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Henry Fielding



Román Henryho Fieldinga Klamela vyšiel 4. apríla 1741. Román publikovali pod pseudonymom Conny Keyber, ale autorovi súčasníci aj dnešní literárni historici a kritici sa zhodujú, že jeho autorom bol Fielding. Dielo bolo mienené ako satirický útok na román v listoch Samuela Richardsona Pamela alebo Odmenená cnosť, ktorý vyšiel o necelého polroka skôr. Román v listoch podával príbeh chudobnej, ale cnostnej slúžky, odolávajúcej zvodom svojho pána, lorda B., až je ten donútený vziať si ju za manželku, sa stal obrovským bestsellerom a v priebehu pár dní sa dočkal druhého vydania. Fielding svojím dielom nenapadol len pokrytecký príbeh o nevinnom dievčati, ktoré predalo svoju cnosť za dobré postavenie vo vyšších kruhoch, ale aj prehnanú patetickú reklamu vo forme oslavných listov a veršov, ktoré vyšli v druhom vydaní Pamely. Sám Richardson si uvedomil svoju chybu a z ďalších vydaní tieto materiály stiahol, ale už bolo neskoro. Fielding v Klamele nielen majstrovsky parodoval a útočil na slabé miesta v prozaickej konštrukcii Pamely, ale aj tvorivo rozvíjal možnosti obsiahnuté v tomto diele. A navyše voľbou svojho pseudonymu a úvodnými pasážami zaútočil aj na smiešne figúrky dobového literárneho establišmentu Colleyho Cibbera a Conyersa Middletona, ktoré sa vnímali ako chválospev na politické pôsobenie kontroverzného a skorumpovaného premiéra Roberta Walpola. Fieldingovi sa podarilo niečo oveľa viac ako len parodický útok na uznávaný bestseller. Vo svojom drobnom, ale majstrovskom dielku vytvoril nezabudnuteľnú postavu Klamely, ktorá je presným opakom Pamely z Richardsonovho románu. Je otvorená a úprimná v tom, o čo jej ide: o dobré postavenie a peniaze. Svojho manžela ovláda a citovo vydiera, až kým nedosiahne svoje. Tak nám musia byť sympatické jej otvorené výroky, ktorými o vyše dve storočia predbehla správanie niektorých hviezdičiek – „zlatokopiek“ šoubiznisu a sociálnych sietí. Klamela otvorene vyhlasuje: „Aký má význam mať peniaze, ak ich človek neminie“, ale tiež: „Bolo by to naozaj ťažké, keby žene, ktorá sa za muža vydá len pre peniaze, zabránili míňať ich.“ A tak prajeme čitateľom veľa zábavy pri čítaní tohto krátkeho, ale poučného príbehu, ktorý má čo povedať aj dnes.
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8,46 € 8,90 €

The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling

Tom Jones is a foundling discovered on the property of a very kind, wealthy landowner, Squire Allworthy, in Somerset in England's West Country. Tom grows into a vigorous and lusty, yet honest and kind-hearted, youth. He develops affection for his neighbour's daughter, Sophia Western. On one hand, their love reflects the romantic comedy genre that was popular in 18th-century Britain. However, Tom's status as a bastard causes Sophia's father and Allworthy to oppose their love; this criticism of class friction in society acted as a biting social commentary. The inclusion of prostitution and sexual promiscuity in the plot was also original for its time, and also acted as the foundation for criticism of the book's "lowness."
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0,88 €

OWC Jonathan Wild

'he carried Good-nature to that wonderful and uncommon Height, that he never did a single Injury to Man or Woman, by which he himself did not expect to reap some Advantage' The real-life Jonathan Wild, gangland godfather and self-styled 'Thieftaker General', controlled much of the London underworld until he was executed for his crimes in 1725. Even during his lifetime his achievements attracted attention; after his death balladeers sang of his exploits, and satirists made connections between his success and the triumph of corruption in high places. Henry Fielding built on these narratives to produce one of the greatest sustained satires in the English language. Published in 1743, at a time when the modern novel had yet to establish itself as a fixed literary form, Jonathan Wild is at the same time a brilliant black comedy, an incisive political satire, and a profoundly serious exploration of human 'greatness' and 'goodness'.
2,84 € 2,99 €

