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Jessie Burton



If I told you that I'd killed a man with a glance, would you wait to hear the rest? The why, the how, what happened next? Monster. Man-hater. Murderess. Forget everything you've been told about Medusa. Internationally bestselling author Jessie Burton flips the script in this astonishing retelling of Greek myth, illuminating the woman behind the legend at last. Exiled to a far-flung island after being abused by powerful Gods, Medusa has little company other than the snakes that adorn her head instead of hair. Haunted by the memories of a life before everything was stolen from her, she has no choice but to make peace with her present: Medusa the Monster. But when the charmed and beautiful Perseus arrives on the island, her lonely existence is blown apart, unleashing desire, love... and betrayal. Adapted from the hardback illustrated by Olivia Lomenech-Gill, this paperback edition is perfect for readers who loved Circe and Ariadne, as Medusa comes alive in a new version of the story that history set in stone long ago.
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12,30 € 12,95 €

The Miniaturist

There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed ...On an autumn day in 1686, eighteen-year-old Nella Oortman knocks at the door of a grand house in the wealthiest quarter of Amsterdam. She has come from the country to begin a new life as the wife of illustrious merchant trader Johannes Brandt, but instead she is met by his sharp-tongued sister, Marin. Only later does Johannes appear and present her with an extraordinary wedding gift: a cabinet-sized replica of their home. It is to be furnished by an elusive miniaturist, whose tiny creations mirror their real-life counterparts in unexpected ways ...Nella is at first mystified by the closed world of the Brandt household, but as she uncovers its secrets she realizes the escalating dangers that await them all. Does the miniaturist hold their fate in her hands? And will she be the key to their salvation or the architect of their downfall? Beautiful, intoxicating and filled with heart-pounding suspense, The Miniaturist is a magnificent story of love and obsession, betrayal and retribution, appearance and truth.
14,73 € 15,50 €


Jedného jesenného dňa v roku 1686 zaklope na dvere veľkolepého domu v najbohatšej časti Amsterdamu osemnásťročná Nella Oortmanová. Mladučká vidiečanka sa má ujať roly manželky zámožného kupca Johannesa Brandta, no privíta ju len jeho odmeraná sestra, čierny sluha a prostoreká slúžka. Manžela stretne až na druhý deň a ten jej venuje zvláštny svadobným dar, dokonalú zmenšeninu ich honosného sídla, veľkú ako skriňová vitrína. Nella si do nej objedná zariadenie od tajuplného miniaturistu a od tej chvíle sa začnú diať zvláštne veci. Drobné výtvory do detailov kopírujú skutočný život rodiny – až desivo verne. Umelec zjavne pozná životy jej členov lepšie, než oni sami, a drží ich osudy vo svojich rukách. Miniaturista je dojímavý príbeh lásky a posadnutosti, zrady a odplaty, ktorý vás chytí za srdce. Autorka sa pri písaní románu inšpirovala miniatúrou domu od neznámeho umelca vystavenou v Rijksmuseu v Amsterdame, ktorú kedysi vlastnila skutočná Nella Oortmanová.
14,16 € 14,90 €


Jednoho podzimního dne roku 1686 klepe na dveře velkolepého domu v nejbohatší části Amsterodamu osmnáctiletá Nella Oortmanová. Přijela z chudé venkovské rodiny, aby se ujala role manželky zámožného kupce Johannese Brandta, avšak místo milujícího manžela ji přivítá jeho odměřená sestra, černý sluha a prostořeká služebná. Když se Johannes později vrátí z cest, věnuje Nelle velice zvláštní svatební dar – skříňkovou repliku jejich domu. Nella si do ní objedná zařízení od tajuplného miniaturisty a od té chvíle se začnou dít prapodivné věci… Román zachycuje dramatické osudy rodiny Brandtových na pozadí Amsterodamu sedmnáctého století, kdy toto město patřilo k nejbohatším a nejvlivnějším centrům své doby.
15,58 € 16,40 €

