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Kenneth Cukier



The power of mental models to make better decisions We're often told that humans make bad decisions and that more data is better. But this is backwards: people are good at decisions precisely because we use mental models and can envision new realities outside of data. Great outcomes don't depend so much on the final moment of choosing but on generating better alternatives to choose between. That's framing. It's a cognitive muscle we can strengthen to improve our lives, work and future -- to meet this historical moment. Framers shows how.
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12,30 € 12,95 €

Big Data

A forradalom, amely megváltoztatja az életünket, a munkánkat és a gondolkodásunkat; Beszéljenek az adatok! A nagy adatgyűjtés, A következtetés művészete Megbüntethetnek-e minket olyasmiért, amit el sem követtünk?Hogyan kémkednek utánunk az okos elektromos mérőórák?Milyen összefüggés van a hurrikánok és a félkész epres sütemény eladása között?Milyen színű használt autót érdemes vásárolnunk?Hogyan leplezhető le a sportban a bundázás? A válaszokat a big data módszere, vagyis az óriási adattömeg rendszerezése és elemzése rejti, amely révén meghökkentő következtetésekre juthatunk. Nincsenek többé titkok: az adatok mindent elárulnak az életünkről.A big data forradalma a következő években megváltoztatja majd az üzleti világgal, az egészségüggyel, a politikával, az oktatással és az innovációval kapcsolatos gondolkodásmódunkat, és alkalmazása az élet egyre több területén elterjed. Helytelen felhasználása azonban új veszélyeket is hordoz: fenyegetheti például a személyiségi jogokat, sőt még az is előfordulhat, hogy valakit olyasmiért ítélnek el, amit el sem követett, egyszerűen azért, mert a big data képes előre jelezni a jövőbeli viselkedést.Ebben a kristálytiszta logikával felépített, rengeteg meglepő ismeretet tartalmazó könyvben két zseniális szakember magyarázza el, mi is a big data, hogyan változtatja meg életünket, és mit tehetünk azért, hogy megvédjük magunkat a veszélyeitől.
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10,65 €

dostupné aj ako:

Big Data

Since Aristotle, we have fought to understand the causes behind everything. But this ideology is fading. In the age of big data, we can crunch an incomprehensible amount of information, providing us with invaluable insights about the what rather than the why. We're just starting to reap the benefits: tracking vital signs to foresee deadly infections, predicting building fires, anticipating the best moment to buy a plane ticket, seeing inflation in real time and monitoring social media in order to identify trends. But there is a dark side to big data. Will it be machines, rather than people, that make the decisions? How do you regulate an algorithm? What will happen to privacy? Will individuals be punished for acts they have yet to commit? In this groundbreaking and fascinating book, two of the world's most-respected data experts reveal the reality of a big data world and outline clear and actionable steps that will equip the reader with the tools needed for this next phase of human evolution.
15,68 € 16,50 €

Big Data

A New York Times bestseller. Longlisted for the Financial Times/Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year Award. Since Aristotle, we have fought to understand the causes behind everything. But this ideology is fading. In the age of big data, we can crunch an incomprehensible amount of information, providing us with invaluable insights about the what rather than the why. We're just starting to reap the benefits: tracking vital signs to foresee deadly infections, predicting building fires, anticipating the best moment to buy a plane ticket, seeing inflation in real time and monitoring social media in order to identify trends. But there is a dark side to big data. Will it be machines, rather than people, that make the decisions? How do you regulate an algorithm? What will happen to privacy? Will individuals be punished for acts they have yet to commit? In this groundbreaking and fascinating book, two of the world's most-respected data experts reveal the reality of a big data world and outline clear and actionable steps that will equip the reader with the tools needed for this next phase of human evolution.
9,98 € 10,50 €

Big Data

Seznamte se s novým fenoménem, díky kterému získáte zcela nový pohled nejen na proces získávání informací z dostupných dat, ale na fungování světa jako celku v technologiemi protkaném 21. století. Dvojice autorů vám ukáže moderní přístup ke zpracování dat, který nepracuje se vzorkem, ale celou množinou. Takto lze získat cenné informace mnohem rychleji než v případě konvenčních postupů a v řadě případů lze objevit i úplně nové spojitosti. To vše v poutavé čtivé formě.
13,77 € 14,49 €

Big Data

New and expanded edition. An International Bestseller - Over One Million Copies Sold! Shortlisted for the Financial Times/Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year Award. Since Aristotle, we have fought to understand the causes behind everything. But this ideology is fading. In the age of big data, we can crunch an incomprehensible amount of information, providing us with invaluable insights about the what rather than the why. We're just starting to reap the benefits: tracking vital signs to foresee deadly infections, predicting building fires, anticipating the best moment to buy a plane ticket, seeing inflation in real time and monitoring social media in order to identify trends. But there is a dark side to big data. Will it be machines, rather than people, that make the decisions? How do you regulate an algorithm? What will happen to privacy? Will individuals be punished for acts they have yet to commit? In this groundbreaking and fascinating book, two of the world's most-respected data experts reveal the reality of a big data world and outline clear and actionable steps that will equip the reader with the tools needed for this next phase of human evolution.
16,10 € 16,95 €


As humans we are at our best - our most creative and effective - when we choose the constraints through which we approach problems. We come up with different 'frames' through which to look at issues and give us new ways to thinking about solving them. As Daniel Kahneman has written, this ability to 'frame' issues is a uniquely human skill - it may be a crucial skill that has made humans so successful as a species -- and one that we do instinctively. But we can learn to do it better. Focusing on and improving our ability to frame is all the more critical in an age of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data. When we overvalue the role of machine intelligence, we are at risk of forfeiting the essential elements of human progress. Causality, counterfactuals and constraints are the basis of framing. Framers start with causality , making mental models of cause and effect, and then apply counterfactual 'what if's of problem solving. Counterfactuals allow for imagination, but only within limits - constraints - based on how the world really works. From Copernicus to the Wright Brothers to the discovery of biomarkers for PTSD, Framers builds upon surprising and insightful examples of these three factors at work. It goes on to show how we can choose the best frames and can switch between them or improve upon them as the situation demands. The better we are at doing so, the more certain we can be that control over the most important decisions will remain in the hands of people rather than machines. Framers will change how you think about human potential, the power of machines, the future of diversity and human creativity.
18,00 € 18,95 €