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Krugman Paul


Návrat ekonomické krize

Známý americký ekonom P. Krugman jako jeden z mála již před nástupem finanční krize roku 2008 upozorňoval na možná úskalí stávající vývoje ekonomiky. Nedávné události, jejichž důsledky pocítil v podstatě celý svět, se mu staly podnětem k novému ohlédnutí za dějinami ekonomických krizí 20. století počínaje Velkou hospodářskou krizí 30. let. Jedině v jejich rámci lze podle něj nedávný vývoj pochopit. Poslední z krizí chápe Krugman jako logické vyústění určitých tendencí, jejichž princip bylo už dříve možno pozorovat na jiných krizových ekonomických jevech lokálního dosahu. Autor tak pozoruhodným způsobem analyzuje události, k jakým došlo v Mexiku v 80. letech, v Japonsku v 90. letech, v jihovýchodní Asii konce 90. let i jinde, aby ukázal zákonitosti, jež zůstaly opomíjeny.
10,29 € 10,83 €

Svědomí liberála

Kniha Svědomí liberála světoznámého amerického ekonoma a nositele Nobelovy ceny Paula Krugmana se brzy po svém vydání roku 2007 ve Spojených státech zařadila mezi nejprodávanější knihy.
4,42 € 4,65 €

Skoncovat s krizí

Respektovaný ekonom a pravidelný přispěvatel listu The New York T imes Paul Krugman se znovu vrací k tématu současné světové ekonomické krize, jemuž věnoval už několik svých předchozích prací. Tentokrát mu nejde v první řadě o určení jejích příčin a rozpoznání varovných signálů v minulosti, jež by mohly být poučením pro budoucnost. Obrací se zde naopak k aktuálním praktickým úkolům, jež by mohly vést k pozitivnímu vyřešení stávající komplikované situace, jež vidí mimo jiné ve větší aktivní účasti státu na ekonomickém dění. Kniha je psána každému srozumitelným jazykem a opět potěší jasností a vtipem, jež jsou pro Krugmana typické.
3,79 € 3,99 €

Essentials of Economics

Essentials of Economics brings the captivating writing and innovative features of Krugman/Wells to the one-term micro/macro course. It is ideal for teaching basic economic principles in a real-world context. This new edition includes coverage of the current financial crisis and new learning aids.
66,79 € 70,31 €

Microeconomics Study Guide

Prepared by Elizabeth Sawyer-Kelly, University of Wisconsin-Madison, the Study Guide reinforces the topics and key concepts covered in the main Macroeconomics text. For each chapter, the Study Guide is organised as follows: Before You Read the Chapter; After You Read the Chapter; Before You Take the Test; and Answer Key.
35,53 € 37,40 €

The Accidental Theorist

In this wonderfully cohesive set of sharp, witty essays, Krugman tackles bad economic ideas from across the political spectrum, giving us clear-eyed insights into unemployment, globalisation, economic growth and financial speculation among other topics. The writing here brilliantly combines the acerbic style and clever analysis that has made Krugman famous. Some of the articles have been written in response to particular economic events, but there is no political orthodoxy in them, only rational common sense.
15,39 € 16,20 €

The Conscience of A Liberal

In "The Conscience of a Liberal", Paul Krugman, one of the US' most respected economists and outspoken commentators, lays out his vision of a New Deal for a fairer society. After the Second World War it seemed that, in the West, society was gradually becoming more equal. Welfare States had been established in many countries, there was a general reduction in income inequality and in America Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal seemed to ensure strong democratic values and broadly shared prosperity. So what went wrong? Why, in the past thirty years, has the gap between the poor and the super-rich become such a gulf? Why are we so disillusioned with the political system? And what can be done about this huge economic inequality and bitter polarization?Krugman argues that the time is ripe for another era of great reform. Here he outlines a programme for change, explaining what can be done to narrow the wealth gap. And he shows how a new political coalition can both support and be supported by reform, making our society not just more equal but more democratic. "The Conscience of a Liberal" promises to reshape public debate and become a touchstone work.
13,97 € 14,71 €

