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Andrew Roberts


Churchill I.-II. Kéz a kézben a sorssal

A nyugati civilizáció elszánt védelmezője, korszakos jelentőségű államférfi, vagy háborús bűnös, holokauszt-tagadó diktátor? Winston Churchill életéről immár több mint 1000 könyv született, ám mértékadó kritikusok szerint a napjaink legelismertebb brit történészei között számon tartott Andrew Roberts műve a legjobb választás, ha meg akarunk ismerkedni a 20. századi történelem egyik mitikus alakjával. A Churchill karakterét és korszakát hosszú évtizedeken át tanulmányozó Roberts könyve több kimerítő részletességű adathalmaznál és korábban nem ismert történelmi dokumentumok bemutatásánál: a szerző a rendkívül sokoldalú brit politikus egyéniségére koncentrál, aki mindig tovább tudott lépni, újra és újra felépítette önmagát. Az ő olvasatában Churchill egyszerre angol és amerikai, előkelő származású és demokrata, hazárdőr, katona, álmodozó, művész, nagydumás, pillangókedvelő, újságíró, forgatókönyvíró, regényíró, bölcs és nyámnyila. Churchill hosszú élete során a legnagyobb mélységeket és magasságokat járta meg. Ide-oda ugrált a Konzervatív és a Liberális Párt között, hol nyert, hol veszített. Hozott ma is elismert és kárhoztatott döntéseket. Sokszínű katonai és politikusi pályája mellett haditudósító és termékeny író, hobbitörténész is volt, történelmi munkáiért irodalmi Nobel-díjat kapott. Öröksége máig meghatározó - nem csupán az egykori brit birodalomban, hanem az egész világon.
Na sklade 4Ks
34,79 € 36,62 €

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Churchill - Předurčen osudem

Tento jednosvazkový životopis je v britských médiích hodnocen jako jedna z nejlepších prací o Winstonu Churchillovi, státníkovi známém především díky působení ve funkci ministerského předsedy Velké Británie za druhé světové války. Autor Andrew Roberts patří už dlouhou dobu k nejvýznamnějším anglicky píšícím historikům. Při přípravě knihy bohatě využil nově zpřístupněné dokumenty, které byly dřívějším autorům nedostupné. Nejvýznamnější z nich je soukromý deník, který si vedl král Jiří VI. během druhé světové války a s jehož využitím udělila Robertsovi souhlas královna Alžběta II..
Na sklade 1Ks
77,85 € 81,95 €

Od Palackého k Babišovi

Publikace autorů z Masarykovy univerzity v Brně představuje koncentrovaný pohled na současnost a minulost české politiky. Zachycuje klíčové vývojové trendy posledních desetiletí a století a také analyzuje, jak politiku a politický systém ovlivňuje dědictví z komunistické i předkomunistické éry. Autoři tím výrazně reflektují skutečnost, že v dramatických změnách sametové revoluce a následných letech je možné najít řadu souvislostí, které pomáhají vysvětlit dnešní stav naší politiky.
Na stiahnutie
7,99 €

A háborúvezetés művészete

Képes lehet egyetlen ember eldönteni egy globális háború kimenetelét? Mi kell ahhoz, hogy valaki jó vezető legyen - intelligencia, empátia, karizma, vagy gátlástalanság és őrült mértékű önbizalom? A neves brit történész, Andrew Roberts, a Churchill - Kéz a kézben a sorssal szerzője kilenc meghatározó modern kori háborús vezető (Napóleontól Churchillen és Hitleren át egészen Margaret Thatcherig) tanulmányozása révén kutatja a vezetés titkát. A kilenc nagy formátumú történelmi személyiség különböző korokban élt, különböző háborúkat vívott, és a történelem különböző szerepeket szánt nekik, ám mindegyikük emberek millióit vezette a győzelemig - vagy a végső vereségbe. Vajon mi a közös bennük, mi az, ami korokon, kultúrákon és kontinenseken át naggyá tesz egy vezetőt? A szerző a rá jellemző éleslátással és lendületes stílussal tárja fel a diadalok és kudarcok hátterében rejlő okokat és a győzelmek árát. „Andrew Roberts rendkívüli érzékkel ragadja meg akár egyetlen idézet vagy anekdota által a nagy történelmi személyek lényegét.” (History Today)
Na stiahnutie
9,93 €


