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Tim Winton


Dirt Music

18,89 € 19,88 €

Ovčácká chajda

Příběh Jaxieho Clacktona, brutálního venkovského mladíka, která prchá z místa násilné smrti svého otce do divočiny západní Austrálie. Má s sebou jen pušku a džbán na vodu. Chce jen mír a svobodu. Život v drsné solné poušti je ale tvrdý. Když zjistí, že tam není sám, všechny jeho plány se zvrhnou. Potkává zničeného kněze Fintana MacGillise, muže, o kterém si nikdy není jistý, zda mu může věřit, přesto ale bude jeho život na něm záviset. Pastýřova chata je napínavý příběh nepravděpodobného přátelství a touhy, brutální a lyrický. Tim Winton (4. 4. 1960) je nejoblíbenější australský romanopisec. Byl dvakrát nominován na Bookerovu cenu a je vítězem rekordních čtyř literárních cen Milese Franklina za nejlepší australský román. Jeho knihy jsou tvrdé, něžné a nové. Vždy odhaluje surové, instinktivní polohy, které má člověk v sobě
U dodávateľa
15,63 € 16,45 €

Lacná kniha Tep prachu (-70%)

T. Winton, v roce 1995 nominovaný za knihu The Riders (Jezdci) a v roce 2002 právě za Dirt music na prestižní Bookerovu cenu, patří dlouhá léta nejen k nejlepším spisovatelům Austrálie, ale i celé své generace. Tep prachu je teskně melancholický, jazykově vytříbený i dojemný příběh plný elektrizující vášně a milostného vykoupení. Hlavní postava čtyřicetiletá Georgie Jutlandová, závislá na alkoholu, žije s nemilovaným mužem a dvěmi adoptivními dětmi, jejichž skutečnou matku jim však dokáže sotva nahradit uvězněná v sociální izolaci i životní prázdnotě hledá sama sebe až do chvíle, kdy se střetne s nezkrotným pytlákem Lutherem Foxem. V té chvíli se vytváří bizarní spojenectví dvou ztracených duší – toužících se odpoutat od minulosti, potlačujících skrytý žal, dávno vyčpělé sny i pomalu se ztrácející neději – i jejich vzájemná odysea niterné i vnější „cesty“, protkaná mámivou směsí sveřepé poezie, barvitého líčení, vroucích citů i lidsky metafyzických slabostí a tužeb. Wintonova kniha je tak love story a zároveň thriller, oslava lidského ducha i hymnus na nádhernou a nesmiřitelnou krajinu západní Austrálie. – Jako čarovná mantra monotónně se opakující hudba slov, hudba obrazů, hudba přirozenosti povstávající z prachu, australských korálových útesů, oslepujícího trýznivého slunce…
Na sklade 1Ks
3,40 € 11,33 €

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Lacná kniha In the Winter Dark (-70%)

When a man dreams things from the past, you'd think he'd be able to rearrange them in new sequences to please himself. But no. In my dreams, it all happens as it happened, and I see it and be it again and again and the confusion never wears off. People drift to the valley called the Sink out of loneliness, hardship or an affinity with the land. It is an isolated place, with a swamp and an old white bridge and the forest encroaching from all sides. The solitude is tangible. But when a mysterious creature is suddenly on the loose, killing livestock and preying on everyone's deepest fears, four inhabitants find themselves unexpectedly in one another's company with chilling results. 'Tim Winton's raw and vibrant language makes the senses jump ...concentrated, passionate, invigorating writing' Independent on Sunday 'A major work by anyone's standards ...mysterious, painful and beautiful' Washington Post
Na sklade 1Ks
2,76 € 9,20 €

