Hľadanie: The Book With No Pictures EN
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: No Brainer (Book 18)
In No Brainer, book 18 of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series from #1 international bestselling author Jeff Kinney, it's up to Greg to save his school before it's shuttered for good.
Up until now, middle school hasn't exactly been a joyride for Greg Heffley. So when the town threatens to close the crumbling building, he's not too broken up about it.
But when Greg realizes this means he's going to be sent to a different school than his best friend, Rowley Jefferson, he changes his tune. Can Greg and his classmates save their school before it's shuttered for good? Or is this the start of a whole new chapter for Greg?
50% words, 50% cartoons, 100% hilarious!
Stories that all readers can't wait to get their hands on
Laughter guaranteed!
Hungarian the Easy Way 3. Coursebook + Hungarian the Easy Way 3. Exercise Book (With audio CD)
Hungarian for elementary learners.
Explanations and instructions in English.
For classroom nstruction and for self-study.
No Doubt - The Singles 1992-2003 2LP
No Doubt je americká rocková skupina z Anaheimu v Kalifornii, ktorá vznikla v roku 1986. Väčšinu svojej kariéry skupinu tvorili vokalistka a zakladajúca členka Gwen Stefani, gitarista Tom Dumont, basgitarista Tony Kanal a bubeník Adrian Young. Medzi bývalými členmi kapely je aj klávesák Eric Stefani, Gwenin brat. Od polovice 90. rokov 20. storočia s kapelou vystupovali trombonista Gabrial McNair a trubkár Stephen Bradley ako hudobníci na turné a na turné.
Album najväčších hitov skupiny No Doubt 'The Singles 1992-2003' po prvýkrát vytlačený na čiernom vinyle.
Side A:
1. Just A Girl
2. It’s My Life
3. Hey Baby
4. Bathwater
Side B:
1. Sunday Morning
2. Hella Good
3. New
Side C:
1. Underneath It All
2. Excuse Me Mr.
3. Running
4. Spiderwebs
Side D:
1. Simple Kind Of Life
2. Don’t Speak
3. Ex-Girlfriend
4. Trapped In A Box
The Book of Bill
Did you miss him? Admit it, you missed him.
The demon that terrorized Gravity Falls is back from the great beyond to finally tell his side of the story in The Book of Bill, written by none other than Bill Cipher himself.
Inside, Bill sheds light on his bizarre origins, his sinister effects on human history, the Pines family’s most embarrassing secrets, and the key to overthrowing the world (laid out in a handy step-by-step guide). This chaotic and beautifully illustrated tome contains baffling riddles, uncrackable ciphers, lost Journal 3 pages, ways to cheat death, the meaning of life, and a whole chapter on Silly Straws. But most importantly, The Book of Bill is deeply, deeply cursed.
Alex Hirsch, #1 New York Times bestselling author, resuscitates this infamous villain and invites fans to a Bill’s eye view of the Gravity Falls universe. There are many who believe this book is too dangerous for human hands. But if you can’t resist, just know this: Once you make a deal with Bill, it’s not so easily undone . . .
Beware: This book travels to dimensions meant for older readers.
English Collocations in Use Advanced Book with Answers
Improve your fluency and sound more natural in English. Collocations are combinations of words which frequently appear together. This book contains explanations and practice of English collocations for advanced-level (C1 to C2) learners of English. Perfect for both self-study and classroom activities. Learn collocations in context, with lots of different topics, including 'Writing essays, assignments and reports'. Be confident about what you are learning, thanks to Cambridge research into how English is really spoken and written, and get better at studying by yourself, with study tips and follow-up activities. This book is also perfect for preparing for Cambridge exams and IELTS, which often test knowledge of collocations.
Na sklade 3Ks
32,00 €
When the Body Says No
Can a person literally die of loneliness? Is there a connection between the ability to express emotions and Alzheimer's disease? Is there such a thing as a `cancer personality'?
Drawing on deep scientific research and Dr Gabor Mate's acclaimed clinical work, When the Body Says No provides the answers to critical questions about the mind-body link - and the role that stress and our emotional makeup play in an array of common diseases.
When the Body Says No:
- Explores the role of the mind-body link in conditions and diseases such as arthritis, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, irritable bowel syndrome and multiple sclerosis.