A nyugati civilizáció elszánt védelmezője, korszakos jelentőségű államférfi, vagy háborús bűnös, holokauszt-tagadó diktátor? Winston Churchill életéről immár több mint 1000 könyv született, ám mértékadó kritikusok szerint a napjaink legelismertebb brit történészei között számon tartott Andrew Roberts műve a legjobb választás, ha meg akarunk ismerkedni a 20. századi történelem egyik mitikus alakjával. A Churchill karakterét és korszakát hosszú évtizedeken át tanulmányozó Roberts könyve több kimerítő részletességű adathalmaznál és korábban nem ismert történelmi dokumentumok bemutatásánál: a szerző a rendkívül sokoldalú brit politikus egyéniségére koncentrál, aki mindig tovább tudott lépni, újra és újra felépítette önmagát.  Az ő olvasatában Churchill egyszerre angol és amerikai, előkelő származású és demokrata, hazárdőr, katona, álmodozó, művész, nagydumás, pillangókedvelő, újságíró, forgatókönyvíró, regényíró, bölcs és nyámnyila.  Churchill hosszú élete során a legnagyobb mélységeket és magasságokat járta meg. Ide-oda ugrált a Konzervatív és a Liberális Párt között, hol nyert, hol veszített. Hozott ma is elismert és kárhoztatott döntéseket. Sokszínű katonai és politikusi pályája mellett haditudósító és termékeny író, hobbitörténész is volt, történelmi munkáiért irodalmi Nobel-díjat kapott. Öröksége máig meghatározó - nem csupán az egykori brit birodalomban, hanem az egész világon.
Na stiahnutie
21,12 €

dostupné aj ako:

Hitler a Churchill

Britský historik zkoumá dvě postavy, které výjimečným způsobem ovlivnily dějiny 20.století a svým jednáním a svou mocí utvářely svět, v němž dnes žijeme. V knize rozkrývá vůdcovské metody, taktiky a triky, které oba muži používali v nesmiřitelném zápase, jehož cenu - vítězství ve druhé světové válce - mohl získat jen jeden z nich. O každém z těchto mužů bylo již napsáno mnoho knih, Roberts však při srovnávání takto odlišných politiků dochází k překvapivým závěrům a učí, jak poznat dobré vůdce současnosti i odhalit budoucí „führery“.
11,12 € 11,70 €

Masters and Commanders: The Military Geniuses Who Led the West to Victory in World War II

Masters and Commanders describes how four titanic figures shaped the grand strategy of the West during the Second World War. Each was exceptionally tough-willed and strong minded, and each was certain that he knew best how to win the war. Yet each knew that he had to win at least two of the others over in order to get his strategy adopted. The book traces the mutual suspicion and admiration, the rebuffs and the charm, the often explosive disagreements and wary reconciliations which resulted.
18,15 € 19,11 €

The Storm of War

On 2 August 1944, Winston Churchill mocked Adolf Hitler in the House of Commons by the rank he had reached in the First World War. 'Russian success has been somewhat aided by the strategy of Herr Hitler, of Corporal Hitler', Churchill jibed. 'Even military idiots find it difficult not to see some faults in his actions'. Andrew Roberts' previous book "Masters and Commanders" studied the creation of Allied grand strategy, "The Storm of War" now analyzes how Axis strategy evolved. Examining the Second World War on every front, Roberts asks whether, with a different decision-making process and a different strategy, the Axis might even have won. Were those German generals who blamed everything on Hitler after the war correct, or were they merely scapegoating their former Fuhrer once he was safely beyond defending himself? The book is full of illuminating sidelights on the principle actors that bring their characters and the ways in which they reached decisions into fresh focus.
22,33 € 23,50 €

