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John Bowker


A világ vallásai - A nagy hitrendszerek bemutatása

A világ legfontosabb vallásainak részletes bemutatása a szent szövegekből vett idézetekkel, valamint a vallási tárgyakat, festményeket és épületeket ábrázoló illusztrációkkal.
U dodávateľa
23,75 € 25,00 €

Oxford Concise Dictionary of World Religions (Oxford Paperback Reference)

Abridged from the acclaimed Oxford Dictionary of World Religions this is the most comprehensive dictionary of religion available in paperback. Written by an expert team of contributors, the volume contains over 8,200 entries, an extensive topic index, and an original and in-depth introductory essay. The editor, Professor John Bowker, is an established authority on religious studies and a well-known broadcaster on BBC Radio and the World Service. Containing entries on religions, movements, sects, and cults, texts, individuals, sacred sites, customs, ethics, and themes, this dictionary is both extensive and accessible. Fully cross-referenced for ease of use, it is suitable for anybody interested in finding out more about the religions of the world.
17,63 € 18,56 €

A világ vallásai

A világ legfontosabb vallásainak részletes bemutatása a szent szövegekből vett idézetekkel, valamint a vallási tárgyakat, festményeket és épületeket ábrázoló illusztrációkkal.
3,80 € 4,00 €

Boh - krátka história

Hľadanie pravdy viedlo človeka k významným úspechom vo vede a technológii. Takisto viedlo k Bohu: táto kniha hovorí práve o príbehu hľadania Boha. Vysvetľuje: - ako sa hľadanie Boha začalo a vyvíjalo - ako ľudský mozog a telo otvárajú cestu k Bohu - ako je význam Boha vysvetlený v umení, dejinách, hudbe, architektúre - ako veda a Boh patria k sebe pri hľadaní pravdy - ako toto hľadanie viedlo k veľkým objavom Objasňuje: - prečo sa zlé skutky páchajú v mene Boha - prečo sa smrť Boha tak často objavuje, ale Boh naďalej pretrváva - prečo je modlitba dôležitou súčasťou ľudskej prirodzenosti - prečo hľadanie Boha smeruje k jeho odhaleniu V tejto jedinečnej publikácii autorov text dopĺňa množstvo fotografií, ilustrácií, máp, tabuliek a citátov z posvätných kníh, výber z poézie, filozofických traktátov a modlitby. V knihe je zhrnuté odveké pátranie človeka po nekonečnej pravde.
31,50 € 33,16 €


Mimoriadne zaujímavá a podnetná encyklopédia, ktorá osvetľuje celú židovsko-kresťanskú tradíciu od jej vzniku. Odborné úvahy o každej knihe Biblie. Podrobný náboženský výklad na historickom pozadí danej doby. Jedinečné usporiadanie zoznamujúce s jednotlivými biblickými knihami, ich príbehmi a učeniami, robí toto dielo čitateľsky veľmi príťažlivým aj pre tých, ktorí Bibliu doteraz bližšie nepoznali. Viac než 500 farebných ilustrácií, fotografií biblických miest, podrobných máp, historických reálií a umeleckých diel s náboženskou tematikou otvára udivujúci pohľad do sveta Biblie.
18,89 € 19,88 €