- Shares dozens of enlightening case studies and stories, including those of people such as Lou Gehrig (ALS), Betty Ford (breast cancer), Ronald Reagan (Alzheimer's), Gilda Radner (ovarian cancer) and Lance Armstrong (testicular cancer)
- Reveals `The Seven A's of Healing': principles in healing and the prevention of illness from hidden stress
The 1975 - The 1975: Live With The BBC Philharmonic Orchestra (Limited Edition) CD
1. I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it
2. Love Me
3. A Change Of Heart
4. Somebody Else
5. Loving Someone
6. Please Be Naked
7. Lostmyhead
8. If I Believe You
9. Chocolate
10. The Sound
Na sklade 1Ks
18,17 €
The Cinnamon Bun Book Store
When a secret message turns up hidden in a book in the Cinnamon Bun Bookstore, Hazel can't understand it. As more secret codes appear between the pages, she decides to follow the trail of clues… she just need someone to help her out.
Gorgeous and outgoing fisherman, Noah, is always up for an adventure. And a scavenger hunt sounds like a lot of fun. Even better that the cute bookseller he's been crushing on for months is the one who wants his help!
Hazel didn't go looking for romance, but as the treasure hunt leads her and Noah around Dream Harbor, their undeniable chemistry might be just as hot as the fresh-out-of-the-oven cinnamon buns the bookstore sells…
The Cinnamon Bun Book Store is a cozy romantic mystery with a HEA guaranteed!
opposites attract
small town
forced proximity
he falls first
No Name - V pôvodnom znení CD
Slovenská skupina NO NAME vydáva očakávaný album "V pôvodnom znení". Ide o deviaty radový album košickej kapely, ktorý prichádza osem rokov po predchádzajúcom "S Láskou". Autorsky, hudobne aj textovo sa na albume podieľala celá kapela, ale najväčším prínosom autorsky prispel Roman Timko. Album obsahuje 11 skladieb. NO NAME sú na hudobnej scéne už 27 rokov a fungujú v zostave Igor Timko, Dušan Timko, Ivan Timko, Roman Timko, Zoli Šallai a Pavol Jakab. „Od nášho predošlého albumu ubehlo osem rokov. Popri aktívnom koncertnom živote a samozrejme, aj vynútenej covidovej pauze , prirodzene prichádzali autorské nápady, na ktorých sme priebežne pracovali. Práce bolo ako na kostole. Natočili sme duet s Karlom Gottom, pesničku pre film Poslední aristokratka, napísali song O nás dvoju pre Terezu Maškovú, pieseň k stému výročiu Československa, Ži a nech žít. Odohrali sme 24 koncertov Dermacol akustik tour, nuž a popri tom sme stíhali to najdôležitejšie a síce naše rodiny. Máme 14 detí v kapele a 15-te je na ceste, takže krúžky jazyky, hudobné, cvičenie, učenie sa. To všetko sa snažíme stíhať popri muzike alebo skôr stíháme muziku popri rodinách? Je to náročné, ale priorty sú dané na misky váh a snažíme sa udržať rodinu a muziku na najvyššej možnej úrovni,“ vysvetľuje frontman NO NAME Igor Timko.
Tracklist: 1. Šumava, 2. Elity, 3. V pôvodnom znení, 4. Studený štart, 5. Ak nejde o všetko, 6. Radosť a smútok, 7. Stand up comedy, 8. Múza, 9. Deti, 10. 4 bratia, 11. Vianoce s Božidarou
Tennors, The - Christmas With The Tenors CD
KDO: Vokální kvarteto složené ze zpěváků z Kanady a Itálie. Čtveřice kombinuje popovou hudbu a klasiku, objevila se mimo jiné na zahajovacím ceremoniálu zimních olympijských her ve Vancouveru v roce 2010. Původně si skupina říkala The Canadian Tenors. Její sestava se často mění.
CO: Vánoční kolekce, na které najdete nejznámější sváteční písně i méně slavné předělávky.
1. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer [02:39]
2. Jingle Bell Rock [02:21]
3. Snowman (feat. Ekaterina Shelehova) [02:39]
4. Driving Home for Christmas [02:46]
5. Feliz Navidad [02:45]
6. I've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm [02:31]
7. Christmas Time is Here [03:11]
8. White Christmas [02:29]
9. Only Time [03:42]
10. Here Comes Santa Claus [01:48]
11. What Christmas Means to Me My Love [02:42]
12. Petit Papa Noel (feat. Natasha St-Pier) [04:34]
13. It’s the Most Wonderful Time of The Year [02:37]
14. Do You Hear What I Hear? [03:12]
15. Joy to The World [02:48]
16. Ave Maria [04:58]
Na sklade 1Ks
19,22 €
The Lord of the Rings Movie Trilogy Colouring Book
Experience your favourite characters and enchanting scenes from one of the most famous fantasy worlds ever created - Middle-earth - in a brilliant new way with this official colouring book based on the epic The Lord of the Rings film trilogy directed by Peter Jackson.