Napoleon the Great

This book was awarded The Prix Du Jury Des Grands Prix De La Fondation Napoleon 2014. From Andrew Roberts, author of the Sunday Times bestseller The Storm of War, this is the definitive modern biography of Napoleon. Napoleon Bonaparte lived one of the most extraordinary of all human lives. In the space of just twenty years, from October 1795 when as a young artillery captain he cleared the streets of Paris of insurrectionists, to his final defeat at the (horribly mismanaged) battle of Waterloo in June 1815, Napoleon transformed France and Europe. After seizing power in a coup d'etat he ended the corruption and incompetence into which the Revolution had descended. In a series of dazzling battles he reinvented the art of warfare; in peace, he completely remade the laws of France, modernised her systems of education and administration, and presided over a flourishing of the beautiful 'Empire style' in the arts. The impossibility of defeating his most persistent enemy, Great Britain, led him to make draining and ultimately fatal expeditions into Spain and Russia, where half a million Frenchmen died and his Empire began to unravel. More than any other modern biographer, Andrew Roberts conveys Napoleon's tremendous energy, both physical and intellectual, and the attractiveness of his personality, even to his enemies. He has walked 53 of Napoleon's 60 battlefields, and has absorbed the gigantic new French edition of Napoleon's letters, which allows a complete re-evaluation of this exceptional man. He overturns many received opinions, including the myth of a great romance with Josephine: she took a lover immediately after their marriage, and, as Roberts shows, he had three times as many mistresses as he acknowledged. Of the climactic Battle of Leipzig in 1813, as the fighting closed around them, a French sergeant-major wrote, 'No-one who has not experienced it can have any idea of the enthusiasm that burst forth among the half-starved, exhausted soldiers when the Emperor was there in person. If all were demoralised and he appeared, his presence was like an electric shock. All shouted "Vive l'Empereur!" and everyone charged blindly into the fire.' The reader of this biography will understand why this was so. Andrew Roberts is a biographer and historian of international renown whose books include Salisbury: Victorian Titan (winner, the Wolfson Prize for History); Masters and Commanders; and The Storm of War, which reached No. 2 on the Sunday Times bestseller list. Roberts is a Fellow of the Royal Societies of Literature and Arts. He appears regularly on British television and radio and writes for the Sunday Telegraph, Spectator, Literary Review, Mail on Sunday and Daily Telegraph.
27,08 € 28,50 €

Napoleon the Great

Awarded The Prix Du Jury Des Grands Prix De La Fondation Napoleon 2014 From Andrew Roberts, author of the Sunday Times bestseller, The Storm of War, this is the definitive modern biography of Napoleon. Napoleon Bonaparte lived one of the most extraordinary of all human lives. In the space of just twenty years, from October 1795 when as a young artillery captain he cleared the streets of Paris of insurrectionists, to his final defeat at the (horribly mismanaged) battle of Waterloo in June 1815, Napoleon transformed France and Europe. After seizing power in a coup d'etat he ended the corruption and incompetence into which the Revolution had descended. In a series of dazzling battles he reinvented the art of warfare; in peace, he completely remade the laws of France, modernized her systems of education and administration, and presided over a flourishing of the beautiful 'Empire style' in the arts. The impossibility of defeating his most persistent enemy, Great Britain, led him to make draining and ultimately fatal expeditions into Spain and Russia, where half a million Frenchmen died and his Empire began to unravel. More than any other modern biographer, Andrew Roberts conveys Napoleon's tremendous energy, both physical and intellectual, and the attractiveness of his personality, even to his enemies. He has walked 53 of Napoleon's 60 battlefields, and has absorbed the gigantic new French edition of Napoleon's letters, which allows a complete re-evaluation of this exceptional man. He overturns many received opinions, including the myth of a great romance with Josephine: she took a lover immediately after their marriage, and, as Roberts shows, he had three times as many mistresses as he acknowledged. Of the climactic Battle of Leipzig in 1813, as the fighting closed around them, French sergeant-major wrote, 'No-one who has not experienced it can have any idea of the enthusiasm that burst forth among the half-starved, exhausted soldiers when the Emperor was there in person. If all were demoralised and he appeared, his presence was like an electric shock. All shouted "Vivel' Empereur!" and everyone charged blindly into the fire.' The reader of this biography will understand why this was so. Andrew Roberts is a biographer and historian of international renown whose books include Salisbury: Victorian Titan (winner, the Wolfson Prize for History); Masters and Commanders; and The Storm of War, which reached No. 2 on the Sunday Times bestseller list. Roberts is a Fellow of the Royal Societies of Literature and Arts. He appears regularly on British television and radio and writes for the Sunday Telegraph, Spectator, Literary Review, Mail on Sunday and Daily Telegraph.
22,33 € 23,50 €


