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When Gaby Bailleux released the Angel Worm into Australia's prison system, allowing hundreds of asylum seekers to walk free, she also let the cat out of the bag. The Americans ran the prisons, like so many parts of her country, and so the doors of some 5000 American places of incarceration also opened. Both countries' secrets threatened to pour out. Was this a mistake, or had Gaby declared cyberwar on the US? Felix Moore - known to himself as 'Australia's last serving left wing journalist' - has no doubt. Her act was part of the covert conflict between Australia and America. That conflict dates back to the largely forgotten Battle of Brisbane in 1943, stretches forward to America's security interests in Pine Gap and commercial interests everywhere, and has as its most outrageous act the coup of 1975. Funded by his property-developer mate Woody Townes, Felix is going to write Gaby's biography, to save her, and himself, and maybe his country. But how to get Gaby to co-operate? What role does her film-star mother have to play? And what, after all, does Woody really want?
9,45 € 9,95 €

A Long Way From Home

Irene Bobs loves fast driving. Her husband is the best car salesman in rural south eastern Australia. Together with Willie, their lanky navigator, they embark upon the Redex Trial, a brutal race around the continent, over roads no car will ever quite survive. A Long Way from Home is Peter Carey's late style masterpiece; a thrilling high speed story that starts in one way, then takes you to another place altogether. Set in the 1950s in the embers of the British Empire, painting a picture of Queen and subject, black, white and those in-between, this brilliantly vivid novel illustrates how the possession of an ancient culture spirals through history - and the love made and hurt caused along the way.
20,85 € 21,95 €

Oscar and Lucinda

The Booker Prize-winning novel--now a major motion picture from Fox Searchlight Pictures. This sweeping, irrepressibly inventive novel, is a romance, but a romance of the sort that could only take place in nineteenth-century Australia. For only on that sprawling continent--a haven for misfits of both the animal and human kingdoms--could a nervous Anglican minister who gambles on the instructions of the Divine become allied with a teenaged heiress who buys a glassworks to help liberate her sex. And only the prodigious imagination of Peter Carey could implicate Oscar and Lucinda in a narrative of love and commerce, religion and colonialism, that culminates in a half-mad expedition to transport a glass church across the Outback.
26,55 € 27,95 €

Parrot and Olivier in America

From the two-time Booker Prize-winning author: an irrepressible, audacious, trenchantly funny new novel set in the 19th century and inspired in part by the life of Alexis de Tocqueville.With dazzling exuberance and all the richness of characterization, story, and language that we have come to expect from this superlative writer, Peter Carey explores the birth of democracy, the limits of friendship and whether people really can remake themselves in a New World.The two men at the heart of the novel couldn't be any more different: Olivier is the son of French aristocrats who (barely) survived the French Revolution. Parrot is the motherless son of an itinerate English printer. But when young Parrot is separated from his father (after a stupendous conflagration at a house of forgery) he runs into the powerful embrace of a one-armed marquis who will be his conduit - like it or not - into a life as closely (mis)allied with Olivier's as if they were connected by blood. And when Olivier sets sail for America - ostensibly to make a study of the American penal system, but more precisely to save his neck from the latest guillotineurs - Parrot, unable to loosen the Marquis's grip, is there too: as spy, scribe, comptroller, protector, foe and foil.As the narrative unfurls, shifting between the perspectives of Olivier and Parrot, between their picaresque adventures apart and together, in love and politics, prisons and finance, homelands and brave new lands - a most unlikely friendship begins to take hold.
15,15 € 15,95 €

Chemistry of Tears

An automaton, a man and a woman who can never meet, a secret love story, and the fate of the warming world are all brought to incandescent life in this hauntingly moving novel from one of the finest writers of our time. London 2011, Catherine Gehrig, conservator at the Swinburne museum, learns of the unexpected death of her colleague and lover of thirteen years. As the mistress of a married man she has to grieve in private. One other person knows their secret, the director of the museum, who arranges for Catherine to be given a special project away from prying eyes. Mad with grief, the usually controlled and rational Catherine discovers a series of handwritten notebooks telling the story of the man who originally commissioned the extraordinary and eerie automata she has been asked to bring back to life. With a precocious new assistant, Amanda, at her side, she starts to piece together both the clockwork puzzle and the story of the mechanical creature which was commissioned in 19th century Germany by an English man, Henry Brandling, as a 'magical amusement' for his consumptive son. Having been asked to leave his home by his wife, Henry turns his hurtful departure into an adventure that he records for his young child. But it is Catherine Gehrig, in a strangely stormy and overheated London nearly two hundred years later, who will find comfort and wonder in reading Henry's story. And it is the automata, in its beautiful, uncanny imitation of life, that will link two strangers confronted with the mysteries of life and death, the miracle and catastrophe of human invention and the body's astonishing chemistry of love and feeling.
9,45 € 9,95 €


