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David Clark


Vystupte z myšlenkových pastí

Kniha čtenáře krok za krokem vyvádí ven ze začarovaného kruhu negativních, a někdy až katastrofických myšlenek a učí ho postupně měnit jeho myšlenková schémata. Je založena na kognitivně-behaviorální terapii a prostřednictvím nejrůznějších cvičení pomáhá opustit depresivní a úzkostné myšlenky, zbavit se jejich neustálého omílání a přežvykování, ale zejména vede k tomu, aby člověk postupem času objevil i jiná než negativní témata. Kniha obsahuje řadu příkladů z praxe a je plná strukturovaných cvičení, která může čtenář provádět sám nebo pod vedením terapeuta. Knihu je určena všem, kteří se potýkají s negativními myšlenkami. David A. Clark, Ph.D., je klinický psycholog a emeritní profesor University of New Brunswick. Je autorem nebo spoluautorem řady knih o depresi, úzkostech a obsedantně-kompulzivní poruše.
Na sklade 1Ks
18,24 € 19,20 €

Nová Buffettologie

Po přečtení knihy budete umět velký díl z investičních strategií, které účinně uplatňuje Warren Buffett. Tento le-gendární investor a šéf Berkshire Hathaway Inc. se střídavě pohybuje na první a druhé příčce žebříčku nejbohatších lidí světa. Svého jmění dosáhnl celoživotním investováním na kapitálovém trhu. Jeho investiční zásady a kroky uznávají a sledují miliony jeho příznivců po celém světě. V knize jsou přiblíženy postupy a kritéria, na základě kterých Buffett vybírá akcie do svého portfolia. Uváděny jsou četné konkrétní příklady se skutečnými hodnotami, srovnává s fundamenty akcií, do kterých by naopak neinvestoval. Buffett zde představuje svůj koncept "trvale udržitelné konkurenční výhody" a pojetí akcie jako dluhopisu s proměnlivou úrokovou sazbou.
14,07 € 14,81 €

Warren Buffet Stock Portfolio

Warren Buffett's Stock Portfolio is the first book to take readers deep into Warren Buffett's investment portfolio. Each of Buffett's current stock investments is analyzed in detail with information as to why Buffett found these attractive businesses and how he determined that they are good long-term investments. Each company will analyzed using the criteria outlined in Buffettology and Warren Buffett and the Interpretation of Financial Statements. The reader can then apply these techniques to a variety of other stocks and see if they meet Buffett's criteria. Although information about Warren Buffett's stock portfolio is available on-line, it is merely listings of the stocks Warren owns. No one else explains the criteria Warren uses to determine how and when to buy and sell. In addition this book will include stocks that are too new to be on-line. The authors will also look at a few top-performing stocks that Warren has sold in the last ten years.
10,93 € 11,50 €


This is a ground-breaking argument for better treatment of mental health from Richard Layard (author of Happiness) and David M. Clark. Britain has become a world leader in providing psychological therapies thanks to the work of Richard Layard and David Clark. But, even so, in Britain and world-wide the majority of people who need help still don't get treatment. This is both unjust and a false economy. This book argues for change. It shows that mental ill-health causes more of the suffering in our society than physical illness, poverty or unemployment. The authors argue that spending more on helping people to recover from mental health problems - and stay well - would generate massive savings to national economies, as those who suffer from depression and anxiety disorders account for nearly a half of all disability and are predominantly of working age. Modern talking therapies, such as CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), are highly effective and people generally prefer them to medication. So, if more sufferers got these treatments, lives would be turned around and the cost would be fully covered by the huge savings. Thrive explores the new effective solutions to the misery and injustice caused by mental illness. It describes how successful psychological treatments have been developed and explains what works best for whom. It also urges us to do all we can to prevent these problems in the first place through better schools and a better society. And, most importantly, it offers real hope. "Extremely easy and pleasurable to read. It's the most comprehensive, humane and generous study of mental illness that I've come across". (Melvyn Bragg). "Professors Layard and Clark (the Dream Team of British Social Science) make a compelling case for a massive injection of resources into the treatment and prevention of mental illness. This is simply the best book on public policy and mental health ever written". (Martin Seligman). Richard Layard is one of the world's leading labour economists, and in 2008 received the international Prize for Labour Economics. A member of the House of Lords, he has done much to raise the public profile of mental health. His 2005 book Happiness has been translated into 20 languages. David Clark, Professor of Psychology at Oxford, is Europe's leading expert on CBT, responsible for much of the world-wide progress in treatment methods. With Layard, he was the main driver behind the UK's Improved Access to Psychological Therapy programme.
22,33 € 23,50 €