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Charles Moore


Margaret Thatcher

Charles Moore's biography of Margaret Thatcher, published after her death on 8 April 2013, immediately supercedes all earlier books written about her. At the moment when she becomes a historical figure, this book also makes her into a three dimensional one for the first time. It gives unparalleled insight into her early life and formation, especially through her extensive correspondence with her sister, which Moore is the first author to draw on. It recreates brilliantly the atmosphere of British politics as she was making her way, and takes her up to what was arguably the zenith of her power, victory in the Falklands. (This volume ends with the Falklands Dinner in Downing Street in November 1982.) Moore is clearly an admirer of his subject, but he does not shy away from criticising her or identifying weaknesses and mistakes where he feels it is justified. Based on unrestricted access to all Lady Thatcher's papers, unpublished interviews with her and all her major colleagues, this is the indispensable, fully rounded portrait of a towering figure of our times.
30,88 € 32,50 €

Margaret Thatcher

Margaret Thatcher was the longest-serving Prime Minister of the twentieth century and one of the most influential figures of the postwar era. Volume One of Moore's authorized biography gives unparalleled insight into her early life, especially through her extensive correspondence with her sister, and recreates brilliantly the atmosphere of British politics as she was making her way, taking us up to the zenith of her power: victory in the Falklands. Based on unrestricted access to all Lady Thatcher's papers, unpublished interviews with her and all her major colleagues, this is the indispensable portrait of a towering figure of our times.
22,75 € 23,95 €

Margaret Thatcher The Authorized Biography, Volume 2

This is the sensational second volume of Charles Moore's bestselling authorized biography of the Iron Lady. In June 1983, Margaret Thatcher won the biggest increase in a government's Parliamentary majority in British electoral history. Over the next four years, as Charles Moore relates in this central volume of his uniquely authoritative biography, Britain's first woman prime minister changed the course of her country's history and that of the world, often by sheer force of will. The book reveals as never before how she faced down the Miners' Strike, transformed relations with Europe, privatized the commanding heights of British industry and continued the reinvigoration of the British economy. It describes her role on the world stage with dramatic immediacy, identifying Mikhail Gorbachev as 'a man to do business with' before he became leader of the Soviet Union, and then persistently pushing him and Ronald Reagan, her great ideological soul mate, to order world affairs according to her vision. For the only time since Churchill, she ensured that Britain had a central place in dealings between the superpowers. But even at her zenith she was beset by difficulties. The beloved Reagan two-timed her during the US invasion of Grenada. She lost the minister to whom she was personally closest to scandal and almost had to resign as a result of the Westland affair. She found herself isolated within her own government over Europe. She was at odds with the Queen over the Commonwealth and South Africa. She bullied senior colleagues and she set in motion the poll tax. Both these last would later return to wound her, fatally. In all this, Charles Moore has had unprecedented access to all Mrs Thatcher's private and government papers. The participants in the events described have been so frank in interview that we feel we are eavesdropping on their conversations as they pass. We look over Mrs Thatcher's shoulder as she vigorously annotates documents, so seeing her views on many particular issues in detail, and we understand for the first time how closely she relied on a handful of trusted advisors to help shape her views and carry out her will. We see her as a public performer, an often anxious mother, a workaholic and the first woman in western democratic history who truly came to dominate her country in her time. In the early hours of 12 October 1984, during the Conservative party conference in Brighton, the IRA attempted to assassinate her. She carried on within hours to give her leader's speech at the conference (and later went on to sign the Anglo-Irish agreement). One of her many left-wing critics, watching her that day, said 'I don't approve of her as Prime Minister, but by God she's a great tank commander.' This titanic figure, with all her capacities and all her flaws, storms from these pages as from no other book.
30,88 € 32,50 €

