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Emma Cline



Evie Boydová toho v životě prožila hodně, ale vzpomínky na konec divokých 60. let by nejraději pohřbila hluboko v sobě. Jednoho dne však narazí na mladý pár, jenž jí všechno připomene: čas, kdy jí bylo sladkých patnáct, i chvíli, kdy poprvé spatřila dívky z Rodiny. Evie se doma nudí a brzy zjistí, že dny strávené na ranči, kde žije komunita vedená charismatickým Russellem, jenž vyznává volnou lásku a usiluje o smlouvu na svou první desku, ji naplňují víc než maloměstské hodnoty její matky. Postupem doby nicméně zjistí, že věci se nemají tak, jak se na první pohled zdálo. Když nahrávání padne, Russell se svou Rodinou nachystá strašnou odplatu. Evie se zmítá mezi láskou k Suzanne a zdravým rozumem. Jak nakonec dokáže najít cestu ven z roztáčející se spirály násilí, drog a sexu? Literární debut Emmy Cline je thrillerem inspirovaným osudy komunity Charlese Mansona, jehož chladnokrevně provedené vraždy nevinných lidí na konci éry hippies vyděsily americkou společnost.
Na sklade 1Ks
13,35 € 14,05 €


Štyridsaťročná Evie sa v spomienkach vracia do severnej Kalifornie 60. rokov 20. storočia, do éry hippies, uvoľnenej morálky a zrodu rozličných kultov či siekt. Na začiatku leta sa osamelá, zádumčivá tínedžerka Evie Boydová spriatelí v parku so skupinou dievčat a ihneď ju zaujme ich sloboda, ležérne oblečenie aj zvláštna aura. Evie z nich najviac priťahuje dievča menom Suzanne. Práve tá ju privedie do „rodiny“ na ranči, kde žijú ďalšie tínedžerky spolu s charizmatickým vodcom skupiny Russellom. Evie ich život očarí, konečne má šancu niekam sa zaradiť, všetci jej venujú pozornosť. Russell má všetko, čo má mať vodca sekty: je očarujúci, vie to s dievčatami a v časoch komplikovaného hľadania samých seba im ponúka spôsob života oslobodený od záväzkov a spoločenského úzu – neviazaný pohlavný styk, deti narodené z týchto dobrodružstiev sa vychovávajú spoločne. Russell všetkých učí, že peniaze sú kliatbou systému. Ich patrónom je hollywoodska figúrka Mitch a ten, podobne ako Russell, tiež dievčatá len zneužíva. Komunita žije na spustnutom ranči uprostred hôr. Evie však pripadá exotický a fascinujúci – je to miesto, kde má pocit slobody a nádej, že ju medzi seba prijmú. Jej nekritický obdiv k Suzanne sa stupňuje a Evie si vôbec neuvedomuje, že sa schyľuje k nepredstaviteľnému násiliu.
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8,30 €

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VINTAGE CLASSICS' AMERICAN GOTHIC SERIES Spine-tingling, mind-altering and deliciously atmospheric, journey into the dark side of America with nine of its most uncanny classics. A gripping and dark fictionalised account of life inside the Manson family from one of the most exciting young voices in fiction. If you're lost, they'll find you... Evie Boyd is fourteen and desperate to be noticed. It's the summer of 1969 and restless, empty days stretch ahead of her. Until she sees them. The girls. Hair long and uncombed, jewelry catching the sun. And at their centre, Suzanne, black-haired and beautiful. If not for Suzanne, she might not have gone. But, intoxicated by her and the life she promises, Evie follows the girls back to the decaying ranch where they live. Was there a warning? A sign of what was coming? Or did Evie know already that there was no way back?
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The Sunday Times Top Ten Bestseller. The New York Times Top Ten Bestseller. California. The summer of 1969. In the dying days of a floundering counter-culture a young girl is unwittingly caught up in unthinkable violence, and a decision made at this moment, on the cusp of adulthood, will shape her life..."This book will break your heart and blow your mind." (Lena Dunham). Evie Boyd is desperate to be noticed. In the summer of 1969, empty days stretch out under the California sun. The smell of honeysuckle thickens the air and the sidewalks radiate heat. Until she sees them. The snatch of cold laughter. Hair, long and uncombed. Dirty dresses skimming the tops of thighs. Cheap rings like a second set of knuckles. The girls. And at the centre, Russell. Russell and the ranch, down a long dirt track and deep in the hills. Incense and clumsily strummed chords. Rumours of sex, frenzied gatherings, teen runaways. Was there a warning, a sign of things to come? Or is Evie already too enthralled by the girls to see that her life is about to be changed forever?
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The Girls

