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Paul Auster
Jeho najznámejším dielom je The New York Trilogy, v ktorej vzdáva hold „drsnej americkej detektívke“.

Paul Benjamin Auster sa narodil 3 februára 1947 v New Yersey v židovskej rodine Samuela a Queenie Austerových. Už počas štúdia na univerzite začal písať svoj prvý román a prekladať. Po ukončení štúdia na Columbia University v roku 1970, sa presťahoval do Francúzska, kde sa živil prekladaním francúzskej literatúry. Po návrate do USA  v roku 1974 začal vydávať vlastné básne, eseje, romány a preklady. V roku 1981 sa oženil so svojou druhou manželkou, spisovateľkou Siri Hustvedtovou. Predtým bol ženatý s uznávanou spisovateľkou Lydiou Davisovou. Má dve deti, Davida a Sophie. Je viceprezidentom PEN American Center.

Jeho prvým románom bola detektívka Squeeze Play a vyšla pod pseudonymom Paul Benjamin (Benjamin je jeho prostredné meno). Najviac sa však preslávil sériou troch detektívnych príbehov, publikovaných spoločne ako The New York Trilogy v roku 1987.

Okrem literatúry sa venuje aj písaniu scenárov a filmovej réžii. Ak ste videli skvelý poviedkový film Dym, Auster ho spolurežíroval a napísal aj scenár. Jeho zaujímavým režisérskym kúskom je film The Inner Life of Martin Frost.

V roku 2006 bol nominovaný na cenu Price of Asturias Award za literatúru, ktorú v predošlých rokoch prijali Arthur Miller alebo Mario Vargas Llosa.

Zatiaľ poslednou Austerovou knihou (v slovenskom preklade) je Zimný denník, v ktorom s chuťou rekapituluje svoje životné zážitky a udalosti, na ktoré sa nedá a nemôže zabudnúť.

Preložené diela:

1987 - The New York Trilogy (Newyorská trilogie, Prostor, 1999)

1985 - City of Glass (Sklené mesto, Petit Press, 2005, edícia Svetová knižnica SME - XX. storočie)

1992 - Leviathan (Leviatan, Prostor, 2002)

1994 - Mr. Vertigo (Mr. Vertigo, Prostor, 2001)

2002 - The Book ofI llusions (Kniha ilúzií, IKAR, 2004)

2005 - The Brooklyn Follies (Brooklynské frašky, IKAR, 2007)

2006 - Travels in the Scriptorium (Putovanie v skriptóriu, Artforum, 2010)

2012 –  Winter Journal (Zimný denník, Artforum, 2012)

(foto: David Shankbone)


Man in the dark

August Brill, an elderly book critic, lies awake in the dark, unable to sleep. Elsewhere in the house are his daughter, Miriam, and granddaughter, Katya, each with her own reasons for lying awake and watchful in the long Vermont night...
8,50 € 8,95 €

Sunset Park

In the sprawling flatlands of Florida, 28-year-old Miles is photographing the last lingering traces of families who have abandoned their houses due to debt or foreclosure.Miles is haunted by guilt for having inadvertently caused the death of his step-brother, a situation that caused him to flee his father and step-mother in New York 7 years ago.What keeps him in Florida is his relationship with a teenage high-school girl, Pilar, but when her family threatens to expose their relationship, Miles decides to protect Pilar by going back to Brooklyn, where he settles in a squat to prepare himself to face the inevitable confrontation with his father that he ahs been avoiding for years.
13,25 € 13,95 €


Mi tehet az ember, ha egy szerelmi háromszög ördögi körré fajul? Adam Walker ezt a kérdést a saját bőrén tapasztalja meg, amikor húszéves egyetemistaként megismerkedik a titokzatos francia Born professzorral és annak hallgatag, vonzó barátnőjével, Margot-val. A hármuk közötti kapcsolat az elejétől kezdve különös, izgalmas és vészterhes, de Walker nem tud ellenállni a tapasztaltabb emberek csábító világának, majd amikor hirtelen és végérvényesen részévé válik ennek a valóságnak, már nem tud visszakozni. Paul Auster új regénye több elbeszélőn keresztül mutatja a történetet 1967-től 2007-ig, New Yorktól Párizson át a Karib-szigetekig. A történetet, amely fiatalos dühről, zabolátlan szexuális vágyról és az igazságtalanság kíméletlenségéről szól. A történetet, amely bejárja a hazugság és igazság, identitás és képmutatás közti árnyvilágot, megmutatva azt, ami látható, fáradhatatlanul kutatva azt, ami láthatatlan. Talán örökre.
12,79 € 13,46 €


