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Guide To Life/Princess Diares

A companion book to the best-selling PRINCESS DIARIES series! Discover your inner princess! Have you always wanted to be a princess? Ever checked for a pea under your mattress? While you're waiting to ascend the throne, let Princess Mia and her very special guests tell you what's what about being royalty. It includes such crucial information as understanding the mysterious world of guys and how to pluck the perfect eyebrow. Special advice from Lilly and Grandmere (as if they could keep out of it), among others.
8,48 € 8,93 €

The Princess Diaries: Give Me Five

Mia is about to turn fifteen and can't wait to dance the night away with Michael at the biggest, most romantic event of her life so far: the senior prom! But nothing's going according to plan. Not only does Mia face a snoozefest summer of sceptre-wielding in Genovia. Even worse is the fact that Michael hasn't even invited Mia to the prom at all. Hello, what is going on here? Just as Mia comes up with a perfect plan to change her man's mind, disaster strikes. A disaster that only a genius like Grandmere can overcome...
10,37 € 10,92 €

Cabot - Queen of Babble

Lizzie Nichols has a problem, and it isn´t that she´s blowing her college graduation money on a trip to visit her long-distance boyfriend Andy in London. She just can´t keep anything to herself, including her indignation at finding out her beloved boyfrie
8,50 € 8,95 €

The Princess Diaries: Sixsational

The sixth hilarious installment of the best-selling THE PRINCESS DIARIES series. How can Mia bear it? Michael, her one true love, has gone away to college, leaving her to face a new school year alone (well, nearly). With a potential eco-disaster in G enovia, a new English teacher who can't stand her and a totally transformed Boris to get used to, life for the world's most reluctant royal is looking like it can't get much worse. Until Grandmere and Lilly step in - with a plan to save Genovia and A lbert Einstein High. A plan that involves Grandmere showing up at school in her fur cape and tiara!Upozornenie: Vzhľadom na častejšie obmeny vydaní tejto knihy v zahraničí, kus, ktorý vám zašleme, nemusí mať rovnakú obálku ako je zobrazená tu. Zobraz ená obálka môže byť iba ilustračná. Obsah knihy aj cena budú však identické, bez ohľadu na obálku.
10,37 € 10,92 €

The Princess Diaries: To the Nines (Princess Diaries)

Mia has hit an all-time low. Lilly isn't speaking to her. Someone is posting horrible things about her on ihatemiathermopolis.com. Grandmere is forcing her to give a speech to two thousand of the most powerful businesswomen in America. And oh yeah: Michael, the love of her life, has dumped her. But despite what the press seems to think, Mia has more on her mind than recruiting a new Prince Charming. Like solving a 400-year-old mystery that could mean BIG changes for little Genovia. But is Mia really ready to throw away her tiara especially if it means destroying a dynasty?
10,93 € 11,50 €

Size 12 is not Fat

When you peak at fifteen, where can things go but downhill? Former teen pop sensation Heather Wells has hit rock bottom: tired of singing other people's lyrics, she hasn't exactly been bombarded with recording contracts for her own songs. Worse, Dad' s in jail, Mom's bolted for Buenos Aires, and Heather can't seem to stop drowning her sorrows in Kit Kat bars. To top it all, Heather's fiance Jordan Cartwright has replaced her - on the charts as well as in his bed - with America's newest number one pop sensation, Tania Trace. When Heather finds a job in a New York college dorm - right around the corner from her temporary digs in her gorgeous friend Cooper's attic apartment - things seem to start looking up...at least until girls in the dorm be gin to perish at an alarming rate. Elevator surfing is the official explanation from university administration, but Heather has other suspicions, and - enlisting a reluctant Cooper's aid - she attempts to get to the bottom of the rash of teen deaths in the building where she works, never knowing that it isn't her supper she'll be singing for this time, but quite possibly her life.Upozornenie: Vzhľadom na častejšie obmeny vydaní tejto knihy v zahraničí, kus, ktorý vám zašleme, nemusí mať rovnakú obálku ako je zobrazená tu. Zobrazená obálka môže byť iba ilustračná. Obsah knihy aj cena budú však identické, bez ohľadu na obálku.
10,06 € 10,59 €

