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Dorothy Koomson


Lacná kniha The Woman He Loved Before (-50%)

Libby has a good life with a gorgeous husband and a home by the sea. But over time she is becoming more unsure if Jack has ever loved her - and if he is over the death of Eve, his first wife. When fate intervenes in their relationship, Libby decides to fi
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5,10 € 10,20 €

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The Ice Cream Girls

As teenagers, Poppy Carlisle and Serena Gorringe were the only witnesses to a tragic event. Amid heated public debate, the two seemingly glamorous teens were dubbed 'The Ice Cream Girls' by the press and were dealt with by the courts. Years later, having
9,45 € 9,95 €

Ice Cream Girls Film Tie

As teenagers, Poppy Carlisle and Serena Gorringe were the only witnesses to a tragic event. Amid heated public debate, the two seemingly glamorous teens were dubbed 'The Ice Cream Girls' by the press and were dealt with by the courts. Years later, having led very different lives, Poppy is keen to set the record straight about what really happened, while Serena wants no one in her present to find out about her past. But some secrets will not stay buried - and if theirs is revealed, everything will become a living hell all over again ...Gripping, thought-provoking and heart-warming, The Ice Cream Girls will make you wonder if you can ever truly know the people you love.
9,98 € 10,50 €


Kamryn je se svým životem dávno smířená. Ví, že je osamělá, že by mohla shodit pár kilo..., ale proč by to dělala, že? Uvědomuje si, že za své štěstí nese odpovědnost pouze ona sama, a tak žije pro svou profesi a urputně pracuje na kariéře. Smířila se s představou, že do smrti zůstane `singl`, po dětech nikdy netoužila. Spoléhá na úzký okruh svých přátel a hraje s kartami, které jí dal život do rukou. Před pár lety byla sice zasnoubená, ale pak se všechno jaksi zvrtlo. Sladké představy o báječném manželství ukončila nepochopitelná zrada nejlepší kamarádky Adele, která se vyspala s jejím snoubencem. Byl to pochopitelně i konec jejich přátelství, na druhou stranu i něco začalo: nový život, Adele otěhotněla. Zdrcená Kamryn přísahá, že až do smrti nechce nikoho z nich vidět. Uplynulo pár let a Kamryn dostala dopis. Adele v něm píše, že umírá a prosí svou bývalou kamarádku, aby adoptovala malou Tegan. Kamryn se do toho nechce: jednak kvůli okolnostem, za kterých Tegan přišla na svět, jedn
9,78 € 10,29 €

Marchmallows for Breakfast

When Kendra Tamale returns to England from Australia she rents a room from Kyle, a divorced father of two, and begins a new job. She's looking forward to a fresh start and simple life. Kyle's five-year-old twins, Summer and Jaxon, have other ideas and quickly adopt Kendra as their new mother ? mainly because she lets them eat marshmallows for breakfast. Kendra eventually becomes a part of their lives, even though she's hiding a painful secret that makes her keep everyone ? especially children ? at arm's length. Then Kendra bumps into the man who shares her awful secret, and things fall apart: she can't sleep, she can't eat, she's suspended from work, and the kids are taken away by their mother. The only way to fix things is to confess to the terrible mistake she made all those years ago. But that's something she swore never to do ...
9,98 € 10,50 €

Chocolate Run

Amber Salpone thinks in chocolate - talk to her for three minutes and she'll tell you what kind of chocolate you'd be. In fact, most days, if she was asked to choose between chocolate and relationships, there'd be no contest. At least chocolate has n ever let her down. Unlike her family. Growing up in the Salpone household has taught Amber to avoid conflict - and love - at all costs. So, when she does the unthinkable and has a one-night stand with womaniser Greg Walterson, her uncomplicated, choc olate-flavoured life goes into meltdown. Especially when Greg announces she's the love of his life - and Amber finds it hard enough to decide if she wants plain or Fruit & Nut ...Meanwhile, her best friend, Jen, seems to be launching a bid to become Bitch Of The Year and Amber's family are making unreasonable demands. Amber has two choices: to deal with her past and the people around her, or to go on a chocolate run and keep on running ...
9,49 € 9,99 €