Peter Carey's astonishing debut novel is a fast-moving extravaganza, both funny and gripping, about a man who, recovering from death, is convinced that he is in hell.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Parrot and Olivier in America

Olivier is an aristocrat, the traumatized child of survivors of the French Revolution. Parrot the son of an itinerant printer who always wanted to be an artist but has ended up a servant. Born on different sides of history, their lives will be brought together by their travels in America. When Olivier sets sail for America, ostensibly to study its prisons but in reality to save his neck from one more revolution - Parrot is sent with him, as spy, protector, foe and foil. As the narrative shifts between the perspectives of Parrot and Olivier, and their picaresque travels together and apart - in love and politics, prisons and the world of art - Peter Carey explores the adventure of American democracy, in theory and in practice, with dazzling wit and inventiveness.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Lacná kniha Pravdivý příběh Neda Kellyho a jeho bandy (-95%)

Strhující román jednoho z nejvýraznějších australských autorů vypráví o chlapci vyrůstajícím v irské přistěhovalecké rodině, o bídě a drsném životě domkářů v Austrálii 19. století a o tom, jak je snadné ocitnout se na nesprávné straně zákona, pokud se člověk nenarodil jako boháč a nemíní spolupracovat se zkorumpovanou policií. Ned Kelly, jemuž spisovatel vzdává ve své knize hold, byl skutečnou postavou?divokého jihu?, proslulý svým neprůstřelným oděvem, který mu dodával vzezření středověkého rytíře a učinil z tohoto desperáta mýtus mezi bílými přistěhovalci. Kniha získala prestižní literární cenu Booker Prize za rok 2001.
0,82 € 16,45 €

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Lacná kniha Parrot a Olivier v Americe (-95%)

Kniha Parrot a Olivier v Americe byla v loňském roce v užším výběru na nejvyšší britské literární ocenění Man Booker Prize.Může být politická fikce románem? Spisovatel Peter Carey oživuje velkého francouzského filozofa Alexise de Tocqueville a jeho c estu do Ameriky, z níž vzešlo dílo Demokracie v Americe první velká studie o mravech, morálce a politice ve Spojených státech, prostřednictvím fiktivních postav Oliviera de Garmonta a Johna Parrota Larrita, jeho sluhy a špicla zároveň.Olivier je syn francouzských šlechticů, kteří jen tak tak během revoluce nepřišli o hlavu. Je to nešťastník se špatným zrakem, chorobně opečovávaný matkou, snob, který má za to, že šlechta má absolutní právo povyšovat se nad každého. Parrot (nebo také papoušek) je naopak synem potulného anglického tiskaře, jako dvanáctiletý utíká do Paříže, kde se stává v Olivierově rodině sluhou. A když odjíždí Olivier do Nového světa studovat vězeňský systém, ač si chce ve skutečnosti jen zachránit krk, k pramalé radosti je Parrot vypraven s ním. Děj cesty je vyprávěn střídavě z perspektivy obou protagonistů jako pikareskní dobrodružství lásky a politiky na pozadí dějin staré vlasti a v perspektivě dobývání nových zemí. Navzdory okolnostem vzniká mezi oběma přátelst ví.
0,23 € 4,61 €

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Lacná kniha Lucifer 3 - Flirtování se zatracenými - 2.vydání (-90%)

Jen několika bytostem se v dějinách podařilo obrátit nepřízeň osudu ve svůj prospěch tak úspěšně a v takovém měřítku, jako se to povedlo Luciferovi, bývalému oblíbenci Nebe a penzionovanému vládci Pekla. Poté, co otevřel bránu sféry mimo naši realitu, ji nejen dokázal ubránit před nevítanými návštěvníky, ale také díky ní vyšachoval ze hry své andělské soukmenovce a přitom si splnil svůj největší sen – stvořit nový vesmír se sebou samotným v roli Boha. A teď, zatímco Lucifer pracuje ve své nové rajské zahradě, jsou hybateli dalších plánů a spiknutí především ti, které zanechal ve starém světě – především v Pekle, kde nižší šlechta, vládci zatracených, hraje lidskou maškarádu a doufá, že využije moc jitřního knížete ke svým ďábelským záměrům. Škoda, že jenom pár z nich dokáže vidět rozměr síly, s níž si zahrávají – a výši sázek, které jsou v banku.
2,75 € 27,45 €

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