Queen of Babble in the Big City

Lizzie Nichols is back, pounding the New York City pavement and looking for a job, a place to live, and her proper place in the universe (not necessarily in that order). When "Summer Fling" Luke uses the L word (Living Together), Lizzie is only too happy to give up her plan of being postgrad roomies with best friend, Shari, in a one-room walk-up in exchange for cohabitation with the love of her life in his mother's Fifth Avenue pied-à-terre, complete with doorman and resident Renoir. But Lizzie's not as lucky in her employment search. As Shari finds the perfect job, Lizzie struggles through one humiliating interview after another, being judged overqualified for the jobs in her chosen field—vintage-gown rehab—and underqualified for everything else. It's Shari's boyfriend Chaz to the rescue when he recommends Lizzie for a receptionist's position at his father's posh law firm. The nonpaying gig at a local wedding-gown shop Lizzie manages to land all on her own. But Lizzie's notoriously big mouth begins to get her into trouble at work and at home almost at once—first at the law firm, where she becomes too chummy with Jill Higgins, a New York society bride with a troublesome future mother-in-law, and then back on Fifth Avenue, when she makes the mistake of bringing up the M word (Marriage) with commitment-shy Luke. Soon Lizzie finds herself jobless as well as homeless all over again. Can Lizzie save herself—and the hapless Jill—and find career security (not to mention a mutually satisfying committed relationship) at last?
8,50 € 8,95 €

Size Doesn't Matter

Heather should be happy. She's finally got a boyfriend and although he was only supposed to be her "rebound guy", things have gotten serious fast ...She's also actually passing her first college course, and better yet her dad's moving out. On the dow n side, her boss, Dr. Veatch, may well be the most boring man on the face of the planet ...But that hardly seems reason enough to put a bullet through his head. Can Heather find her boss' murderer, answer Tad's question, and get her landlord Cooper t o realize that by letting her go, he's making the biggest mistake of his life, all while maintaining a fifteen hundred calorie per day diet?Upozornenie: Vzhľadom na častejšie obmeny vydaní tejto knihy v zahraničí, kus, ktorý vám zašleme, nemusí mať r ovnakú obálku ako je zobrazená tu. Zobrazená obálka môže byť iba ilustračná. Obsah knihy aj cena budú však identické, bez ohľadu na obálku.
7,86 € 8,27 €

Princess Diaries: Take Two

14-year-old Mia Thermopolis is still coming to terms with the fact that she's a princess - and heir to the throne of Genovia! But when she announces on national TV that her mum is pregnant by her algebra teacher and plans to marry him, a right-royal fuss results! For now Mia's dreadful old Grandmere is all set to plan the year's biggest society wedding, with every A-list celeb invited, from the Reagans to Phil Collins. But will the bride and groom turn up?
10,37 € 10,92 €

When Lightning Strikes

When lightning strikes there can only be trouble - as Jessica Mastriani finds out when she and best friend Ruth get caught in a thunderstorm. Not that Jess has ever really avoided trouble before. Instead of cheerleading there are fistfights with the football team and month-long stints in detention - not that detention doesn't have its good points - like sitting next to Rob - the cutest senior around! But this is trouble with a capital T - this trouble is serious. Because somehow, on that long walk home in the thunderstorm, Jess acquired a newfound talent. An amazing power that can be used for good...or for evil.
11,00 € 11,58 €

