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Nigella Lawson


Lacná kniha Vianoce s Nigellou (-70%)

Kráľovná kuchárskeho umenia tentoraz varí a pečie na najkrajšie sviatky roka. Cez Vianoce akosi viac myslíme na rodinu a priateľov, pripomíname si tradície a vnímame teplo rodinného kozuba. Ale času na ich starostlivú prípravu je málo a povinností veľa. Možno nám na vytvorenie sviatkov pomôže najnovšia kniha Nigelly Lawsonovej. Prináša množstvo praktických a inšpiratívnych rád, ako zvládnuť sezónny nápor povinností a pritom sa nestrhať, ale, naopak, vychutnať si vianočnú atmosféru, ktorá utvára aj v kuchyni a vrcholí pri sviatočne prestretom stole. Nigella prichádza s množstvom praktických a inšpiratívnych rád, ako si rozvrhnúť čas, aby sme sa v poslednej chvíli nestresovali, ale prináša hlavne množstvo receptov, ktoré vychádzajú z britskej kuchyne a našim čitateľom pomerne málo známe. Nigellu a jej kuchárske umenie môžete sledovať aj v televíznom programe BBC.
Na sklade 2Ks
4,77 € 15,90 €

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Lacná kniha Nigella asztalánál - Az otthoni főzés öröme (-90%)

"A könyvben olyan ételek szerepelnek, amelyeket a saját konyhámban, az otthonom kényelmében szoktam készíteni, és nap mint nap a családom - és immár az olvasók - asztalára kerülnek. Ezek a fogások azt az ízvilágot tükrözik, amelyet mindig is szerettem. Nem igényelnek olyan technológiát, tudást vagy szakértelmet, amivel egy egyszerű halandó ne rendelkezne. Az élet épp elég bonyolult - legalább a főzés legyen egyszerű." Nigella Lawson
Na sklade 1Ks
2,42 € 24,19 €

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Lacná kniha How to Eat Vintage Classics Anniversary Edition (-50%)

Relax and relish Nigella Lawson's delicious prose in her first, revelatory cookery book, published as a reading edition in Vintage Classics for the first time to celebrate twenty years of How to Eat. WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY JEANETTE WINTERSON `How to eat, how to cook, how to write: I want two copies of this book, one to reference in the kitchen and one to read in bed' Yotam Ottolenghi When Nigella Lawson's first book, How to Eat, was published in 1998, two things were immediately clear: that this fresh and fiercely intelligent voice would revolutionise cookery writing, and that How to Eat was an instant classic of the genre. Here was a versatile culinary bible, through which a generation discovered how to feel at home in the kitchen and found the confidence to experiment and adapt recipes to their own needs. This was the book to reach for when hastily organising a last-minute supper with friends, when planning a luxurious weekend lunch or contemplating a store-cupboard meal for one, or when trying to tempt a fussy toddler. This was a book about home cooking for busy lives. The chief revelation was the writing. Rather than a set of intimidating instructions, Nigella's recipes provide inspiration. She has a gift for finding the right word to spark the reader's imagination, evoking the taste of the ingredients, the simple, sensual pleasures of the practical process, the deep reward of the finished dish. Passionate, trenchant, convivial and wise, Nigella's prose demands to be savoured, and ensures that the joy and value of How to Eat will endure for decades to come. (This Vintage Classics reading edition of How To Eat is faithful to the original and has no pictures of the recipes. Photos below are from a celebratory How To Eat cooking session.)
Na sklade 1Ks
9,48 € 18,95 €

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Hostina - každé jedlo je sviatok

