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Roald Dahl
Roald Dahl bol britský spisovateľ, známy hlavne od roku 1940 tvorbou pre deti i dospelých. K jeho najznámejším dielam patrí "Charlie a továreň na čokoládu" , "Matilda", "Čarodejnica" a "Jakub a obrovská broskyňa". Z jeho tvorby pre dospelých je asi najznámejšia kniha poviedok "Ľúbostné rošády".

Roald Dahl sa narodil 13. septembra v roku 1916 v Spojenom kráľovstve. Jeho rodičia sa tam prisťahovali z Nórska. Keď mal  4 roky, umrel jeho otec na zápal pľúc, predtým prišiel o sedemročnú sestru Astri. Jeho matka ostala na Britských ostrovoch. Bol výborným športovcom, hral za školský futbalový tím a bol aj kapitánom školského sqauhového tímu.

Po skončení školy sa stal obchodným zástupcom firmy Shell pre oblasť východnej Afriky. V roku 1939 nastúpil do Royal Air Force, kde získal hodnosť Pilot Officer. Pri havárii jeho litedla v Lýbii sa zranil, mal fraktúru lebky a dočasne oslepol. V nemocnici v Alexandrii sa zamiloval do sestričky, keď sa mu však vrátil zrak, zistil, že láska nie je slepá a uvedomil si, že bol zamilovaný len do jej hlasu. V roku 1941 sa vrátil do Británie, pretože ho bolesti hlavy  prinútili zavesiť kariéru pilota na klinec.

Roald Dahl začal písať po prevelení do Washingtonu. V roku 1953 sa v New Yorku oženil s herečkou Patriciou Nealovou, boli svoji 30 rokov a mali päť detí: Oliviu (zomrela v siedmich rokoch), Tessu, Thea, Opheliu a Lucy. Olivii neskôr venoval knihu Kamoš obor. S manželkou sa rozviedli v roku 1983, dôvodom bola o 22 rokov mladšia  Felicity d'Abreu Crosland,ktorú si po rozvode vzal.

Zomrel 23. novembra v roku 1990 na leukémiu vo svojom dome v Great Missendene, Buckinghamshire. Jeho vdova pokračovala v jeho neúnavnej charitatívnej činnosti prostredníctvom nadácie nesúcej jeho meno.

(Foto: Carl Van Vechten)


The Complete Short Stories: Volume One

The Complete Short Stories of Roald Dahl in the first of two unsettling and sinister volumes. "They are brutal, these stories, and yet you finish reading each one with a smile, or maybe even a hollow laugh, certainly a shiver of gratification, because the conclusion always seems so right". (Charlie Higson, from his introduction). Roald Dahl is one of the most popular writers of the modern age, effortlessly writing for children and adults alike. In this, the first of two volumes chronologically collecting all his published adult short stories, we see how Dahl began by using his experiences in the war to write fiction but quickly turned to his powerful and dark imagination to pen some of the most unsettling and disquieting tales ever written. In 27 stories, written between 1944 and 1953, we encounter such classic tales as 'Man from the South', featuring a wager with appalling consequences; 'Lamb to the Slaughter', in which a wife murders her husband yet has a novel idea for throwing the police off the scent; and in 'The Sound Machine', the horrific truth about plants is revealed. Enter the sinister, twisted world of Roald Dahl: whether you're young or old, you'll never want to leave. "Roald Dahl is one of the few writers I know whose work can accurately be described as addictive". (Irish Times). "The great magician". (Spectator). Look out for Volume Two, introduced by Anthony Horowitz Roald Dahl, the brilliant and worldwide acclaimed author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, Matilda, and many more classics for children, also wrote scores of short stories for adults. These delightfully disturbing tales have often been filmed and were most recently the inspiration for the West End play, Roald Dahl's Twisted Tales by Jeremy Dyson. Roald Dahl's stories continue to make readers shiver today.
16,63 € 17,50 €

The Complete Short Stories: Volume Two

The Complete Short Stories of Roald Dahl in the second of two unsettling and sinister volumes. "Dahl finds the child in the adult and the adult in the child and, with a little smile, he sticks the knife in both". (Anthony Horowitz, from his introduction). Roald Dahl is one of the world's most popular writers, equally at home writing for both children and adults. In this, the second of two volumes chronologically collecting all his published adult short stories, we experience Dahl's dark and powerful imagination in full flight in 28 stories written between 1954 and 1988 (including eight tales which are not available in any other printed edition). Here, in 'Parson's Pleasure', a piece of furniture is the subject of a deceitful bargain; in 'William and Mary', a wife revenges herself on her dead husband; and in 'Royal Jelly' some new parents find an unusual and unsettling way to give their newborn its start in life. Whether you're young or old, once you've stepped into the brilliant, troubling world of Roald Dahl, you'll never be the same again. "One of the most widely read and influential writers of our generation". (The Times). "The absolute master of the twist in the tale". (Observer). Look out for Volume One, introduced by Charlie Higson. Roald Dahl, the brilliant and worldwide acclaimed author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, Matilda, and many more classics for children, also wrote scores of short stories for adults. These delightfully disturbing tales have often been filmed and were most recently the inspiration for the West End play, Roald Dahl's Twisted Tales by Jeremy Dyson. Roald Dahl's stories continue to make readers shiver today.
16,63 € 17,50 €