Margaret Thatcherová

Neuvěřitelně podrobný, fundovaný a zároveň neobyčejně živý popis zrození moci zosobněné ženou, která změnila Velkou Británii i svět konce 20. století. Autorizovaná biografie Margaret Thatcherové přináší neobyčejně barvitý obraz života jedné z nejmocnějších žen v historii lidstva. Fascinující pohled na intimní aspekty přeměny Velké Británie a světa ve druhé polovině dvacátého století vychází z mnoha dosud neznámých pramenů: osobních dopisů, deníků i výpovědí blízkých kolegů a přátel, kteří s autorem mluvili zcela otevřeně, neboť věděli, že jejich výpovědi bude publikovat až po smrti lady Thatcherové. Charles Moore ke své hrdince chová zřejmou úctu, v žádném případě však nezůstává nekritický. Svůj materiál třídí se smyslem pro detail i širší souvislosti a interpretuje jej se svébytným smyslem pro humor. První díl začíná narozením Margaret Richardsové v rodině metodistického kupce v anglickém venkovském městečku a končí vítězstvím Železné Lady ve válce o Falklandy roku 1982, kdy podle mnohých vystoupala až na vrchol moci.
52,20 € 54,95 €

Margaret Thatcher - The Authorized Biography

The sensational second volume of Charles Moore's bestselling authorized biography of the Iron Lady In June 1983 Margaret Thatcher won the biggest increase in a government's Parliamentary majority in British electoral history. Over the next four years, as Charles Moore relates in this central volume of his uniquely authoritative biography, Britain's first woman prime minister changed the course of her country's history and that of the world, often by sheer force of will. The book reveals as never before how she faced down the Miners' Strike, transformed relations with Europe, privatized the commanding heights of British industry and continued the reinvigoration of the British economy. It describes her role on the world stage with dramatic immediacy, identifying Mikhail Gorbachev as 'a man to do business with' before he became leader of the Soviet Union, and then persistently pushing him and Ronald Reagan, her great ideological soulmate, to order world affairs according to her vision. For the only time since Churchill, she ensured that Britain had a central place in dealings between the superpowers. But even at her zenith she was beset by difficulties. The beloved Reagan two-timed her during the US invasion of Grenada. She lost the minister to whom she was personally closest to scandal and al...
15,19 € 15,99 €

Margaret Thatcherová 2. díl Jen ona sama

Autorizovaná biografie Margaret Thatcherové přináší neobyčejně barvitý obraz života jedné z nejmocnějších žen v historii lidstva. Fascinující pohled na intimní aspekty přeměny Velké Británie a světa ve druhé polovině 20. století vychází z mnoha dosud neznámých pramenů: osobních dopisů, deníků i výpovědí blízkých kolegů a přátel, kteří s autorem mluvili zcela otevřeně, neboť věděli, že jejich výpovědi bude publikovat až po smrti lady Thatcherové. Charles Moore ke své hrdince chová zřejmou úctu, v žádném případě však nezůstává nekritický. Svůj materiál třídí se smyslem pro detail i širší souvislosti a interpretuje jej se svébytným smyslem pro humor. Druhý díl začíná v červnu 1983 drtivým volebním vítězstvím po válce o Falklandy a končí v červnu 1987, kdy se stala první předsedkyní vlády ve 20. století, která zvítězila třikrát po sobě ve všeobecných volbách. Během tohoto funkčního období Margaret Thatcherová nadále pokračovala v privatizaci britského průmyslu a dosáhla výrazného oživení ekonomiky, čelila však masivní stávce horníků. Těsně unikla pumovému atentátu na konferenci Konzervativní strany v Brightonu. Vedla jednání s EHS s jasnou snahou dosáhnout pro Británii řadu výhod. V centru její pozornosti byly nadále vztahy s USA zastupované Ronaldem Reaganem, s nímž ji pojilo blízké přátelství. Do centra její pozornosti se dostal i SSSR, kde začínaly glasnosť a peresrojka reprezentované novým typem sovětského politika Michailem Gorbačovem. Kniha zachycuje i složitá vyjednávání na Blízkém východě a v Jihoafrické republice, kde byla ráznou odpůrkyní ekonomických sankcí uvalených ostatními mocnostmi na režim aparheidu, a mnohá další, která tato bezpochyby nejvýznamnější politička 20. století utvářela a ovlivňovala.
44,60 € 46,95 €

Margaret Thatcherová - Dáma se neotáčí

Kniha Margaret Thatcherová: Dáma se neotáčí je fascinující portrét jedné z nejmocnějších žen v historii lidstva. První díl autorizované biografie od britského novináře Charlese Moora se věnuje jejímu životu před nástupem do křesla ministerské předsedkyně a prvním létům u moci. Moore měl k dispozici materiály, ke kterým se autoři předchozích biografií Thatcherové vůbec nedostali.
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18,28 €