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Michael Connelly strana 14 z 18


Michael Connelly

Pracoval roky ako novinár a za svoje články o o ľuďoch, ktorí prežili letecké nešťastie dostal nomináciu na Pulitzerovu cenu. Narodil sa 21. júla 1956 v Philadelphii, USA.

Svoj prvý román sa rozhodol napísať začiatkom 90. rokov, pretože chcel literárne spracovať svoje žurnalistické skúsenosti, práve  vtedy stvoril detektíva Harryho Boscha (prvý román mu vyšiel v roku 1992 – Temná ozvena). Hlavným hrdinom jeho románov je svojrázny detektív s hlbokou neúctou k autoritám a sebazničujúcim zmyslom pre spravodlivosť. Knihy tvoria detektívnu sériu Prípady Harryho Boscha. Ďalšou obľúbenou krimi sériou sú Prípady Jacka McEvoya, či Prípady Mickeyho Hallera.

Každá Connellyho kniha vedie v rebríčkoch čítanosti a je to túžobne očakávaná novinka. Dynamika a nečakané rozuzlenia v príbehoch priniesli tomuto autorovi nebývalú popularitu a uznanie čitateľov kriminálnych románov na celom svete.

Michael Connelly je držiteľom viacerých prestížnych literárnych ocenení (Edgar, Anthony, Macavity, Nero, .38 Caliber /Francúzsko/ a Grand Prix /Francúzsko/. Žije na Floride s manželkou a dcérou.

Foto: Mark Coggins


Krvná pomsta (mäkká väzba)

V tomto románe Michael Connelly uvádza nového hlavného protagonistu agenta FBI Terryho McCaleba. McCaleb dostane infarkt a musia mu transplantovať srdce. Kým sa zotavuje, vyhľadá ho mladá žena Graciela Riversová a povie mu, že nové srdce a šancu žiť ďalej dostal vďaka jej sestre, ktorú zavraždili. Žiada ho, aby zločin vyšetril. Okrem Riversovej prípadu však McCaleb začne vyšetrovať aj smrť Glorie Torresovej – tá na pohľad pôsobí ako obyčajná hlúpa náhoda. Spolu s predavačom ju zavraždili počas lúpežného prepadnutia obchodu. Polícia to považuje za rutinný prípad a vyčkáva. Terry McCaleb sa však rozhodne konať.
7,55 € 7,95 €


Az igazságnak mindenképpen győznie kell. Michael Connelly igazi legendának számít a bűnügyi krimi műfajában. Huszonhét regényét eddig harminckilenc nyelvre fordították le, s több mint 42 millió példányt adtak el belőlük. Köteteiben két kiemelkedően népszerű figurát teremtett meg: Harry Bosch nyomozót, illetve Mickey Haller védőügyvédet. A Perújrafelvétel című krimiben e két karizmatikus férfi útjai keresztezik egymást. Ezt a sztorit azok is élvezni fogják, akik Connelly sötét hangvételű detektívtörténeteit kedvelik, és azok is, akik Connellyben a tárgyalótermi krimik mesterének, John Grishamnak a riválisát látják. Mickey Haller, aki egész életében a bűnösöket védte, álmában sem gondolta, hogy valaha is átigazol a másik oldalra, és a vádat fogja képviselni. Ám egy szép napon a huszonnégy évre elítélt gyerekgyilkost, Jason Jessupot szabadlábra helyezik. Az egykori DNS-minták újraértékelésének köszönhetően ügyét a teljes felmentés és a nem kevés kártérítés reményében újratárgyalják. Haller nem kételkedik Jessup bűnösségében, de csak azzal a feltétellel vállalja az ügyet, ha együtt dolgozhat Harry Bosch nyomozóval és az Államügyészi Hivatal legjobb ügyészével, Maggie McPhersonnal. Haller és csapata egy minden hájjal megkent sztárvédőügyvéddel találja szemben magát, aki a médiát is felhasználja, hogy védencét az igazságszolgáltatás áldozataként tüntesse fel. A szabadlábon védekező Jessup nappal a média reflekorfényében valódi celebként viselkedik, éjszakánként azonban különös átváltozáson megy keresztül. Csupán Haller és Bosch tudja, hogy senki sincs biztonságban - hiszen lehet, hogy a gyilkos ott folytatja, ahol huszonnégy éve abbahagyta... "Connelly a krimi mestere" (The New York Times Book Rewiew)
11,88 € 12,50 €

