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Najpredávanejšie - Bestsellery - Knihy - Street art, graffiti strana 1 z 3

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Street Art

V posledných desaťročiach sa výtvarné umenie presunulo z múzeí, zo súkromných zbierok a z galérií do ulíc. Bohato ilustrovaná kniha Street Art sa snaží zachytiť práve tento fenomén - bujnejúcu scénu, ktorej predstavitelia sa vyjadrujú prostredníctvom tagov, grafitov, nálepiek či diel vytvorených pomocou šablón. V úvodnej štúdii predstavuje odborník na grafický dizajn Chris Versteeg zdroje inšpirácie umelcov a hlavné trendy v „pouličných" formách súčasného výtvarného umenia. Na úvodný text nadväzujú rozhovory, v ktorých novinárka Alessandra Mattanza spovedá 20 najvýznamnejších reprezentantov scény, ako sú napríklad Banksy, Becca, Evol, Sephard Fairey či Slinkachu.
Na sklade 4Ks
14,20 € 14,95 €

Světový street art

Street art je fenoménem, který si postupně získává pevné místo mezi moderními uměleckými směry. Není třeba chodit za ním do galerií – je přístupný každému, kdo prochází městy s otevřenýma očima. Vykročte do ulic světových metropolí a seznamte se s nejznámějšími světovými streetartisty, například Banksym, Blek le Ratem, Os G?meos nebo JRem, ale i mnoha dalšími. Ať už se jedná o šablonové obrazy, malbu, plakátování či instalace z nejrůznějších materiálů, reprodukce jednotlivých děl vás přesvědčí, že street art nejsou jen čmáranice na stěně, ale svébytná umělecká díla hodná pozornosti. Garry Hunter je profesionální fotograf a kurátor na volné noze. Žije v Londýně a je zakladatelem uměleckým ředitelem společnosti Fitzrovia Noir, skupiny, která se specializuje na instalace v negalerijním prostředí a urbánních prostorech procházejících výraznými změnami. Jeho vášeň pro street art ho přiměla k cestám po celém světě. Je rovněž členem Královské zeměpisné společnosti.
Na sklade 2Ks
27,07 € 28,49 €

Magdalena Abakanowicz

Magdalena Abakanowicz (*1930) představuje jednu z nejvýraznějších osobností evropského výtvarného umění 20. století. Vedle Louise Bourgeois, Evy Hesse nebo Rachel Whitereadové patří mezi nejvýznamnější světové sochařky 2. poloviny 20. století. Světov é umění obohatila o prvek monumentální bezhlavé figury, která se stala zástupným symbolem pro vyjádření pocitů člověka ve 20. století. Z její bohaté práce vynikají od počátku také rozměrné textilní sochy nazvané "Abakany", které vytvářela v průběhu 6 0. let. Na tato individuální díla navázaly v 70. a 80. letech série humanoidních, textilních skulptur, které zrcadlily problém jednotlivce a jeho identity v davu. Časem Abakanowicz přestoupila od textilních materiálů ke kovu a dále ve své tvorbě refl ektuje problematiku davu a jednotlivce. Svá sousoší umisťuje i do veřejných prostor. Výstava v Muzeu umění Olomouc i malá monografie jsou prvním představením Magdaleny Abakanowicz v České republice. Kniha je česko-anglická, obsahuje seznamy výstav, b iografické a bibliografické údaje.
16,86 € 17,75 €


Banksy je legenda. Banksy je ikona. Banksy je názor. Banksy je životní styl, člověk, umělec a vizionář, který se dostal mimo škatulky konvenčního myšlení i společnosti. Jeho umění bylo možné vidět v ulicích mnohem dříve, než se o nějakém street art vůbec začalo mluvit a stalo se trendy. Jeho obrazy visely v nejprestižnějších muzeích umění světa. Vyzbrojen pouze šablonou způsobil revoluci v samotných základech uměleckého světa. Je jedinou osobou na světě, jejíž umění zná celá planeta, ale nikdo neví, o koho se ve skutečnosti jedná. Jeho obraz se vydražil za neuvěřitelných 29 milionů korun, aby se následně sám skartoval. Kniha o Banksym nikdy nemůže být obyčejnou knihou, stejně jako umělec, o kterém pojednává – je stejně výjimečná jako Banksy sám. Seznamte se s Banksym a s jeho uměním v detailech, které nám tento umělec dovolil poznat.
U dodávateľa
41,74 € 43,94 €

