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Masters of Mankind

In this collection of essays from 1969-2013, many in book form for the first time, Noam Chomsky exposes the real nature of state power. With unrelenting logic, he holds the arguments of empire up to critical examination and shatters the myths of those who protect the power and privilege of the few against the interests and needs to the many. Covering subjects like 'Human Intelligence and the Environment', 'Terror, Justice and Self-Defence' and 'The Welfare-Warfare state', this is an indispensable compilation of searing insights into the state of our modern world. "Arguably the most important intellectual alive." (New York Times on Noam Chomsky). "Noam Chomsky is a global phenomenon...he may be the most widely read American voice on the planet today." (NYT Book Review). "Will there ever again be a public intellectual who commands the attention of so many across the planet?" (New Statesman). "The west's most prominent critic of US imperialism...the closest thing in the English-speaking world to an intellectual superstar." (Guardian).
11,35 € 11,95 €

O Palestině

Operace Protective Edge (Ochranné ostří) si vyžádala tisíce palestinských obětí a vyčistila prostor pro další zábor půdy ze strany Izraele. Ještě nikdy nebylo tak důležité projevovat lidu Palestiny solidaritu a podporu. Ilan Pappé a Noam Chomsky, dva přední hlasy boje za osvobození Palestiny, rozebírají budoucnost obyvatel Palestiny a to, jak může mezinárodní veřejnost na Izrael tlačit, aby přestal s porušováním lidských práv palestinského lidu.
15,10 € 15,89 €

Who Rules the World?

Internationally renowned political commentator Noam Chomsky examines America's pursuit and exercise of power in a post 9/11 world Noam Chomsky is the world's foremost intellectual activist. Over the last half century, no one has done more to question the great global powers who govern our lives, forensically scrutinizing policies and actions, calling our politicians, institutions and media to account. The culmination of years of work, Who Rules the World? is Chomsky's definitive intellectual investigation into the major issues of our times. From the dark history of the US and Cuba to China's global rise, from torture memos to sanctions on Iran, Chomsky explores how America's talk of freedom and human rights is often at odds with its actions. Delving deep into the conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Israel/Palestine, he provides nuanced, surprising insights into the workings of modern-day imperial power. The world's political and financial elite have become ever more insulated from democratic constraints on their actions. Chomsky shines a powerful light on this inconvenient truth. With climate change and nuclear proliferation threatening the survival of our civilization, the message has never been more pertinent or more urgent: the need for an engaged and active public to steer the world away from disaster grows ever greater. Fiercely outspoken and rigorously argued, Who Rules the World? is an indispensable guide to how things really are from the lone authoritative voice courageous and clear-sighted enough to tell us the truth
13,78 € 14,50 €

Because We Say So

Because We Say So is Noam Chomsky's essential counter punch to American hegemony In 1962, the eminent statesman Dean Acheson enunciated a principle that has dominated global politics ever since: that no legal issue arises when the United States responds to a challenge to its 'power, position, and prestige'. In short, whatever the world may think, U.S. actions are legitimate because they say so. Spanning the impact of Edward Snowden's whistleblowing and Palestinian-Israeli relations to deeper reflections on political philosophy and the importance of a commons to democracy, Because We Say So takes American imperialism head on. 'Noam Chomsky is one of a small band of individuals fighting a whole industry. And that makes him not only brilliant, but heroic' Arundhati Roy 'The world's greatest public intellectual' Observer.
12,34 € 12,99 €

Who Rules the World?