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Tep prachu

T. Winton, v roce 1995 nominovaný za knihu The Riders (Jezdci) a v roce 2002 právě za Dirt music na prestižní Bookerovu cenu, patří dlouhá léta nejen k nejlepším spisovatelům Austrálie, ale i celé své generace. Tep prachu je teskně melancholický, jazykově vytříbený i dojemný příběh plný elektrizující vášně a milostného vykoupení. Hlavní postava čtyřicetiletá Georgie Jutlandová, závislá na alkoholu, žije s nemilovaným mužem a dvěmi adoptivními dětmi, jejichž skutečnou matku jim však dokáže sotva nahradit uvězněná v sociální izolaci i životní prázdnotě hledá sama sebe až do chvíle, kdy se střetne s nezkrotným pytlákem Lutherem Foxem. V té chvíli se vytváří bizarní spojenectví dvou ztracených duší – toužících se odpoutat od minulosti, potlačujících skrytý žal, dávno vyčpělé sny i pomalu se ztrácející neději – i jejich vzájemná odysea niterné i vnější „cesty“, protkaná mámivou směsí sveřepé poezie, barvitého líčení, vroucích citů i lidsky metafyzických slabostí a tužeb. Wintonova kniha je tak love story a zároveň thriller, oslava lidského ducha i hymnus na nádhernou a nesmiřitelnou krajinu západní Austrálie. – Jako čarovná mantra monotónně se opakující hudba slov, hudba obrazů, hudba přirozenosti povstávající z prachu, australských korálových útesů, oslepujícího trýznivého slunce…
10,76 € 11,33 €

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Dirt Music

Tim Winton is widely acclaimed as one of Australia's greatest novelists. Dirt Music, first published in 2001, was an international bestseller. In 2002 it won the Miles Franklin Award and was shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize. Georgie Jutland is a mess. Her days have fallen into social isolation and her nights are a blur of vodka. One morning, in the boozy pre-dawn gloom, she sees a shadow lurking on the beach below, and a dangerous new element enters her life. Luther Fox: local poacher, outcast. So begins an unlikely alliance. In 2012 Picador celebrates its 40th anniversary. During that time we have published many prize-winning and bestselling authors including Bret Easton Ellis and Cormac McCarthy, Alice Sebold and Helen Fielding, Graham Swift and Alan Hollinghurst. Years later, Picador continue to bring readers the very best contemporary fiction, non-fiction and poetry from across the globe.
9,49 € 9,99 €


With an introduction by Philip Hensher Winton's Miles Franklin award-winning masterpiece. Will you look at us by the river! The whole restless mob of us on spread blankets in the dreamy briny sunshine skylarking and chiacking about for one day, one clear, clean, sweet day in a good world in the midst of our living. No. 1 Cloudstreet: a broken-down house on the wrong side of the tracks, a place teeming with memories, with shudders and shadows and spirits. From separate catastrophes, two families - the Pickles and Lambs - flee to the city and find themselves thrown together, forced to start their lives afresh. As they roister and rankle, the place that began as a roof over their heads becomes a home for their hearts. Winner of Australia's prestigious Miles Franklin Award, Cloudstreet is Tim Winton's great family drama, a twenty-year story of life and love, full of boisterous energy, joy and heartbreak. His visceral evocation of the Australian landscape is nowhere more extraordinary than in this classic.
10,93 € 11,50 €


Now a Major Motion Picture, Starring Simon Baker, Elizabeth Debicki, and Richard Roxburgh Breath is a story of risk, of learning one's limits by challenging death. On the wild, lonely coast of Western Australia, two thrill-seeking teenage boys fall under the spell of a veteran big-wave surfer named Sando. Their mentor urges them into a regiment of danger and challenge, and the boys test themselves and each other on storm swells and over shark-haunted reefs. The boys give no thought to what they could lose, or to the demons that drive their mentor on into ever-greater danger. Venturing beyond all caution--in sports, relationships, and sex--each character approaches a point from which none of them will return undamaged.
16,63 € 17,50 €