Stickers 2

Stickers are an independent, creative form of expression and an integral part of contemporary street art and visual culture. Favoured amongst street artists, graphic designers, illustrators and typographers, they have become a common phenomenon throughout cities all over the world. Inexpensive and easy to produce, stickers often aid in effective guerrilla advertising campaigns or individuals making their mark on their urban landscape. Stickers 2 presents over 150 international artists who are expressing themselves through this versatile medium. Stickers are created from various materials and techniques by hand, photocopies and posters that are wheat-pasted to walls. Motifs vary from quick sketches and figures to complex designs and artworks that are often perceived as logos and tags, widely repeated and distributed through a practice called sticker bombing. The messages stickers spread are ephemeral, subversive and humorous and the simple and quick means of production lends to their flexible and spontaneous nature. Stickers 2 is a collection of over 700 stunning examples of contemporary sticker designs from around the world, spanning cities and rural areas across the USA, Brazil, Australia, Singapore and Europe. Essays and contributions by artists and connoisseurs of the scene provide further insight into the background of this underground phenomenon. The authors of this book are the founders of the International Sticker Awards.
44,60 € 46,95 €

Wall and Piece - A fal adja a másikat

Banksy túlzás nélkül korszakos jelentőségű alkotó: ő az, aki a graffitit végérvényesen a képzőművészeti kánon részévé tette. Szatirikus, politikai-társadalmi indíttatású művei többnyire a helyzetkomikumra és a meghökkentésre építenek. De nem állnak meg itt: a hagyományos jelentések kifordításával üdítően új perspektívákat teremtenek. Semmi kétség: Banksy, a láthatatlan ember napjaink egyik legeredetibb, legizgalmasabb művésze. Gulyás Gábor, a Műcsarnok igazgatója
16,44 € 17,31 €

Street Art

Street Art is a phenomenon and subcultural movement that reaches from the darkest urban backstreets to the most glamorous international art fairs. Simon Armstrong examines how it evolved from its origins in the 1970s New York graffiti scene to embrace many new materials, styles and techniques along the way, tracing how this marginal art form graduated into art galleries and the art market, while also heavily influencing design, fashion, advertising and visual culture. Despite having earned a place in the canon of 20th-century art history, Street Art's qualifications are often disputed both by the art establishment and practitioners themselves, all concerned with notions of authenticity. Examining Street Art's controversial history in detail, this book provides a full-colour worldwide journey, taking in all of the movement's significant artists and artworks, styles, materials and methods, and showcasing the works that have come to define it more than any other. It also examines its close relationship to Pop Art and Digital Art, and explores possible futures for Street Art.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Subway Graffiti Sketchbook

Graffiti Art has blazed a trail across the world, with amazing examples visible in every modern city, but its pioneers were the New Yorkers who painted whole subway cars. For a few years in the 1970s and 80s, their creations made New Yorks subway system a unique, constantly evolving gallery of a new art form-a visual counterpoint to hip-hop and rap music, and a powerful expression of urban culture. It couldnt last; the city authorities made powerful efforts to stop the artists, and they were forced to move to other areasincluding the downtown art scenebut their visual inventiveness (celebrated in books like the perennially best-selling Subway Art) was unstoppable. Now, with the Subway Graffiti Sketchbook, todays graffiti artists will be able to go back to graffitis roots and find inspiration without fear of electrocution or arrest. The book contains 54 accurate line drawings of Subway carriages, some with color or B&W line art on them to help you get started, but most clean and ready for use. The high-grade uncoated art paper will allow you to use pencil, paint or marker penand the unique concertina binding will allow you to create amazing sequences of customized cars, perfect for display or just honing your skills.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Street Art

