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Tomislav Tomic


Bajky barda Beedleho

Sbírka pěti kouzelnických pohádek spjatých se slavnou sérií příběhů čarodějnického učně Harryho Pottera. Který správný kouzelník by je neznal? Prastaré pohádky, které pro kouzelnou společnost sesbíral a uspořádal bard Beedle. Pohádky, které jsou každému kouzelnickému dítěti čteny na dobrou noc. Pohádky, které Hermioně odkázal Albus Brumbál. A také pohádky, které si Harry Potter málem přečetl příliš pozdě – právě v nich totiž objevil důležitou informaci, která mu nakonec zachránila život v boji tváří v tvář nejstrašnějšímu černokněžníkovi všech dob – lordu Voldemortovi.
Na sklade 2Ks
9,49 € 9,99 €

Famfrpál v průběhu věků

Pro všechny, kdo mají rádi Harryho a fandí mu v jeho famfrpálových kláních za Nebelvír! Nové vydání příručky získané přímo z bradavické knihovny při Škole čar a kouzel vás seznámí s vývojem létajících košťat, poučíte se, jaké hry se s košťaty hrály ve starověku, jak se objevila Zlatonka, jakými proměnami prošel famfrpál od 14. století a jak vypadá dnes, seznámíte se s významnými famfrpálovými týmy ve Velké Británii a v Irsku. Uvádí ji předmluva ředitele bradavické školy Albuse Brumbála a najdete v ní i reprodukci výpůjčního lístku z bradavické knihovny. Autorem této příručky je expert na slovo vzatý, kromě ní napsal např. knížky Lítá jako šílenec, Potlouky v akci či Studie o strategii obrany při famfrpálu. Jeho příručku vysoce oceňuje jak Albus Brumbál, tak Batylda Bagshotová (autorka Dějin čar a kouzel), ale i Zlatoslav Lockhart a další významné osobnosti kouzelnického světa.
Na sklade 1Ks
9,49 € 9,99 €

Walk Through Paris Pictura

Pictura is a stunning range of black-and-white artworks to collect and colour, for ages 9 to 90. In this title from the urban strand, Tomislav Tomic takes us on a journey through glamorous Paris in the early 1900s. There are eight iconic buildings/places to be coloured in: Sacre Coeur, Arc de Triomphe, Champs Elysees, Grand Palais, the Louvre, the Seine, Notre Dame and, of course, the Eiffel Tower.
10,44 € 10,99 €

A Game of Thrones Coloring Book

An adult colouring book inspired by the characters and settings of George R R Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire novels is set for publication in the US this autumn.
13,78 € 14,50 €

The Polar Bear Explorers' Club

It sounded like a respectable and worthy enough death for an explorer - tumbling from an ice bridge to be impaled upon a mammoth tusk - but Stella really, really didn't want that to happen, just the same.Join Stella Starflake Pearl and her three fellow explorers as they trek across the snowy Icelands and come face-to-face with frost fairies, snow queens, outlaw hideouts, unicorns, pygmy dinosaurs and carnivorous cabbages . . . When Stella and three other junior explorers get separated from their expedition can they cross the frozen wilderness and live to tell the tale?
9,45 € 9,95 €

Explorers on Witch Mountain

Stella Starflake Pearl is eagerly anticipating her next expedition. Suddenly disaster strikes when Stella's father, Felix, is snatched by a fearsome witch. Stella must bring her magic ice princess tiara to Witch Mountain or she will never see Felix again! But no one ever returns from Witch Mountain . . . Stella, Ethan, Shay, Beanie and reluctant Jungle Cat explorer, Gideon, set off into the unknown. They will face chomping pumpkin patches, vampire trolls, poisonous rabbits, outraged vultures and deranged broomsticks in their quest to rescue Felix.
9,98 € 10,50 €

Explorers on Black Ice Bridge

In the third magical Stella Starflake adventure the explorers meet gargoyles, sea-gremlins, mermaids, red devil squids - even a Gentleman Flamingo! Ice princess Stella Starflake and her father Felix are in trouble: President Fogg has expelled them from the Polar Bear Explorers' Club, and banned them from going on any further expeditions. Stella's not going to be put off by rules and regulations though. She knows her friend Shay is in danger of turning into a witch wolf himself, since receiving a deadly bite on their last adventure. It's vital that Stella and her friends set out to find the spellbook that could save his life, even if it means travelling over the cursed Black Ice Bridge. It's a formidable and dangerous task, and their journey takes them on a breathtaking, page-turning adventure!
9,98 € 10,50 €

Impossible Creatures

There's a place where all the wildest stories began . From Katherine Rundell, winner of the Costa Children's Book Award, the Blue Peter Book Award and the Waterstones Children's Book Prize comes the first novel in a landmark trilogy for 9+ fans of His Dark Materials It was a very fine day, until something tried to eat him. A boy called Christopher is visiting his reclusive grandfather when he witnesses an avalanche of mythical creatures come tearing down the hill. This is how Christopher learns that his grandfather is the guardian of one of the ways between the non-magical world and a place called the Archipelago, a cluster of magical islands where all the creatures we tell of in myth live and breed and thrive alongside humans. They have been protected from being discovered for thousands of years; now, terrifyingly, the protection has worn thin, and creatures are breaking through. Then a girl, Mal, appears in Christopher's world. She is in possession of a flying coat, is being pursued by a killer and is herself in pursuit of a baby griffin. Mal, Christopher and the griffin embark on an urgent quest across the wild splendour of the Archipelago, where sphinxes hold secrets and centaurs do murder, to find the truth - with unimaginable consequences for both their worlds. Together the two must face the problem of power, and of knowledge, and of what love demands of us.
18,95 € 19,95 €