Jedlo je neoddeliteľnou súčasťou osláv, ktoré zohrávajú v našom živote dôležitú úlohu. Hostina nie je len o tom, čo budeme variť a jesť počas významných sviatkov alebo pri špeciálnych príležitostiach, ale predovšetkým o tom, že jedlom oslavujeme niečo, na čom nám záleží, niečo, čím oslavujeme sám život. Táto kniha je o rodinách a o jedle, o náboženských sviatkoch a súkromných oslavách, o tom, ako oslavujeme každodenné radosti, ale aj významné príležitosti. Nájdete tu všetko – Vianoce, Veľkú noc, Deň vďakyvzdania, Chanuku, halloweenske oslavy, valentínske raňajky v posteli, rodinný nedeľný obed, recepty na bezmäsité jedlá aj polnočné hostiny, párty, svadby, pohreby, gruzínsku hostinu či benátske slávnosti, dokonca aj obľúbené detské jedlá. Zaujímavá, inšpiratívna, vášnivá, nabitá informáciami, zároveň však nekomplikovaná a plná nápadov – taká je kniha od Nigelly Lawsonovej. Je napísaná s radosťou a vášňou, ale zároveň výstižne a prakticky. Obsahuje vyše 300 receptov z celého sveta, ktoré dopĺňa viac než 200 fotografií. Hostina je kniha, ktorou jej autorka vyjadruje svoju lásku k životu. A jedlo je jeho prirodzenou súčasťou.
18,91 € 19,90 €

Nigella Bites

Nigella is now not only the best and most glamorous young home cook in Britain, and a great cookery writer, she's also become a household name. Her first short series on Channel 4 had over 2 million viewers and propelled her from success into stardom . How to Eat sold spectacularly on the back of the first unheralded 5-part series - and that was a 3- year-old book with a different title from the series. The sky's the limit with this new one. Nigella Bites, with the same title as the new series, i s completely tied in with the TV programmes, will be advertised on-screen, and will be a must-have for every viewer and all her fans. Some recipes are based on her popular Vogue columns, others are new and different, and all are characteristic of Nig ella and the ethos of the TV series - uncomplicated, original, fresh, and perfect for the way we live today. They're easy to produce after a busy day at the office, fun to linger over at weekends or to make with the kids, delectable to read about, dr eamy to look at and delicious to eat. They include Late Breakfasts, Party Food, TV Dinners, Trailer Trash , Big Lunches, Indoor Picnics, and other delights.
31,50 € 33,16 €

Forever Summer

Fresh, innovative, versatile and delicious, it's sultry summer all year round and from around the world with Nigella. With all the style and class of her earlier books, and a whole new concept, this is an irresistible and wide-ranging book of summery recipes which can be eaten at any time - from scrumptious Italian antipasti and Greek mezze to Spanish cuisine, from barbecues to beach picnics, from Moroccan roast lamb to Mauritian prawn curry, from the traditional strawberries-and-cream feel of an English summer afternoon to Indian-summer evenings at home, from light lunches to seductive suppers, and with a selection of unusual ice creams and melt-in-the-mouth puddings to die for. And to top it all there's a fabulous selection of unusual ice creams and melt-in-the-mouth puddings - could you resist Nigella's Slut-red Raspberries in Chardonnay Jelly, heaven on a plate (one amazon reader declared she 'could jump into a swimming pool full of this') Relaxed, easy cooking, easy eating: the keynote is simplicity, freshness, enjoyment, and you can cook from it all year round. Ravishingly illustrated with full-colour photos throughout.
17,10 € 18,00 €

Nigella Express

Nigella and her style of cookery have earned a special place in our lives, symbolising all that is best, most pleasurable, most hands-on and least fussy about good food. But that doesn't mean she wants us to spend hours in the kitchen, slaving over a hot stove. Featuring fabulous fast foods, ingenious short cuts, terrific time-saving ideas, and easy, delicious meals, "Nigella Express" is her solution to eating well when time is short. This new book is every working mother's dream and a joy for e veryone who wants to cook but can't seem to find the time. Here are mouthwatering recipes, quick to prepare, easy to follow, that you can conjure up after a long day in the office or on a busy weekend. This is food you can make as you hit the kitchen running, with vital tips on how to keep your store cupboard stocked, freezer and fridge stacked. When time is precious, you can't spend hours shopping, so you need to make life easier by being prepared. Not that the recipes are basic - though they a re always simple - but it's important to make every ingredient earn its place in a recipe. Minimise effort by maximising taste. And here too is great food that can be prepared quickly but cooked slowly in the oven, leaving you time to have a bath, a drink, talk to friends, or do the children's homework. Minimum stress for maximum enjoyment. This is a new generation of fast food - never basic, never dull, always do-able, quick and delicious - for the busy lives we lead. The Domestic Goddess is ba ck but this time it's instant.
25,19 € 26,52 €

