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John Bunyan


Cesta pútnika

Úplne nová nádherná edícia tejto svetoznámej alegórie, ktorú v popularite na svete predbieha len Biblia. Toto dielo opisuje cestu manželov - Kresťana a Kresťanky - z Mesta skazy do Nebeského mesta. Ide o nádherný obraz cesty spasenia - od vnútorného boja a usvedčenia z hriechu v duši hľadajúcich vyvolaných posolstvom Biblie, cez ich obrátenie sa celým srdcom ku Kristovi a nájdenie pokoja a zmierenia s Bohom, až po ich následné putovanie životom rôznych skúšok, ktorým čelia všetci zachránení veriaci, a ich slávny vstup do Nebeského mesta k milovanému Spasiteľovi. ,,Hriech sa musí zmyť krvou Spasiteľa a nie prikryť pláštikom náboženstva.,, C. H. Spurgeon
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16,37 € 17,60 €

The Pilgrim's Progress

The Pilgrim's Progress from This World to That Which Is to Come is a Christian allegory written by John Bunyan and published in February, 1678. It is regarded as one of the most significant works of English literature, has been translated into more than 200 languages, and has never been out of print.
Na stiahnutie
0,79 €

OWC Pilgrim´s Progress

As I walk'd through the wilderness of this world, I lighted on a certain place, where was a Denn; And I laid me down in that place to sleep: And as I slept I dreamed a Dream.' So begins one of the best-loved and most widely read books in English lite rature.
1,89 € 1,99 €

OWC Grace Abounding: With Other Spiritual Autobiographies

`I evidently saw that unless the great God of his infinite grace and bounty, had voluntarily chosen me to be a vessel of mercy, though I should desire, and long, and labour until my heart did break, no good could come of it . . . How can you tell you are Elected?' (GA, 47) In seventeenth-century England, the Calvinist doctrine of predestination, with its belief in the predetermined salvation of the few and damnation of the many, led many Christians to an anguished search for evidence of God's favour. John Bunyan's Grace Abounding records this spiritual crisis and its gruelling fluctuations between hope and despair in all its psychological intensity. It is a classic of spiritual autobiography - a genre which flourished in seventeenth-century England, as anxiety over one's spiritual state encouraged rigorous self-scrutiny and the sharing of spiritual experiences. This edition sets Grace Abounding alongside four of the most interesting and varied contemporary spiritual autobiographies, making its cultural milieu more meaningful to the modern reader.
2,84 € 2,99 €

Poutníkova cesta z tohoto světa do světa budoucího

Príbeh - podobenstvo, ako si autor predstavoval životnú púť bohabojného, cnostného človeka životom. V angloamerickom svete je kniha chápaná ako akási protestantská biblia.
9,85 € 10,37 €

Grace Abounding

I evidently saw that unless the great God of his infinite grace and bounty, had voluntarily chosen me to be a vessel of mercy, though I should desire, and long, and labour until my heart did break, no good could come of it ...How can you tell you are Elected?' (GA, 47) In seventeenth-century England, the Calvinist doctrine of predestination, with its belief in the predetermined salvation of the few and damnation of the many, led many Christians to an anguished search for evidence of God's favour. John Bunyan's Grace Abounding records this spiritual crisis and its gruelling fluctuations between hope and despair in all its psychological intensity. It is a classic of spiritual autobiography - a genre which flourished in seventeenth-century England, as anxiety over one's spiritual state encouraged rigorous self-scrutiny and the sharing of spiritual experiences. This edition sets Grace Abounding alongside four of the most interesting and varied contemporary spiritual autobiographies, making its cultural milieu more meaningful to the modern reader.
7,51 € 7,91 €

Poutníkova cesta z tohoto světa do světa budoucího

Poutníkova cesta z tohoto světa do světa budoucího je slavná alegorie předznamenávající vznik románu jako žánru, poprvé vydaná v roce 1678. Je všeobecně považována za jeden z nejdůležitějších náboženských spisů v historii anglické literatury. V průběhu následujících tří staletí byla Poutníkova cesta přeložena do více než dvou set jazyků a až do dnešních dnů se román dočkává stále nových vydání po celém světě. České překlady tohoto alegorického putování křesťana ze světa zkázy plného nástrah do věčné nebeské blaženosti se objevují již od 19. století. V tomto novém vydání přináší nakladatelství Stefanos moderní, ale již osvědčený překlad Tomáše Míky. Kniha obsahuje rovněž dobové ilustrace Harolda Coppinga, uznávaného anglického ilustrátora Bible.
17,33 € 18,24 €

The Pilgrim's Progress

HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics. THE PILGRIM'S PROGRESS, John Bunyan's masterful religious allegory, narrates the journey of an everyman hero, Christian, as he attempts to navigate the trials and tribulations of this world, the City of Destruction, on the path towards paradise, the Celestial City. Though weighed down by the burden of original sin, Christian overcomes the distractions of the world, moving past the Slough of Despond, the Hill of Difficulty and the Valley of the Shadow of Death, while simultaneously resisting the temptations of the Worldy Wise, the Vain and the Ignorant. The product of a lifetime of religious work and thought, Bunyan's virtuosic narrative fundamentally altered Protestant belief, and remains one of the most important and influential works in the English language.
3,47 € 3,65 €