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Jo Hoare


101 tipp videókonferenciákhoz

Egy ?nap a történészek majd visszatekintenek erre az időszakra, és csak így fognak rá hivatkozni: VH és VHE – videóhívások kora és a videóhívások előtti kor. 2019-ben a slack, azaz a lazítás kifejezés csak akkor merült fel a munkahelyeden, amikor három napja zsinórban késtél háromnegyed órát, a hangout, azaz búvóhely romantikus együttlétekre utalt, a Zoom pedig egy jégkrém volt a kilencvenes években, amiről a BuzzFeeden nosztalgikus hangvételű cikkekben emlékeztek meg. Persze ott voltak azok a fura FaceTime-hívások, na meg a karácsonyi online beszélgetések a külföldi rokonokkal, de akkoriban ezek a videóhívások még nem határozták meg annyira a mindennapjainkat, mint most. Aztán jött a járvány, és minden megváltozott. A személyes megbeszélések több-kevesebb sikerrel átköltöztek a képernyőre. A családi találkozókból zűrzavaros Zoom-meeting lett, ahol egyszerre beszél mindenki. Bizonyos tapasztalatok hasznosnak bizonyultak, mások kevésbé. Akár gyűlöljük, akár szeretjük, a videómegbeszélések mindennapjaink részévé váltak, úgyhogy itt az ideje berendezkedni az együttélésre. A könyvben található bölcs tanácsok ehhez nyújtanak segítséget. Ez a 101 remek tipp és illemszabály segít mesteri szinten eligazodni az online meetingek világában. Akár azzal a különös szokásunkkal szeretnénk felhagyni, hogy a megbeszélés végén bárgyú integetéssel búcsúzzunk el, akár arról, hogy kitartóan a saját arcunkat bámuljuk a képernyő jobb sarkában, az itt található, humorban is bővelkedő tanácsok a segítségünkre lesznek. Hamarosan szinte lubickolunk az online világban, legyen szó akár munkamegbeszélésről, kötetlen családi csacsogásról, online sörözésről a barátokkal, randiról vagy bármilyen egyéb virtuális találkozóról.
Na stiahnutie
3,76 €

This is Normcore: A Guide to Normcore and the Joys of Stylized Blandness

What's your favourite typeface? The default one in Word? That's Normcore. Where d'you get that shirt? Gap? That's hardcore Normcore. Last gig you saw? Coldplay? Damn, you are the embodiment of Normcore...are you an accountant? In the past, if your stand-out feature was the ability to blend in, you would be considered by hipsters and fashionistas to be criminally uncool. However, hipsters have once again turned convention on its head, embraced the mundane and christened it Normcore. So where previously you were sneered at for your slacks and baggy sweaters, you're now exalted as a shining light of the non-descript. If all this ordinariness feels a little confusing and overwhelming, don't panic because help is at hand. "This is Normcore" offers advice for aspiring Norms, explaining how to be normal and the icons and idols of an average Normcore aficionado. Soon you'll be joining the rest of the Norms in rocking a sweater vest with aplomb, reading Dan Brown novels and pumping out the latest Michael Buble track on a regular basis.
11,88 € 12,50 €


Is the daily grind getting you down? Does the thought of another day spent staring at a screen while your colleagues bore you to tears with tales of what their cat had for breakfast make you want to scream? Unfortunately, going to work is a necessary evil that we all have to face. But fear not, because help is at hand with The Office: a Survival Guide. Starting with The Rules, you will learn how to become a master of the passive aggressive email, what's acceptable in the world of office fashion, or knowing what subjects to talk about without making everyone think you're annoying. Next, discover how to identify certain types of colleague, like the hyper-competitive girl who'd sell her own mother for a promotion, or the guy who everyone lusts after at work but wouldn't look twice at in the street. A chapter on The Events will guide you through the pitfalls of away days, business trips and important presentations and the brilliant How to...section is packed full of inspiration for slackers, with tips on how to look extremely busy while doing very little, how to suck up to the boss and how to appear "on the level" despite the fact you necked eight pints and three cocktails just hours previously. Accompanied by lively illustrations throughout, this hilarious guide will mean you'll never look at going to work in the same way again.
11,88 € 12,50 €

Festivals - A Survival Guide

Every year when summer rolls around, millions of us sacrifice the joys of a comfortable bed and warm running water in favour of a weekend of debauchery in a field in the middle of nowhere. Whether you're planning a weekend hobnobbing with the A-listers at Coachella, trading goods in the desert at Burning Man, raving through the night at one of Croatia's beachside parties or seeing the biggest bands in the world at Glastonbury, the pull of a music festival is undeniable, but it can all be a bit daunting. No doubt you will have heard stories of monsoon rain reducing the festival site to a giant mud bath, or stumbling home after 24-hours non-stop raving and finding an inebriated stranger sleeping in your tent, but how do you cope with these situations? Whether it's getting a ticket (often considerably harder than it sounds) or picking the perfect spot to pitch a tent, FESTIVALS: A SURVIVAL GUIDE will talk you through everything you need to know about a weekend of music, mates and mayhem. Providing insider tips gained from years of festival going, learn what to do when you lose all your friends and why it's never a good idea to put together a strict timetable of bands you want to see.Then there's information on the festival characters to befriend and the ones to avoid - nobody likes to be woken at 6. 30am by a group of hippies starting up an impromptu drum circle outside your tent. The practical advice offered also includes how to plan your day, use social media to discover where the secret gigs are, fool-proof ways to smuggle booze past security guards, and why only a fool would wear a playsuit when having to use a festival toilet.
11,35 € 11,95 €

So You Think You're a Millennial

Discover how the life of the Millennial is a non-stop mix of selfies and startups, Kardashians and kale, kombucha and crowdfunding, anxiety and activism, experiences and entitlement. Do you feel as nervous about your life prospects as you are about securing the last available table at your favourite brunch spot? Are you equally outraged by the myriad injustices in the world as you are by changes to Instagram meaning your selfies won't be seen by your followers? If the answer is yes, then chances are you are a Millennial. So what exactly is that? If you were born between the early 1980s and the turn of the century (give or take), then it's you. This hilarious guide, which features profiles and observations of this most self-interested of generations, plus a series of fun quizzes, will reveal exactly what it is that makes a Millennial tick, from freaking out about rent prices to checking out the latest BuzzFeed listicle.
12,30 € 12,95 €