Oxford Dictionary of World Rel

Here is the most comprehensive and up-to-date dictionary of religion available in paperback. Written by an expert team of 80 international and multi-faith contributors, the volume contains over 8,200 entries and an original and in-depth introductory essay. Readers will find information on: Religions: Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism, and much more Movements, Sects, and Cults: Over 500 entries on everything from Cargo Cults and the New Age movement to Rastafarians and Soka Gakkai Sacred Texts: Over 1,000 entries covering the sacred writings of religions worldwide Individuals: Including founders, leaders, gurus, philosophers, mystics, and heretics Sacred Sites: Cities, buildings, centers of pilgrimage Customs: Religious practices, dogmas, beliefs, traditions, festivals and fasts, and artifacts such as altars, rosaries, icons, and torah ornaments Ethics: Entries cover world-wide religious teachings on abortion, animals, birth control, war, sexuality and homosexuality, and suicide In addition, the Dictionary features a 13,000-item topical index, directing readers to subjects that might not have their own entries, such as Brahman, breathing, death, heavens and paradises, mandala, mantra and yantra, Sufism, yoga, and Zen practice. There is also a detailed system of cross-references so that readers can explore related topics in the book, and suggestions for further reading for those who wish to pursue a subject in greater depth. The Oxford Dictionary of World Religions is the definitive reference work on this subject, the most comprehensive and authoritative one-volume resource available. Now in an affordable paperback edition, it is the first place to turn for information on virtually any aspect of religion worldwide.
33,87 € 35,65 €

Isten. Az örök igazság fürkészése

Ez a könyv megmutatja azokat az utakat, amelyeken haladva az emberek megtették saját felfedezéseiket Istenről, ahogy felfogásukat alakították arról, micsoda és kicsoda Isten, és arról, hogyan vált valósággá számunkra. Megérthetjük Európa, India, Ázsia és a Közel-Kelet vallásainak gyökerét, valamint hagyományaikat és kialakulásukat. Hogyan fejlődött az Istenben való hit a mediterrán világban kialakult vallásokban? Hiszen ezek az ábrahámi vallások - a zsidó vallás, a kereszténység és az iszlám -, amelyek mind Ábrahámot tartják ősapjuknak, az egész világban elterjedtek. E kérdésre is választ találunk az Isten című könyv oldalain. A fejezetek többsége kronológiai sorrendben követi a vallások fejlődését, és minden egyes témánál rövid időrendi táblázat és térkép segíti az eligazodást.
36,18 € 38,08 €

Beliefs that Changed the World

Religious beliefs have shaped the history of the world. Their effect can be seen in culture, philosophy and politics, and they have inspired people to serve others and to create great works of art, architecture and music. Yet differences in belief can cause bloodshed and war. Never before has it been more urgent to understand the great religions if we are to make sense of our 21st century world, its achievements and its conflicts. This new, revised edition of Beliefs That Changed the World tells the story of the major faiths from their earliest beginnings to their present day impact.
11,88 € 12,50 €

World Religions

An essential guide to learning everything you need to know about the history, central practices, and the key teachings of many religions. A compelling and insightful guide for uncovering and understanding a variety of the world's major religions. This book will be the perfect gift for thinkers, borrowers, and students of religious studies and philosophy. Learn new and profound information about a variety of faiths. In this educational guide you'll find: - A chapter devoted to each of the major world religions - Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Jainism, Sikhism and Islam - Lesser-known religions and belief systems are covered, offering a comprehensive overview of faith - Detailed illustrations and annotated works of art, and a timeline of religious history Discover a variety of the world's major religions and other faiths from both the ancient and the modern world through this insightful guide. Explore over 450 classic works of religious and devotional art. With sacred texts, epic imagery, key beliefs, and religious artefacts, this educational guide is perfect for libraries, classrooms, and the bookshelves of those who simply love learning.
24,65 € 25,95 €

Lacná kniha Oxford Concise Dictionary of World Religions (Oxford Paperback Reference) (-90%)

Abridged from the acclaimed Oxford Dictionary of World Religions this is the most comprehensive dictionary of religion available in paperback. Written by an expert team of contributors, the volume contains over 8,200 entries, an extensive topic index, and an original and in-depth introductory essay. The editor, Professor John Bowker, is an established authority on religious studies and a well-known broadcaster on BBC Radio and the World Service. Containing entries on religions, movements, sects, and cults, texts, individuals, sacred sites, customs, ethics, and themes, this dictionary is both extensive and accessible. Fully cross-referenced for ease of use, it is suitable for anybody interested in finding out more about the religions of the world.
1,86 € 18,56 €

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