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Henry Oldie


Cesta meče

Román Cesta meče nás přenese do alternativního světa Kabírského emirátu, jenž silně připomíná středověkou Asii, jen s tím podstatným rozdílem, že všechny zbraně jsou zde živé a disponují vlastním rozumem. Zářní, jak sami sebe tyto meče, kopí či halapartny nazývají, pokládají lidi za své „Nosiče“, aniž by tušili, že i oni jsou inteligentní. Samotní lidé zase nemají ani ponětí o tom, že mnohé jejich činy neřídí jejich vlastní vůle, nýbrž vůle rozumných zbraní.Ač po zuby ozbrojen, je tento svět mimořádně vlídný a mírumilovný: šermířské umění je v něm sice vybroušené k až nepředstavitelné dokonalosti, ale přesto – či právě proto – jsou všechny souboje zcela nekrvavé. Kabírský emirát je tedy klidnou a stabilní zemí, avšak nedochází v něm prakticky k žádnému pokroku – rozvíjí se v podstatě jen šerm a kovářství, tedy to, co především zajímá Zářné.Když řád harmonického světa znenadání naruší krvavé vraždy, šokuje to jak lidi, tak i Zářné – vždyť něco takového se naposledy stalo před bezmála osmi stoletími! Vyšetřováním vražd jsou, ovšemže nezávisle na sobě, pověřeni mladý šlechtic Čen Ankor a jeho urozený meč, známý jako Jednorožec z Mei-lanu. Podaří-li se jim najít cestu k sobě navzájem, možná dokáží zvrátit osud svého světa, beznadějně vychýleného z rovnováhy. Aby však zodpověděli veškeré otázky a odhalili všechna tajemství, budou se muset vydat na dlouhou pouť…
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20,33 € 21,40 €

Úžasné príbehy O. Henryho

O.Henry - majster príbehov o všedných ľuďoch a ich výnimočných osudoch. V tomto krátkom výbere poviedok nájde čitateľ niektoré z tých najlepších a nechýba ani svetoznámy vianočný príbeh Dary troch kráľov. Na knihe sa podieľali pedagógovia ZŠ Ostredková v Bratislave a ilustrovali ju žiaci IV.C. tejto školy.
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1,95 €

Cabbages and Kings

A series of stories which each explore some individual aspect of life in a paralytically sleepy Central American town while each advancing some aspect of the larger plot and relating back one to another in a complex structure which slowly explicates its own background even as it painstakingly erects a town which is one of the most detailed literary creations of the period. In this book, O. Henry coined the term "banana republic".
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0,88 €

Heart of the West

Heart of the West was written in the year 1907 by O. Henry. This book is one of the most popular novels of O. Henry, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
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0,88 €


Options was written in the year 1909 by O. Henry. This book is one of the most popular novels of O. Henry, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.
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0,88 €

Roads of Destiny

A collection of 22 short stories:Roads of Destiny, The Guardian of the Accolade, The Discounters of Money, The Enchanted Profile, "Next to Reading Matter", Art and the Bronco, Phobe, A Double-dyed Deceiver, The Passing of Black Eagle, A Retrieved Reformation, Cherchez la Femme, Friends in San Rosario, The Fourth in Salvador, The Emancipation of Billy, The Enchanted Kiss, A Departmental Case, The Renaissance at Charleroi, On Behalf of the Management, Whistling Dick's Christmas Stocking, The Halberdier of the Little Rheinschloss, Two Renegades & The Lonesome Road
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0,88 €

Sixes and Sevens

A collection of 25 short stories: The Last of the Troubadours, The Sleuths, Witches' Loaves, The Pride of the Cities, Holding up a Train, Ulysses and the Dogman, The Champion of the Weather, Makes the Whole World Kin, At Arms with Morpheus, The Ghost of a Chance, Jimmie Payes and Muriel, The Door of Unrest, The Duplicity of Hargraves, Let Me Feel Your Pulse, October and June, The Church with an Overshoot Wheel, New York by Campfire Light, The Adventures of Shamrock Jolnes, The Lady Higher UpThe Greater Coney, Law and Order, Transformation of Martin Burney, The Caliph and the Cad, The Diamond of Kali & The Day We Celebrate.
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0,88 €

Strictly Business

More Stories of the Four Million: The Gold that Glittered; Babes in the Jungle; The Day Resurgent; The Fifth Wheel; The Poet and the Peasant; The Robe of Peace; The Girl and the Graft; The Call of the Tame; The Unknown Quantity; The Thing's the Play; A Ramble in Aphasia; A Municipal Report; Psyche and the Pskyscraper; A Bird of Bagdad; Compliments of the Season; A Night in New Arabia; The Girl and the Habit; Proof of the Pudding; Past One at Rooney's; The Venturers; The Duel; What You Want; and the title story.
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0,88 €