Nigella Christmas

Nigella Christmas comprises reliable, practical, easy-to-follow recipes and reassuring advice about planning and cooking ahead, presented in a gorgeous glittering package which will make this the ultimate gift to yourself and for family and friends. Illustrated with 150 fabulous full-colour photographs by Lis Parsons (photographer of the bestselling NIGELLA EXPRESS), including method photos and lavish double-page 'spreads', Nigella Christmas is in a new, irresistible format. It includes everything from Christmas cakes and puddings, to quick and easy homemade presents (biscuits, preserves and other standbys), recipes for feeding friends and family over the holiday season with minimum stress and maximum enjoyment (cook and freeze ahead or slow-cook in the oven), as well as Christmas party food and drinks. And, of course, exciting and inspiring variations for the Main Event itself - from traditional turkey, festive ginger-baked ham and special trimmings to a Swedish Christmas a la Nigella, or a vegetarian Christmas feast.Nigella Christmas will surely be a perennial favourite, the book we will all reach for - for inspiration and reassurance - as soon as the Christmas lights start going up. ..
19,95 € 21,00 €

Nigella expressz

Könyvünk a "Nigella expressz", mesésen egyszerű mégis csodás gyorsételeivel, zseniális időspóroló ötleteivel megoldást kínál az örök problémára: hogyan varázsoljunk pompás fogásokat az asztalra, amikor levegőt is alig van időnk venni. Mindezt persze a már megszokott könnyed és szórakoztató stílusban. Nigella számos ínycsiklandó, ugyanakkor gyorsan elkészíthető és könnyen követhető receptet tár elénk, melyet bárki pillanatok alatt összedobhat az egész napos fárasztó munka után vagy egy zsúfolt hévégén, a család vagy épp a váratlanul betoppanó vendégek legnagyobb örömére. Ezeket az ételeket a konyhába esve bármikor összeüthetjük, különösen, ha megfogadjuk a szerző remek tippjeit az éléskamra, a hűtőszekrény és a fagyasztó polcainak ötletes feltöltését illetően. Amikor az idő az aranynál is drágább, nem tölthetünk hosszú órákat a bevásárlással. Könnyítsünk hát az életünkön, és készüljünk kicsit előre. Bár a receptek roppant egyszerűek, fontos, hogy minden alapanyag kéznél legyen, így minimális erőfeszítéssel hozhatjuk ki magunkból a maximumot. S míg a hús a sütőben ücsörög, vehetünk magunknak egy frissítő fürdőt, megihatunk egy üdítő italt, beszélgethetünk a barátainkkal, vagy épp segíthetünk gyermekünknek a házi feladat elkészítésében. Minimális feszültség, maximális élvezet... Nigella receptjei a gyorsételek új generációját testesítik meg: nem szokványosak, nem unalmasak, viszont egyszerűen és gyorsan elészíthetőek, és nagyon-nagyon finomak.
4,75 € 5,00 €

Nigella express

Nigella a jej kulinársky štýl si už získali popularitu v nejednej krajine. V knihe nájdete recepty na jedlá, pri ktorých sa vám budú zbiehať slinky, pripravené neuveriteľne rýchlo a jednoducho, aj geniálne vylepšenia či skvelé nápady šetriace čas. Nigella predstavuje novú generáciu rýchleho jedla, ktoré nikdy nie je obyčajné, fádne, ale vždy sa pripraví rýchlo a je výnimočne chutné. S minimom úsilia dosiahnete maximálne lahodnú chuť. S minimálnym stresom vždy maximálny pôžitok. Nigellu a jej kuchárske umenie môžete sledovať aj v televíznom programe BBC.
13,59 € 14,30 €

