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Cavan Scott


Star Wars - Vrcholná Republika - Sílící bouře

Duch jednoty se pod vedením kancléřky Republiky Liny Soh šíří do galaxie a Jediové na nově otevřené stanici Maják Hvězdosvit jsou jeho předvojem. Na oslavu kancléřka plánuje Republikovou výstavu, výkladní skříň možností rozšiřující se mírumilovné Republiky. Jediové navštíví výstavu jako vyslanci harmonie. Ale kromě očí galaxie se k této události obrací i zuřivost Nihilů a jejich vůdce má v úmyslu tuto jednotu zničit.
Na sklade 1Ks
15,67 € 16,49 €

Star Wars: The Rising Storm (The High Republic)

The heroes of the High Republic era return to face a shattered peace and a fearsome foe, following the dramatic events of Light of the Jedi. In the wake of the Great Hyperspace Disaster and the heroism of the Jedi, the Republic continues to grow, bringing more worlds together under a single unified banner. Under the leadership of Chancellor Lina Soh, the spirit of unity extends throughout the galaxy, with the Jedi and the newly established Starlight Beacon station at the vanguard. In celebration, the chancellor plans The Republic Fair, a showcase of the possibilities and the peace of the expanding Republic-a peace the Jedi hope to foster. Stellan Gios, Bell Zettifar, Elzar Mann, and others join the event as ambassadors of harmony. But as the eyes of the galaxy turn toward the Fair, so too does the fury of the Nihil. Their leader, Marchion Ro, is intent on destroying this unity. His storm descends on the pageantry and celebration, sowing chaos and exacting revenge. As the Jedi struggle to curb the carnage of the rampaging Nihil, they come face-to-face with the true fear their enemy plans to unleash across the galaxy-the kind of fear from which even the Force cannot shield them.
U dodávateľa
11,88 € 12,50 €

Star Wars: A Köztársaság Fénykora - A Fergeteghajtó

Mélyedj el a fénykorát élő Köztársaság egyik legnagyobb ellenségének vérmocskos világában! Végigsöpört a galaxison a Nihil vihara, mindenütt káoszt és pusztulást hagyva maga után. A fergeteghajtó Lourna Dee még a kalózok vezérei közül is kitűnik elvetemültségével. A galaxis egyik leghalálosabb szörnyetege a saját maga után elnevezett csatacirkálóval mindig egy lépéssel a Jedik előtt jár. De még neki sem sikerülhet mindig meglépni a dicsőséges Köztársaság védelmezői elől... A galovi események után Lourna a Jedik kezére jut ugyan, ám kilétét sikerül titokban tartania, és rabtartói még csak nem is sejtik, micsoda fenevadat fogtak. Korábbi ellenfeleihez hasonlóan a Jedik is azzal követik el az első hibát, hogy életben hagyják. Lourna pedig cserébe mindent elkövet, hogy többé ne becsüljék alá... A kalózvezért a Köztársaság egyik fegyenchajóján fogva tartva körbehordozzák a galaxisban, hogy segítsen helyrehozni a szörnyű pusztítás okozta károkat. Lourna a tökéletes szökést tervezgeti, de a Nihil nélkül, hírhedt hajójától, rémisztő arzenáljától és rettegett nevétől megfosztva egyedül kell boldogulnia. Időközben pedig a barátsághoz már-már veszélyesen közel álló szövetségeket köt. És vajon mi rejlik az út végén: bűnbocsánatot nyer, vagy még a korábbinál is halálosabb ellenségként születik újjá? Jelen kötetünk A fergeteghajtó c. hangoskönyv átiratát tartalmazza.
Na sklade 1Ks
14,69 € 15,46 €

Sherlock Holmes a Pláč nevinných

Píše se rok 1891 a na 221B Baker Street přijíždí katolický kněz. Pronese však pouze dvě slova, „il corpe“, načež znenadání padne mrtev k zemi. Policejní lékař sice za příčinu mužovy smrti označí choleru, ale když se Holmes dozví o dalším knězi s podobnými příznaky, pojme podezření, že byli oba otráveni. Spolu s Watsonem zjistí, že oběti vyslali z Vatikánu, aby prověřily zázrak – říká se, že tělo filantropa a otrokáře z osmnáctého století, Edwyna Warwicka, se v hrobě nerozložilo. Měl by však papež svatořečit muže, který zbohatl díky otroctví? A když potom Warwickovo tělo někdo ukradne, začne být zcela jasné, že mise kněží přilákala pozornost smrtonosného spiknutí… Další případ jedné z nejoblíbenějších postav světové krimi literatury tentokrát přináší Cavan Scott, autor mnoha bestsellerů i televizních pořadů.
U dodávateľa
20,85 € 21,95 €

