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Smolin Lee


Fyzika v potížích

Po více než dvě staletí, až do doby zcela nedávné, se poznání fyzikálních zákonů prohlubovalo a rozšiřovalo závratným tempem. Avšak dnes, i přes enormní úsilí toho o základních zákonech přírody s jistotou nevíme o mnoho více, než bylo známo v 70. letech minulého století. Proč má fyzika najednou problémy? A co s tím můžeme dělat? To jsou základní otázky knihy Lee Smolina. Autor představuje pět klíčových problémů současné fyziky a líčí, jakých pokroků vědci dosáhli i do jakých slepých uliček se dostali. Kriticky zkoumá teorii strun a ještě kritičtěji hodnotí situaci na předních univerzitách. Proč tato teorie naprosto ovládla akademické bádání, když dosud nevíme, zdali je správná?
Na sklade 1Ks
26,02 € 27,39 €

Znovuzrozený čas

Ústředním tématem Smolinovy knihy je názor, z jistého úhlu pohledu revoluční, že čas je skutečný – revoluční ve srovnání s tradičním vědeckým postojem, že čas je, řečeno s Einsteinem, jen „tvrdohlavě přetrvávající iluze“. Smolin tvrdí, že fyzikové mylně zavrhli skutečnost času, protože zaměňují své matematické modely – které času nepodléhají, protože se týkají se neexistujících abstrakcí – se skutečností. Smolin naproti tomu rozvíjí hypotézu, že fyzikální zákony nejsou pevně dané a neměnné, ale že se vyvíjejí v čase. Zkoumá i důsledky, jaké by to mělo pro fyziku i vědu obecně i pro každodenní lidský život.
Na sklade 1Ks
20,80 € 21,89 €

Einstein’s Unfinished Revolution

Human beings, says Lee Smolin, author of The Trouble With Physics, have always had a problem with the boundary between reality and fantasy, confusing our representations of the world with the world itself. Nowhere is this more evident than in quantum physics, which forms the basis for our understanding of everything from elementary particles to the behaviour of materials. While quantum mechanics is currently our best theory of nature at an atomic scale, it has many puzzling qualities - qualities that preclude realism and therefore give an incomplete description of nature. Rather than question this version of quantum mechanics, however, whole groups of physicists have embraced it as correct and rejected realism. Subscribing to a kind of magical thinking, they believe that what is real is far beyond the world we perceive: indeed, that the 'true' world is hidden from our perception. Back in the 1920s Einstein, both a realist and a physicist, believed that it was necessary to go beyond quantum mechanics to discover what was missing from a true theory of the atoms. This was Einstein's unfinished mission, and it is Lee Smolin's too. Not only will this new model of quantum physics form the basis of solutions to many of the outstanding problems of physics, but, crucially, it is a theory that is realist in nature. At a time when science is under attack, and with it the belief in a real world in which facts are either true or false, never has the importance of building science on the correct foundations been more urgent.
30,35 € 31,95 €

Einstein's Unfinished Revolution

Quantum mechanics is perhaps the most successful theory ever formulated. The only problem with it, argues Lee Smolin, is that it is wrong ... a fount of provocative ideas ... lucid, upbeat and, finally, optimistic' Graham Farmelo, Nature Human beings, says Lee Smolin, author of The Trouble With Physics, have always had a problem with the boundary between reality and fantasy, confusing our representations of the world with the world itself. Nowhere is this more evident than in quantum physics, which forms the basis for our understanding of everything from elementary particles to the behaviour of materials. While quantum mechanics is currently our best theory of nature at an atomic scale, it has many puzzling qualities - qualities that preclude realism and therefore give an incomplete description of nature. Rather than question this version of quantum mechanics, however, whole groups of physicists have embraced it as correct and rejected realism. Subscribing to a kind of magical thinking, they believe that what is real is far beyond the world we perceive: indeed, that the 'true' world is hidden from our perception. Back in the 1920s Einstein, both a realist and a physicist, believed that it was necessary to go beyond quantum mechanics to discover what was missing from a true theory of the atoms. This was Einstein's unfinished mission, and it is Lee Smolin's too. Not only will this new model of quantum physics form the basis of solutions to many of the outstanding problems of physics, but, crucially, it is a theory that is realist in nature. At a time when science is under attack, and with it the belief in a real world in which facts are either true or false, never has the importance of building science on the correct foundations been more urgent.
12,30 € 12,95 €