The Shepherd's Hut

'A page-turning heartbreaker' Emma Donoghue, author of Room For years Jaxie Clackton has dreaded going home. His beloved mum is dead, and he wishes his dad was too, until one terrible moment leaves his life stripped to nothing. No one ever told Jaxie Clackton to be careful what he wishes for. And so Jaxie runs. There's just one person in the world who understands him, but to reach her he'll have to cross the vast saltlands of Western Australia. It is a place that harbours criminals and threatens to kill those who haven't reckoned with its hot, waterless vastness. This is a journey only a dreamer - or a fugitive - would attempt. Fierce and lyrical, The Shepherd's Hut by Tim Winton is a story of survival, solitude and unlikely friendship. Most of all it is about what it takes to keep hope alive in a parched and brutal world.
10,93 € 11,50 €

In the Winter Dark

When a man dreams things from the past, you'd think he'd be able to rearrange them in new sequences to please himself. But no. In my dreams, it all happens as it happened, and I see it and be it again and again and the confusion never wears off. People drift to the valley called the Sink out of loneliness, hardship or an affinity with the land. It is an isolated place, with a swamp and an old white bridge and the forest encroaching from all sides. The solitude is tangible. But when a mysterious creature is suddenly on the loose, killing livestock and preying on everyone's deepest fears, four inhabitants find themselves unexpectedly in one another's company with chilling results. 'Tim Winton's raw and vibrant language makes the senses jump ...concentrated, passionate, invigorating writing' Independent on Sunday 'A major work by anyone's standards ...mysterious, painful and beautiful' Washington Post
8,74 € 9,20 €

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Lands Edge

On childhood holidays to the western coast, Tim Winton's days followed a joyous rhythm. In the mornings, the sun and surf kept him outside, in the water. In the afternoons, as the horizon wobbled with mirages and the wind came in from the ocean, he was driven inside, to books. In the 'simple, peculiar shack' that his family borrowed each year there was a small library: a room with four walls of books, a world unto itself. In this beautifully delicate memoir, Winton writes about his obsession with what happens where the water meets the shore - about diving, dunes, beachcombing - and the sense of being on the precarious, wondrous edge of things that haunts his novels. It is a book about the ebb and flow that became a way of life, and that shaped one of our finest writers. 'Both a serial romantic and a truly gifted novelist' Mariella Frostrup, Mail on Sunday.
10,93 € 11,50 €

Dirt Music

Georgie Jutland is a mess. At forty, with her career in ruins, she finds herself stranded in White Point with a fisherman she doesn't love and two kids whose dead mother she can never replace. Her days have fallen into domestic tedium and social isolation. Her nights are a blur of vodka and pointless loitering in cyberspace. Leached of all confidence, Georgie has lost her way; she barely recognizes herself.One morning, in the boozy pre-dawn gloom, she looks up from the computer screen to see a shadow lurking on the beach below, and a dangerous new element enters her life. Luther Fox, the local poacher. Jinx. Outcast.So begins an unlikely alliance. Set in the wild landscape of Western Australia, this is a novel about the odds of breaking with the past, a love story about people stifled by grief or regret, whose dreams are lost, whose hopes have dried up. It's a journey across landscapes within and without, about the music that sometimes arises from the dust.
8,99 € 9,46 €

Lacná kniha Dirt Music (-70%)

Georgie Jutland is a mess. At forty, with her career in ruins, she finds herself stranded in White Point with a fisherman she doesn't love and two kids whose dead mother she can never replace. Her days have fallen into domestic tedium and social isolation. Her nights are a blur of vodka and pointless loitering in cyberspace. Leached of all confidence, Georgie has lost her way; she barely recognizes herself.One morning, in the boozy pre-dawn gloom, she looks up from the computer screen to see a shadow lurking on the beach below, and a dangerous new element enters her life. Luther Fox, the local poacher. Jinx. Outcast.So begins an unlikely alliance. Set in the wild landscape of Western Australia, this is a novel about the odds of breaking with the past, a love story about people stifled by grief or regret, whose dreams are lost, whose hopes have dried up. It's a journey across landscapes within and without, about the music that sometimes arises from the dust.
2,84 € 9,46 €

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