A magnificently fresh and unexpected biography of Churchill, by one of Britain's most acclaimed historians Winston Churchill towers over every other figure in twentieth-century British history. By the time of his death at the age of 90 in 1965, many thought him to be the greatest man in the world. There have been over a thousand previous biographies of Churchill. Andrew Roberts now draws on over forty new sources, including the private diaries of King George VI, used in no previous Churchill biography to depict him more intimately and persuasively than any of its predecessors. The book in no way conceals Churchill's faults and it allows the reader to appreciate his virtues and character in full: his titanic capacity for work (and drink), his ability see the big picture, his willingness to take risks and insistence on being where the action was, his good humour even in the most desperate circumstances, the breadth and strength of his friendships and his extraordinary propensity to burst into tears at unexpected moments. Above all, it shows us the wellsprings of his personality - his lifelong desire to please his father (even long after his father's death) but aristocratic disdain for the opinions of almost everyone else, his love of the British Empire, his sense of history and its connection to the present. During the Second World War, Churchill summoned a particular scientist to see him several times for technical advice. 'It was the same whenever we met', wrote the young man, 'I had a feeling of being recharged by a source of living power.' Harry Hopkins, President Roosevelt's emissary, wrote 'Wherever he was, there was a battlefront.' Field Marshal Sir Alan Brooke, Churchill's essential partner in strategy and most severe critic in private, wrote in his diary, 'I thank God I was given such an opportunity of working alongside such a man, and of having my eyes opened to the fact that occasionally such supermen exist on this earth.'
30,88 € 32,50 €


A magnificently fresh and unexpected biography of Churchill, by one of Britain's most acclaimed historians Winston Churchill towers over every other figure in twentieth-century British history. By the time of his death at the age of 90 in 1965, many thought him to be the greatest man in the world. There have been over a thousand previous biographies of Churchill. Andrew Roberts now draws on over forty new sources, including the private diaries of King George VI, used in no previous Churchill biography to depict him more intimately and persuasively than any of its predecessors. The book in no way conceals Churchill's faults and it allows the reader to appreciate his virtues and character in full: his titanic capacity for work (and drink), his ability see the big picture, his willingness to take risks and insistence on being where the action was, his good humour even in the most desperate circumstances, the breadth and strength of his friendships and his extraordinary propensity to burst into tears at unexpected moments. Above all, it shows us the wellsprings of his personality - his lifelong desire to please his father (even long after his father's death) but aristocratic disdain for the opinions of almost everyone else, his love of the British Empire, his sense of history and its connection to the present. During the Second World War, Churchill summoned a particular scientist to see him several times for technical advice. 'It was the same whenever we met', wrote the young man, 'I had a feeling of being recharged by a source of living power.' Harry Hopkins, President Roosevelt's emissary, wrote 'Wherever he was, there was a battlefront.' Field Marshal Sir Alan Brooke, Churchill's essential partner in strategy and most severe critic in private, wrote in his diary, 'I thank God I was given such an opportunity of working alongside such a man, and of having my eyes opened to the fact that occasionally such supermen exist on this earth.'
22,75 € 23,95 €