Sherlock Holmes a Pláč nevinných

Píše se rok 1891 a na 221B Baker Street přijíždí katolický kněz. Pronese však pouze dvě slova, „il corpe“, načež znenadání padne mrtev k zemi.Policejní lékař sice za příčinu mužovy smrti označí choleru, ale když se Holmes dozví o dalším knězi s podobnými příznaky, pojme podezření, že byli oba otráveni. Spolu s Watsonem zjistí, že oběti vyslali z Vatikánu, aby prověřily zázrak – říká se, že tělo filantropa a otrokáře z osmnáctého století, Edwyna Warwicka, se v hrobě nerozložilo.Měl by však papež svatořečit muže, který zbohatl díky otroctví? A když potom Warwickovo tělo někdo ukradne, začne být zcela jasné, že mise kněží přilákala pozornost smrtonosného spiknutí…Další případ jedné z nejoblíbenějších postav světové krimi literatury tentokrát přináší Cavan Scott, autor mnoha bestsellerů i televizních pořadů.
Na stiahnutie
15,64 €

Doctor Who - Who-ology

Do you know your Sontarans from your Silurians? What are the 40 best ways to defeat a Dalek? What are the galactic coordinates of Gallifrey? Test your knowledge of the last Time Lord and the worlds he's visited in Who-ology, an unforgettable journey through 50 years of Doctor Who. Packed with facts, figures and stories from the show's entire run, this unique tour of space and time takes you from Totters Lane to Trenzalore, taking in guides to UNIT call signs, details of the inner workings of sonic screwdrivers, and a reliability chart covering every element of the TARDIS. With tables, charts and illustrations dotted throughout, as well as fascinating lists and exhaustive detail, you won't believe the wonders that await. Are you ready? Then read on, you clever boy. And remember.
16,63 € 17,50 €

Adventure Time Fist Bump Cavalcade

Collected together for the first time ever, these are the UK-exclusive comic strip escapades of Finn and Jake, featuring all your favourite characters in a series of ridiculous and extremely silly adventures that see our plucky heroes battle giant candy-eating hedgehogs, The Magic Man, Rock Wizards, Egg Pixies and one extremely angry squirrel.Also contains the hilarious Consequences-style illustrated cliffhanger series - Finn & Jake's Never-Ending, Death-Defying Quest.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Doctor Who The Ninth Doctor Vol.1

Travelling with his beloved companion, Rose Tyler, the Doctor discovers a cache of weapons left behind after the Time War that destroyed his people. To his horror he finds they are being bought and sold on the black market! Worse, a new and mysterious force are policing time, making use of the power vacuum left by the Time Lords' disappearance to shape history to their own ends!
19,48 € 20,50 €

Star Wars - Dooku - Az elveszett Jedi

Darth Tyranus. Serenno grófja. A szeparatisták vezetője. Vörös pengéjű fénykardot forgató, félelmetes harcos. De ki volt ő, mielőtt egy Sith nagyúr jobbkezévé vált? Dooku főnemesi családba született, a Serenno bolygó egyik hatalmas kőfalakkal körülvett várában látta meg a napvilágot. Ám otthonából hamarosan kiszakították, miután felismerték titokzatos képességeit, és az ifjú a Jedi Templomba került, ahol maga a legendás Yoda mester vezette őt végig az Erő útjain. A tanulás évei alatt Dookut egyre jobban lenyűgözi Lene Kostana Jedi mester munkája, aki felkutatja és tanulmányozza a Sithek régi ereklyéit, hogy a Rend felkészülhessen a Jedik ősi, halálos ellenségeinek visszatérésére. Dooku őrlődik. Vonzza őt a Jedik világa, felelősséget érez egykori otthona iránt, ugyanakkor erősen csábítják az ereklyék is. Keményen küzd önmagával, de vajon sikerül hűnek maradnia elveihez, miközben a galaxisra egyre jobban ráborul a sötétség?
14,07 € 14,81 €

Doctor Who: Wit, Wisdom and Timey Wimey Stuff

"All of time and space. All things that ever happened or ever will. Where do you want to start?" From a junkyard in Totter's Lane to the fields of Trenzalore, the last of the Time Lords has navigated the past, present and future using knowledge gathered from centuries of adventures in space and time. Now the authors of the bestselling Who-Ology have collected the best of that timey-wimey knowledge into one place. Covering themes of home and work, travel and technology, the history of the Earth and the fate of the future - you'll find a Doctor-y bon mot for every occasion here. Collecting half a century of quips and quotes, and beautifully illustrated throughout, Wit, Wisdom and Timey-Wimey Stuff is your indispensable guide to life, love, mirth and monsters.
14,73 € 15,50 €