Brass Verdict

A superb novel featuring both Mickey Haller and Harry Bosch from the No. 1 bestselling author of THE LINCOLN LAWYER and THE GODS OF GUILT. BOSCH TV STARTS FEBRUARY 2015. Defence lawyer Mickey Haller has had some problems but now he's put all that behind him and is ready to resume his career. Then another lawyer, Vincent, dies, and Haller gets an unexpected windfall: he inherits all Vincent's clients - putting his stalled career back on track at a stroke. Not only that, but Vincent had taken on a high profile and potentially lucrative murder case. It'll be a trial that promises big fees and an even bigger place in the media spotlight - and if Mickey can win against the odds, he'll really be back in the big leagues. The only problem is the detective handling the case - a certain Harry Bosch - is convinced the killer must be one of Vincent's clients. Suddenly Mickey is faced with the biggest challenge of his career: how to defend a client successfully who might just be planning to murder him.
12,30 € 12,95 €


Six months ago, Harry Bosch left the LAPD before they could fire him, and then hired maverick Defense Attorney Mickey Haller to sue the department for forcing him out. Although it wasn't the way he wanted to go, Harry has to admit that being out of the game has its benefits. Until Mickey asks him to help on one of his cases, and suddenly Harry is back where he belongs, right in the centre of a particularly puzzling murder mystery. The difference is, this time Harry is working for the defense, aiming to prevent the accused, Da'Quan Foster, from being convicted. And not only does the prosecution seem to have a cast-iron case, but having crossed over to 'the dark side' as his former colleagues would put it, Harry is in danger of betraying the very principles he's lived by his whole career.
19,48 € 20,50 €

Hořící pokoj

Kdyby ještě žil Chandler, psal by jako Connelly. A Phil Marlowe dnešní doby by se jmenoval Harry Bosch. Nestává se často, aby oběť vraždy zemřela devět let po spáchání činu. Tentokrát ale takováto situace nastala: muž, kterého tenkrát zasáhla zbloudilá kulka, podlehl následkům těžkého zranění. Detektiv Harry Bosch se ocitá v nezáviděníhodné situaci - zatímco tělo oběti ještě nestačilo pořádně vychladnout, všechny důležité důkazy už stačily nenávratně zmizet. Brzy se ukáže, že tato absurdita nebude jediným klackem, který mu tento případ hodí pod nohy. Bosch společně s novou kolegyní Lucií Sotovou zjišťuje, že jejich snaha o odhalení pravdy se některým vysoce postaveným lidem vůbec nelíbí. S něčím takovým musí ale dobrý detektiv zkrátka počítat a nenechat se odradit. Bosch se Sotovou získají první významné poznatky z kulky, která po celých devět let zůstávala skryta v páteři oběti, a pak dál spřádají nitky zaprášených informací, až dojdou k závěru, že ta střelba před devíti lety nebyla v žádném případně náhodná.
15,13 € 15,93 €

Lincoln Lawyer

There is no client as scary as an innocent man. From the bestselling author of THE GODS OF GUILT. Mickey Haller is a Lincoln Lawyer, a criminal defence attorney who operates out of the back of his car, a Lincoln, taking whatever cases the system throws in his path. He's been in the business a long time, and he knows just how to work it. When a Beverly Hills rich boy is arrested for brutally beating a woman, Haller has his first high-paying client in years. The evidence mounts on the defence's side, and Haller might even be in the rare position of defending a client who is actually innocent. But then the case starts to fall apart, neither the suspect nor the victim are quite who they seem - and Haller quickly discovers that when you swim with the sharks, it's easy to wind up as prey.
11,35 € 11,95 €

The Crossing

Six months ago, Harry Bosch left the LAPD before they could fire him, and then hired maverick Defence Attorney Mickey Haller to sue the department for forcing him out. Although it wasn't the way he wanted to go, Harry has to admit that being out of the game has its benefits. Until Mickey asks him to help him on one of his cases, and suddenly Harry is back where he belongs, right in the centre of a particularly puzzling murder mystery. The difference is, this time Harry is working for the defence, aiming to prevent the accused, Da'Quan Foster, from being convicted. And not only does the prosecution seem to have a cast-iron case, but having crossed over to 'the dark side' as his former colleagues would put it, Harry is in danger of betraying the very principles he's lived by his whole career.
7,13 € 7,50 €

