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Peter Diamandis


Hojnost : Budoucnost je lepší, než si myslíte

"Dochází ropa a přijde hlad. Globální oteplování způsobí rozpad civilizace. Euroatlantickou civilizaci pohltí hordy z Východu. Po výbuchu supervulkánu zmrzneme." Jak je možné, že všechno tohle funguje a plní první stránky novin i žebříčky bestsellerů v době, kdy se lidstvo jako celek má vůbec nejlépe v celé své historii? V době, kdy technologické a společenské trendy slibují vyřešit všechny problémy z titulních stránek, a to brzy - stačí neudělat nějakou hloupou chybu? Základem knihy je přehled nejnovějšího vývoje základních špičkových technologií v jejich společenském a ekonomickém kontextu a rozbor dopadu jejich nasazení v globálním měřítku, které již probíhá nebo k němuž může rychle dojít.
Na sklade 1Ks
17,81 € 18,75 €

Budúcnosť je rýchlejšia, ako si myslíte

Vývoj technológií postupuje oveľa rýchlejšie, než sme si vedeli predstaviť. Za posledné desaťročie sme dosiahli taký technologický pokrok a vyprodukovali toľko bohatstva, aké sa ľudstvu nepodarilo za sto rokov. Umelá inteligencia, lietajúce autá, virtuálna realita, rozšírené možnosti 3D tlače, nanorobotika... V tieni veľkolepého rozvoja však stojí množstvo dôležitých a nezodpovedaných otázok. Ako spájanie technológií ovplyvní podobu sveta, celej spoločnosti a nás samotných? Dielo dvojice bestsellerových autorov pôsobivo a do hĺbky zobrazuje budúcnosť, ktorá už doslova klope na dvere. A v istom zmysle sa deje už teraz. No je to cesta, ktorou chceme naozaj kráčať? Z anglického originálu The Future is Faster Than You Think (Simon & Schuster, New York 2020) preložil Martin Katuščák.
Na sklade 1Ks
18,91 € 19,90 €

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Budúcnosť je rýchlejšia, ako si myslíte

Vývoj technológií postupuje oveľa rýchlejšie, než sme si vedeli predstaviť. Za posledné desaťročie sme dosiahli taký technologický pokrok a vyprodukovali toľko bohatstva, aké sa ľudstvu nepodarilo za sto rokov. Umelá inteligencia, lietajúce autá, virtuálna realita, rozšírené možnosti 3D tlače, nanorobotika... V tieni veľkolepého rozvoja však stojí množstvo dôležitých a nezodpovedaných otázok.Ako spájanie technológií ovplyvní podobu sveta, celej spoločnosti a nás samotných? Dielo dvojice bestsellerových autorov pôsobivo a do hĺbky zobrazuje budúcnosť, ktorá už doslova klope na dvere. A v istom zmysle sa deje už teraz.No je to cesta, ktorou chceme naozaj kráčať?
Na stiahnutie
13,90 €

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TheNew York Timesbestselling "manifesto for the future that is grounded in practical solutions addressing the world's most pressing concerns: overpopulation, food, water, energy, education, health care and freedom" (The Wall Street Journal). Since the dawn of humanity, a privileged few have lived in stark contrast to the hardscrabble majority. Conventional wisdom says this gap cannot be closed. But it is closing-fast. InAbundance, space entrepreneur turned innovation pioneer Peter H. Diamandis and award-winning science writer Steven Kotler document how progress in artificial intelligence, robotics, digital manufacturing synthetic biology, and other exponentially growing technologies will enable us to make greater gains in the next two decades than we have in the previous 200 years. We will soon have the ability to meet and exceed the basic needs of every person on the planet. Abundance for all is within our grasp. Breaking down human needs by category-water, food, energy, healthcare, education, freedom-Diamandis and Kotler introduce us to innovators and industry captains making tremendous strides in each area. "Not only isAbundancea riveting page-turner...but it's a book that gives us a future worth fighting for. And even more than that, it shows us our place in that fight" (The Christian Science Monitor).
17,58 € 18,50 €

The Future Is Faster Than You Think

From the New York Times bestselling authors of Abundance and Bold comes a practical playbook for technological convergence in our modern era. In their book Abundance, bestselling authors and futurists Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler tackled grand global challenges, such as poverty, hunger, and energy. Then, in Bold, they chronicled the use of exponential technologies that allowed the emergence of powerful new entrepreneurs. Now the bestselling authors are back with The Future Is Faster Than You Think, a blueprint for how our world will change in response to the next ten years of rapid technological disruption. Technology is accelerating far more quickly than anyone could have imagined. During the next decade, we will experience more upheaval and create more wealth than we have in the past hundred years. In this gripping and insightful roadmap to our near future, Diamandis and Kotler investigate how wave after wave of exponentially accelerating technologies will impact both our daily lives and society as a whole. What happens as AI, robotics, virtual reality, digital biology, and sensors crash into 3D printing, blockchain, and global gigabit networks? How will these convergences transform today's legacy industries? What will happen to the way we raise our kids, govern our nations, and care for our planet? Diamandis, a space-entrepreneur-turned-innovation-pioneer, and Kotler, bestselling author and peak performance expert, probe the science of technological convergence and how it will reinvent every part of our lives-transportation, retail, advertising, education, health, entertainment, food, and finance-taking humanity into uncharted territories and reimagining the world as we know it. As indispensable as it is gripping, The Future Is Faster Than You Think provides a prescient look at our impending future.
23,70 € 24,95 €


A radical, how-to guide for using exponential technologies, moonshot thinking, and crowd-powered tools, Bold unfolds in three parts. Part One focuses on the exponential technologies that are disrupting today's Fortune 500 companies and enabling upstart entrepreneurs to go from "I've got an idea" to "I run a billion-dollar company" far faster than ever before. The authors provide exceptional insight into the power of 3D printing, artificial intelligence, robotics, networks and sensors, and synthetic biology. Part Two draws on insights from billionaires such as Larry Page, Elon Musk, Richard Branson, and Jeff Bezos and reveals their entrepreneurial secrets. Finally, Bold closes with a look at the best practices that allow anyone to leverage today's hyper-connected crowd like never before. Here, the authors teach how to design and use incentive competitions, launch million-dollar crowdfunding campaigns to tap into tens of billions of dollars of capital, and finally how to build communities-armies of exponentially enabled individuals willing and able to help today's entrepreneurs make their boldest dreams come true.
13,78 € 14,50 €