The Miniaturist

There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed ...On an autumn day in 1686, eighteen-year-old Nella Oortman knocks at the door of a grand house in the wealthiest quarter of Amsterdam. She has come from the country to begin a new life as the wife of illustrious merchant trader Johannes Brandt, but instead she is met by his sharp-tongued sister, Marin. Only later does Johannes appear and present her with an extraordinary wedding gift: a cabinet-sized replica of their home. It is to be furnished by an elusive miniaturist, whose tiny creations mirror their real-life counterparts in unexpected ways ...Nella is at first mystified by the closed world of the Brandt household, but as she uncovers its secrets she realizes the escalating dangers that await them all. Does the miniaturist hold their fate in her hands? And will she be the key to their salvation or the architect of their downfall? Beautiful, intoxicating and filled with heart-pounding suspense, The Miniaturist is a magnificent story of love and obsession, betrayal and retribution, appearance and truth.
9,03 € 9,50 €

A babaház úrnője

Amszterdam, 1686. A tizennyolc éves Petronella Oortman a városba érkezését követően elfoglalja helyét dúsgazdag kereskedő férje, Johannes Brandt oldalán. Hamarosan rá kell azonban ébrednie, hogy az élete nem pontosan olyan lesz, mint amilyennek elképzelte, és hogy a Brandt-ház szívfacsaró titkokat rejteget. Miközben kétségbeesetten igyekszik eligazodni a bonyolult viszonyok között, felbukkan egy titokzatos személy, egy miniatűrkészítő, aki rejtélyes küldeményeivel mintha csak az ő sorsát igyekezne egyengetni. Jessie Burton a női sors és a szabadságvágy örök témáit járja körül, miközben regényének lapjain megelevenednek a tizenhetedik század végi Amszterdam hétköznapjai. Jessie Burton 1982-ben született. Első regénye, A babaház úrnője 2014-ben jelent meg, amelyet Anglia legnagyobb könyvesbolthálózata, a Waterstones az év könyvévé választott. 2015-ben 31 nyelven jelenik meg a regény. A szerző jelenleg második művén dolgozik.
13,54 € 14,25 €


The phenomenal Number One Bestseller Winner of the Specsavers National Book Award 2014 Waterstones Book of the Year 2014 Selected for the Richard & Judy Book Club 2015 There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed ...On an autumn day in 1686, eighteen-year-old Nella Oortman knocks at the door of a grand house in the wealthiest quarter of Amsterdam. She has come from the country to begin a new life as the wife of illustrious merchant trader Johannes Brandt, but instead she is met by his sharp-tongued sister, Marin. Only later does Johannes appear and present her with an extraordinary wedding gift: a cabinet-sized replica of their home. It is to be furnished by an elusive miniaturist, whose tiny creations mirror their real-life counterparts in unexpected ways ...Nella is at first mystified by the closed world of the Brandt household, but as she uncovers its secrets she realizes the escalating dangers that await them all. Does the miniaturist hold their fate in her hands? And will she be the key to their salvation or the architect of their downfall? Beautiful, intoxicating and filled with heart-pounding suspense, Jessie Burton's magnificent debut novel The Miniaturist is a story of love and obsession, betrayal and retribution, appearance and truth.
14,73 € 15,50 €

The Muse

The Sunday Times Number One Bestseller A picture hides a thousand words ...On a hot July day in 1967, Odelle Bastien climbs the stone steps of the Skelton gallery in London, knowing that her life is about to change forever. Having struggled to find her place in the city since she arrived from Trinidad five years ago, she has been offered a job as a typist under the tutelage of the glamorous and enigmatic Marjorie Quick. But though Quick takes Odelle into her confidence, and unlocks a potential she didn't know she had, she remains a mystery - no more so than when a lost masterpiece with a secret history is delivered to the gallery. The truth about the painting lies in 1936 and a large house in rural Spain, where Olive Schloss, the daughter of a renowned art dealer, is harbouring ambitions of her own. Into this fragile paradise come artist and revolutionary Isaac Robles and his half-sister Teresa, who immediately insinuate themselves into the Schloss family, with explosive and devastating consequences ...Seductive, exhilarating and suspenseful, The Muse is an unforgettable novel about aspiration and identity, love and obsession, authenticity and deception - a masterpiece from Jessie Burton, the million-copy bestselling author of The Miniaturist.
14,73 € 15,50 €