The Wrong Side of Goodbye

Only Harry Bosch can uncover LA's darkest secrets in this new gripping thriller from global bestseller Michael Connelly. 'What do you want me to do?' Bosch asked again. 'I want you to find someone for me,' Vance said. 'Someone who might not have ever existed.' Harry Bosch is working as a part-time detective in the town of San Fernando outside of Los Angeles, when he gets the invitation to meet with the ageing aviation billionaire Whitney Vance. When he was eighteen Vance had a relationship with a Mexican girl called Vibiana Duarte, but soon after becoming pregnant she disappeared. Now, as he reaches the end of his life, Vance wants to know what happened to Vibiana and whether there is an heir to his vast fortune. And Bosch is the only person he trusts to undertake the assignment. Harry's aware that with such sums of money involved, this could be a dangerous undertaking - not just for himself, but for the person he's looking for - but as he begins to uncover Vibiana's tragic story, and finds uncanny links to his own past, he knows he cannot rest until he finds the truth.
18,95 € 19,95 €


Harry Bosch přechází na temnou stranu práva. Ale ve všech ostatních ohledech zůstává stejně zarputilý a samorostlý, jako byl dřív. Je lepší sám odejít, než být vyhozen. Přesně tímto pravidlem se řídil detektiv Harry Bosch, když před šesti měsíci opustil policii. Měl už po krk zpolitizované mašinerie, a tak zvolil raději výslužbu než neustálý boj s větrnými mlýny. Člověk jeho typu však nevydrží dlouho v nečinnosti. Dobře to o něm ví i advokát Mickey Haller, a proto Bosche osloví s nabídkou, aby pro něj pracoval jako soukromý vyšetřovatel. Boschovi se tato představa zpočátku příčí – má pocit, že by se tím zpronevěřil všemu, co jako policista vykonal a čemu věřil. Nakonec se však přece jen nechá přemluvit. Nyní tedy stojí na opačné justičního systému a bývalí kolegové pro něj mají jen hanlivé označení přeběhlík. Jeho úkolem je nalézt důkazy, které zprostí Hallerova klienta obvinění z vraždy, přestože vzorky DNA nalezené na místě činu hovoří jednoznačně v jeho neprospěch. Vskutku nelehký úkol. Bosch se však do něj pustí s vervou buldoka a brzy začne nacházet v policejních spisech různé nesrovnalosti a rozpory. Je možné, že nitky tohoto případu vedou přímo do policejních řad? A pokud je tomu tak, neocitá se v ohrožení i život samotného Bosche?
13,99 € 16,40 €

dostupné aj ako:

The Crossing

Six months ago, Harry Bosch left the LAPD before they could fire him, and then hired maverick Defense Attorney Mickey Haller to sue the department for forcing him out. Although it wasn't the way he wanted to go, Harry has to admit that being out of the game has its benefits. Until Mickey asks him to help on one of his cases, and suddenly Harry is back where he belongs, right in the centre of a particularly puzzling murder mystery. The difference is, this time Harry is working for the defense, aiming to prevent the accused, Da'Quan Foster, from being convicted. And not only does the prosecution seem to have a cast-iron case, but having crossed over to 'the dark side' as his former colleagues would put it, Harry is in danger of betraying the very principles he's lived by his whole career.
7,55 € 7,95 €

The Wrong Side of Goodbye

Only Harry Bosch can uncover LA's darkest secrets in this new gripping thriller from global bestseller Michael Connelly. 'What do you want me to do?' Bosch asked again. 'I want you to find someone for me,' Vance said. 'Someone who might not have ever existed.' Harry Bosch is working as a part-time detective in the town of San Fernando outside of Los Angeles, when he gets the invitation to meet with the ageing aviation billionaire Whitney Vance. When he was eighteen Vance had a relationship with a Mexican girl called Vibiana Duarte, but soon after becoming pregnant she disappeared. Now, as he reaches the end of his life, Vance wants to know what happened to Vibiana and whether there is an heir to his vast fortune. And Bosch is the only person he trusts to undertake the assignment. Harry's aware that with such sums of money involved, this could be a dangerous undertaking - not just for himself, but for the person he's looking for - but as he begins to uncover Vibiana's tragic story, and finds uncanny links to his own past, he knows he cannot rest until he finds the truth.
10,40 € 10,95 €