Safe House

When cheerleader Amber Mackey goes missing and is later found dead, many blame Lightning Girl, Jess Mastriani, for not stopping the brutal killing. But when Amber went missing Jess was on holiday. It wasn't her fault! How could Jess have found her when she didn't know that she was missing in the first place? When another cheerleader disappears, Jess has a chance to redeem herself. But just how is she supposed to keep her psychic powers secret from the feds, while at the same time tracking down a murderer - especially when the number one suspect turns out to be living in Jess's own house?
11,00 € 11,58 €


Jessica Mastriani knew she wasn't going to be able to hide her psychic powers from the US government forever - but she never thought that she'd actually have something in common with one of their agents! Especially as that agent is Dr Cyrus Krantz , who had previously been brought in to 'convince' Jess to join his elite team of 'specially gifted' crime-solvers, when all they were after was using her special skills for their own ends. But when a local boy's disappearance and untimely death is attributed to a backwoods militia group, Jess' goal - to find another missing local child - and Dr Krantz's - to stop a group of madmen before they kill again - turn out to be one and the same...
11,00 € 11,58 €

Krajina plná stínů

My jsme stráž, která stojí u brány mezi světy. My jsme ti, kteří pomáhají ztraceným duším najít cestu, z níž sešly… Šestnáctiletá středoškolačka Susannah Simonová viděla svého prvního ducha, když jí byly dva roky. Od té doby se její svět hemží nešťastnými zbloudilými dušemi, které potřebují pomoc, aby se dostaly do `země stínů`. A pomáhat jim je právě úkolem `mediátorů`, lidí, kteří mají vzácnou schopnost vidět a hovořit se zesnulými. Navenek je ovšem Suze normální šestnáctiletá středoškolačka, která se musí vyrovnávat s matčiným sňatkem, přírůstkem tří nevlastních bratrů do rodiny i stěhováním z New Yorku do Kalifornie a změnou školy… Ale už první den v novém místě Suze zjistí, že její pokoj ve starém domě je už obydlen šarmantním duchem snědého mladíka, který tam přišel o život někdy před sto padesáti lety, u její školní skříňky pak straší podstatně mladší a nebezpečnější duch školačky Heather, která si po rozchodu s přítelem prostřelila hlavu. Heather je plná zuřivosti a jejím jed
7,73 € 8,14 €

Denník princeznej

Štrnásťročná puberťáčka Mia má kopu mindrákov a jej najvernejším priateľom je denníček, do ktorého si zapisuje všetky radosti i trápenia. Zdôveruje sa mu so svojím obdivom k hviezde školy Joshovi, s nechuťou k Joshovej priateľke i so zdesením, ktoré prežíva, keď sa sčista jasna dozvie, že jej ocko je knieža a ona je princezná, následníčka trónu!
6,28 € 6,61 €

Princezná vo svetle reflektorov

Štrnásťročná Mia, ktorá sa nečakane dozvedela, že je princezná z Genovie, sa v tomto veselom pokračovaní svojich dobrodružstiev postupne spamätáva zo šokujúcej správy. A prirodzene, pokračuje v písaní svojho vzrušujúceho denníka. Hneď na prvých stránkach sa dozvedáme, že Miina umelecky založená matka čaká dieťa s Miin učiteľom matematiky. Toto však nie je jediný problém, ktorý trápi hrdinkinu tínedžerskú dušičku. Trápi sa pre neopätovanú lásku k bratovi svojej najlepšej priateľky, nedajú jej spať záhadné e-maily od tajného obdivovateľa (žeby to bol predsa Michael?) a rozčuľujú ju príkazy a zákazy jej panovačnej kráľovskej starej mamy. Keď ju „grandmere“ prinúti dať súhlas na televízne interview, Mia nechtiac vytára mamine tajnosti do celého sveta. Navyše stará mama trvá na tom, aby Miina matka, ktorá si vonkoncom nepotrpí na nijaké formality, mala svadbu v štýle horných desaťtisíc. A popri tom všetkom Mia ešte prežíva každodenné trampoty v škole a žalostí nad svojimi ešte vždy nedostat
6,28 € 6,61 €