The Woman He Loved Before

Libby has a good life with a gorgeous husband and a home by the sea. But over time she is becoming more unsure if Jack has ever loved her - and if he is over the death of Eve, his first wife. When fate intervenes in their relationship, Libby decides to fi
9,69 € 10,20 €

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Az utolsó csepp

Az ártatlan rajongás örökre megpecsételte a sorsukat. Két tizenéves lány, akiket azzal vádoltak, hogy megöltek egy tanárt. De csak egyikük került börtönbe a gyilkosságért, a másik szabadon élhetett. Két tizenéves lány, akik akár barátnők is lehettek volna. De ugyanazért a férfiért rajongtak, és emiatt örökre megváltozott az életük. Húsz év elteltével kiszabadul a gyilkosságért elítélt Poppy. Még mindig állítja, hogy ártatlanul került börtönbe, és feltett szándéka, hogy megkeresi Serenát. Szembe kell nézniük egymással és a közös, sötét múlttal. Mi történt valójában? Jól ítélt-e a bíró? Melyik lány volt a gyilkos? És mit tett a tanár a két tapasztalatlan tinédzserrel, amiért az életével fizetett? Dorothy Koomson lebilincselően feszes regénye több országban hatalmas sikert aratott. A fagyis lányok címmel 2013-ban angol tévésorozat készült. Felkavaró és hazánkban is aktuális témája miatt csak felnőtt olvasóknak ajánljuk.
11,84 € 12,46 €

That Girl from Nowhere

From the bestselling author of The Ice Cream Girls, The Woman He Loved Before and My Best Friend's Girl, an emotional story about love, identity and the meaning of family. 'Where are you coming from with that accent of yours?' he asks. 'Nowhere,' I reply. 'I'm from nowhere.' 'Everyone's from somewhere,' he says. 'Not me,' I reply silently. Clemency Smittson was adopted as a baby and the only connection she has to her birth mother is a cardboard box hand-decorated with butterflies. Now an adult, Clem decides to make a drastic life change and move to Brighton, where she was born. Clem has no idea that while there she'll meet someone who knows all about her butterfly box and what happened to her birth parents. As the tangled truths about her adoption and childhood start to unravel, a series of shocking events cause Clem to reassess whether the price of having contact with her birth family could be too high to pay...
10,93 € 11,50 €

The Friend

What secrets would you kill to keep? After her husband's big promotion, Cece Solarin arrives in Brighton with their three children, ready to start afresh. But their new neighbourhood has a deadly secret. Three weeks earlier, Yvonne, a very popular parent, was almost murdered in the grounds of the local school - the same school where Cece has unwittingly enrolled her children. Already anxious about making friends when the parents seem so cliquey, Cece is now also worried about her children's safety. By chance she meets Maxie, Anaya and Hazel, three very different school mothers who make her feel welcome and reassure her about her new life. That is until Cece discovers the police believe one of her new friends tried to kill Yvonne. Reluctant to spy on her friends but determined to discover the truth, Cece must uncover the potential murderer before they strike again . . . From the bestselling author of That Girl from Nowhere and When I Was Invisible comes a thrilling new novel that will have you questioning the line between right and wrong.
9,98 € 10,50 €

Tell Me Your Secret

The gripping new emotional thriller from the Sunday Times bestselling author of The Ice Cream Girls, My Best Friend's Girl and The Brighton Mermaid. Pieta has a secret Ten years ago, Pieta survived a weekend with a sadistic serial killer. She never told anyone what happened and instead moved on with her life. But now, the man who kidnapped her is hunting down his past victims meaning she may have to tell her deepest secret to stay alive . . . Jody has a secret Fifteen years ago, policewoman Jody made a terrible mistake that resulted in a serial killer escaping justice. When she discovers journalist Pieta is one of his living victims, Jody realises she has a way to catch him - even if it means endangering Pieta's life. . .
9,98 € 10,50 €

Lacná kniha The Ice Cream Girls (-95%)

As teenagers, Poppy Carlisle and Serena Gorringe were the only witnesses to a tragic event. Amid heated public debate, the two seemingly glamorous teens were dubbed 'The Ice Cream Girls' by the press and were dealt with by the courts. Years later, having
0,50 € 9,95 €

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