Olive Schlossová prichádza v 30. rokoch minulého storočia s bohatými rodičmi do Španielska na letný byt. Rada maľuje, no svoj talent musí pred otcom, viedenským obchodníkom s umením, tajiť. V prenajatej haciende sa zblíži so slúžkou Teresou a s jej nevlastným bratom, ambicióznym umelcom Isaacom, ktorý sníva o tom, že sa raz stane rovnako slávny ako jeho krajan Picasso. V tom čase sa už v Španielsku schyľuje ku krvavej občianskej vojne, ktorá neblaho zasiahne do osudov rodiny. O niekoľko desaťročí neskôr prichádza do Londýna karibská emigrantka Odelle Bastienová. Podarí sa jej zamestnať v prestížnom Skeltonovom inštitúte výtvarného umenia a náhodou objaví obraz, ktorého autorom je vraj istý Isaac Robles. Jeho záhadná smrť kedysi nadlho rozvírila vody umeleckého sveta. Rozruch okolo obrazu neutícha, šíria sa klebety a Odelle sa postupne zaplieta do siete intríg a klamstiev. Už nevie, komu a čomu môže veriť. Možno ani svojej tajomnej kolegyni Marjorie Quickovej, ktorá akoby vedela viac, než je ochotná prezradiť.
2,00 € 14,90 €


Strhující příběh dvou žen plný záhad a zvratů se odehrává v Anglii šedesátých let dvacátého století a ve Španělsku koncem třicátých let. Do Londýna přijíždí Odelle, mladá absolventka univerzity na Trinidadu. Píše básně, ale musí prodávat boty. Má pocit, že štěstí jí konečně začíná přát, když získá místo písařky v galerii a seznámí se s mužem, jemuž matka odkázala pozoruhodný obraz – pravděpodobně mistrovské dílo španělského malíře Isaaca Roblese. Kolem obrazu houstne spleť záhad a klamů, takže Odelle brzy neví, komu může věřit a co je pravda. Klíč k ní se ztrácí někde v bouřlivých časech těsně před občanskou válkou ve Španělsku, kde v chudé vesnici spolu s rodiči tráví léto nadaná Olive, dcera vídeňského obchodníka s obrazy, a odkud pochází Isaac Robles, který se chce slávou vyrovnat Picassovi. Jedinečný dramatický příběh o ctižádosti, lásce a touze lidí více či méně talentovaných i o tom, jak naše životy nutně utváří doba, do níž jsme se narodili.
18,71 € 19,69 €

The Muse

The Sunday Times Number One Bestseller A picture hides a thousand words ...On a hot July day in 1967, Odelle Bastien climbs the stone steps of the Skelton gallery in London, knowing that her life is about to change forever. Having struggled to find her place in the city since she arrived from Trinidad five years ago, she has been offered a job as a typist under the tutelage of the glamorous and enigmatic Marjorie Quick. But though Quick takes Odelle into her confidence, and unlocks a potential she didn't know she had, she remains a mystery - no more so than when a lost masterpiece with a secret history is delivered to the gallery. The truth about the painting lies in 1936 and a large house in rural Spain, where Olive Schloss, the daughter of a renowned art dealer, is harbouring ambitions of her own. Into this fragile paradise come artist and revolutionary Isaac Robles and his half-sister Teresa, who immediately insinuate themselves into the Schloss family, with explosive and devastating consequences ...Seductive, exhilarating and suspenseful, The Muse is an unforgettable novel about aspiration and identity, love and obsession, authenticity and deception - a masterpiece from Jessie Burton, the million-copy bestselling author of The Miniaturist.
9,45 € 9,95 €

The Muse

The Sunday Times Number One Bestseller and Richard and Judy Book Club selection. A picture hides a thousand words ...On a hot July day in 1967, Odelle Bastien climbs the stone steps of the Skelton gallery in London, knowing that her life is about to change forever. Having struggled to find her place in the city since she arrived from Trinidad five years ago, she has been offered a job as a typist under the tutelage of the glamorous and enigmatic Marjorie Quick. But though Quick takes Odelle into her confidence, and unlocks a potential she didn't know she had, she remains a mystery - no more so than when a lost masterpiece with a secret history is delivered to the gallery. The truth about the painting lies in 1936 and a large house in rural Spain, where Olive Schloss, the daughter of a renowned art dealer, is harbouring ambitions of her own. Into this fragile paradise come artist and revolutionary Isaac Robles and his half-sister Teresa, who immediately insinuate themselves into the Schloss family, with explosive and devastating consequences ...Seductive, exhilarating and suspenseful, The Muse is an unforgettable novel about aspiration and identity, love and obsession, authenticity and deception - a masterpiece from Jessie Burton, the million-copy bestselling author of The Miniaturist.
13,29 € 13,99 €


