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Katie Scott


Príbeh života - Evolúcia

Nádherne ilustrovaná výnimočná kniha, ktorá názorne ukazuje vývoj života na Zemi – od najjednoduchších organizmov až po človeka. Namiesto jednotlivých strán obsahuje dvojmetrové leporelo s časovou osou, na ktorej sú jedinečnými kresbami zobrazení najvýznamnejší predstavitelia rôznych štádií evolúcie rastlinnej a živočíšnej ríše. Druhá strana skladačky obsahuje podrobnejší opis jednotlivých období, rastlín a živočíchov.
Na sklade 1Ks
14,24 € 14,99 €


Zem je zatiaľ jediná planéta, o ktorej vieme, že je na nej život. O túto planétu sa delíme s približne 2 miliónmi ďalších živočíšnych druhov - a to sú len tie, ktoré sú známe a pomenované. Áno, my ľudia patríme tiež k živočíšnym druhom, podobne ako mucha, medúza alebo žirafa. Rozmanitosť živočíchov na Zemi je úžasná. Väčšinu tvorí hmyz - drobný veľkosťou a vyzerajúci tak, že by sme ho nevymysleli, aj keby sme chceli. Možno sa nám zdá zvláštny, ale aj on hrá úlohu v tom, aby Zem bola vhodná pre život. Rozmanitosť života nám umožňuje prežiť - bez nej by nebolo potravy, ktorú jeme, ani vzduchu, ktorý dýchame. Kniha Animálium zobrazuje skutočné zvieratá, ktoré žili alebo žijú na Zemi, a dozviete sa, ako sa vyvíjali, pričom u niektorých dokonca nazriete do ich tela či objavíte rozmanité biotopy, v ktorých žijú. Vstúpte do Animália a preskúmajte ríšu zvierat v celej jej nádhere!
Na sklade 3Ks
17,66 € 18,99 €


Rastliny sú všade. Rastú na takmer každom povrchu Zeme, od najvyšších končiarov po najnižšie údolia, od najstudenšieho a najsuchšieho prostredia po tie najhorúcejšie a najvlhšie miesta našej planéty. Najmenšie rastliny sú drobučké, jednobunkové mikroskopické organizmy. Sú také malé, že na vytvorenie tvaru vo veľkosti zrnka piesku by ich bolo treba asi sto. Najväčšie sú obrovské 80-metrové stromy, čo je výška 20-poschodovej budovy. Nikto naisto nevie, koľko druhov rastlín existuje. Vedci ich doteraz narátali okolo 425 000, ale každý deň objavujú ďalšie. Bez rastlín by nebolo ľudí. Rastliny vytvárajú a regulujú vzduch, ktorý dýchame. Poskytujú nám stravu, lieky, materiál na výrobu šiat aj na stavbu domov. Ako to všetko robia? A ako k tomu došlo? Ako na Zemi vznikla rozmanitosť a pestrosť rastlinného života, ktorú dnes vidíme všade okolo nás? Vydajte sa na potulky naším múzeom so 160 exponátmi a mimoriadne pútavým výkladom a všetko sa dozviete.
Na sklade 3Ks
18,04 € 18,99 €


Not suitable for children under 7 years of age Welcome to the museum! There are more than 160 animal specimens to be discovered in Animalium, the first in a series of virtual museums. Wander the galleries - open 365 days a year - and discover a collection of curated exhibits on every page, accompanied by informative text. Each chapter features a different branch of the tree of life, from the simple sponge to the enormous elephant.
26,13 € 27,50 €


The 2016 offering from Big Picture Press's Welcome to the Museum series, Botanicum is a stunningly curated guide to plant life. With artwork from Katie Scott of Animalium fame, Botanicum gives readers the experience of a fascinating exhibition from the pages of a beautiful book. From perennials to bulbs to tropical exotica, Botanicum is a wonderful feast of botanical knowledge complete with superb cross sections of how plants work.
26,13 € 27,50 €

Story of Life: Evolution

Story of Life: Evolution will be a graphic, fold out guide to evolution. The book will start with the first single-cell organisms and end with modern life forms. Packaged in the same format as Big Picture Press's Design Line series, Evolution: Story of Life is a strong non-fiction offering for the Big Picture Press list that will complement Animalium and is a valuable edition to the 'Welcome to the Museum' series. Read it as a book or fold it all the way out, this is the sort of package that makes Big Picture Press one of the most stylish children's non-fiction imprints.
15,15 € 15,95 €

Animalium Activity Book

Following the best-selling Animalium, Katie Scott returns with a companion activity book. Bursting with fascinating facts and puzzles, this book offers hours of entertainment to artists and animal lovers. Beautiful and inspiring, the myriad activities in this book challenge the reader to discover something new and use their imagination to draw, decorate and design on every pull-out page.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Animalium Postcards

This collection of 50 postcards features Katie Scott's incredible illustrations of the animal kingdom. From the tiniest insect to the mighty lion, these beautiful images are perfect for sending to your friends or pinning on your wall.
14,50 €

Botanicum Activity Book

Following the incredible Botanicum, Katie Scott returns with a companion activity book. Bursting with fascinating facts and puzzles, this book offers hours of entertainment to artists and nature lovers. Beautiful and inspiring, the myriad activities in this book challenge the reader to discover something new and use their imagination to draw, decorate and design on every pull-out page.
11,35 € 11,95 €

Botanicum Postcards

This collection of 50 vibrant postcards features Katie Scott's incredible illustrations of all things botanical. From the tiniest algae to the world's biggest flower, these beautiful images are perfect for sending to friends, or pinning on your wall.
14,95 €

Animalium Mini Gift Edition

This elegant mini edition of the bestselling Animalium is the perfect gift for animal-lovers or anyone who appreciates beautiful books. Wander the galleries - open 365 days a year - and discover a collection of curated exhibits on every page, accompanied by informative text. Each chapter features a different branch of the tree of life, from the simple sponge to the enormous elephant. Welcome to the museum
12,30 € 12,95 €


Welcome to the museum! There are more than 160 animal specimens to be discovered in Animalium, the first in a series of virtual museums. Wander the galleries - open 365 days a year - and discover a collection of curated exhibits on every page, accompanied by informative text. Each chapter features a different branch of the tree of life, from the simple sponge to the enormous elephant.
26,13 € 27,50 €

The Extraordinary Life of Anne Frank

Her words have become some of the most important in modern history: discover the incredible life story of Anne Frank, whose bravery has inspired so many. Her incredible story comes to life in this beautifully illustrated book, with narrative biography, timelines, facts and quotes.
9,03 € 9,50 €

Botanicum (Mini Gift Edition)

This elegant mini edition of Botanicum is the perfect gift for nature-lovers or anyone who appreciates beautiful books. Wander the galleries - open 365 days a year - and discover a collection of curated exhibits on every page, accompanied by informative text. Each chapter features a different branch of the tree of life. Welcome to the museum!
10,93 € 11,50 €

Animalium Poster Book

This beautiful large-format poster book lets you decorate your walls with the gorgeous images from Big Picture Press's bestselling Animalium. This is a stunning celebration of the world from immense mountains to tiny insects.
15,68 € 16,50 €