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Byron Sharp


Jak se budují značky

Co obchodníci nevědí Tato kniha přináší odpovědi na klíčové otázky, které pracovníci marketingu řeší každý den. Otázky typu: jak podpořit růst a stabilitu značky, jak funguje reklama, jakou částku je potřeba vložit do propagace, vyplatí se věrnostní programy, jsou zákazníci loajální Kniha přináší výsledky desítky let trvajících výzkumů srozumitelnou formou pro všechny obchodníky. Je to první kniha svého druhu, která prezentuje zákonitosti obchodu a propagace. Nejvýraznějším kladem této knihy je, že pravidla a zákonitosti v ní fungují v různé době i v různých částech světa.
17,81 € 18,75 €

How Brands Grow : What Marketers Dont Know

This book provides evidence-based answers to the key questions asked by marketers every day. Tackling issues such as how brands grow, how advertising really works, what price promotions really do and how loyalty programs really affect loyalty, How Brands Grow presents decades of research in a style that is written for marketing professionals to grow their brands. It is the first book to present these laws in context and to explore their meaning and application. The most distinctive element to this book is that the laws presented are tried and tested; they have been found to hold over varied conditions, time and countries. This is contra to most marketing texts and indeed, much information provides evidence that much modern marketing theory is far from soundly based.
34,15 € 35,95 €

Marketing : Theory, Evidence, Practice

Marketing: Theory, Evidence, Practice tells the story of marketing, its theories, concepts and real life applications, while providing a realistic overview of the marketing world. It demonstrates the practical application of marketing skills, illustrated by case studies and practitioner profiles, and gives students industry insight that will support them in their careers. Providing an evidence-based introduction to marketing, this Australasian text focuses on marketing metrics, consumer behaviour and business buyer behaviour, as well as exploring the application of B2B marketing. It challenges traditional marketing theories and concepts, presenting a research-driven framework for understanding the marketing process. This text is a comprehensive guide, with a full suite of lecturer resources, and provides the support and materials that you need to help create tomorrow's marketing professionals
102,60 € 114,00 €