The Lord of the Rings film trilogy brought J.R.R. Tolkien’s incredible world of Middle-earth to life for millions of people. Now you can add your own artistic touches and explore this enchanted universe as never before.
Embark on your own colouring adventure through Middle-earth, from the peaceful Hobbit holes of the Shire to the majestic realms of Rivendell and Minas Tirith, and join in the Fellowship’s terrifying journey through the mines of Moria to the unforgettable landscape of Mount Doom.
As well as breathtaking scenes from the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy, you can colour your favourite heroes, including Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, Frodo and Sam, the majestic Galadriel and the pitiful Gollum, and iconic creatures such as the tree-like Ents, the massive Mumakil and the fearsome Balrog.
First published in 2016, this reissue of the only authorised Lord of the Rings colouring book heralds the coming of a brand new Lord of the Rings movie, The War of the Rohirrim, in cinemas in December 2024!
No Doubt - The Beacon Street Collection LP
No Doubt bola americká rocková skupina z Anaheimu v Kalifornii, ktorá vznikla v roku 1986. Väčšinu svojej kariéry tvorili kapelu vokalistka Gwen Stefani, gitarista Tom Dumont, basgitarista Tony Kanal a bubeník Adrian Young. Od polovice 90. rokov ich v živých vystúpeniach podporovali trombonista a klávesák Gabrial McNair a trubkár a klávesák Stephen Bradley. Hoci ich debutový album z roku 1992 nemal žiadny vplyv, jeho nasledovný album The Beacon Street Collection, inšpirovaný ska punkom, predalo v roku 1995 viac ako 100 000 kópií, čo je viac ako trojnásobok v porovnaní s jeho predchodcom. Diamantovo certifikovaný album skupiny Tragic Kingdom (1995) ťažil z oživenia treťovlnového ska v 90. rokoch a „Don't Speak“, tretí singel z albumu, vytvoril rekord, keď strávila 16 týždňov na čísle jedno miesto v rebríčku Billboard Hot 100 Airplay.
A1. Open The Gate
A2. Blue In The Face
A3. Total Hate '95
A4. Stricken
A5. Greener Pastures
B1. By The Way
B2. Snakes
B3. That's Just Me
B4. Squeal
B5. Doghouse
English Vocabulary in Use Pre-intermediate and Intermediate Book with Answers and Enhanced eBook Vocabulary Reference and Practice
The words you need to communicate with confidence. Vocabulary explanations and practice for pre-intermediate and intermediate level (B1) learners of English. Perfect for both self-study and classroom activities. Quickly expand your vocabulary with 100 units of easy to understand explanations and practice exercises. Also inside the book is a code for an ebook. This is the same as the printed book, but with audio so that you can listen to new words as well as reading them. The ebook is online for Windows and Mac users, and can also be downloaded to iPads and Android tablets.
No Name - No Name 1998 - 2018 (10CD + 2 DVD)
KDO: Skupina No Name už přes dvacet let sklízí úspěchy doma i za hranicemi Slovenska. Patří k nejúspěšnějším česko-slovenským skupinám, o čemž svědčí i skutečnost, že jsou několikanásobnými držiteli ocenění Slavík bez hranic v anketě popularity Český slavík Mattoni. NO NAME hrají v sestavě: Igor Timko - zpěv, Dušan Timko - kytara, Ivan Timko - bicí, Roman Timko - kytara, Vilo Gutray - basa, a Zoli Šallai - klávesy.
CO: Dvanáctidiskový box No Name 1998 - 2018 obsahuje všechna řadová alba a nejvýznamnější DVD skupiny. Jednak LIVE in Prague z roku 2006, kdy se NO NAME koncertem v O2 Aréně definitivně zařadili mezi hudební stálice bývalého Československa. A dále "20 rokov No Name" z vyprodaného Fóra Karlín, které je vůbec prvním záznamem narozeninových oslav kapely a vychází také jako audio na CD. Dvě dekády na scéně považují No Name za náročné, ale nádherné období: "S kolegami z kapely sa snažíme byť na seba nároční, mnohokrát sme si povzdychli, že naše skúšanie pripomína viac drezúru ako rock an d roll, no každý ďalší koncert naznačuje, že to robíme správne," komentuje fungování kapely Igor Timko.