Karlík a továrna na čokoládu - 2. vydání

Karlík Bucket, chlapec z chudé rodiny, souhrou šťastných náhod získá los, který mu umožní spolu s dalšími dětskými výherci navštívit továrnu na čokoládu pana Willyho Wonky. Návštěva se pro všechny děti kromě Karlíka promění v hrůzný zážitek, protože Umpa-lumpové, kteří sladkosti vyrábějí, je postupně vytrestají za jejich špatné vlastnosti – jedno spadne do čokoládové řeky, další zfialoví a ještě jiné je svrženo do odpadní šachty. Nakonec zbývá jen Karlík. Pan Wonka pro něj coby výherce přichystal nebývalé překvapení. Podle příběhu byl natočen film s Johnny Deppem v roli pana Wonky.
10,22 € 10,76 €

Revolting Rhymes

This is Roald Dahl's irreverent and hilarious collection, "Revolting Rhymes". Six of the best-loved nursery tales, retold with surprising and sometimes disgusting twists! Wicked beasts, brazen crooks and a ghastly giant star in these hilarious nursery rhymes with bite. "A true genius...Roald Dahl is my hero". (David Walliams). Phizz-whizzing new branding for the world's No.1 storyteller, Roald Dahl! Exciting, bold and instantly recognisable with Quentin Blake's inimitable artwork. Roald Dahl, the best-loved of children's writers, was born in Wales of Norwegian parents. His books continue to be bestsellers after his death in 1990, and total sales are now over 100 million worldwide! Quentin Blake is one of the best-known and best-loved children's illustrators. It's impossible now to think of Roald Dahl's writings without imagining Quentin Blake's illustrations. Look out for the whole collection of wondercrump Roald Dahl books! "The Enormous Crocodile"; "Fantastic Mr Fox"; "The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me"; "The Magic finger"; "The Twits"; "The BFP"; "Boy: Tales of Childhood"; "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"; "Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator"; "The Complete Adventures of Charlie and Mr Willy Wonka"; "Danny the Champion of the World"; "George's Marvellous Medicine"; "Going Solo"; "James and the Giant Peach"; "Matilda"; "The Witches"; "Dirty Beasts"; "The Minpins"; "Revolting Rhymes For Teens: The Great Automatic Grammatizator and Other Stories"; "Rhyme Stew"; "Skin and Other Stories"; "The Vicar of Nibbleswicke"; and, "The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More".
9,98 € 10,50 €

Dahl Audio Tin CD

29 CDs, 10 brand new and updated recordings of Roald Dahl's children's titles brought to life by some of our best-loved celebrity voices: The BFG (David Walliams), The Twits (Richard Ayoade), James and the Giant Peach (Julian Rhind-Tutt),The Enormous Crocodile (Stephen Fry), Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Douglas Hodge), Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator (Douglas Hodge), Danny The Champion of The World (Peter Serafinowicz), The Witches (Miranda Richardson), Fantastic Mr Fox (Chris O'Dowd) and Matilda (Kate Winslet). R.R.P. £123.90 'Sit back and allow the words to wash around you, like music' - Matilda.
21,85 € 23,00 €

Kamoš obor (tvrdá väzba)

Môže malé dievčatko zvíťaziť nad hroznými, ozrutnými obrami - ľudožrútmi, ktorí šíria strach po celej krajine? Máte pravdu - nemôže. Iba ak ... iba ak by jej pomohol dobrý kamarát, rovnako veľký ako oni - Kamoš obor. A nemyslite si, že malá Sophia prežíva v príbehu iba strach a napätie. Kamoš obor je totiž veľmi zábavný spoločník a Sophiu i vás často rozosmeje. No a pretože má rád deti, určite sa stane aj vaším kamarátom. V knihe sa stretnete dokonca aj s anglickou kráľovnou. Ilustroval Quentin Blake.
8,46 € 8,90 €

Charlie a veľký sklený výťah (tvrdá väzba)

Pokračovanie príbehu malého Charlieho z továrne na čokoládu. Nik nepochybuje o tom, že pán Wonka je úžasný čokoládový mág, ale Charlie i jeho rodina ani trochu nedôverujú jeho pilotným schopnostiam, najmä ak tá vec, ktorú pilotuje, je veľký sklený výťah, stúpajúci do stratosféry. No život s pánom Wonkom nikdy nie je nudný, a ak aj niekoho nechtiac dostane do problémov, určite ich nakoniec aj hravo vyrieši... alebo nie?
8,17 € 8,60 €

