory from a rural South Carolina childhood to professorships at Stanford and Princeton, to public service in Washington's halls of power. There would be no time to celebrate, however-the burst of the housing bubble in 2007 set off a domino effect that would bring the global financial system to the brink of meltdown. In The Courage to Act, Ben Bernanke pulls back the curtain on the tireless and ultimately successful efforts to prevent a mass economic failure. Working with two US presidents and two Treasury secretaries, Bernanke and his colleagues used every Fed capability, no matter how arcane, to keep the US economy afloat. From his arrival in Washington in 2002 and his experiences before the crisis, to the intense days and weeks of the crisis itself, and through the Great Recession that followed, Bernanke gives readers an unequalled perspective on the American economy. This narrative will reveal for the first time how the creativity and decisiveness of a few key leaders prevented an economic collapse of unimaginable scale. Bernanke explains the inspiration behind the book's title, saying, "When the economic well-being of their nation demanded a strong and creative response, my colleagues at the Federal Reserve, policymakers and staff alike, mustered the moral courage to do what was necessary, often in the face of bitter criticism and condemnation. I am grateful to all of them and proud to have been part of the global effort to contain the most dangerous economic crisis of our time."
52,02 € 54,76 €


"I learned much from this book I had not previously known. Its cautions for the future should be required reading for all policy makers." - Warren Buffett 2008 saw one of the worst financial crises in generations, the global implications of which are still being felt today. Ten years later Ben Bernanke, Timothy Geithner and Hank Paulson reflect on the causes of the crisis, why it was so damaging, and what it ultimately took to prevent a second Great Depression. All three had crucial roles in the government's response- Ben S. Bernanke as chairman of the Federal Reserve; Henry M. Paulson, Jr., as secretary of the Treasury under President George W. Bush; Timothy F. Geithner as president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York during the Bush years and then Treasury secretary under President Barack Obama. A powerful, warts and all account told with unprecedented clarity; from the flawed human response to the necessity to learn from the past and help firefighters of the future protect economies from the ravages of financial crises. Firefighting is a vital account of a defining moment in modern history and an inspiring lesson on leadership through crisis.
11,88 € 12,50 €