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Elizabeth Ferrettiová



História čokolády siaha k starovekým národom Strednej a Južnej Ameriky. Rané civilizácie pripisovali milovanému kakau náboženský význam a ich potomkovia ešte aj dnes obetujú kakao bohom.Čokoláda, kedysi vyhradená pre privilegované vrstvy spoločnosti a používaná pri náboženských rituáloch, sa v priebehu uplynulých 150 rokov stala súčasťou nášho každodenného života...Súčasťou tejto publikácie je nielen história, ale aj recepty na pokrmy z čokolády, obsahuje aj pomôcky na jej prípravu, celý komplet je zabalený v darčekovej krabičke.
9,42 € 9,92 €

Teen Eli Readers - English: Dear Diary.. + CD

“The most important thing is not to think very much about oneself.” Virginia Woolf In this book, you will find the diaries of many different people. Here are writers, artists, musicians, and people with important stories to tell. Some are famous – Anne Frank, George Orwell and Kurt Cobain – others you will meet for the first time. Syllabus Grammar and structures Present simple, Present continuous (present actions), Present perfect simple, Past Simple, Future with will. Verb forms and patterns: Affirmative, interrogative, negative, Infinitives (with and without to) after verbs and adjectives, Regular and common irregular verbs, Passive forms, Gerunds (verb + -ing) after verbs and prepositions, Gerunds as subjects and objects.
6,37 € 6,70 €

Adventure at Haydon Point + CD

“It was all so different from London. The strangest thing was the light that came into his room. It travelled across his ceiling and then it went, leaving his room dark. After a few seconds it was back, then it disappeared, again and again.” One summer, city boy Sam stays with his uncle. It’s all so different from London! There’s a river and boats, and a new friend, Rachel. But something strange happens... One day Sam and Rachel find a strange bird with a long beak that looks like a spoon. It has thin fishing rope round its legs. It certainly can’t fly! And who are the two men in black? Všetko bolo úplne iné ako v Londýne. Najzvláštnejšie bolo svetlo, ktoré prišlo do jeho izby. Prešlo po strope a zmizlo, zanechávajúc izbu v tme. O pár sekúnd sa vrátilo a opäť zmizlo, znovu a znovu. Jedno leto zostane Sam, chlapec z mesta, u svojho strýka. A všetko je úplne iné ako v Londýne! Je tu rieka a lode a aj nová priateľka Rachel. Stalo sa však niečo zvláštne – Sam a Rachel nájdu jedinečného vtáka s dlhým zobákom podobným lyžici. Okolo nôh má omotanú rybársku sieť. Určite nemôže lietať! A kto sú tí dvaja muži v čiernom?
6,37 € 6,70 €