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Audioknihy - Romantická beletria strana 23 z 32

Sedem sestier

Strhujúci úvodný román historicko-romantickej série o neuveriteľných osudoch nevlastných sestier Maie, Ally, Star, Cece, Tiggy, Electry a Merope, siedmich sestrách, vychádza z mytologického príbehu o Plejádach, ktoré Zeus v záujme ich bezpečia umiestnil na oblohu v podobe žiarivej hviezdokopy. Každý príbeh sa začína v nádhernom zámku na brehu Ženevského jazera, domove všetkých sestier.
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14,45 €

What Blooms Beneath (EN)

Kellan considers himself lucky to have an adequate existence on earth where, in the year 2044, common citizens toil under the oppressive thumb of a corrupt and unscrupulous government. Kellan dreams of becoming part of the Department of Paranormal, Supernatural, and Fantasy Sciences, but his application is continually denied because he has no extra-sapien blood.
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13,99 €

A Heart in Chains (Barbara Cartland's Pink Collection 136) (EN)

Since the death of her almost bankrupt father, the beautiful Andrea Clerefall has been reduced to the status of a drudge under the stern eye of her stepmother and her two unpleasant stepsisters. Her only friend is her late mother’s old Nanny, Hattie, who is teaching her the art of embroidery. When Andrea encounters by chance the new Viscount at nearby Mannerly Hall and falls for his considerable charms, she never dares dream that her fortunes will soon be closely entwined with his.
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10,99 €

An Ocean of Love (Barbara Cartland's Pink Collection 131) (EN)

When Madelina Winston, a beautiful American heiress, arrives in England, she has at first only one thought on her mind, to try and trace her late father’s English family. Her stepmother, Mrs. Winston, has other ideas. Madelina might have beauty and a fortune, but as far as Mrs. Winston is concerned she lacks the crowning glory of life, an English title.
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10,99 €

The Unbroken Dream (Barbara Cartland's Pink Collection 135) (EN)

The Duke of Laverdale is ambitious to be appointed Master of the Horse and the new Queen Adelaide is determined that behaviour at Court should be moral after the licentiousness of King George IV. The Duke therefore ends his affaire de coeur with the enchanting Lady Sybil Mersham and drops his ballet dancer mistress as well.
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10,99 €

The Prince Who Wanted Love (Barbara Cartland's Pink Collection 139) (EN)

Prince Serge of Tamrush, who himself had been sent a bride by Queen Victoria to save his Principality from invasion by the Russians, was now being asked by Prince Igor of Dubrik for the hand of his beautiful daughter Lavinia for the same reason. He decided not to tell Lavinia of Prince Igor’s request until after her birthday party.
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10,99 €

A Beauty Betrayed (Barbara Cartland's Pink Collection 132) (EN)

The Earl of Langdale tells his beautiful daughter, Zela, that, having gone to London on a visit, he has become involved with the Comtesse de Courché, who is one of the famous beauties of the London Season. She is much admired by His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales and many aristocrats. Because the Earl is having an affaire-de-coeur with the Comtesse, he trusts her when she tells him that she has made a great deal of money very quickly through a Ruler in the East, who wishes to sell personally some of the products of his country including oil.
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10,99 €

One Minute to Love (Barbara Cartland's Pink Collection 137) (EN)

The beautiful Yolisa Warren lives quietly in the country with her father, her mother having died five years ago. Unexpectedly her uncle, Lord Langford, who is a brilliant Diplomat and who is sent all over the world on secret missions, arrives at their house. He says that he would like Yolisa to come with him to Kavalla, a small independent country in the Balkans, where he is to travel on behalf of Queen Victoria and the Prime Minister.
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10,99 €

For the Love of Scotland (Barbara Cartland's Pink Collection 140) (EN)

Lady Julia Wood was extremely happy living in the country with her father, the Earl of Wentwood, after her mother’s death, until he remarries unexpectantly after a visit to Paris. Her stepmother, who is very rich, does not want Julia in the ancient family home, which had been there for centuries, but which had become very dilapidated because the Earl was so short of money.
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10,99 €

Love for Eternity (Barbara Cartland's Pink Collection 138) (EN)

The beautiful eighteen year old Karla Stanton, who is living in the country with her brother training horses, is astonished when her half-sister Penelope, now Lady Melford, who is renowned as a great beauty in London, unexpectedly calls on her. She wishes Karla to disguise herself as her aged aunt and chaperone and to go with her to Paris where she intends to spend three days, ostensibly shopping for clothes, but actually to be with the Marquis of Welbourne, who she is having a passionate affaire-de-coeur with.
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10,99 €