Leadership in War

Taking us from the French Revolution to the Cold War and the Falklands, celebrated historian Andrew Roberts presents us with a bracingly honest and insightful look at nine major figures in modern history: Napoleon Bonaparte, Horatio Nelson, Winston Churchill, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, George C. Marshall, Charles de Gaulle, Dwight D. Eisenhower and Margaret Thatcher. Each of these leaders fundamentally shaped the outcome of the war their nation was embroiled in. How were they alike, and in what ways did they differ? Was their war leadership unique, or did these leaders have something in common, traits and techniques that transcend time and place and can be applied to the fundamental nature of conflict? Meticulously researched and compellingly written, Leadership in War presents readers with fresh, complex portraits of leaders who approached war with different tactics and different weapons, but with the common goal of success in the face of battle. Both inspiring and cautionary, these portraits offer important lessons on leadership in times of struggle. With his trademark verve and incisive observation, Roberts reveals the qualities that doom even the most promising leaders to failure, and the qualities that lead to victory.
28,45 € 29,95 €

Ve vichru války

Renomovaný britský historik Andrew Roberts nabízí nový pohled na nejkrvavější kapitolu dějin počínaje napadením Polska 1. září 1939 až po japonskou kapitulaci o šest roků a jeden den později. S využitím dosud neznámých dokumentů, jež objevil v tzv. Sayerově archivu, hledá odpověď na hlavní otázku: mohly mocnosti Osy válku vyhrát – a pokud ano, co způsobilo jejich porážku? Autor přináší nejen fundovanou odpověď, ale též nový ucelený pohled na vojenskou strategii Osy i Spojenců a podrobné, vzrušující a výstižné líčení dějů, jež v letech 1939–1945 ovládaly svět. Kniha byla oceněna jako nejlepší britské vojensko-historické dílo roku 2010.
22,28 € 23,45 €

Leadership in War

'Wonderful ... among military historians, Roberts is Britain's crown gem' Wall Street Journal Taking us from the French Revolution to the Cold War and the Falklands, celebrated historian Andrew Roberts presents us with a bracingly honest and insightful look at nine major figures in modern history: Napoleon Bonaparte, Horatio Nelson, Winston Churchill, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, George C. Marshall, Charles de Gaulle, Dwight D. Eisenhower and Margaret Thatcher. Each of these leaders fundamentally shaped the outcome of the war their nation was embroiled in. How were they alike, and in what ways did they differ? Was their war leadership unique, or did these leaders have something in common, traits and techniques that transcend time and place and can be applied to the fundamental nature of conflict?Meticulously researched and compellingly written, Leadership in War presents readers with fresh, complex portraits of leaders who approached war with different tactics and different weapons, but with the common goal of success in the face of battle. Both inspiring and cautionary, these portraits offer important lessons on leadership in times of struggle. With his trademark verve and incisive observation, Roberts reveals the qualities that doom even the most promising leaders to failure, and the qualities that lead to victory.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Lacná kniha Masters and Commanders: The Military Geniuses Who Led the West to Victory in World War II (-70%)

Masters and Commanders describes how four titanic figures shaped the grand strategy of the West during the Second World War. Each was exceptionally tough-willed and strong minded, and each was certain that he knew best how to win the war. Yet each knew that he had to win at least two of the others over in order to get his strategy adopted. The book traces the mutual suspicion and admiration, the rebuffs and the charm, the often explosive disagreements and wary reconciliations which resulted.
5,73 € 19,11 €

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