The Return of Depression Economics

Paul Krugman, winner of the 2008 Nobel Prize in economics, shows how today's crisis parallels the events that caused the Great Depression - and explains what it will take to avoid catastrophe. In 1999, in "The Return of Depression Economics", Paul Krugman surveyed the economic crises that had swept across Asia and Latin America, and warned that those crises were a warning for all of us: like diseases that have become resistant to antibiotics, the economic maladies that caused the Great Depression were making a comeback. In the years that followed, as Wall Street boomed and financial wheeler-dealers made vast profits, the international crises of the 1990s faded from memory. But now depression economics has come to America: when the great housing bubble of the mid-2000s burst, the U.S. financial system proved as vulnerable as those of developing countries caught up in earlier crises - and a replay of the 1930s seems all too possible. In this new, greatly updated edition of "The Return of Depression Economics", Krugman shows how the failure of regulation to keep pace with an increasingly out-of-control financial system set the United States, and the world as a whole, up for the greatest financial crisis since the 1930s. He also lays out the steps that must be taken to contain the crisis, and turn around a world economy sliding into a deep recession. Brilliantly crafted in Krugman's trademark style-lucid, lively, and supremely informed - this new edition of "The Return of Depression Economics" will become an instant cornerstone of the debate over how to respond to the crisis.
12,30 € 12,95 €

End This Depression Now

The Great Recession is more than four years old - and counting. Yet, as Nobel Prize winning author Paul Krugman argues in this powerful new book, "Nations rich in resources, talent, and knowledge - all the ingredients for prosperity and a decent standard of living for all - remain in a state of intense pain." In End This Depression Now! Krugman shows how the failure of regulation to keep pace with an increasingly out-of-control financial system positioned the United States and the world as a whole, for the greatest financial crisis since the 1930s. Decrying the tepid response thus far, he lays out the steps that must be taken to free ourselves and turn around a world economy stagnating in deep recession. His is a powerful message: a strong recovery is only one step away, if our leaders find the intellectual clarity and political will to see it through. What about the UK? In his chapter on "Austerians", Krugman states that only one government is "engaging in unforced austerity because it believed in the confidence fairy: Prime Minster David Cameron's government in Britain." He describes how Cameron's policies are based primarily to build confidence. However, "business confidence fell to levels not seen since the worst of the crisis and consumer confidence fell even below the levels of 2008-9. The result is an economy that remains deeply depressed...Yet Cameron and Osborne remain adamant that they will not change course." Krugman praises the Bank of England, which continues to do what it can to mitigate the slump. What about Europe? Krugman looks at whether the economic collapse in Europe would have happened regardless of the US crash, what the causes of the European crisis were and why it came as such a shock. The romance of the idea of the single currency led European leaders to brush aside the known objections and the risks in a crisis were never addressed. He discusses how long the euro will be seen as a unifying currency when there are such stark differences between the economic situations of countries that have adopted it. Peripheral European countries are now entering austerity-induced depressions and they are systematically denying a future to their young people. Leaving the euro looks as though it may be the last chance for the worst hit countries, with no realistic alternative for recovery. The prognosis for the core of Europe does not have to be so bleak but countries must act now. Worryingly though, every small uptick in the economic news is being used to shore up the austerity mantra. This is Krugman at his best - direct, clear, never afraid to apportion blame at any level. A passionate plea for common sense, dedicated "to the unemployed, who deserve better", End This Depression Now! will become an instant cornerstone in the debate over how to respond to the crisis. With characteristic lucidity and insight, Krugman pursues the questions of how bad the situation really is, how we got stuck in what can now be called a depression and above all, how we free ourselves. He has a powerful message for anyone who has suffered over these past four years - a quick, strong recovery is just one step away, if our leaders can find the "intellectual clarity and political will" to end this depression now.
12,34 € 12,99 €

Arguing with Zombies

There is no better guide than Paul Krugman to basic economics, the ideas that animate much of our public policy. Likewise, there is no better foe of zombie economics, the misunderstandings that just won't die. Arguing with Zombies is Krugman "the most hated and most admired columnist in the US" (Martin Wolf, Financial Times) at his best, turning readers into intelligent consumers of the daily news with quick, vivid sketches of the key concepts behind taxes, health care, international trade and more. In this new book, in which he builds on and expands his The New York Times columns and other writings, "the most celebrated economist of his generation" (The Economist), offers short, accessible chapters on topics including the European Union and Brexit, the fight for national health care in the United States, the financial meltdown of 2007-2008, the attack on Social Security and the fraudulent argument-the ultimate zombie-that tax cuts for the rich will benefit all.
28,45 € 29,95 €