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Ali Smithová


Hotel Svět

Britská autorka Ali Smithová se českému čtenáři představila poprvé v roce 2005 výborem Jiné povídky a jiné povídky. V próze Hotel svět přivádí svůj osobitý styl poutající nápaditostí, poetičností, vtipem i hloubkou k ještě vybroušenější dokonalosti. Pětice hlasů po řadě vypráví v pěti časových rovinách o jednom skončeném životě. Každý promlouvá jakoby jiným jazykem, jinak zachycuje život žitý a skončený v hotelu, zmenšeném odrazu světa, poodkrývá jiné střípky skládající se do obrazu, kterému úplnou podobu dává až hlas šestý, jímž je čtenářovo vnímání. Vyprávění se čte jedním dechem jako napínavá báseň v próze, lehce plynoucí a přitom pronikající hluboko, ponechávající dostatečný prostor čtenáři, jeho pohledu a duši.
U dodávateľa
10,35 € 10,89 €

Ali Smith´s supersonic 70´s

Ali Smith's Supersonic 70s collects together some of Ali Smith's best writing of the last ten years and also includes a brand new story.Upozornenie: Vzhľadom na častejšie obmeny vydaní tejto knihy v zahraničí, kus, ktorý vám zašleme, nemusí mať rovna kú obálku ako je zobrazená tu. Zobrazená obálka môže byť iba ilustračná. Obsah knihy aj cena budú však identické, bez ohľadu na obálku.
2,39 € 2,52 €

First Person and other storie

Distinguished by Smith's trademark ability to unearth flashes of truth and depth in the everyday, The First Person and Other Stories sparkles with warmth and humanity. In one story, a middle-aged woman conducts a poignant conversation with her fourteen-year-old self. In another, an innocent supermarket shopper finds in her trolley a foul-mouthed, insulting, yet beautiful child. And in a third story that challenges the boundaries between fiction and reality, the narrator, 'Ali', drinks tea, phones a friend, and muses on the surprising similarities between a short story and a nymph... Fans of Ali Smith will be delighted, amused and moved by these stories from a writer at the very top of her game.
8,50 € 8,95 €

There but for the

When a dinner-party guest named Miles locks himself in an upstairs room and refuses to come out, he sets off a media frenzy. He also sets in motion a mesmerizing puzzle of a novel, one that harnesses acrobatic verbal playfulness to a truly affecting story. Miles communicates only by cryptic notes slipped under the door. We see him through the eyes of four people who barely know him, ranging from a precocious child to a confused elderly woman. But while the characters' wit and wordplay soar, their story remains profoundly grounded. As it probes our paradoxical need for both separation and true connection, "There but for the" balances cleverness with compassion, the surreal with the deeply, movingly real, in a way that only Ali Smith can.
9,49 € 9,99 €

Tam někde za duhou

Během večeře v rodinném domě v Greenwichi odejde jeden z hostů nahoru do hostinského pokoje, zamkne se tam a odmítá vyjít ven. Majitelé nechtějí volat policii a snaží se ho dostat ven s pomocí jeho přátel a známých. Prostřednictvím jejich vzpomínek poznáváme osobnost tohoto zvláštního člověka. Dozvídáme se však něco i o těchto přátelích a známých a skrz ně si uvědomujeme i mnohé o stavu současného světa a o postavení člověka v něm. To se autorce daří v neposlední řadě i zásluhou její mimořádné vnímavosti k jazyku, k těm nejjemnějším odstínům řeči a k významovým posunům slov. Díky tomu dokáže tato kniha přemýšlet o vážných věcech se satirickým ostnem a překvapivou pointou a také s vtipem a s humorem.
12,34 € 12,99 €


Artful presents, in book form, four lectures given by Ali Smith at Oxford University. Refusing to be tied down to either fiction or the essay form, Artful is narrated by a character who is haunted - literally - by a former lover, the writer of a series of lectures about art and literature. Full of both the poignancy and humour of fiction and all the sideways insights and jaunty angles you would expect from Ali Smith's criticism, it explores form, style, life, love, death, mortality, immortality and what art and writing can mean. Part fiction, part essay, Artful is a revelation of what writing can do and a reaffirmation of Ali Smith's unmatched literary powers.
11,88 € 12,50 €

How to be both

How to be both is the dazzling new novel by Ali Smith. Winner of the GoldSmiths Prize 2014 Shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize 2014 Winner of the 2014 Costa Novel Award Winner of the Saltire Society Literary Book of the Year Award 2014 Nominated for the Folio Prize 2015. Passionate, compassionate, vitally inventive and scrupulously playful, Ali Smith's novels are like nothing else. How to be both is a novel all about art's versatility. Borrowing from painting's fresco technique to make an original literary double-take, it's a fast-moving genre-bending conversation between forms, times, truths and fictions. There's a renaissance artist of the 1460s. There's the child of a child of the 1960s. Two tales of love and injustice twist into a singular yarn where time gets timeless, structural gets playful, knowing gets mysterious, fictional gets real - and all life's givens get given a second chance. "Smith can make anything happen, which is why she is one of our most exciting writers today." (Daily Telegraph). "She's a genius, genuinely modern in the heroic, glorious sense." (Alain de Botton). "I take my hat off to Ali Smith. Her writing lifts the soul." (Evening Standard). Ali Smith was born in Inverness in 1962 and lives in Cambridge. She is the author of Artful, There but for the, Free Love, Like, Hotel World, Other Stories and Other Stories, The Whole Story and Other Stories, The Accidental, Girl Meets Boy and The First Person and Other Stories.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Public Library and Other Stories

This is a richly inventive new collection of stories from Ali Smith, author of How to be both, winner of the Baileys Women's Prize and the Costa Novel Award and short-listed for the Man Booker Prize. Why are books so very powerful? What do the books we've read over our lives - our own personal libraries - make of us? What does the unravelling of our tradition of public libraries, so hard-won but now in jeopardy, say about us? The stories in Ali Smith's new collection are about what we do with books and what they do with us: how they travel with us; how they shock us, change us, challenge us, banish time while making us older, wiser and ageless all at once; how they remind us to pay attention to the world we make. Public libraries are places of joy, freedom, community and discovery - and right now they are under threat from funding cuts and widespread closures across the UK and further afield. With this brilliantly inventive collection, Ali Smith joins the campaign to save our public libraries and celebrate their true place in our culture and history.
19,90 € 20,95 €


"Mi lenne, ha... ha őt magát is eltemetnénk? Élve, persze (...) Ez így mégsem egészen olyan, mintha megölném, ugye?" A Meséld újra-sorozat következő részében Antigoné történetét Ali Smith meséli újra.
10,15 € 10,68 €