London, 1967. A trinidadi Odelle állást kap az előkelő Skelton galériában. Egy nap felbukkan a varázslatos tehetségű spanyol festő, Isaac Robles egy addig ismeretlen korai műve, amit a galéria kiállításon akar bemutatni. Odelle-nek feltűnik, milyen különös hatást gyakorol a kép főnökére és pártfogójára, Marjorie Quickre, és a lányban gyanú ébred: miféle titkok rejlenek a festmény múltjában? Spanyolország, 1930-as évek. Robles, a festő és a húga megismerkedik egy Londonból érkezett műkereskedővel és vonzó lányával, Olive-val. A kereskedőt elbűvöli Robles első képe, ám mielőtt felkarolhatná az ifjú tehetséget, kirobban a spanyol polgárháború... Mi köti össze ezt a két eseményt, amelyet több mint harminc év választ el? Jessie Burton regényében egy festmény sorsán keresztül ismét magával ragadó, érzelmekben gazdag történet tárul fel múlt és jelen kapcsolatáról, a szerelembe beleavatkozó politikáról és a tehetség valódi természetéről.
12,26 € 12,90 €

The Miniaturist - TV Tie-In Edition

NOW A MAJOR BBC TV SERIESThe phenomenal Number One BestsellerWinner of the Specsavers National Book Award 2014Waterstones Book of the Year 2014Selected for the Richard & Judy Book Club 2015There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed . . . On an autumn day in 1686, eighteen-year-old Nella Oortman knocks at the door of a grand house in the wealthiest quarter of Amsterdam. She has come from the country to begin a new life as the wife of illustrious merchant trader Johannes Brandt, but instead she is met by his sharp-tongued sister, Marin. Only later does Johannes appear and present her with an extraordinary wedding gift: a cabinet-sized replica of their home. It is to be furnished by an elusive miniaturist, whose tiny creations mirror their real-life counterparts in unexpected ways . . .Nella is at first mystified by the closed world of the Brandt household, but as she uncovers its secrets she realizes the escalating dangers that await them all. Does the miniaturist hold their fate in her hands? And will she be the key to their salvation or the architect of their downfall?Beautiful, intoxicating and filled with heart-pounding suspense, Jessie Burton's magnificent debut novel The Miniaturist is a story of love and obsession, betrayal and retribution, appearance and truth.
11,88 € 12,50 €

The Restless Girls

A dazzling, feminist reinterpretation of a classic fairytale, from the bestselling author of The Miniaturist and The Muse, beautifully illustrated by Angela Barrett. The Restless Girls is the book that every little girl and boy needs to read, a story of family, sisterhood, imagination and bravery'A magical modern retelling of an old fairytale ... Exquisite' JACQUELINE WILSON'Wild, wise, generous, ferocious' KATHERINE RUNDELLFor her twelve daughters, Queen Laurelia's death in a motor car accident is a disaster beyond losing a mother. Their father, King Alberto, cannot bear the idea of the princesses ever being in danger and decides his daughters must be kept safe at all costs. Those costs include their lessons, their possessions and, most importantly, their freedom. But the eldest, Princess Frida, will not bend to his will without a fight and she still has one possession her father can't take: the power of her imagination. And so, with little but wits and ingenuity to rely on, Frida and her sisters begin their fight to be allowed to live.
17,58 € 18,50 €

The Confession

The sensational new novel from the million-copy bestselling author of The Miniaturist and The Muse. One winter's afternoon on Hampstead Heath in 1980, Elise Morceau meets Constance Holden and quickly falls under her spell. Connie is bold and alluring, a successful writer whose novel is being turned into a major Hollywood film. Elise follows Connie to LA, a city of strange dreams and swimming pools and late-night gatherings of glamorous people. But whilst Connie thrives on the heat and electricity of this new world where everyone is reaching for the stars and no one is telling the truth, Elise finds herself floundering. When she overhears a conversation at a party that turns everything on its head, Elise makes an impulsive decision that will change her life forever. Three decades later, Rose Simmons is seeking answers about her mother, who disappeared when she was a baby. Having learned that the last person to see her was Constance Holden, a reclusive novelist who withdrew from public life at the peak of her fame, Rose is drawn to the door of Connie's imposing house in search of a confession . . . From the million-copy bestselling author of The Miniaturist and The Muse, this is a luminous, powerful and deeply moving novel about secrets and storytelling, motherhood and friendship, and how we lose and find ourselves.
16,63 € 17,50 €