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Paul Murdin


Vesmír: Biografia

Najlepšia alternatíva k ceste do vesmíru Vydajte sa s autorom na originálnu a podmaňujúcu cestu životom vesmíru od prvých milisekúnd veľkého tresku až po súčasnosť, ba aj ďalej. Autor vychádza z posledných objavov v astronómii a opisuje najdôležitejšie postavy a udalosti spojené s existenciou vesmíru. Mapuje, ako sa rozvíjalo naše chápanie a poznanie kozmu, a ukazuje, ako veľkí myslitelia vyvodili hlboké pravdy aj z najjednoduchších pozorovaní. Vesmír vyrástol z detských čias a dnes astronómovia sledujú jeho prechod od dospelosti k blížiacemu sa strednému veku. Na záver autor ponúka letmý pohľad na budúcu starobu vesmíru a na to, čo to bude znamenať pre nás. Veľkolepé putovanie kozmom spojené so zaujímavým výkladom. Profesor Paul Murdin (*1942) je zaslúžilý člen Inštitútu astronómie Cambridgeskej univerzity a člen Wolfson College. Od roku 1963 skúmal supernovy, čierne diery a neutrónové hviezdy. Je spoluobjaviteľom prvej hviezdnej čiernej diery Cygnus X-1, ktorá sa našla v našej Galaxii. Od roku 1981 pracoval na zriaďovaní observatórií na Kanárskych ostrovoch, v Anglicku a v Škótsku. V roku 1988 mu udelili Rad britského impéria a v roku 2011 dostal Cenu Kráľovskej astronomickej spoločnosti za služby astronómii. Súbežne s vedeckou prácou sa venuje mediálnej prezentácii astronomických tém pre BBC a ďalšie médiá. Z anglického originálu preložila Mária Galádová.
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23,66 € 24,90 €

Tajemství vesmíru

Existuje na jiných planetách voda? Kde se v kosmu rodí bílí trpaslíci? Je Měsíc synem, či bratrem naší Země? Na tyto a bezpočet dalších otázek podává názornou odpověď kniha Tajemství vesmíru, výpravná publikace s množstvím úchvatných fotografií a názornýc
44,56 € 46,91 €

Tajemství vesmíru

Existuje na jiných planetách voda? Kde se v kosmu rodí bílí trpaslíci? Je Měsíc synem, či bratrem naší Země? Na tyto a bezpočet dalších otázek podává názornou odpověď kniha Tajemství vesmíru, výpravná publikace s množstvím úchvatných fotografií a náz orných nákresů. Autor Paul Murdin, vědec, jenž proslul objevením černé díry Cygnus X-1 v souhvězdí Labutě, nás v pětašedesáti kapitolách provází po sluneční soustavě i vzdáleném vesmíru a poutavě vypráví o počátcích astronomie, slunečním větru, slože ní komet, dopadech asteroidů, vzniku Měsíce, vodě na Marsu, sopkách na Io, skleníkovém efektu či o "obyčejných"ročních obdobích.
52,15 € 54,89 €

The Secret Lives of Planets

'A deft, frequently dramatic tour' Nature 'The Secret Lives of Planets aims to be a "user's guide to the Solar System", but it also turns out to be an inspiration to look at the Solar System as a long cosmic journey and find our place in it.' BBC Sky at Night 'A wonderfully clear and readable book . . . Gives a splendid overview of our Sun's planetary system, including its history and exploration' Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell * We have the impression that the solar system is perfectly regular like a clock, or a planetarium instrument. On a short timescale it is. But, seen in a longer perspective, the planets, and their satellites, have exciting lives, full of events - for example, did you know that Saturn's moon, Titan, boasts lakes which contain liquid methane surrounded by soaring hills and valleys, exactly as the earth did before life evolved on our fragile planet? Or that Mercury is the shyest planet? Or, that Mars' biggest volcano is 100 times the size of Earth's, or that its biggest canyon is 10 times the depth of the Grand Canyon, or that it wasn't always red, but blue? The culmination of a lifetime of astronomy and wonder, Paul Murdin's enchanting new book reveals everything you ever wanted to know about the planets, their satellites, and our place in the solar system.
20,43 € 21,50 €

Secrets of the Universe

How did our universe come to exist? Why do stars shine? Is there life beyond the Earth? For millennia, humans have looked to the celestial sphere to explain the cosmos,first recording the movements of the Moon 25,000 years ago. Since the Enlightenmentand the dawn of the space age, scientists have been unravelling cosmic mysteries, andraising astonishing new questions for future generations to answer. Today we live inan age of unprecedented astronomical revelation, from the discovery of water on Marsto the detection of gravitational waves and the first photograph of a black hole. World-renowned astronomer Paul Murdin explains the science behind these discoveries, along with the passions, strugglesand quirks of fate that made them some of the most intriguing dramas of their times,demonstrating how human ingenuity and technological innovation have expandedour knowledge of the Universe beyond anything our ancestors - even as recently asa generation ago - could ever have imagined.
13,78 € 14,50 €

The Universe

The story of our Universe, from its beginning in the first milliseconds of the Big Bang right up to our present moment and beyond, told in a gripping narrative. We have entered a new age of exploration and discovery, enabling us to probe ever more distant reaches of space and greatly advance our knowledge of the Universe. Today, telescopes peer not only into outer space, but also into the deep past. Paul Murdin takes us on an original and breathtaking journey across the lifetime of the Universe, from the first milliseconds of the Big Bang right up to our present moment and even beyond. Murdin draws on the latest discoveries in astronomy to describe the most important characters and events in the life of our Universe: the most powerful explosions, the most curious planets, and the most spectacular celestial bodies. He charts our developing understanding of the cosmos, showing how thinkers have deduced profound truths from even the simplest observations - everyone can see that it is dark at night, but only recently have we understood this as proof that the Universe has not been the same forever. Since then, the Universe has grown up from childhood: astronomers have tracked it as it passed through maturity and as it now moves into middle age. Murdin shows how our own lives were seeded from the Big Bang, galaxies, stars and planets. He considers some of the key questions: how did structures like galaxies and ourselves emerge from the dense maelstrom of the Universe's birth? How did the 'dark matter' that we can't even see speed up the development of galaxies, and how does 'dark energy' work to speed up the expansion of the Universe? Why hasn't the Universe collapsed in on itself - and will it one day? And finally, he offers a glimpse into the future old age of our Universe, and what it means for us all.
37,00 € 38,95 €