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Leonard Susskind


Válka o černé díry

Příběh této knihy začal už v roce 1981, během odborné debaty o tom, co se stane s informacemi uloženými uvnitř černé díry, když se černá díra vypaří. Zatímco Stephen Hawking tvrdil, že informace pohlcené černou dírou jsou navždy ztraceny, Leonard Sus skind byl opačného názoru, protože takový zánik informace by odporoval základním fyzikálním zákonům, a ve své knize přináší důkazy, že Hawking se mýlil. V této debatě stojí proti sobě dva vědecké přístupy: jeden zdůrazňuje relativitu, druhý se více o pírá o principy kvantové mechaniky. Tento spor, který se samozřejmě neomezil jen na Susskinda s Hawkingem, vedl k rozpracování tzv. holografického principu, podle kterého by byl celý vesmír jen dvourozměrnou informační strukturou uloženou na kosmolog ickém horizontu. A právě holografický princip a další aspekty teorie strun jsou jádrem Susskindova výkladu. Tyto pojmy sice vypadají komplikovaně, a sám autor připouští, že náležitým nástrojem pro porozumění kvantovému vesmíru je vysoká abstraktní m atematika, která se studuje řadu let. Ale hned dodává: Zkusme to schválně zvládnout na několika stránkách.
22,24 € 23,41 €

Quantum Mechanics: The Theoretical Minimum

In The Theoretical Minimum, world-class physicist Leonard Susskind provided a brilliant first course in classical mechanics, offering readers not an oversimplified introduction but the real thing - everything you need to start doing physics, and nothing more. Now he returns with the next challenge that every aspiring physics buff must tackle: quantum mechanics. Unlike most popular physics books, Susskind and his co-author Art Friedman teach the maths and equations that are essential to any real understanding of quantum mechanics. Combining crystal-clear explanations, witty and helpful dialogues, and basic exercises, Quantum Mechanics is, to paraphrase Einstein, as simple as possible, but no simpler.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Az elméleti minimum II.

Leonard Susskind Elméleti Minimum sorozata a Stanford egyetemen tartott kurzusok alapján "vékony kötetekre" tagoltan bemutat mindent, "ami fontos" a modern fizikából. A New York Times bestseller-listáját is meghódító klasszikus fizikát tárgyaló első kötet elméleti minimumát a kvantummechanika tárgyalása követi. A szubatomi részecskék különös világát bemutató kötet eleven és olvasmányos bevezetés ebbe a híresen bonyolult tudományterületbe. A legtöbb ismeretterjesztő művel ellentében Susskindék könyve nem rejti véka alá a kvantummechanika logikájának eredendő abszurditásait és a hétköznapi szemléletünk számára való idegenségét. A szerzők kristálytiszta magyarázatokkal állnak elő az olyan jelenségekről és fogalmakról, mint például a kvantumállapotok alapelvei, a határozatlansági tényező és az időfüggőség, valamint a részecske- és hullámtermészet különbségei. A fejezetek feladatokat is tartalmaznak, melyekkel még alaposabban begyakorolhatjuk az adott témakört.
15,27 € 16,07 €

Special Relativity and Classical Field Theory

The third volume in Leonard Susskind's one-of-a-kind physics series cracks open Einstein's special relativity and field theory In the first two books in his wildly popular The Theoretical Minimum series, world-class physicist Leonard Susskind provided a brilliant first course in classical and quantum mechanics, offering readers not an oversimplified introduction, but the real thing - everything you need to start doing physics, and nothing more. Now, thankfully, Susskind and his former student Art Friedman are back, this time to introduce readers to special relativity and classical field theory. At last, waves, forces and particles will be demystified. Using their typical brand of relatively simple maths, enlightening sketches and the same fictional counterparts, Art and Lenny, Special Relativity and Classical Field Theory takes us on an enlightening journey through a world now governed by the laws of special relativity. Starting in their new watering hole, Hermann's Hideaway, with a lesson on relativity, Art and Lenny walk us through the complexities of Einstein's famous theory. Combining rigor with humour, Susskind and Friedman guarantee that Special Relativity and Classical Field Theory will become part of the reader's physics toolbox.
29,93 € 31,50 €

Special Relativity and Classical Field Theory

The third volume in Leonard Susskind's one-of-a-kind physics series cracks open Einstein's special relativity and field theory In the first two books in his wildly popular The Theoretical Minimum series, world-class physicist Leonard Susskind provided a brilliant first course in classical and quantum mechanics, offering readers not an oversimplified introduction, but the real thing - everything you need to start doing physics, and nothing more. Now, thankfully, Susskind and his former student Art Friedman are back, this time to introduce readers to special relativity and classical field theory. At last, waves, forces and particles will be demystified. Using their typical brand of relatively simple maths, enlightening sketches and the same fictional counterparts, Art and Lenny, Special Relativity and Classical Field Theory takes us on an enlightening journey through a world now governed by the laws of special relativity. Starting in their new watering hole, Hermann's Hideaway, with a lesson on relativity, Art and Lenny walk us through the complexities of Einstein's famous theory. Combining rigor with humour, Susskind and Friedman guarantee that Special Relativity and Classical Field Theory will become part of the reader's physics toolbox.
13,78 € 14,50 €

General Relativity

He taught us classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, and special relativity. Now, physicist Leonard Susskind, assisted by a new collaborator, Andre Cabannes, returns to tackle Einstein's general theory of relativity. Starting from the equivalence principle and covering the necessary mathematics of Riemannian spaces and tensor calculus, Susskind and Cabannes explain the link between gravity and geometry.They delve into black holes, establish Einstein field equations, and solve them to describe gravity waves. The authors provide vivid explanations that, to borrow a phrase from Einstein himself, are as simple as possible (but no simpler). An approachable yet rigorous introduction to one of the most important topics in physics, General Relativity is a must-read for anyone who wants a deeper knowledge of the universe's real structure.
30,88 € 32,50 €

General Relativity

The latest volume in The New York Times bestselling physics series explains Einstein's masterpiece: the general theory of relativity He taught us classical mechanics, quantum mechanics and special relativity. Now, physicist Leonard Susskind, assisted by a new collaborator, André Cabannes, returns to tackle Einstein's general theory of relativity. Starting from the equivalence principle and covering the necessary mathematics of Riemannian spaces and tensor calculus, Susskind and Cabannes explain the link between gravity and geometry. They delve into black holes, establish Einstein field equations and solve them to describe gravity waves. The authors provide vivid explanations that, to borrow a phrase from Einstein himself, are as simple as possible (but no simpler). An approachable yet rigorous introduction to one of the most important topics in physics, General Relativity is a must-read for anyone who wants a deeper knowledge of the universe's real structure.
13,46 € 14,95 €