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Peter Snow


Největší světová bojiště 20. století

Příběhy nejintenzivnějších a nejkrutějších bitev minulého století. Kniha politického novináře Petera Snowa a vojenského historika Dana Snowa nabízí strhující a často šokující ohlédnutí za stoletím plným agrese. Každá z popisovaných bitev, od Amiensu v 1. světové válce až po první válku v Zálivu v letech 1990–1991, znamenala mezník v historii vojenství. Do „vysokooktanového“ vyprávění jsou včleněna svědectví očitých účastníků, připomínající, že velké vojenské střety nebyly pouze záležitostí vzdálených velitelů, ale především mužů bojujících v první linii. Atmosféru bojišť přibližuje také početná obrazová příloha tvořená archivními i současnými fotografiemi a více než 40 podrobnými mapami.
17,81 € 18,75 €

War Stories

'Highly readable . . . an intimate and varied account of fascinating stories of people at war' History of War War Stories is a fascinating account of ordinary men and women swept up in the turbulence of war. These are the stories - many untold until now - of thirty-four individuals who have pushed the boundaries of love, bravery, suffering and terror beyond the imaginable. They span three centuries and five continents. There is the courage of Edward Seager who survived the Charge of the Light Brigade; the cunning of Krystyna Skarbek, quick-thinking spy and saboteur during the Second World War; the skullduggery of Benedict Arnold, who switched sides in the American War of Independence and the compassion of Magdalene de Lancey who tenderly nursed her dying husband at Waterloo. Told with vivid narrative flair and full of unexpected insights, War Stories moves effortlessly from tales of spies, escapes and innovation to uplifting acts of humanity, celebrating men and women whose wartime experiences are beyond compare.
13,78 € 14,50 €

Battles Map by Map

Explore the world's most famous battles by their geography. This book maps out ancient, medieval, and modern battles from where they happened and progressed. If you're interested in finding out more about the wars fought through the ages, this book is perfect for you. Wars such as the Battle of Alesia, Napoleonic Wars, and World War II are mapped out so that readers can follow the geography of these epic battles. Battles Map by Map puts you in the seat of famous generals and commanders such as Rameses II, Napoleon, and Alexander the Great who expertly planned their attacks by studying the plains on which they would take place. Inside this luxurious history book for adults you'll discover: - Around 80 specially made, easy-to-follow main maps clearly show the course of famous battles throughout history - Fascinating contemporary maps illustrating over 100 significant battles - Timelines that show events chronologically - Stunning historic images bringing history to life on the page - Easy-to-read text explaining the events of some of the world's biggest battles - Additional contextual information on key technologies, leaders, armies, and more Broadcasting journalist and historian, Peter Snow, provides a foreword for this marvellous military book. From ancient to modern battles, he provides context for the world's most famous wars, both won and lost. See for yourself how tactics, technology, vision, and luck have all played a part in the outcome of wars throughout history. Bursting with lavish illustrations and full of fascinating detail, this history book is the ultimate gift for map lovers, military history enthusiasts, and armchair generals everywhere. SI Battles Map by Map takes you right to the heart of the action. Famous commanders and military leaders are profiled; and the impact of groundbreaking weapons and battlefield innovations is revealed.
37,00 € 38,95 €