Dieses Buch enthält eine weitgefächerte Zusammenstellung von Grafitti der fünfzig besten internationalen Künstler aus Städten wie Los Angeles, Tokio, New York, London oder Singapur.
18,95 € 19,95 €

Graffiti Japan

Japan has always been a breeding ground for innovative approaches to Western traditions, such as cinema and baseball. Another example includes graffiti, which covers the buildings and walls of Japan's largest cities, as well as the more rural areas. While graffiti in Japan shares many of the same characteristics with examples from other parts of the world, distinct cultural aspects of Japan, from Kanji to popular anime characters, set Japanese graffiti apart. Tokyo-based photographer Remo Camerota has captured these culturally unique aspects of Japanese graffiti, and in doing so has befriended some of the country's major graffiti artists. Colorful spreads and intimate interviews provide a detailed examination of Japanese graffiti, a subject that has yet to dominate the graffiti book market.
18,95 € 19,95 €

Chance Encounters : Temporary Street Art by David Zinn

David Zinn's amazing street drawings are created using chalk, charcoal and found objects, and each extraordinary drawing is only ever temporary. This book preserves Zinn's art in all its colorful, hypnotic glory by collecting together never-before published images of his eye-popping creations. Created over the last two years on streets across the globe, these adorably zany and deceptively three-dimensional characters come to life on manhole covers and streetlamps, village squares and subway platforms. Zinn's most frequent characters are a bright green googly-eyed monster and a phlegmatic flying pig-but the diversity of his menagerie is limited only by the size of the sidewalk and the spirit of the day. In a brief introduction Zinn describes his creative process, explaining how he seeks out everyday imperfections to situate his art-such as sidewalk cracks and chips, tufts of weeds and sewer grates-and brief captions describe the provenance of each work. While these amazing drawings can no longer stop pedestrians in their tracks on the streets, they live on in book form to mesmerize and inspire readers of all ages.
18,95 € 19,95 €

Street Art - International

This is street art - on an international scale. Lou Chamberlin travelled from Warsaw to London, Tokyo to New York, Melbourne to Santiago in search of the world's most interesting and intriguing street art and the artists behind these walls. Her photographs capture these works at a moment in time, documenting and celebrating the ever-changing street art scene. This book features work by some of the biggest artists working in street art today, from Stik, Shep Fairey, Phlegm and local artists like Rone and Adnate. Lou offers insight into the collaborations and styles behind each work.
19,90 € 20,95 €

Graffiti Asia

This book is the first to examine the spread of graffiti in Asia, concentrating mainly on Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, South Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan, as well as the Philippines, China, and Hong Kong. Interviews with local artists provide an insight into the life of the graffiti artist in countries far removed from graffiti's origins in the US. They discuss the most popular graffiti locations, the attitudes of each country to the idea of graffiti art, and the network of established and emerging artists across the region.All material in the book was collected at first hand by the authors, who traveled around Asia photographing pieces, throw-ups, drip tags, and more, as well as interviewing the featured artists.
22,75 € 23,95 €

Street Art New York: 2000-2010

New York is a street art Mecca, boasting a vast outdoor gallery which encompasses walls, fences, sidewalks and just about any other available surface. Featured in this dynamic collection are approximately 200 images of works by artists such as New Yorkers Swoon, Judith Supine, Dan Witz, Skewville, WK Interact, L.A.'s Shepard Fairey, Brazil's Os Gemeos, Denmark's Armsrock, France's Space Invader, C215, Mr. Brainwash, Germany's Herakut, London's Nick Walker and the infamous Banksy. This book offers a compelling portrait of the development of urban art in the noughties in one of its most important and supportive communities.
24,65 € 25,95 €