OWC Joseph Andrews and Shamela

'I beg as soon as you get Fielding's Joseph Andrews, I fear in Ridicule of your Pamela and of Virtue in the Notion of Don Quixote's Manner, you would send it to me by the very first Coach.' (George Cheyne in a letter to Samuel Richardson, February 1742) Both Joseph Andrews (1742) and Shamela (1741) were prompted by the success of Richardson's Pamela (1740), of which Shamela is a splendidly bawdy parody. But in Shamela Fielding also demonstrates his concern for the corruption of contemporary society, politics, religion, morality, and taste. The same themes - together with a presentation of love as charity, as friendship, and in its sexual taste - are present in Joseph Andrews, Fielding's first novel. It is a work of considerable literary sophistication and satirical verve, but its appeal lies also in its spirit of comic affirmation, epitomized in the celebrated character of Parson Adams. This revised and expanded edition follows the text of Joseph Andrews established by Martin C. Battestin for the definitive Wesleyan Edition of Fielding's works. The text of Shamela is based on the first edition, and two substantial appendices reprint the preliminary matter from Conyers Middleton's Life of Cicero and the second edition of Richardson's Pamela (both closely parodied in Shamela). A new introduction by Thomas Keymer situates Fielding's works in their critical and historical contexts.
2,84 € 2,99 €

OWC Tom Jones

Fielding's comic masterpiece of 1749 was immediately attacked as 'A motley history of bastardism, fornication, and adultery'. Indeed, his populous novel overflows with a marvellous assortment of prudes, whores, libertines, bumpkins, misanthropes, hypocrites, scoundrels, virgins, and all too fallible humanitarians. At the centre of one of the most ingenious plots in English fiction stands a hero whose actions were, in 1749, as shocking as they are funny today. Expelled from Mr Allworthy's country estate for his wild temper and sexual conquests, the good-hearted foundling Tom Jones loses his money, joins the army, and pursues his beloved across Britain to London, where he becomes a kept lover and confronts the possibility of incest. Tom Jones is rightly regarded as Fielding's greatest work, and one of the first and most influential of English novels. This carefully modernized edition is based on Fielding's emended fourth edition text and offers the most thorough notes, maps, and bibliography. The introduction uses the latest scholarship to examine how Tom Jones exemplifies the role of the novel in the emerging eighteenth-century public sphere.
2,84 € 2,99 €

Tom Jones I-II.

A vivid, romantic comedy, Tom Jones is also a clever social satire. This well-loved classic has recently been made into a wonderfully warm and funny television serial.
4,64 € 4,88 €

Tom Jones (Wordsworth Classics)

Introduction and Notes by Doreen Roberts, Rutherford College, University of Kent at Canterbury Tom Jones is widely regarded as one of the first and most influential English novels. It is certainly the funniest. Tom Jones, the hero of the book, is introduced to the reader as the ward of a liberal Somerset squire. Tom is a generous but slightly wild and feckless country boy with a weakness for young women. Misfortune, followed by many spirited adventures as he travels to London to seek his fortune, teach him a sort of wisdom to go with his essential good-heartedness.
4,38 € 4,61 €

Tom Jones (Oxford World´s Classics)

Tom Jones (1749) is rightly regarded as Fielding's greatest work, and one of the first and most influential of English novels. At the center of one of the most ingenious plots in English fiction stands a hero whose actions were, in 1749, as shocking as they are funny today. This carefully modernized edition is based on Fielding's emended fourth edition text and offers the most thorough Notes, Maps, and Bibliography.About the Series: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the broadest spectrum of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, voluminous notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
5,55 € 5,84 €

Tom Jones

Tom Jones je skvělý humoristický román, příběh s napínavými zápletkami a širokým spektrem skvěle charakterizovaných postav, odvíjející se na pozadí skutečných historických událostí první poloviny osmnáctého století. Literární historici označují Toma Jonese za první anglický moderní román a miliony čtenářů mu v průběhu staletí vtiskly svým neutuchajícím zájmem punc nesmrtelnosti. Slavná literární díla nemívají jednoduché osudy. I Fieldingův román Tom Jones, když se roku 1749 objevil, vzbudil u některých čtenářů dojmy zcela jiného druhu, než autor zamýšlel. „Jsem otřesen, že citujete z tak zlolajné knihy. Nerad se dozvídám, že jste ji četla, k tomu by se slušná dáma neměla vůbec doznat,“ vytýkal proslulý spisovatel a arbitr dobového pojetí mravnosti Samuel Johnson jedné milovnici literárních novinek. A nebyl sám, koho dílo vyburcovalo k pozoruhodným dedukcím. Když pak na jaře Londýn podvakrát zasáhlo zemětřesení, vyjádřil se londýnský biskup v pastoračním listu, že je to trest Boží za če
12,90 € 13,58 €

Tom Jones I-II.