1. Posledný deň
2. Náušnica [4:55]
3. Sa [3:26]
4. Starý na háku mám [3:31]
5. Jazda [2:41]
6. Ja budem tvoj [4:05]
7. S.P.J. [3:03]
8. Bim bam bom [2:53]
9. Básnik [4:21]
10. Dilino [3:40]
11. Kristínka iba spí [4:46]
12. Ave Maria [3:04]
13. Kofeinový dážď [3:58]
Počkám si na zázrak
1. Ty a tvoja sestra [3:23]
2. Život je už taký [3:41]
3. Nechajte ľudí voľne rásť [3:42]
4. Ďakujem, že si [3:24]
5. Pištoľ [2:43]
6. Žily [3:22]
7. Nenormálna [3:52]
8. Pieseň pre dvoch [3:42]
9. Hladina stúpa [4:43]
10. Tak sa nepýtaj [3:06]
11. Mango [3:07]
12. Ponúkam ti seba [3:41]
13. Počkám si na zázrak [3:46]
Oslávme si život
1. Aké by to bolo [2:47]
2. Nie alebo áno [4:03]
3. Večnosť [3:17]
4. Sám sebou [3:18]
5. Chémia [3:24]
6. Ďen súdu [3:40]
7. Sloboda [2:57]
8. Upália ťa so mnou [4:03]
9. Jednoduché dievča [3:45]
10. Dotkni sa ma [4:12]
11. Syn človeka [4:06]
12. Panic a panna [2:35]
Slová do tmy
1. Lekná [3:28]
2. Prvá [3:15]
3. Dvojčatá [3:15]
4. Kniha sťažností a prianí [3:19]
5. Biologické hodiny [3:25]
6. Hej dievča [3:49]
7. Tráva [3:34]
8. Zatancuj si so mnou [3:19]
9. Realita [4:30]
10. Hľadám [3:32]
11. Dnes sa mi zdá [3:47]
12. Slová do tmy [4:14]
Čím to je ?!
1. Starosta [4:08]
2. Keby [4:34]
3. Medzi blokmi [4:18]
4. Stromy [3:19]
5. Za oknami [4:04]
6. Čím to je ?! [3:18]
7. Správne žiť [3:51]
8. Cesta [4:00]
9. Na tej istej vlne [3:51]
10. Čas minulý [4:04]
11. To bude vekom [4:18]
Live in Prague 2006
2.Na tej istej vlne
4.Čas minulý
6.Medzi blokmi
7.Biologické hodiny
8.Jednoduché dievča
9.Panic a panna
10.Za oknami
13.Ďakujem, že si
14.Počkám si na zázrak
16.Nie alebo áno
20.Ty a tvoja sestra
21.Čím to je ?!
V rovnováhe
1. Ako si to hovorila [4:01]
2. Bez tieňa [4:10]
3. Duša a ja [3:53]
4. City [3:36]
5. Len tak stáť [3:04]
6. Zdanie [4:35]
7.Lúčenie [3:38]
8. O šťastí [4:12]
9. Na čiernom trhu [3:38]
10. Výnimočná [3:45]
11. Uspávanka [3:26]
Nový album
1.Povedz mi [3:09]
2.Tango s dejinami [4:26]
3.Život [3:46]
4.O aký život by som stál [2:49]
5.Pamäte [3:43]
6.S láskou [3:15]
7.Človek v case [3:46]
8.Mám len pár chvíľ [3:06]
9.Všetko [4:54]
10.Dar [3:24]
11.Povedz mi "soft version" (bonus) [3:54]
S láskou
1.Povedz mi [3:09]
2.Tango s dejinami [4:26]
3.Život [3:46]
4.O aký život by som stál [2:49]
5.Pamäte [3:43]
6.S láskou [3:15]
7.Človek v case [3:46]
8.Mám len pár chvíľ [3:06]
9.Všetko [4:54]
10.Dar [3:24]
11.Povedz mi "soft version" (bonus) [3:54]
Karel Gott & No Name Kto dokáže…
1. Kto dokáže [3:53]
2. Kto dokáže - "piano soft" [3:33]
3. Kto dokáže - "Instrumental" (solo Michal Žáček soprano sax) [3:53]
20 rokov NO NAME
1. Povedz mi
2. Starosta
3. Tango s dejinami
4. Na na naa
5. O taký život by som stál
6. Stromy
7. Duša a ja
8. Ženušky
9. Človek v čase
10. Čím to je?!
