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Isabel Fonseca


Lacná kniha Bury Me Standing (-70%)

Gypsies have always intrigued and fascinated - partly because of their mysterious origins, and partly because of the romance of nomadism. But because they resist assimilation, having survived as a distinct people for over a thousand years, they have also been the victims of other people's nationalism and xenophobia. In this fascinating and timely study, Fonseca focuses particularly on the gypsies in Eastern Europe (an estimated 6 million), and their future as a distinct race within a nationalist Europe. While researching the book, Fonseca learned Romany and stayed with the gypsies, becoming deeply involved with their lives, and befriending several gypsy kings. The result is a clolourful and frank book, filled with enthusiasm and curiosity, without lapsing into piety or romanticism.
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1,80 € 5,99 €

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Bájami opradení, obávaní, idealizovaní i zatracovaní Rómovia sú možno jedným z posledných nepochopených národov na svete. Prežili tisícročia, ale ich dejiny sú ešte vždy záhadou. Asi dvanásť miliónov ich žije roztrúsených po svete, ale ich jazyk stále nemá uzákonenú písomnú formu. Po roku 1989 Isabel Fonsecová cestovala po východnej Európe a žila s Rómami. Zdieľala s nimi každodenný život, zapisovala si ich príbehy i pokusy zaradiť sa do spoločnosti. Kniha sleduje príbeh Rómov od ich exodu z Indie, cez obdobie zotročenia v Rumunsku, masakrovanie nacistami, nútenú asimiláciu pod komunistickým režimom až po súčasnosť.
14,20 € 14,95 €


Now available in paperback with a stunning new jacket treatment. How well do you really know the people you love? How well do you know yourself? Attachment is a bold and thoughtful fictional debut that reaches from the Indian Ocean to London and New York, and into the most confounding precincts of the human heart. Jean Hubbard is a syndicated health columnist, her husband Mark, a successful advertising-executive. After more than twenty years together, they revel in a sabbatical on a remote tropical island. But when Jean opens an erotically charged email intended for Mark, she realizes that she has misdiagnosed some acute pathologies in her own life. The long idyll is over - but a more vivid, and compelling, quest has just begun. Searching for answers Jean goes undercover: with a surreptitious correspondence that propels her on to alarming, and illuminating, adventures of her own. Assured, funny, tender and provocative, Attachment is a dazzlingly good first novel - unflinching in its depiction of desire, of the responsibility that comes with age and family, and of the impulses that colour and disrupt our lives even as they reveal, ever more clearly, the nature of love.
4,75 € 5,00 €

Bury Me Standing

Gypsies have always intrigued and fascinated - partly because of their mysterious origins, and partly because of the romance of nomadism. But because they resist assimilation, having survived as a distinct people for over a thousand years, they have also been the victims of other people's nationalism and xenophobia. In this fascinating and timely study, Fonseca focuses particularly on the gypsies in Eastern Europe (an estimated 6 million), and their future as a distinct race within a nationalist Europe. While researching the book, Fonseca learned Romany and stayed with the gypsies, becoming deeply involved with their lives, and befriending several gypsy kings. The result is a clolourful and frank book, filled with enthusiasm and curiosity, without lapsing into piety or romanticism.
5,69 € 5,99 €

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Állva temessetek el!

Isabel Fonseca 1995-ben megjelent könyve a romákról szóló irodalom egyik alapműve: nem tudományos értekezés - bár a szerző a romák eredetéről szóló elméleteket, nyelvüket, gyakran homályba vesző történelmi múltjukat, a középkori cigányüldözéseket és a hozzájuk kapcsolódó ... Folytatás ›› babonákat is vizsgálja -, hanem számtalan nehéz, fájdalmas, gyakran tragikus cigány sors együtt érző és józan leírása. A fiatal amerikai újságíró - akinek egyik nagyanyja magyarországi zsidó asszony volt - hosszú utazásokat tett Kelet-Európa országaiban, hogy belülről ismerje meg a cigányokat, "a világ legkevésbé értett népét". Roma családokkal élt együtt, s bár számukra ő gádzsó volt, idegen, kedvesen befogadták, s aztán lassacskán már a titkaikat is megosztották vele; s így többet tudott meg az érzéseikről, kultúrájukról, rítusaikról, mint amennyit bármennyi külső nézőpontú szociálantropológiai kutatásból megtudhatunk. Fonseca ott volt a felperzselt romániai cigány falvakban, amikor Kelet-Európában újra kezdődtek a pogromok, s a cigányok lettek a legkézenfekvőbb bűnbakok "a lassan változó, rozoga szocialista társadalmak minden bajáért", s ott volt Auschwitzban is, ahol először tartottak megemlékezést a cigány holokausztról, melyben félmillió ember pusztult el... A magyar kiadáshoz a szerző új utószót írt, melyben összefoglalja, hogy a könyv megjelenése óta eltelt időben mennyit változott Európában e több évszázados múltú európai nép élete, melynek "nyomor, munkanélküliség és kirekesztés az osztályrésze - keleten és nyugaton egyaránt". A(z) Állva temessetek el! (Könyv) szerzője Isabel Fonseca.
13,89 € 14,62 €

Lacná kniha Bury Me Standing (-90%)

Gypsies have always intrigued and fascinated - partly because of their mysterious origins, and partly because of the romance of nomadism. But because they resist assimilation, having survived as a distinct people for over a thousand years, they have also been the victims of other people's nationalism and xenophobia. In this fascinating and timely study, Fonseca focuses particularly on the gypsies in Eastern Europe (an estimated 6 million), and their future as a distinct race within a nationalist Europe. While researching the book, Fonseca learned Romany and stayed with the gypsies, becoming deeply involved with their lives, and befriending several gypsy kings. The result is a clolourful and frank book, filled with enthusiasm and curiosity, without lapsing into piety or romanticism.
0,60 € 5,99 €

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Lacná kniha Bury Me Standing (-50%)

Gypsies have always intrigued and fascinated - partly because of their mysterious origins, and partly because of the romance of nomadism. But because they resist assimilation, having survived as a distinct people for over a thousand years, they have also been the victims of other people's nationalism and xenophobia. In this fascinating and timely study, Fonseca focuses particularly on the gypsies in Eastern Europe (an estimated 6 million), and their future as a distinct race within a nationalist Europe. While researching the book, Fonseca learned Romany and stayed with the gypsies, becoming deeply involved with their lives, and befriending several gypsy kings. The result is a clolourful and frank book, filled with enthusiasm and curiosity, without lapsing into piety or romanticism.
3,00 € 5,99 €

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