Sokágú cselekményét a főhős fejlődésének története fogja össze gyermekkorától férfivá éréséig. Allwothy, a jómódú földesúr egy csecsemőt talál ágyában, akiről a nyomozás során Jenny Jones, a szobalány azt vallja, hogy az övé, s ő csempészte oda. A lányt Allwothy elküldi a háztól, de a gyermeket magánál tartja, nagyon megszereti, s együtt nevelteti nála élő húga, Bridget fiával, Blifillel. A nyíltszívű, de élethabzsoló Tom Jones felcseperedve féktelenkedéseivel eljátsza nevelőapja bizalmát, az pedig hiteltadva az alattomos Blifil rágalmainak, aki főleg azért irigyli Tomot, mert meghódította a szomszédos földesúr, Western szépséges leányát, Sophiát, elűzi Tomot. A fiú egy időre felcsap katonának, majd összeakad Partridge-dzsal, a borbély-felcserrel, az együgyüség és ravaszság e bűbájos keverékével, együtt mennek világgá. Csapás csapás után éri, párbaj miatt börtönbe is jut. Bonyodalmak után Jenny Jones, Tom feltételezett anyja Allwothynak tett vallomásával mindent rendbe hoz: a hős valójában Bridget titokban született törvénytelen fia. A földesúr boldogan fogadja vissza unokaöccsét, miután Blifil intrikái is lelepleződnek.
13,52 € 14,23 €

Tom Jones

When Mr Allworthy finds a baby boy in his bed, he decides to keep him and gives him the name Tom Jones. But Tom can’t keep out of trouble, and is sent away. Follow Tom’s travels and read of his adventures along the roads of eighteenth-century England.
5,89 € 6,20 €

Tom Jones

When Mr Allworthy finds a baby boy in his bed, he decides to keep him and gives him the name Tom Jones. But Tom can’t keep out of trouble, and is sent away. Follow Tom’s travels and read of his adventures along the roads of eighteenth-century England.
6,94 € 7,30 €

Jonathan Wild

he carried Good-nature to that wonderful and uncommon Height, that he never did a single Injury to Man or Woman, by which he himself did not expect to reap some Advantage' The real-life Jonathan Wild, gangland godfather and self-styled 'Thieftaker General', controlled much of the London underworld until he was executed for his crimes in 1725. Even during his lifetime his achievements attracted attention; after his death balladeers sang of his exploits, and satirists made connections between his success and the triumph of corruption in high places. Henry Fielding built on these narratives to produce one of the greatest sustained satires in the English language. Published in 1743, at a time when the modern novel had yet to establish itself as a fixed literary form, Jonathan Wild is at the same time a brilliant black comedy, an incisive political satire, and a profoundly serious exploration of human 'greatness' and 'goodness'.
7,52 € 7,92 €

Joseph Andrews

Kissing, Joseph, is but a prologue to a Play. Can I believe a young fellow of your Age and Complexion will be content with Kissing?' Henry Fielding's riotous tale of innocents in a corrupt world was one of the earliest English novels, blending bawdy slapstick, philosophical musing and pointed social satire to create a work of moral complexity and generous, life-affirming humanity. Published in 1742, it tells the story of the chaste servant Joseph Andrews who, after being sacked for spurning the advances of the lascivious Lady Booby, takes to the road, accompanied by his beloved Fanny Goodwill and the absent-minded, much put-upon Parson Adams. There they encounter robbers, tricksters, seducers, mishaps and strange twists of fortune, in a series of adventures filled with exuberant comedy. This is the Penguin English Library - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.
6,64 € 6,99 €

Tom Jones

"Sir, I am concerned at the Trouble I give you; nay indeed my Nakedness may well make me ashamed to look you in the Face..." Jones offered her his Coat; but, I know not for what Reason, she absolutely refused the most earnest Solicitations to accept it'. A foundling of mysterious parentage brought up by Mr Allworthy on his country estate, Tom Jones is deeply in love with the seemingly unattainable Sophia Western, the beautiful daughter of the neighbouring squire - though he sometimes succumbs to the charms of the local girls. But when his amorous escapades earn the disapproval of his benefactor, Tom is banished to make his own fortune. Sophia, meanwhile, is determined to avoid an arranged marriage to Allworthy's scheming nephew and escapes from her rambunctious father to follow Tom to London. Henry Fielding's vivid Hogarthian panorama of eighteenth-century life is spiced with danger and intrigue, bawdy exuberance and good-natured authorial interjections. The Penguin English Library - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.
6,64 € 6,99 €

Tom Jones

Na svém panství najde šlechetný lord Allworthy v posteli podstrčené novorozeně a rozhodne se o ně postarat. Dá mu jméno Tom Jones a postupně si ho velmi oblíbí. Vše se ale začne výrazně komplikovat, když se na scéně objeví syn lordovy sestry Bilfil. Oba chlapci si nepadnou zrovna do oka a také mají úplně rozdílné charaktery. Tomova drsná slupka ukrývá laskavý charakter, Bilfilovo dokonalé vystupování hyzdí zkažená duše. Problémy postupem času začínají narůstat a vyvrcholí ve chvíli, kdy se Tom a sousedova dcera Žofie do sebe zamilují a proti jejich velké lásce se postaví dívčin otec…
17,81 € 18,75 €