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Adam Boardman


Ilustrované dejiny filmu

Skôr než existovali kamery, filmové kulisy či Hollywood... bolo svetlo. Dejiny filmovej tvorby sú dejinami veľkých technických inovácií a umeleckého majstrovstva. V tomto pútavom sprievodcovi s úžasnými ilustráciami Adama Allsucha Boardmana preskúmame všetko od vynálezu filmovej kamery až po návrh kulís a kostýmov.
Na sklade 1Ks
16,65 € 17,90 €

An Illustrated History of Filmmaking

Explore the history of filmmaking in this detailed work from a new talent. Going back as far as prehistoric times, where cavemen played with light and shadow, through to the first cinemas and the creation of special effects, Boardman guides the reader on an epic filmmaking journey that covers cameras, directors, and stars through the ages. The book also speculates on the future of film, taking into account the popularity of the internet and streaming devices.
19,90 € 20,95 €