The Late Show

Meet the brand new detective from the modern master of crime fiction...*****CRIME NEVER SLEEPS.Los Angeles can be a dangerous city - never more so than in the dead of night. Detective Renee Ballard, once one of the department's young hotshots, now works 'The Late Show', the notorious graveyard shift at the LAPD.It's a thankless job keeping strange hours in a twilight world of tragedy and violence, handing over her investigations as the sun rises, never getting closure.Some nights are worse than others. And tonight is the worst yet. Two cases: a brutal assault, and a multiple murder with no suspect.Ballard knows it is always darkest before dawn. But what she doesn't know is how deep her dual investigation will take her into the dark heart of her city, her department and her past...If you're already a fan you'll love THE LATE SHOW. If you haven't read a Connelly book yet: now is the perfect time to start.*****'One of the great crime writers' Daily Mail'A master of the genre' Stephen King'Crime thriller writing of the highest order' Guardian'The consistency of his excellency is remarkable' LA Times'The greatest living American crime writer' Mirror'A crime writing genius' Independent on Sunday
16,10 € 16,95 €

Odvrácená strana konce

Chci, abyste mi někoho našel. Měl byste ale vědět, že ten člověk možná nikdy neexistoval.“ Harry Bosch se po třiceti letech u policie stal soukromým detektivem. Stále však zůstává vlkem samotářem, jakým byl ostatně celý život: kašle na propagaci, nemá žádnou kancelář a své klienty si velmi pečlivě vybírá. Jedním z nich je kalifornský miliardář, kterého na sklonku života pronásledují výčitky svědomí. Jako mladík prožil románek s mladou Mexičankou. Když otěhotněla, ztratila se ze světa. Porodila dítě? A pokud ano, co se s ním stalo? Umírající magnát zoufale touží vědět, zda má komu odkázat své obrovské jmění. Bosch je jediný, komu důvěřuje. Oba muži dobře vědí, že tento případ představuje obrovské riziko nejen pro detektiva, ale také pro osobu, po níž pátrá. Přesto – nebo snad právě proto – se případu ujme, a jakmile se nitky začnou proplétat s jeho vlastní minulostí, je z něj zase zarputilý buldok, který neskončí, dokud nenalezne pravdu.
13,29 € 13,99 €

dostupné aj ako:

The Black Echo

Go back to where it all began for LAPD detective Harry Bosch, star of Amazon Prime's Bosch, in his first case The Black Echo - a gripping, action-packed thriller. LAPD detective Harry Bosch is a loner and a nighthawk. One Sunday he gets a call-out on his pager. A body has been found in a drainage tunnel off Mulholland Drive, Hollywood. At first sight, it looks like a routine drugs overdose case, but the one new puncture wound amid the scars of old tracks leaves Bosch unconvinced. To make matters worse, Harry Bosch recognises the victim. Billy Meadows was a fellow 'tunnel rat' in Vietnam, running against the VC and the fear they all used to call the Black Echo. Bosch believes he let down Billy Meadows once before, so now he is determined to bring the killer to justice.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Two Kinds of Truth

Harry Bosch works cold cases, helping out the under-funded San Fernando police department. When a double murder at a local pharmacy is called in, Bosch is the most seasoned detective on the scene. But with experience, come the ghosts of long-forgotten crimes. A death row inmate claims Bosch framed him, and that new DNA evidence proves it. The LAPD investigators say the case is watertight, leaving Bosch out in the wilderness to clear his name and keep a sadistic killer behind bars. There's only one person he can trust to help prove his innocence: Micky Haller, The Lincoln Lawyer... As both cases tangle around him, Bosch learns there are two kinds of truth: the kind that won't die and the kind that kills.
13,25 € 13,95 €

The Wrong Side of Goodbye

Only Harry Bosch can uncover LA's darkest secrets in this new gripping thriller from global bestseller Michael Connelly. 'What do you want me to do?' Bosch asked again. 'I want you to find someone for me,' Vance said. 'Someone who might not have ever existed.' Harry Bosch is working as a part-time detective in the town of San Fernando outside of Los Angeles, when he gets the invitation to meet with the ageing aviation billionaire Whitney Vance. When he was eighteen Vance had a relationship with a Mexican girl called Vibiana Duarte, but soon after becoming pregnant she disappeared. Now, as he reaches the end of his life, Vance wants to know what happened to Vibiana and whether there is an heir to his vast fortune. And Bosch is the only person he trusts to undertake the assignment. Harry's aware that with such sums of money involved, this could be a dangerous undertaking - not just for himself, but for the person he's looking for - but as he begins to uncover Vibiana's tragic story, and finds uncanny links to his own past, he knows he cannot rest until he finds the truth.
10,40 € 10,95 €