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P. Parrish


Lacná kniha Bezměsičné noci (-90%)

V ospalém jižanském městě plném tajemství žijí lidé, kteří dosud věří, že je lepší nechat minulost být…
Na sklade 1Ks
1,13 € 11,33 €

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Lacná kniha Bezměsičné noci (-70%)

V ospalém jižanském městě plném tajemství žijí lidé, kteří dosud věří, že je lepší nechat minulost být…
Na sklade 1Ks
3,40 € 11,33 €

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Neklidný hrob

Na kraji Michiganského lesa, za rezavými železnými vraty a polorozpadlými kamennými zdmi stojí jedno z neslavně proslulých sanatorií v zemi a jeho zapomenutý hřbitov. Ruina je nyní prázdná a na místo přijíždějí buldozery, aby ji srovnaly se zemí. Sotva práce začnou, vyjde najevo hrůzné tajemství. Tělo v hrobě Claudie Olsenové patří někomu, kdo zemřel za strašlivých okolností. To je jediné, co detektiv Louis Kincaid ví. Co se ale stalo ženě, která je tu pohřbena? Pátrání po odpovědi na tuto otázku přivádí detektiva do labyrintu dlouhých, tmavých tunelů pod léčebnou a ke stopám po nepředstavitelně zrůdných zločinech. Ocitá se v místě, za jehož zdmi je dosud ukryto nejedno tajemství a odkud doznívá ozvěna výkřiků strachu a hrůzy. Proti sobě má inteligentní monstrum, které se dosud nepodařilo umlčet…
11,78 € 12,40 €

Ostrov mrtvých

Po hurikánu se na pláži nedaleko chatky detektiva Louise Kincaida objeví dětská lebka, vyvržená vlnami. O několik dní později vyplaví moře na nedaleký ostrůvek tělo zastřelené mladé ženy. Nemá u sebe nic, podle čeho by se dala určit její totožnost – kromě neobvyklého prstenu, vyřezaného z korálu …
8,60 € 9,05 €

Vražedný déšť

P. J. Parrishovi se podařilo sloučit motivy dysfunkční rodiny, nezištné lásky, homosexuality a bezohledné honby za mamonem do velkého detektivního vyprávění, které si udrží čtenářovu pozornost od první až do poslední stránky. Brilantně namíchaná směs melodramatu, mysteria a děsu povyšuje Vražedný déšť na originální gotický román zasazený do tajuplného prostředí floridských Everglades.
8,60 € 9,05 €

Bezměsičné noci

V ospalém jižanském městě plném tajemství žijí lidé, kteří dosud věří, že je lepší nechat minulost být…
10,76 € 11,33 €

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The Little Death

P. I. Louis Kincaid has never liked working for the rich. Despite the blinding white of the Palm Beach pavement and the gleaming metal of the Bentleys at the curbside, it's clear to him that the creepy cleanliness only runs so deep. When the headless body of a male escort is found in the aptly named Devil's Garden, Louis's client is in the frame. Determined to clear his name, Louis is forced to delve behind the bedroom doors of the wealthiest women in the county as he uncovers a series of simila r murders: young, handsome, penniless men who have been keeping company with rich, married, powerful women. But in a county where power is everything, women here will do anything to preserve their place in the social pecking order, and if someone bre aks the rules, someone pays. Louis must watch his back, as behind Palm Beach's united front lurks a killer determined to cover their tracks.
1,42 € 1,49 €

Les smrti

Joe,jedinou ženu mezi detektivy v oddělení vražd na policejní stanici v Miami, přivádí na stopu brutálního vraha mladých žen nález velkého množství kostí, zakopaných v lese. Mladá policistka stojí tváří v tvář lidské šelmě, která si právě ji zvolila za protivníka.
9,09 € 9,57 €

Dark Of The Moon

Thirty years ago, a young man mysteriously vanished from rural Black Pool, Mississippi. Now his skeleton has been discovered in a murky swamp, a length of rope entwined in its bones...Detective Louis Kincaid doesn't regret having left the hometown that always treated him as an outcast. But nothing could have prepared him for the ominous reaction of the locals when he returns to investigate the decades-old slaying. With a veil of suspicion and terror descending over the quiet streets of Black Pool, Kincaid is about to uncover a trail of blood-chilling evil as he hunts a shadowy killer whose work is far from over...
3,75 € 3,95 €

South Of Hell

Years after the mysterious disappearance of his wife Jean, Owen Brandt is released from prison, having served time for a string of violent crimes against women. Although there was never proof to suggest that Brandt had any part in his wife going missing, PI Louis Kincaid agrees to take another look at the case, with the help of Miami detective Joe Frye. When Louis and Joe go to the now derelict Brandt farmhouse, located just south of a town called Hell, they find a teenage girl hiding there. Though frightened and confused, she tells them that her name is Amy, and that she is the daughter of Jean and Owen Brandt. But the Brandts never had a child, or so people in the town seem to think. As Amy starts to remember details from the past, signs begin to suggest that Owen Brandt killed his wife. But how do Louis and Joe know if they can trust Amy? What secrets from Louis' own past could distract him from the investigation? And can they uncover the truth before it's too late?
3,75 € 3,95 €

Lacná kniha The Little Death (-90%)

P. I. Louis Kincaid has never liked working for the rich. Despite the blinding white of the Palm Beach pavement and the gleaming metal of the Bentleys at the curbside, it's clear to him that the creepy cleanliness only runs so deep. When the headless body of a male escort is found in the aptly named Devil's Garden, Louis's client is in the frame. Determined to clear his name, Louis is forced to delve behind the bedroom doors of the wealthiest women in the county as he uncovers a series of simila r murders: young, handsome, penniless men who have been keeping company with rich, married, powerful women. But in a county where power is everything, women here will do anything to preserve their place in the social pecking order, and if someone bre aks the rules, someone pays. Louis must watch his back, as behind Palm Beach's united front lurks a killer determined to cover their tracks.
0,15 € 1,49 €

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Lacná kniha The Little Death (-70%)

P. I. Louis Kincaid has never liked working for the rich. Despite the blinding white of the Palm Beach pavement and the gleaming metal of the Bentleys at the curbside, it's clear to him that the creepy cleanliness only runs so deep. When the headless body of a male escort is found in the aptly named Devil's Garden, Louis's client is in the frame. Determined to clear his name, Louis is forced to delve behind the bedroom doors of the wealthiest women in the county as he uncovers a series of simila r murders: young, handsome, penniless men who have been keeping company with rich, married, powerful women. But in a county where power is everything, women here will do anything to preserve their place in the social pecking order, and if someone bre aks the rules, someone pays. Louis must watch his back, as behind Palm Beach's united front lurks a killer determined to cover their tracks.
0,45 € 1,49 €

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