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Walter Bosing


Bosch, malířské dílo

"Boschove maľby fascinovali publikum všetkých čias, hoci zo začiatku bol veľmi rozšírený názor, že jeho diabolické výjavy majú divákov rozveseľovať asi ako ""grotteschi"" talianskeho renesančného ornamentu. Väčšina ľudí neskôr pozerala na Boscha len ako na vynálezcu príšer. Až v našom storočí bádatelia pochopili, že jeho umenie má hlbší význam, a označili ho za akéhosi surrealistu 15. storočia, ktorý svoje znepokojivé formy čerpal z hlbín nevedomia.Prehľad diela Hieronyma Boscha prinášame v spolupráci s vydavateľstvom Benedikt Taschen v monografii malého formátu v mäkkej väzbe."
10,17 € 10,71 €

Bosch /mini Taschen/

Monografie významné osobnosti pozdního středověku. Hieronymus Bosch stále fascinuje svými alegorickými a fantaskními mystickými obrazy původně náboženských námětů. Tradičně velmi dobře zpracovaná publikace plná kvalitních reprodukcí.
8,48 € 8,93 €

Bosch: The Complete Paintings (25)

If Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516) remains an enigma today, it is little wonder. Even his contemporaries found the Dutch painter's work difficult to decipher—and it still presents riddles to contemporary art historians. Part of the problem in decoding his shocking and richly allegorical paintings is that virtually nothing is known of the artist himself, apart from his birthplace. There is no record of his life or training, no personal letters, diaries or notebooks, and no contemporary insights into his personality or thoughts on the meaning of his art. Even his date of birth can only be guessed at, and that based on a drawing assumed to be a self-portrait, made shortly before his death in 1516, which supposedly shows the artist in his late sixties. Bosch remains as mysterious as the worlds he painted. Although rooted in the Old Dutch tradition, Bosch developed a highly subjective, richly suggestive formal language. With a mixture of religious humility and satanic wit, he illustrated both the joys of heaven and the cruelly imaginative tortures of hell. In his pictorial world teeming with surrealistic nightmares, the medieval imagination catches fire in a moment of final brilliance before succumbing to humanism and modern rationalism. Though the man himself remains a mystery, this book pulls together the elusive threads of Bosch's entire oeuvre into a cohesive and comprehensive analysis of his visionary work and methods.
10,97 € 11,55 €


Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516) zůstává dosud záhadou a není divu. Už jeho současníci měli potíže s rozluštěním díla, které dodnes představuje hádanku pro historiky umění. Potíž s porozuměním jeho šokujících a vysoce alegorických obrazů spočívá i v tom, že se neví téměř nic o samotném autorovi.
12,30 € 12,95 €


If Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516) remains an enigma today, it is little wonder. Even his contemporaries found the Netherlandish painter's work difficult to Decipher - and it still presents riddles to contemporary art historians. Part of the problem in decoding his shocking and richly allegorical paintings is that virtually nothing is known of the artist himself, apart from his birthplace. There is no record of his life or training, no personal letters, diaries or notebooks, and no contemporary insights into his personality or thoughts on the meaning of his art. Even his date of birth can only be guessed at, and that based on a drawing assumed to be a self-portrait, made shortly before his death in 1516, which supposedly shows the artist in his late sixties. Bosch remains as mysterious as the worlds he painted. Although rooted in the Old Netherlandish tradition, Bosch developed a highly subjective, richly suggestive formal language. With a mixture of religious humility and satanic wit, he illustrated both the joys of heaven and the cruelly imaginative tortures of hell. In his pictorial world teeming with surrealistic nightmares, the medieval imagination catches fire in a moment of final brilliance before succumbing to humanism and modern rationalism. Though the man himself remains a mystery, this book pulls together the elusive threads of Bosch's entire oeuvre into a cohesive and comprehensive analysis of his visionary work and methods.
15,68 € 16,50 €