Attack of the Necron 1

Book 1 in the brand new illustrated children's science fiction series, Warhammer Adventures, Warped Galaxies. "A fantastic science fiction adventure" - David Tennant Brave champions and the forces of the Imperium battle alien beasts and mechanical tyrants across the gulf of space. On the hive world of Targian, Zelia Lor helps her mother search for ancient tech, digging up treasures of the past on the wind-blown plains. They are happy. They are safe. All that changes when the Necrons attack. Without warning, a host of robotic ships appear in the skies above Targian and rip the planet apart. Separated from her mother, Zelia must escape the doomed world, her only hope a scrambled transmission promising safety at a mysterious place known only as the Emperor's Seat. Launched in an escape pod, she crashes on an icy wasteland far, far from home. But Zelia is not alone. She is joined by a rag-tag group of survivors - the street-tough juve Talen, gadget-obsessed Martian boy Mekki and super-intelligent alien-ape, Fleapit.
9,98 € 10,50 €

Dooku: Jedi Lost

Delve into the history of the sinister Count Dooku in the original script to the thrilling Star Wars audio production! Darth Tyranus. Count of Serenno. Leader of the Separatists. A red saber, unsheathed in the dark. But who was he before he became the right hand of the Sith? As Dooku courts a new apprentice, the hidden truth of the Sith Lord's past begins to come to light. Dooku's life began as one of privilege - born within the stony walls of his family's estate, orbited by the Funeral Moon where the bones of his ancestors lie interred. But soon, his Jedi abilities are recognized, and he is taken from his home to be trained in the ways of the Force by the legendary Master Yoda. As he hones his power, Dooku rises through the ranks, befriending fellow Jedi Sifo-Dyas and taking a Padawan of his own, the promising Qui-Gon Jinn - and tries to forget the life that he once led. But he finds himself drawn by a strange fascination with the Jedi Master Lene Kostana, and the mission she undertakes for the Order: finding and studying ancient relics of the Sith, in preparation for the eventual return of the deadliest enemies the Jedi have ever faced. Caught between the world of the Jedi, the ancient responsibilities of his lost home, and the alluring power of the relics, Dooku struggles to stay in the light - even as the darkness begins to fall.
23,70 € 24,95 €

Dooku: Jedi Lost

Delve into the history of the sinister Count Dooku in the original script to the thrilling Star Wars audio production! Darth Tyranus. Count of Serenno. Leader of the Separatists. A red saber, unsheathed in the dark. But who was he before he became the right hand of the Sith? As Dooku courts a new apprentice, the hidden truth of the Sith Lord's past begins to come to light. Dooku's life began as one of privilege - born within the stony walls of his family's estate, orbited by the Funeral Moon where the bones of his ancestors lie interred. But soon, his Jedi abilities are recognized, and he is taken from his home to be trained in the ways of the Force by the legendary Master Yoda. As he hones his power, Dooku rises through the ranks, befriending fellow Jedi Sifo-Dyas and taking a Padawan of his own, the promising Qui-Gon Jinn - and tries to forget the life that he once led. But he finds himself drawn by a strange fascination with the Jedi Master Lene Kostana, and the mission she undertakes for the Order: finding and studying ancient relics of the Sith, in preparation for the eventual return of the deadliest enemies the Jedi have ever faced. Caught between the world of the Jedi, the ancient responsibilities of his lost home, and the alluring power of the relics, Dooku struggles to stay in the light - even as the darkness begins to fall.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Claws of the Genestealer 2

Book 2 in the hugely popular illustrated children's science fiction series, Warhammer Adventures, Warped Galaxies. Kids - get ready for some monsters! "I read this book with my friends and we all loved it" - Alice (age 9) Brave champions and the forces of the Imperium battle alien beasts and mechanical tyrants across the gulf of space. Having crash landed on a remote ice planet, Zelia Lor and her friends Talen, Mekki and the super-intelligent alien-ape Fleapit must do whatever they can to survive. A distress beacon offers some hope of rescue, but what else lurks in the ice and snow, watching them with hungry eyes.
9,98 € 10,50 €

Star Wars: The Rising Storm

The adventures of the Jedi of the High Republic era continue in this Star Wars novel.
16,10 € 16,95 €

Star Wars The High Republic 1

A new era of Star Wars storytelling begins! Journey back to the High Republic -- the golden age of the Jedi! Centuries before the Empire and the Skywalker saga, the Jedi are at their height, protecting the galaxy as Republic pioneers push out into new territories. But as the frontier prepares for the dedication of the majestic Starlight Beacon, Padawan Keeve Trennis faces the ultimate choice -- will she complete her Jedi trials, or rescue the innocent from disaster? And can she trust her closest ally? Enter a rich and vast world of new Jedi! New worlds! New ships! And new evils to fight -- including the terrifying Nihil! COLLECTING: Star Wars: The High Republic (2021) 1-6
15,15 € 15,95 €