Now with an incisive new afterword on President Donald Trump, this is an essential account of geopolitics right now, from one of our greatest living intellectuals Noam Chomsky: philosopher, political writer, fearless activist. No one has done more to question the hidden actors who govern our lives, calling the powers that be to account. Here he presents Who Rules the World?, his definitive account of those powers, how they work, and why we should be questioning them. From the dark history of the US and Cuba to China's global rise, from torture memos to sanctions on Iran, this book investigates the defining issues of our times and exposes the hypocrisy at the heart of America's policies and actions. The world's political and financial elite are now operating almost totally unconstrained by the so-called democratic structure. With climate change and nuclear proliferation threatening our very survival, dissenting voices have never been more necessary. Fiercely outspoken and rigorously argued, Who Rules the World? is an indispensable guide to how things really are.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Optimism Over Despair

An essential overview of the problems of our world today -- and how we should prepare for tomorrow -- from the world's leading public intellectualWe have two choices. We can be pessimistic, give up, and help ensure that the worst will happen. Or we can be optimistic, grasp the opportunities that surely exist, and maybe help make the world a better place. Not much of a choice.From peerless political thinker Noam Chomsky comes an exploration of rising neoliberalism, the refugee crisis in Europe, the Black Lives Matter movement, the dysfunctional US electoral system, and the prospects and challenges of building a movement for radical change.Including four up-to-the-minute interviews on the 2016 American election campaign and global resistance to Trump, this Penguin Special is a concise introduction to Chomsky's ideas and his take on the state of the world today.
8,55 € 9,00 €

Global Discontents

An essential guide to geopolitics in 2017 -- and how we should be fighting back -- from the world's leading public intellectual What kind of world are we leaving to our grandchildren? How are the discontents kindled today likely to blaze and explode tomorrow? From escalating climate change to the devastation in Syria, pandemic state surveillance to looming nuclear war, Noam Chomsky takes stock of the world today. Over the course of ten conversations with long-time collaborator David Barsamian, spanning 2013-2016, Chomsky argues in favour of radical changes to a system that cannot possibly cope with what awaits tomorrow. Interwoven with personal reflections spanning from childhood to his eighth decade of life, Global Discontents also marks out Chomsky's own intellectual journey, mapping his progress to revolutionary ideas and global prominence.
15,68 € 16,50 €

Jakými tvory jsme?

Nejnovější kniha Noama Chomského Jakými tvory jsme? se dotýká vybraných základních otázek studia přirozeného jazyka v nejširších souvislostech, a to z hlediska teoretické lingvistiky, filosofie vědy a jazyka, kognitivní vědy, evoluční biologie či metafyziky, a sleduje také jejich provázanost při studiu rozsahu i mezí lidských kognitivních schopností a jejich biologické podstaty. Věnuje se však i širší problematice, která je v ohnisku autorova zájmu, jako jsou například morální a politická filosofie. Provádí čtenáře základními myšlenkami vymezujícími roli jazyka jako nástroje komunikace i myšlení, souvislostmi studia schopností lidské mysli a překvapivými paralelami mezi pojmovým a metodologickým utvářením přírodních věd od starověku přes osvícenství až po současnost s požadavky a důsledky pro poznání toho, co o lidské kognici lze pochopit, a co zůstane trvalým tajemstvím. Jak se právem zmiňuje autor Předmluvy, Akeel Bilgrami, kniha představuje celoživotní reflexi širších důsledků vlastní vědecké práce vědce, jehož předmětem zájmu je jazyk.
11,16 € 11,75 €

Miféle teremtmények vagyunk?

Noam Chomsky könyve a nyelvész, filozófus és politikai gondolkodó rendkívül szerteágazó életművének rövid összefoglalója, amelyben saját nyelvészeti téziseiből kiindulva kísérletet tesz az emberi természet különböző összetevőinek feltárására. Hogy működik az emberi elme? Melyek a gondolkodásunk legfőbb összetevői? Mi az, amit megismerhetünk a világban, és mi az, ami már meghaladja képességeinket? Mi a közjó, milyen politikai rendszerek szolgálják, és melyek állnak szembe vele? Ilyen és ehhez hasonló kérdéseket boncolgat Chomsky könyve, amely egyszerre összegzi az amerikai gondolkodó életművét és nyújt bevezetést legfőbb tanainak tanulmányozásához.
10,70 € 11,26 €

dostupné aj ako:

Global Discontents

What kind of world are we leaving to our grandchildren? How are the discontents kindled today likely to blaze and explode tomorrow? From escalating climate change to the devastation in Syria, pandemic state surveillance to looming nuclear war, Noam Chomsky takes stock of the world today. Over the course of ten conversations with long-time collaborator David Barsamian, spanning 2013-2016, Chomsky argues in favour of radical changes to a system that cannot possibly cope with what awaits tomorrow. Interwoven with personal reflections spanning from childhood to his eighth decade of life, Global Discontents also marks out Chomsky's own intellectual journey, mapping his progress to revolutionary ideas and global prominence.
10,93 € 11,50 €

Kdo vládne světu?