No Bride, No Wedding (Barbara Cartland's Pink Collection 133) (EN)

Calina Hart’s mother, the lovely Lady Carol Wood, was being forced by her ambitious father, the Earl of Hurstwood, to marry the Duke of Denholme, who is dull, boring and a poor rider – but is a Duke! Early in the morning of the day of her Wedding to the Duke Lady Carol runs away with John Hart, who is a brilliant trainer of her father’s horses, as she has fallen in love with him and refuses to marry a man she does not and cannot love.
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10,99 €

Bez naděje

Když se sedmnáctiletá Sky seznámí s Deanem Holderem – možná jediným klukem, jehož provází ještě horší pověst než ji – něco se v ní změní. S ním poprvé ucítí něco, co v ní všechny povrchní známosti předtím probudit nedokázaly. Holder ji uchvátí i vyděsí už během prvního setkání, ale hlavně ji dokáže probrat z citové otupělosti, kterou už začala považovat za součást své povahy.
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12,78 €

Pride and Prejudice (EN)

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. ` So opens Jane Austens second novel Pride and Prejudice, which was first published in 1813. It follows the story of Mr and Mrs Bennet and their five single daughters. The whole town is set aflutter by the arrival of prosperous Mr Bingley and his friend Mr Darcy, and as the prejudice of the latter hurts the pride of headstrong Elizabeth Bennet, friendship, love, and strife enfold.
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16,99 €

Saved by the Duke (Barbara Cartland's Pink Collection 123) (EN)

Perfect for fans of the Netflix adaptation of Bridgerton by Julia Quinn. The Duke of Rockcliffe returns home to England from the British Army of Occupation which after the defeat of Napoleon in 1815 is located at Cambrai. He had left England seven years ago when he was merely a young Lieutenant who intended to spend his life in the Army.
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10,99 €

The Marquis is Deceived (Barbara Cartland's Pink Collection 128) (EN)

Perfect for fans of the Netflix adaptation of Bridgerton by Julia Quinn. The Marquis of Craigmere, one of the most handsome and attractive men in the Beau Monde, is pursued by an exotic and beautiful married woman called Peony Lawson. The Marquis finds this affaire-de-coeur amusing and enjoyable until Peony says that that she intends to tell her husband what they have been doing and ask him for a divorce.
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10,99 €

Muffin a čaj

Audiokniha Muffin a čaj, jejímž autorem je Theo Addair. Daniel a Kit jsou dva šestnáctiletí spolužáci, kteří snad ani nemůžou být rozdílnější. Jeden je nejlepším studentem na internátě, k okolí se chová odměřeně a úzkostlivě si střeží své soukromí. Druhý má umělecké nadání, pořádek považuje tak trochu za zbytečnost a často dřív mluví, než myslí. Zdálo by se, že přátelství mezi nimi je nepravděpodobné a cokoli hlubšího rovnou nemožné.
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10,22 €

Láska pro samouky (audiokniha)

Jak se liší randění v osmnácti a ve čtyřiceti? Vlastně skoro nijak. Ve čtyřiceti jste pořád stejně nejistí a zmatení jako v osmnácti, jenom už to nevypadá tak roztomile. Klára se o tom přesvědčí, když ze dne na den skončí její manželství a ona se znovu ocitne ve světě nezadaných. Zažije pár katastrofických schůzek, zjišťuje, jak vypadá seznamování přes Tinder, Facebook, Messenger a Instagram, a že trapasy online jsou stejně trapné jako ty skutečné.
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12,34 € 12,99 €

dostupné aj ako:

Láska pro samouky

Nový život, noví muži. Tak proč si připadám jako stará kráva? Jak se liší randění v osmnácti a ve čtyřiceti? Vlastně skoro nijak. Ve čtyřiceti jste pořád stejně nejistí a zmatení jako v osmnácti, jenom už to nevypadá tak roztomile. Klára se o tom přesvědčí, když ze dne na den skončí její manželství a ona se znovu ocitne ve světě nezadaných.
Na stiahnutie
10,22 €

Všem klukům, které jsem milovala

Co by se stalo, kdyby všem klukům, kteří se ti líbili, někdo najednou sdělil, že ses do nich zamilovala…?
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8,02 €

Milujete zamilované príbehy plné vášnivého iskrenia? Vybrali sme také, kde sa miesia osudové vyznania i sklamanie. Nechajte sa uniesť vo víroch vášne a tá pravá láska dozrie v pravý čas. Veď čarovný princ niekedy potrebuje len osudové stretnutie.