The Four Million

Written in 1906 when roughly four million people lived in New York City, it opens with a reference to Ward McAllister's "assertion that there were only "400" people in New York City who were really worth noticing. To O. Henry,however, everyone in New York counted. He had an obvious affection for the city, which he called "Bagdad-on-the-Subway".
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0,88 €

The Gift of the Magi

Jim Dillingham Young and his wife Della are a young couple who are very much in love with each other, but can barely afford their one-room apartment opposite the elevated train due to their very bad economic condition. For Christmas, Della decides to buy Jim a chain which costs twenty dollars for his prized pocket watch given to him by his father. To raise the funds, she has her prized long hair cut off and sold to make a wig. Meanwhile, Jim decides to sell his watch to buy Della a beautiful set of combs made out of tortoise shell for her lovely, knee-length brown hair. Although each is disappointed to find the gift they chose rendered useless, each is pleased with the gift they received, because it represents their love for one another.The true unselfish love that the characters, Jim and Della, share is greater than their possessions.
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0,88 €

The Trimmed Lamp

Other Stories of the Four Million: A Madison Square Arabian Night; The Rubaiyat of a Scotch Highball; The Pendulum; Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen; The Assessor of Success; The Buyer from Cactus City; The Badge of Policeman O'Roon; Brickdust Row; The Making of a New Yorker; Vanity and Some Sables; The Social Triangle; The Purple Dress; The Foreign Policy of Company 99; The Lost Blend; A Harlem Tragedy; The Guilty Party - an East Side Tragedy; According to their Lights; A Midsummer Knight's Dream; The Last Leaf; The Count and the Wedding Guest; The Country of Elusion; The Ferry of Unfulfilment; The Tale of a Tainted Tenner; Elsie in New York; and the title story.
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0,88 €

The Voice of the City

Further Tales of the Four Million: The Complete Life of John Hopkins; A Lickpenny Lover; Dougherty's Eye Opener; Little Speck in Garnered Fruit; The Harbinger; While the Auto Waits; A Comedy in Rubber; One Thousand Dollars; The Defeat of the City; The Shocks of Doom; The Plutonian Fire; Nemesis and the Candy Man; Squaring the Circle; Roses Ruses and Romance; The City of Dreadful Night; The Easter of the Soul; The Fook Killer; Transients in Arcadia; The Rathskeller and the Rose; The Clarion Call; Extradited from Bohemia; A Philistine in Bohemia; From Each According to His Ability; The Memento; and the title story.
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0,88 €


A collectior of 24 short stories: The World and the Door; The Theory and the Hound; The Hypotheses of Failure; Calloway's Code; A Matter of Mean Elevation; Girl; Sociology in Serge and Straw; The Ransom of Red Chief; The Marry Month of May; A Technical Error; Suite Homes and Their Romance; The Whirligig of Life; A Sacrifice Hit; The Roads We Take; A Blackjack Bargainer; The Song and the Sergeant; One Dollar's Worth; A Newspaper Story; Tommy's Burglar; A Chaparral Christmas Gift; A Little Local Colour; Georgia's Ruling; Blind Man's Holiday; and Madame Bo Peep of the Ranches.
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0,88 €

A legnagyobb ajándék

A legnagyobb ajándék című válogatás nyolc, ma már klasszikusnak számító történetet tartalmaz, olyan népszerű írók tollából, mint Charles Dickens, L. M. Montgomery vagy Louisa May Alcott. Igazi időutazásra invitálnak a szerzők, az ókori világtól kezdve egészen a 20. századi amerikai kisvárosok miliőjéig kalauzolva az olvasókat. Az itt megjelenő írások közös vonása, hogy bár eltérő korokban és helyszíneken játszódnak, az év egyik legcsodálatosabb időszakáról, a karácsony állandó varázsáról és örök értékeiről mesélnek. A kötetben található novellák és elbeszélések többsége most először jelenik meg magyar nyelven.  
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10,14 €

dostupné aj ako:

Fantastické príbehy O.Henryho

Ako dopadne stretnutie dvoch priateľov po dvadsiatich rokoch? Ako dopadnú dvaja nešikovní zločinci, ktorí sa rozhodnú uniesť miestneho chlapca? A aké tajomstvo ukrýva muž, ktorý si pravidelne kupuje dva pecne starého chleba? Toto a viac sa dozviete v poviedkach O.Henryho, ktoré ilustrovali žiaci V.C. ZŠ Ostredkova, Bratislava.
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2,00 €

41 Stories

? The Master of Irony Readers the world over recognize O. Henry as the best short story writer of the early twentieth century. Widely known as a master of irony, O. Henry also displays here dazzling wordplay and a wry combination of pathos and humor.
3,75 € 3,95 €