Nejnovější kniha intelektuála, filozofa a aktivisty Noama Chomského přináší důkladnou kritickou analýzu současné mezinárodní situace. Autor zkoumá způsob, jakým Spojené státy navzdory vzestupu Evropy a Asie stále určují podmínky globálního diskurzu. Světová politická a finanční elita dnes vládne bez omezení demokratickými mechanismy. Vzhledem k tomu, že klimatická změna a šíření jaderných zbraní stále více ohrožují naše přežití, jsou kritické a nesmlouvavé hlasy, jako je hlas Noama Chomského, stále potřebnější. Tvrdě a jasně vyargumentovaná kniha je nepostradatelným průvodcem pro pochopení klíčových střetů a nebezpečí naší doby. Chomsky is a global phenomenon He may be the most widely read American voice on foreign policy on the planet. The New York Times Book Review For anyone wanting to find out more about the world we live in there is one simple answer: read Noam Chomsky. New Statesman
19,86 € 20,90 €

dostupné aj ako:

Rekviem za americký sen

Vo svojej knihe Rekviem za americký sen: 10 princípov koncentrácie bohatstva a moci sa Noam Chomsky venuje utopickej predstave súčasného neoliberalizmu a kapitalizmu, ktorú dáva do nevšednej súvislosti s reálnym stavom americkej ekonomiky a spoločnosti. Postupne v nej rozoberá aj historický prechod k súčasnému politickému systému Spojených štátov od jeho počiatkov v druhej polovici 18. storočia, ktorý v konečnom dôsledku viedol k stabilizovaniu ideológie neoliberalizmu v americkej spoločnosti, kultúre a politike. Vysvetľuje, ako veľké korporácie indoktrinujú verejnosť, akadémiu a médiá pre podporu projektu, ktorý devastuje nižšie a stredné triedy populácie Spojených štátov. To celé Chomsky uchopuje a segmentuje do desiatich základných princípov, ktoré prispievajú k výraznému rozširovaniu príjmovej nerovnosti medzi vrstvami americkej spoločnosti. Medzi tieto princípy patria: redukovanie demokracie, tvarovanie ideológie, prestavovanie ekonomiky, prenášanie bremena, útočenie na solidaritu, riadenie regulačných úradov, konštruovanie volieb, držanie populácie v jednej línii, fabrikovanie súhlasu a marginalizácia populácie. Každý z týchto princípov Chomsky dôkladne popisuje a svoje tvrdenia podporuje prostredníctvom širokej palety rôznych primárnych zdrojov, od Aristotelovej Politiky, cez prejavy Martina Luthera Kinga Jr, až po sociologické štúdie Martina Gilensa a Benjamina Pagea.
10,45 € 11,00 €