11. Všetko
12. S Láskou
13. Mám len pár chvíľ
14. NIe alebo áno
15. Život
16. Ďakujem že si
17. Hľadám
18. Žily
19. Prvá
20. Ty a tvoja sestra
21. Večnosť
22. Lekná
20 rokov NO NAME
1. Povedz mi [4:32]
2. Starosta [4:18]
3. Tango s dějinami [5:31]
4. Na na naa [4:48]
5. Stromy [4:25]
6. Človek v čase [3:35 ]
7. Čím to je?! [3:31]
8. S Láskou [5:08]
9. Mám len pár chvíľ [3:17]
10. NIe alebo áno [3:58]
11. Život [5:10]
12. Hľadám [4:32]
13. Žily [4:27]
14. Prvá [3:46]
15. Ty a tvoja sestra [8:46]
16. Večnosť [3:52]
17. Lekná [4:55]
Na sklade 1Ks
40,88 €
Hungarian the Easy Way 2. Coursebook + Hungarian the Easy Way 2. Exercise Book (With audio CD)
Hungarian for complete beginners. Explanations and instruction in English, for classroom instruction and for self-study.
A(z) Hungarian the Easy Way 2. Coursebook + Hungarian the Easy Way 2. Exercise Book (With audio CD) (Könyv) szerzője Durst Péter.
The Climate Book
We still have time to change the world. From the world's leading climate activist, this is the essential book for making it happen.
Created by Greta Thunberg in partnership with over 100 climate experts working around the globe, with her commentaries throughout and updates for this new paperback edition to reflect the latest research, The Climate Book equips us with knowledge, and gives us hope.
Together, it shows, we can do the seemingly impossible. But it has to be us, and it has to be now.
Tučibomba. No a čo?
Všetky ženy túžia po láske. Ale aj po obdive a uznaní. A všetky ženy si lásku, obdiv a uznanie zaslúžia. Bez ohľadu na ich vek či hmotnosť. Svoje o tom vedia aj hlavné hrdinky príbehu o hľadaní cesty k mužom a ich srdciam. Jedna je ešte veľmi mladá a druhá je zas vo veku, kedy už mnohí na lásku neveria. Napriek viacerým rozdielom sa obe zblížia a spoločne nájdu, čo hľadajú. Nájdu svoju pravdu o sebe a o živote navôkol. A ukážu vám, že krása nemá presné parametre. Pretože krása je v oku toho, kto sa pozerá.
dostupné aj ako:
Headway Elementary, 5th edition - Student's Book with Online Practice
Headway 5th edition provides fresh, relevant English instruction needed for success today.
Headway and its award-winning authors, Liz and John Soars, are names that have become synonymous with English Language teaching and learning. Teach with Headway's perfectly-balanced grammar and skills syllabus, based on the course's world-renowned methodology.
Headway 5th edition retains the course's trusted methodology and has been updated with new texts, topics and digital resources.
The Student's Book provides all the language and skills students need to improve their English, with grammar, vocabulary, and skills work in every unit. New Online Practice is fully integrated with the course material, ensuring relevant and useful practice outside the classroom.
My Life with the Walter Boys
When a tragic accident leads Jackie to move into a house filled with twelve boys, she gets far more than she ever expected. This sweet YA romance is perfect for fans of Kasie West and Jenny Han-and is one of the most beloved Wattpad books ever!
Moving in with twelve boys was not part of the plan.
Jackie's goal is perfection-perfect grades, the perfect look, getting into the perfect school. If she can achieve that, then maybe her too-busy mom and dad will take notice. But when her parents die in a tragic accident, Jackie is shipped off across the country to live with the Walters, her new guardians...who just happen to have twelve sons (well, eleven, but their daughter, Parker, is basically one of the boys).
The Walter boys are loud, dirty, annoying-and, okay, some of the older boys might be Greek god level hot, but they don't think a city girl belongs on their horse ranch. How is Jackie supposed to fit into their chaotic world when she needs to keep her parents' memory alive by living up to the promise of perfect?
But as Jackie spends more time the Walter boys, she begins to wonder if the perfection she's always strived for isn't the only way to find love after all.