Street Fonts

Classic graffiti lettering and experimental typographical forms lie at the heart of street culture and have long inspired designers in many different fields. But graffiti artists, who tend to paint the same letters of their tag again and again, rarely design complete alphabets. Claudia Walde has spent over two years collecting alphabets by 154 artists from 30 countries with a view to showing the many different styles and approaches to lettering within the graffiti and street art cultures. All of the artists have roots in graffiti. Some are world renowned such as 123 Klan (Canada), Faith47 (South Africa) and Hera (Germany); others are lesser known or only now starting to emerge. Each artist received the same brief: to design all 26 letters of the Latin alphabet within the limits of a single page of the book. How they approached this task and selected the media with which to express their ideas was entirely up to them. The results are a fascinating insight into the creative process.
24,65 € 25,95 €

Street Fonts

Claudia Walde spent over two years collecting alphabets by 154 artists from 30 countries. Each artist received the same brief: to design all 26 letters of the Latin alphabet within the limits of a single page of the book. The result is a unique typographical sourcebook featuring over 150 specially designed, original alphabets exclusive to this book.
24,65 € 25,95 €

LA Graffiti Black Book

Many graffiti artists carry sketchbooks, called black books, and they ask crew members and others whose work they admire to inscribe their books with lettering or drawings. A few years ago, the Getty Research Institute invited artists, including Angst, Axis, Big Sleeps, Chaz, Cre8, Defer, EyeOne, Fishe, Heaven, Hyde, Look, ManOne, and Prime, to consider the idea of a citywide graffiti black book. During visits to the Getty Center, the artists viewed rare books related to calligraphy and letterforms, including works by Albrecht Durer and Leonardo da Vinci. The artists instantly recognized the connections to their own practices and were particularly drawn to a liber amicorum (book of friends), a form of autograph book popular in the seventeenth century. Passed from hand to hand, it was filled with signatures, poetry, and coats of arms, like a black book from another era. Inspired by this meeting of minds across centuries, these artists became both creators and curators, crafting their own pages and inviting others to contribute. Eventually 150 Los Angeles artists decorated 143 individual pages. These were bound together into an exquisite artists' book that became known as the Getty Graffiti Black Book. This publication reproduces each page from the original artists' book and recounts the story of an unprecedented collaboration across the diverse artistic landscape of Los Angeles.
36,05 € 37,95 €

SkateArt - From the Object to the Artwork

The 2000s proved a turning point for the skateboard and its relationship to art. Previously restricted to practical use, the skate deck left the pavement to appear on the walls of galleries and auction houses. Such was the advent of an entirely new contemporary art movement, laconically baptised Skate Art. From silk-screening to Posca markers, from repurposing and twisted shapes to upcycling broken boards, this volume provides an overview of the most significant techniques and decks of the last two decades. Artists from the realm of Street Art have long had a close relationship with Skate culture, and figures like Shepard Fairey, D*Face and ROA are among the first to have applied their art to this support. At the other end of the spectrum, Mark Gonzales, Thomas Campbell and Ed Templeton are pure products of the skater world, and it was through their collaborations with brands to produce boards that they acceded to the title of artist. In its 320 pages, this anthology presents a specialised and eclectic selection of decks made by artists from all over the world. Text in English and French.
45,55 € 47,95 €

Street Art

"Street Art is by far the most controversial art form of our times. It takes place in the street, far away from galleries and at the verge of legality. Nevertheless or maybe because of this, it fascinates and is developing into an art form that increasingly gains acceptance. The sprayed or glued pictures that can be found primarily in big cities on house walls and rail cars are anonymous, provocative, and non-academic. They often, but not always, pick up political protest and sometimes are part of an attempt to bring poetry to the city. This book shows the graffiti's scope of expression in over 250 pictures and explanatory texts. Extra pages illuminate special aspects such as name graffiti, hip hop, or street art vs. globalization. An ideal opus for people who want to learn more about this elementary and controversial art form.
10,44 € 10,99 €