Hopes and Prospects

"Hopes and Prospects" is Noam Chomsky's indispensable analysis of the world at present and a roadmap for the future. In "Hopes and Prospects", Noam Chomsky examines the challenges of our early twenty-first century. He explores obstacles and threats such as the widening gap between North and South America, US exceptionalism (which continues under Obama), the fiascos of Iraq and Afghanistan, the US-Israeli assault on Gaza and the recent financial bailouts. He sees hope for the future and opportunities to move forward, however - in the democratic wave in Latin America and in the global solidarity movements which suggest 'real progress towards freedom and justice'. "Hopes and Prospects" is essential reading for anyone wishing to understand the primary challenges facing the human race in the coming years. "A treasure-trove of truths that shouldn't be left buried in our sandpit of propaganda and lies". (Johann Hari, "Independent"). "Noam Chomsky is a global phenomenon ...he may be the most widely read American voice on foreign policy on the planet today". ("The New York Times Book Review"). "The west's most prominent critic of US imperialism ...the closest thing in the English-speaking world to an intellectual superstar". ("Guardian"). Noam Chomsky is the author of numerous bestselling political books, including "Hegemony or Survival", "Failed States", "Interventions", "Perilous Power", "What We Say Goes", "Imperial Ambitions", "Making the Future", "How the World Works", and "Hopes and Prospects" all of which are published by Hamish Hamilton/Penguin. He is a professor in the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy at MIT, and is widely credited with having revolutionized modern linguistics. He lives in Lexington, Massachusetts.
13,97 € 14,71 €

Making the Future

"Making the Future" is the latest collection of essays from Noam Chomsky, one of our most vital and provocative voices of political dissent. Taking up the thread from 2007's "Interventions", these penetrating and compelling articles examine numerous topics, including the financial crisis, Obama's presidency, WikiLeaks and the on-going conflicts in the Middle East. Restating and refining his commitment to democracy and finding inspiration in the popular uprisings of the Arab Spring, "Making the Future" is Chomsky's fiercely-argued and timely comment on a fast-changing world. Praise for Noam Chomsky: "Chomsky is one of a small band of individuals fighting a whole industry. And that makes him not only brilliant, but heroic". (Arundhati Roy). "Noam Chomsky is a global phenomenon ...he may be the most widely read American voice on foreign policy on the planet today". ("New York Times Book Review"). "Noam Chomsky is an inspiration all over the world - to millions I suspect - for the simple reason that he is a truth-teller on an epic scale". (John Pilger). Noam Chomsky is the author of numerous bestselling political books, including "Hegemony or Survival", "Failed States", "Interventions", "What We Say Goes", "Hopes and Prospects" and "Gaza in Crisis", all of which are published by Hamish Hamilton/Penguin. He is an Institute Professor (Emeritus) in the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy at MIT, and is widely credited with having revolutionized modern linguistics.
13,97 € 14,71 €

Západní terorismus

V knize Západní terorismus diskutuje Noam Chomsky, světově proslulý intelektuál disentu, o moci a propagandě Západu s filmovým tvůrcem a investigativním novinářem Andrem Vltchkem. V diskusi se historický narativ propojuje s osobními zkušenostmi, které Chomského i Vltchka přivedly k aktivismu. Zaznívají osobní vzpomínky, jako třeba ta na newyorský novinový stánek, který stál u začátků politického vzdělání Noama Chomského. Diskuze se dále posouvá do širší perspektivy a zaměřuje se na měnící se formy imperiální nadvlády a systému západní propagandy. Postupně se zaměřuje na státy, se kterými mají autoři osobní zkušenost, od Nikaragui a Kuby po Čínu, Chile, Turecko a mnoho dalších. Kniha Západní terorismus je čerstvým větrem, který rozfoukává propagandu a ostře kritizuje roli Západu ve světě. Je inspirací pro všechny, kdo hledají zdroje pro nezávislé a kritické myšlení.
15,11 € 15,90 €

The Precipice

In this powerful collection of interviews, Noam Chomsky exposes the problems of our world today, as we stand in this period of monumental change, preparing for a more hopeful tomorrow. 'For the left, elections are a brief interlude in a life of real politics, a moment to ask whether it's worth taking time off to vote . . . Then back to work. The work will be to move forward to construct the better world that is within reach.' He sheds light into the phenomenon of right-wing populism, and exposes the catastrophic nature and impact of authoritarian policies on people, the environment and the planet as a whole. He captures the dynamics of the brutal class warfare launched by the masters of capital to maintain and even enhance the features of a dog-eat-dog society. And he celebrates the recent unprecedented mobilizations of millions of people internationally against neoliberal capitalism, racism and police violence. We stand at a precipice and we must fight to pull the world back from it.
7,55 € 7,95 €