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • An indelible portrait of girls, the women they become, and that moment in life when everything can go horribly wrong—this stunning first novel is perfect for readers of Jeffrey Eugenides’s The Virgin Suicides and Jennifer Egan’s A Visit from the Goon Squad. Northern California, during the violent end of the 1960s. At the start of summer, a lonely and thoughtful teenager, Evie Boyd, sees a group of girls in the park, and is immediately caught by their freedom, their careless dress, their dangerous aura of abandon. Soon, Evie is in thrall to Suzanne, a mesmerizing older girl, and is drawn into the circle of a soon-to-be infamous cult and the man who is its charismatic leader. Hidden in the hills, their sprawling ranch is eerie and run down, but to Evie, it is exotic, thrilling, charged—a place where she feels desperate to be accepted. As she spends more time away from her mother and the rhythms of her daily life, and as her obsession with Suzanne intensifies, Evie does not realize she is coming closer and closer to unthinkable violence. Emma Cline’s remarkable debut novel is gorgeously written and spellbinding, with razor-sharp precision and startling psychological insight. The Girls is a brilliant work of fiction. Praise for The Girls “Spellbinding . . . A seductive and arresting coming-of-age story hinged on Charles Manson, told in sentences at times so finely wrought they could almost be worn as jewelry . . . [Emma] Cline gorgeously maps the topography of one loneliness-ravaged adolescent heart. She gives us the fictional truth of a girl chasing danger beyond her comprehension, in a Summer of Longing and Loss.”—The New York Times Book Review “[The Girls reimagines] the American novel . . . Like Mary Gaitskill’s Veronica or Lorrie Moore’s Who Will Run the Frog Hospital?, The Girls captures a defining friendship in its full humanity with a touch of rock-memoir, tell-it-like-it-really-was attitude.”—Vogue “Debut novels like this are rare, indeed. . . . The most remarkable quality of this novel is Cline’s ability to articulate the anxieties of adolescence in language that’s gorgeously poetic without mangling the authenticity of a teenager’s consciousness. The adult’s melancholy reflection and the girl’s swelling impetuousness are flawlessly braided together. . . . For a story that traffics in the lurid notoriety of the Manson murders, The Girls is an extraordinary act of restraint. With the maturity of a writer twice her age, Cline has written a wise novel that’s never showy: a quiet, seething confession of yearning and terror.”—The Washington Post “Emma Cline has an unparalleled eye for the intricacies of girlhood, turning the stuff of myth into something altogether more intimate. She reminds us that behind so many of our culture’s fables exists a girl: unseen, unheard, angry. This book will break your heart and blow your mind.”—Lena Dunham “Emma Cline’s first novel positively hums with fresh, startling, luminous prose. The Girls announces the arrival of a thrilling new voice in American fiction.”—Jennifer Egan “I don’t know which is more amazing, Emma Cline’s understanding of human beings or her mastery of language.”—Mark Haddon, New York Times bestselling author of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time From the Hardcover edition.
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The Girls

THE WORLDWIDE BESTSELLER. If you're lost, they'll find you...Evie Boyd is fourteen and desperate to be noticed. It's the summer of 1969 and restless, empty days stretch ahead of her. Until she sees them. The girls. Hair long and uncombed, jewelry catching the sun. And at their centre, Suzanne, black-haired and beautiful. If not for Suzanne, she might not have gone. But, intoxicated by her and the life she promises, Evie follows the girls back to the decaying ranch where they live. Was there a warning? A sign of what was coming? Or did Evie know already that there was no way back? "A coming-of-age tale like no other ...the book of the summer". (Grazia).
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A lányok

szak-Kalifornia, a hatvanas évek vége. A tizennégy éves, kallódó tinédzser, Evie Boyd nyáron megpillant egy csapat lányt a parkban. Mágnesként vonzza veszedelmes szabadságuk, féktelenségük, és legfőképp Suzanne, az egyik idősebb lány. Evie hamarosan útnak is indul vele arra a farmra, amely egy szekta karizmatikus vezetőjének bázisa. Evie varázslatosnak tartja a hegyek rejtette, hátborzongató ranchet, pedig a házban és környékén minden rohad. A magányos kamasz kétségbeesetten vágyik rá, hogy befogadják. Miközben egyre több időt tölt távol otthonától, és rajongása Suzanne iránt egyre nő, szinte észrevétlenül sodródik a szekta által elkövetett véres eseményekbe. Emma Cline első regényében lebilincselő és emberközeli emléket állít a Manson-gyilkosságoknak. Ez a könyv az ártatlanság, a vakhit és a kiábrándulás sokkoló története.
11,88 € 12,50 €


The stories in Emma Cline's stunning first collection consider the dark corners of human experience, exploring the fault lines of power between men and women, parents and children, past and present. A man travels to his son's school to deal with the fallout of a violent attack and to make sure his son will not lose his college place. But what exactly has his son done? And who is to blame? A young woman trying to make it in LA, working in a clothes shop while taking acting classes, turns to a riskier way of making money but will be forced to confront the danger of the game she's playing. And a family coming together for Christmas struggle to skate over the lingering darkness caused by the very ordinary brutality of a troubled husband and father. These outstanding stories examine masculinity, male power and broken relationships, while revealing - with astonishing insight and clarity - those moments of misunderstanding that can have life-changing consequences. And there is an unexpected violence, ever-present but unseen, in the depiction of the complicated interactions between men and women, and families. Subtle, sophisticated and displaying an extraordinary understanding of human behaviour, these stories are unforgettable.
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The Guest

Summer is coming to a close on Long Island, and Alex is no longer welcome. A misstep at a dinner party, and the older man she's been staying with dismisses her with a ride to the train station and a ticket back to the city. With few resources and a waterlogged phone, but gifted with an ability to navigate the desires of others, Alex stays on Long Island and drifts like a ghost through the hedged lanes, gated driveways and sun-blasted dunes of a rarified world that is, at first, closed to her. Propelled by desperation and a mutable sense of morality, she spends the week leading up to the end of the holidays moving from one place to the next, a cipher leaving destruction in her wake.
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