"What was a poor dog to do?": This story of contemporary America--from the poet- wanderer's life on the streets to the world of "two-car garages, home-improvement loans, and neo-Renaissance shopping malls"--is told from the point of view of a "four-l eg", Mr. Bones. Following his critically acclaimed The New York Trilogy and The Invention of Solitude, Paul Auster's new novel is a sad and witty saga of a dog's life. With the imminent demise of his first master, Willy G. Christmas--on his way to "T imbuktu"--Mr Bones faces an uncertain future as a "lost" dog, an ownerless dog, a homeless dog. Timbuktu is a tale of what happens, before and after Willy's death: the dilemmas of ethics and affection, of a man and a dog in search of love and friends hip. In Mr Bones' dreams, Willy comes back, exhorting, advising, allegorising: "People get treated like dogs, too, my friend, and sometimes they have to sleep in barns and meadows because there's nowhere else for them to go." Like Mom-san, Willy's mo ther, "hunted ... down like a dog" in Warsaw. The connection is crucial to the novel; its sustained, but discreet, reflection on the vicissitudes of human--and canine--love and hate. --Vicky Lebeau--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
9,49 € 9,99 €

Sunset park

Miles Heller je mladý človek bez ambícií, sužovaný pocitom viny za smrť nevlastného brata, už sedem rokov žijúci v dobrovoľnom exile bez kontaktu s rodinou. Zmysel života nachádza až vo vzťahu s výnimočne inteligentnou, no ešte neplnoletou Pilar Sanc hezovou. Keď však hrozí, že jej rodina ich vzťah oznámi polícii, Miles je nútený ukončiť svoj exil a vrátiť sa do rodného New Yorku. Jeho domovom sa stáva opustený dom v brooklynskej štvrti Sunset Park, v ktorom sa ilegálne usadila skupinka mladých ľ udí - idealistický revolucionár Bing Nathan, racionálna Alice Bergstromová a psychickými problémami trpiaca Ellen Briceová. Paul Auster rozohráva zložité a vzájomne poprepájané osudy svojich postáv s rozprávačskou vášňou, s neúprosnou odvahou, ale a j s pokorou pred "podivnosťou života".
11,31 € 11,90 €

Book of Illusions

The Book of Illusions by Paul Auster. A professor whose entire family has died in a plane crash, leaving him so ravaged by grief that he becomes like a zombie stumbling through a living death; a silent movie star of the T...
7,59 € 7,99 €

New York Trilogy

"The New York Trilogy" is an astonishing and original book: three cleverly interconnected novels that exploit the elements of standard detective fiction and achieve a new genre that is all the more gripping for its starkness. In each story the search for clues leads to remarkable coincidences in the universe as the simple act of trailing a man ultimately becomes a startling investigation of what it means to be human. Auster's book is modern fiction at its finest: bold, arresting and unputdownable.
10,44 € 10,99 €

Invention of Solitude

'One day there is life...and then, suddenly, it happens there is death.' So begins Paul Auster's moving and personal meditation on fatherhood. The first section, 'Portrait of an Invisible Man', reveals Auster's memories and feelings after the death of his father. In 'The Book of Memory' the perspective shifts to Auster's role as a father. The narrator, 'A', contemplates his separation from his son, his dying grandfather and the solitary nature of writing and story-telling.
9,49 € 9,99 €

New York trilógia

Paul Auster (1947) amerikai regényíró, esszéista, költő és műfordító a 80-as évek közepén vált szélesebb körben ismertté kísérleti detektívregény-sorozatával, a "New York trilógiá"-val. Ennek első darabja, az "Üvegváros" egy Quinn nevű, álnéven publikáló író története, akit felbérelnek, hogy kövesse Stillmant, a börtönből szabaduló filozófust, hátha az meg akarja ölni a fiát. Ahogy Quinn elmélyed az ügyben, egy olyan labirintusba téved, amelyben a szereplők kiléte egyre zavarosabb lesz, s már-már szétválaszthatatlan, mi tény és mi fikció. A "Kísértetek" című második regény a detektívtörténet lecsupaszított váza. Az ügy eléggé egyszerűnek látszik. White kívánsága, hogy szemmel tartson egy Black nevezetű egyént, amíg csak szükségesnek mutatkozik. Míg Brownnak dolgozott, Blue elég sok hasonló jellegű munkát végzett, és úgy tűnik, ez az ügy sem lesz másmilyen, talán még könnyebb is az átlagnál - így kezdődik a történet, amelyben végül csak arra a kérdésre kapunk választ, hogy ki kicsoda és miben sántikál, arra azonban nem, hogy mit is jelent ez az egész. "Sötéten, titokzatosan érik a múltban a jelen, jelenben a jövő" - írja Auster. "Ilyen a világ: vakon tapogatózunk, lépésben, szavanként botorkálunk előre. Keserves a tudás, s gyakorta bizony nagy árat kell fizetnünk érte." A bezárt szoba főszereplőjének egyes szám első személyű története a hasonmás-téma variációja. A narrátor egy eltűnt és halottnak hitt író, Fanshawe kéziratának birtokába jut, amelynek publikálása valóságos irodalmi szenzáció. Oly mértékben azonosul ezzel az íróval, hogy még a feleségét is elveszi, holott tudja -egyedül ő tudja-, hogy Fanshawe valójában él. Ez a nyomozás, melynek során irodalmi alakok kopírozódnak egymásra, az önazonosság-keresés parabolájaként olvasható, s mint ilyen, nem csak a trilógiát zárja le, hanem továbbmutat a későbbi -magyarul ugyancsak egytől egyig megjelent- Auster-regények felé.
12,79 € 13,46 €