Vianoce s Nigellou

Kráľovná kuchárskeho umenia tentoraz varí a pečie na najkrajšie sviatky roka. Cez Vianoce akosi viac myslíme na rodinu a priateľov, pripomíname si tradície a vnímame teplo rodinného kozuba. Ale času na ich starostlivú prípravu je málo a povinností veľa. Možno nám na vytvorenie sviatkov pomôže najnovšia kniha Nigelly Lawsonovej. Prináša množstvo praktických a inšpiratívnych rád, ako zvládnuť sezónny nápor povinností a pritom sa nestrhať, ale, naopak, vychutnať si vianočnú atmosféru, ktorá utvára aj v kuchyni a vrcholí pri sviatočne prestretom stole. Nigella prichádza s množstvom praktických a inšpiratívnych rád, ako si rozvrhnúť čas, aby sme sa v poslednej chvíli nestresovali, ale prináša hlavne množstvo receptov, ktoré vychádzajú z britskej kuchyne a našim čitateľom pomerne málo známe. Nigellu a jej kuchárske umenie môžete sledovať aj v televíznom programe BBC.
15,11 € 15,90 €

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"Nigellissima" takes inspiration from Italian cooking to bring the spirit of Italy into the kitchen and onto the plate, pronto. At the heart of Italian cookery lies a celebration of food that is fresh, tasty and unpretentious; Nigella Lawson reflects this in recipes that are simple and speedy, elevating everyday eating into no-fuss feasts. Italian food has colonised the world. "Nigellissima" shows us how and why in over 100 delicious dishes - from telephone-cord pasta with Sicilian pesto to the crustless Meatzza, from Sardinian couscous to Venetian stew, from penne to papardelle, from ragu to risotto, from Italian apple pie and no-churn ices to panna cotta and sambuca kisses - in a round-Italy quickstep that culminates in a festive chapter of party food, with an Italian-inspired Christmas feast as its mouthwatering centrepiece. From the traditional to the unfamiliar, here are recipes to excited the taste buds and the imagination, without stressing the cook. Nigella's gastronomic heart is in Italy, and in this new book she conjures up, with passionate relish, the warmth, simplicity and directness of Italian cooking, with an Anglo-twist. Illustrated with gorgeous photographs to instruct and delight "Nigellissima" is accompanied by a major new BBC TV series.
28,49 € 29,99 €

How to Eat

Hailed by many as their cookbook of the 1990s, How To Eat is far more than just an imaginative collection of over 350 uncomplicated, delicious recipes. Nigella Lawson combines a refreshingly down-to-earth practicality with a passion for food and a writer`s ability to find just the right words to evoke the taste of a succulent roast chicken or homemade custard. Her excellent advice on how to organise your kitchen (and your life) for the minimum of fuss is interspersed with moments of sheer, unadulterated pleasure as she pauses to relish what she is preparing to eat.
26,77 € 28,18 €

Chuť domácí kuchyně

190 receptů od rodinného krbu, včetně asi 60 rychlých jídel uvařených do 30 minut Kuchyně nabízí jídla pro potěchu – lákavá, nostalgická, ale moderní. Jednoduché pokrmy pro chvíle, kdy vás tlačí čas, nebo časově náročnější jídla na víkend i speciality vhodné k zvláštním příležitostem. Nechybějí neodolatelné dezerty „bohyně domácího krbu“. Navíc kniha dává odpovědi na výzvy – co dát dětem k zakousnutí, jak narychlo udělat něco k snědku pro nečekanou návštěvu. A jelikož nedojedené jídlo je součástí reality, jeden recept se mnohdy prolíná s dalším – šunková kolena s hráškovou polévkou a pirohy, dušené kuře s čínským kuřecím salátem. Nejde jen o šetrnost, ale především o kreativitu pokrmů.
26,74 € 28,15 €

Kuchyňa - srdce domova

Nigellina Kuchyňa – to je potešenie zo skutočného varenia. 190 receptov na mimoriadne jednoduché jedlá, ktoré vám uľahčia a spríjemnia život.
23,66 € 24,90 €