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Chris Beckett


Sötét Éden

Azon a bizarr, nap nélküli bolygón, amit Édennek hívnak, a Család 532 tagja az Erdő lámpásfáinak fénye és melege alatt talál menedéket. Az Erdő mögött a Havas Sötét hegyei terülnek el, ahol olyan csípős a hideg, és olyan mély az éjszaka, hogy még soha nem kelt át rajta élő ember. A Család Legvénebbjei még emlékeznek a legendákra egy olyan világról, ahol a fény az égből jön, és ahol a nők és férfiak olyan hajókat építettek, amelyek az eget is képesek átszelni. Ezek a hajók hozták őket is ide a Legvénebbek szerint és a Családnak meg kell várnia, amíg az utazók visszatérnek. De az ifjú Vöröslámpás John megszegi az Éden törvényeit, darabokra töri a Családot, és megváltoztatja a történelmet. El fogja hagyni a járt utat a járatlanért, bemerészkedik a Sötétbe... és felfedezi az igazságot a világukról. A Sötét Éden éppen annyira sci-fi, mint szépirodalom; részben tanmese, részben egy felkavaró fejlődésregény, ami a sötét, baljós szépség meglepően eredeti földönkívüli világában játszódik, egy egyszerre lenyűgözően egyszerű, mégis megdöbbentően sokoldalú prózába ültetve.
11,81 € 12,43 €

Dark Eden

You live in Eden. You are a member of the Family, one of 532 descendants of Angela and Tommy. You shelter beneath the Forest's lantern trees. Beyond the forest lie mountains so forbidding that no one has ever crossed them. The Oldest recount legends of a time when men and women made boats that could travel between worlds. One day, they will come back for you. You live in Eden. You are a member of the Family, one of 532 descendants of two marooned explorers. You huddle, slowly starving, in the warmth of geothermal trees, confined to one barely habitable valley of an alien, sunless world. You are John Redlantern. You will break the laws of Eden, shatter the Family and change history. You will be the first to kill another, the first to venture into the Dark and the first to discover the truth about Eden.
11,35 € 11,95 €

Mother of Eden

Mother of Eden has been shortlisted for the British Science Fiction Association Novel of the Year Award, 2015. 'We speak of a mother's love, but we forget her power. Power over life. Power to give and to withhold.' Generations after the breakup of the human family of Eden, the Johnfolk emphasise knowledge and innovation, the Davidfolk tradition and cohesion. But both have built hierarchical societies sustained by violence and dominated by men - and both claim to be the favoured children of a long-dead woman from Earth that all Eden knows as Gela, the mother of them all. When Starlight Brooking meets a handsome and powerful man from across Worldpool, she believes he will offer an outlet for her ambition and energy. But she has no idea that she will be a stand-in for Gela herself, and wear Gela's ring on her own finger. And she has no idea of the enemies she will make, no inkling that a time will come when she, like John Redlantern, will choose to kill...
11,35 € 11,95 €

America City

America, one century on: a warmer climate is causing vast movements of people. Droughts, floods and hurricanes force entire populations to simply abandon their homes. Tensions are mounting between north and south, and some northern states are threatening to close their borders against homeless fellow-Americans from the south.Against this backdrop, an ambitious young British-born publicist, Holly Peacock, meets a new client, the charismatic Senator Slaymaker, a politician whose sole mission is to keep America together, reconfiguring the entire country in order to meet the challenge of the new climate realities as a single, united nation. When he runs for President, Holly becomes his right hand woman, doing battle on the whisperstream, where stories are everything and truth counts for little.But can they bring America together - or have they set the country on a new, but equally devastating, path?
21,80 € 22,95 €