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Mary Buffett


Tao Warrena Buffetta

Tato publikace by se měla stát nezbytnou pomůckou obchodního světa, k níž se budou investoři a manažeři stále znovu a znovu vracet. Autoři zachytili srdce, duši a étos Warrena Buffeta – poskytují praktické, trvalé strategie, které můžeme použít ke zlepšení našeho finančního výkonu. Kniha inspiruje, pobaví, zbystří mysl a nabídne velmi cenné investiční rady, které může použít kdokoli. Láká k prolistování, je zábavná a jistě se stane klasikou.
8,84 € 9,31 €

Nová Buffettologie

Po přečtení knihy budete umět velký díl z investičních strategií, které účinně uplatňuje Warren Buffett. Tento le-gendární investor a šéf Berkshire Hathaway Inc. se střídavě pohybuje na první a druhé příčce žebříčku nejbohatších lidí světa. Svého jmění dosáhnl celoživotním investováním na kapitálovém trhu. Jeho investiční zásady a kroky uznávají a sledují miliony jeho příznivců po celém světě. V knize jsou přiblíženy postupy a kritéria, na základě kterých Buffett vybírá akcie do svého portfolia. Uváděny jsou četné konkrétní příklady se skutečnými hodnotami, srovnává s fundamenty akcií, do kterých by naopak neinvestoval. Buffett zde představuje svůj koncept "trvale udržitelné konkurenční výhody" a pojetí akcie jako dluhopisu s proměnlivou úrokovou sazbou.
14,07 € 14,81 €

Warren Buffet Stock Portfolio

Warren Buffett's Stock Portfolio is the first book to take readers deep into Warren Buffett's investment portfolio. Each of Buffett's current stock investments is analyzed in detail with information as to why Buffett found these attractive businesses and how he determined that they are good long-term investments. Each company will analyzed using the criteria outlined in Buffettology and Warren Buffett and the Interpretation of Financial Statements. The reader can then apply these techniques to a variety of other stocks and see if they meet Buffett's criteria. Although information about Warren Buffett's stock portfolio is available on-line, it is merely listings of the stocks Warren owns. No one else explains the criteria Warren uses to determine how and when to buy and sell. In addition this book will include stocks that are too new to be on-line. The authors will also look at a few top-performing stocks that Warren has sold in the last ten years.
10,93 € 11,50 €

Warren Buffett and the Interpretation of Financial Statements

With an insider's view of the mind of the master, Mary Buffett and David Clark have written a simple guide for reading financial statements from Buffett's successful perspective. They clearly outline Warren Buffett's strategies in a way that will appeal to newcomers and seasoned Buffettologists alike. Inspired by the seminal work of Buffett's mentor, Benjamin Graham, this book presents Buffett's interpretation of financial statements with anecdotes and quotes from the master investor himself. Destined to become a classic in the world of investment books, Warren Buffett and the Interpretation of Financial Statements is the perfect companion volume to The New Buffettology and The Tao of Warren Buffett.
12,30 € 12,95 €

7 Secrets to Investing Like Warren Buffett

A complete guide for beginning investors who want to understand how to invest like Warren Buffett. This is one of the first books to showcase both Warren Buffett's Value Investing technique and his life skills and habits for beginning investors. Sustainable results often come from changes in lifestyle and habits; hence, the first section of the book discusses habits that one needs to adopt to be able to invest like Warren Buffett, and prepares readers for a lifelong journey of wealth building. The second section examines specific stock-picking techniques. The authors look at timeless principles as well as latest ideas on where to find great investment ideas, and share specific financial indicators they look for in a good investment. The authors explain valuation principles and techniques that help investors decide when to buy a stock. The techniques are inspired by investor and economist, Benjamin Graham, the 'father of value investing', and are vastly different from the common Wall Street wisdom of trying to time the market. The final section of the book explains how the reader can build and track a portfolio of stocks. Authors encourage readers to follow Warren Buffett's first rule of investing 'Never Lose Money', and explain three important steps that significantly lower risk: - Choose good stocks with low risk - Buy at a good price with margin of safety. - Diversify into a basket of stocks. Questionnaires, charts and graphs help explain techniques and habits simply.
16,10 € 16,95 €