Jakub a obrovská broskyňa (tvrdá väzba)

Malý Jakub je sirota. Jeho dve tety, Chuduľa a Bacuľa, s ktorými žije, sa k nemu veru nesprávajú práve najlepšie - vytrpí si od nich dosť ústrkov, nadávok ba i bitky. Jeho život plynie bezútešne, plný tvrdej práce medzi múrmi záhrady a domu, bez jediného priateľa. Jednej noci sa však všetko zmení: v záhrade vyrastie broskyňa obrovská ako dom. Kto býva v kôstke tejto rozprávkovej broskyne, by vás deti, ani vo sne nenapadlo. Tiež by ste si iste nepomysleli, že tieto prečudesné a na prvý pohľad strašné tvory sa stanú Jakubkovými najlepšími priateľmi, s ktorými prežije fantastickú cestu ponad oceán. Tento čarovný príbeh je ilustrovaný originálnymi kresbičkami Quentina Blaka, jedného z najuznávanejších britských ilustrátorov. Kniha zaujala aj amerických tvorcov animovaných filmov a tak si Jakubove dobrodružstvá môžete vychutnať aj vo filmovej podobe. Ilustroval Quentin Blake.
7,60 € 8,00 €

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

What happens when the five luckiest children in the entire world walk through the doors of Willy Wonka's famous, mysterious chocolate factory? What happens when, one by one, the children disobey Mr. Wonka's orders? In Dahl's most popular story, the nasty are punished and the good are deliciously, sumptuously rewarded. This is a delectable new Deluxe edition of this wonderful classic.
13,25 € 13,95 €

James and the Giant Peach

An enormous escaped rhinoceros from London Zoo has eaten James' parents. And it gets worse! James is packed off to live with his two really horrible aunts, Sponge and Spiker. Poor James is miserable, until something peculiar happens and James finds himself on the most wonderful and extraordinary journey he could ever imagine...This is a new and delectable Deluxe edition of this wonderful classic.
14,20 € 14,95 €

Georgie és a csodaszérum

A nyolcéves Georgie egy napon egyedül marad zsémbes és kötekedő nagymamájával. Szülei a lelkére kötik, hogy ne felejtse el időben beadni a nagymama gyógyszerét. Ehelyett Georgie kotyvaszt egy csodaszérumot. Amint elkészül, megitatja a nagyival. A hatás minden várakozást felülmúl...
5,37 € 5,65 €

Danny, a szupersrác

Danny valóban szupersrác. Persze ezt be is kell bizonyítania! Ehhez szüksége van, csínykedvelő apukájára, nagyképű szomszédra, egy fura doktorra és persze csillogó tollú, jól megtermett fácánokra... Hogy a hajmeresztő kalamajkából kisül-e valami, arról "meghökkentő" és vicces Roald Dahl gondoskodik.
6,90 € 7,26 €

Charlie és a csokigyár

Vonka úr találmányai fantasztikusak. Csodálatos csokigyárában minden elképzehető édességet feltalált, de senki nem látta még se Vonka Vilmos urat, se a gyárat belülről. Charlie maga sem hisz a szerencséjében, amikor nyer egy aranybilétát, ami élete legnagyobb élményéhez segíti: körülvezetik a híres csokoládégyárban. De arra álmában sem gondolt, hogy odabent mi minden vár rá!
6,90 € 7,26 €

Roald Dahl Collected Stories

Many of these stores are now so famous from film and television adaptations that they need no introduction. Roald Dahl is well known as a master of the macabre and the unexpected in the tradition of Saki, and this volume does not disappoint. He began his literary career by writing about his own experiences in the RAF during World War II but soon developed this talent in a series of short-story collections. He is perhaps even more celebrated as an author of children's books, but the best of his short stories represent a claim for him to be numbered among the most remarkable story writers of the 20th century. The present volume includes for the first time all the stories in chronological order as established by Dahl's biographer, Jeremy Treglown, in consultation with the Dahl estate.
22,33 € 23,50 €

Roald Dahl Treasury

Whether a beautiful gift for the Dahl fan or a stunning introduction to Roald Dahl's work; this superb hardback is jampacked with complete picture tales, as well as excerpts from longer stories, poetry (some previously unpublished), autobiographical material and letters. It is also filled with outstanding artwork from Quentin Blake, Raymond Briggs, Posy Simmonds, Ralph Steadman, Patrick Benson, Charlotte Voake, Lane Smith and Babette Cole among others.
21,38 € 22,50 €

Twits colour book and CD

Mr and Mrs Twit are extremely nasty, so the Muggle-Wump monkeys and the Roly-Poly bird hatch an ingenious plan to give them just the ghastly surprise they deserve! A full colour edition of the hilarious bestselling Roald Dahl story, plus a fantastic audio reading by Richard Ayoade, star of The IT Crowd.
11,88 € 12,50 €