NY Trilogy

The New York Trilogy" is an astonishing and original book: three cleverly interconnected novels that exploit the elements of standard detective fiction and achieve a new genre that is all the more gripping for its starkness. In each story the search for clues leads to remarkable coincidences in the universe as the simple act of trailing a man ultimately becomes a startling investigation of what it means to be human. Auster's book is modern fiction at its finest: bold, arresting and unputdownable.
10,44 € 10,99 €

Oracle Night

Several months into his recovery from a near-fatal illness, novelist Sidney Orr enters a stationery shop in Brooklyn and buys a blue notebook. It is September 18, 1982, and for the next nine days Orr will live under the spell of this blank book, trapped inside a world of eerie premonitions and bewildering events that threaten to destroy his marriage and undermine his faith in reality. Paul Auster's mesmerizing eleventh novel reads like an old-fashioned ghost story. But there are no ghosts in this book - only flesh-and-blood human beings, wandering through the haunted realms of everyday life. "Oracle Night" is a narrative tour de force that confirms Auster's reputation as one of the boldest, most original writers at work in America today.
8,54 € 8,99 €

Here and Now

Although Paul Auster and J.M. Coetzee had been reading each other's books for years, the two writers did not meet until February 2008. Not long after, Auster received a letter from Coetzee, suggesting they begin exchanging letters on a regular basis and, "God willing, strike sparks off each other". "Here and Now" is the result of that proposal: an epistolary dialogue between two great writers who became great friends. Over three years their letters touched on nearly every subject, from sports to fatherhood, film festivals to incest, philosophy to politics, from the financial crisis to art, family, marriage, friendship, and love. Their correspondence offers an intimate and often amusing portrait of these two men as they explore the complexities of the here and now and is a reflection of two sharp intellects whose pleasure in each other's friendship is apparent on every page.
13,29 € 13,99 €

Winter Journal

In "Winter Journal", Auster presents the abandonment of the family by his father from his mother's point of view: her struggle as a single mother; love found again late in life, a love that was short-lived; her troubled later years and, finally, her death - and the subsequent anxiety attacks Auster suffered in the face of her death. In "Winter Journal" Auster moves through the events of his life in a random series of memories grasped from the point of view of his life now: playing baseball as a teenager; participating in the anti-Vietnam demonstrations at Columbia University; seeking out prostitutes in Paris, almost killing his second wife and child in a car accident; falling in and out of live with his first wife.
8,54 € 8,99 €

Here and Now

Although Paul Auster and J.M. Coetzee had been reading each other's books for years, the two writers did not meet until February 2008. Not long after, Auster received a letter from Coetzee, suggesting they begin exchanging letters on a regular basis and, "God willing, strike sparks off each other". "Here and Now" is the result of that proposal: an epistolary dialogue between two great writers who became great friends. Over three years their letters touched on nearly every subject, from sports to fatherhood, film festivals to incest, philosophy to politics, from the financial crisis to art, family, marriage, friendship, and love. Their correspondence offers an intimate and often amusing portrait of these two men as they explore the complexities of the here and now and is a reflection of two sharp intellects whose pleasure in each other's friendship is apparent on every page.
24,69 € 25,99 €

Travels In The Scriptorium

Evan has a perfect life-until his mother is murdered. Suddenly, he himself is pursued by a circle of killers, only to discover that his entire past has been a lie. With only one chance at survival, and with no one he can trust, he must discover the t ruth about his family-and who he really is.Upozornenie: Vzhľadom na častejšie obmeny vydaní tejto knihy v zahraničí, kus, ktorý vám zašleme, nemusí mať rovnakú obálku ako je zobrazená tu. Zobrazená obálka môže byť iba ilustračná. Obsah knihy aj cena budú však identické, bez ohľadu na obálku.
10,37 € 10,92 €

Auggie Wren's Christmas Story

This charming Christmas fable begins with a dilemma: A writer has been asked by The New York Times to write a story that will appear in the paper on Christmas morning. The man agrees, but he has a problem: How do you write an unsentimental Christmas story? He unburdens himself to his friend at his local cigar shop, a colourful character called Auggie Wren. 'A Christmas story? Is that all?' Auggie counters. 'If you buy me lunch, my friend, I'll tell you the best Christmas story you've ever heard. And I guarantee every word of it is true.' What follows is utterly beguiling - a story involving a blind woman, a lost wallet, and a Christmas dinner - in which everything is turned upside down and the lines between truth and story telling become brilliantly blurred.
11,35 € 11,95 €