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Lucas Edward


Nová studená válka

Bestseller respektovaného východoevropského korespondenta a komentátora listu The Economist odhalující skutečné pozadí snah a aktivit putinovského Ruska. Mnohaleté zkušenosti a četné kontakty Edwardu Lucasovi otevřely cestu k exkluzivním informacím z kremelského zákulisí, na jejichž základě autor dochází k nanejvýš znepokojivým závěrům: mezi Východem a Západem probíhá nová studená válka – a Západ zatím prohrává!
13,29 € 13,99 €


Špionážní služby Kremlu a Západu spolu zápasí již skoro sto let, od doby, kdy Leninovi bolševici v roce 1925 dopadli Sidneyho Reillyho („eso špionáže“). Tento stav trval i v roce 2010, jak dokazuje případ Anny Chapmanové („rudovlásky pod postelí“), deportované tehdy z USA.Významný britský žurnalista a specialista na problematiku Ruska a východní Evropy Edward Lucas ve své nové knize Klam odhaluje skutečný příběh Chapmanové a jejích kolegyní, „spících agentek“ ve Velké Británii a USA. Vrhá světlo na jejich tajné úkoly a lov špionů, který vedl k jejich dopadení. Líčí dosud neznámé triumfy, ale i debakly západních rozvědek za studené války a poukazuje na pozadí nového světa průmyslové a politické špionáže.Kdysi z Moskvy vycházelo nebezpečí mezinárodního komunismu, kdežto nyní jsou jeho zdrojem silovici – bezohlední „držitelé moci“ v Rusku. Kniha Klam je naprosto nezbytná četba pro všechny, kdo chtějí pochopit hrozbu, kterou tito mocipáni představují pro vnější svět, ale i vlastní lid.
16,92 € 17,81 €

Cyberphobia : Identity, Trust, Security and the Internet

Crossing the road, we look both ways. Riding a bicycle at night, we use lights. So why is our attitude towards online security so relaxed? Edward Lucas reveals the ways in which cyberspace is not the secure zone we may hope, how passwords provide no significant obstacle to anyone intent on getting past them, and how anonymity is easily accessible to anyone - malign or benign - willing to take a little time covering their tracks. The internet was designed by a small group of computer scientists looking for a way to share information quickly. In the last twenty years it has expanded rapidly to become a global information superhighway, available to all comers, but also wide open to those seeking invisibility. This potential for anonymity means neither privacy nor secrecy are really possible for law-abiding corporations or citizens. As identities can be faked so easily the very foundations on which our political, legal and economic systems are based are vulnerable. Businesses, governments, national security organisations and even ordinary individuals are constantly at risk and with our ever increasing dependence on the internet and smart-phone technology this threat is unlikely to diminish - in fact, the target for cyber-criminals is expanding all the time. Not only does Cyberphobia lay bare the dangers of the internet, it also explores the most successful defensive cyber-strategies, options for tracking down transgressors and argues that we are moving into a post-digital age where once again face-to-face communication will be the only interaction that really matters.
24,23 € 25,50 €


Crossing the road, we look both ways. Riding a bicycle at night, we use lights. So why is our attitude towards online security so relaxed? Edward Lucas reveals the ways in which cyberspace is not the secure zone we may hope, how passwords provide no significant obstacle to anyone intent on getting past them, and how anonymity is easily accessible to anyone - malign or benign - willing to take a little time covering their tracks. The internet was designed by a small group of computer scientists looking for a way to share information quickly. In the last twenty years it has expanded rapidly to become a global information superhighway, available to all comers, but also wide open to those seeking invisibility. This potential for anonymity means neither privacy nor secrecy are really possible for law-abiding corporations or citizens. As identities can be faked so easily the very foundations on which our political, legal and economic systems are based are vulnerable. Businesses, governments, national security organisations and even ordinary individuals are constantly at risk and with our ever increasing dependence on the internet and smart-phone technology this threat is unlikely to diminish - in fact, the target for cyber-criminals is expanding all the time. Not only does Cyberphobia lay bare the dangers of the internet, it also explores the most successful defensive cyber-strategies, options for tracking down transgressors and argues that we are moving into a post-digital age where once again face-to-face communication will be the only interaction that really matters.
12,30 € 12,95 €