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Tak daleko

Strhující závěr dvojdílné série Blacklist přináší rozuzlení spletitého příběhu tří žen, spojených jediným mužem, které se snaží překonat svou minulost – jedna kvůli lásce, druhá kvůli moci a třetí kvůli pomstě, Všechny tři se však snaží uniknout svojí minulosti, a tak k sobě možná mají blíž, než si myslí – a přitom až příliš daleko,
Na sklade 1Ks
14,84 € 16,49 €

Spútaná - Crossfire 2

ZMYSELNÁ SÁGA EVY A GIDEONA POKRAČUJE V NETRPEZLIVO OČAKÁVANEJ DRUHEJ ČASTI... GideonCross. Navonok dokonale krásny a sexi muž, zvnútra klbko problémov z minulosti. Vyžaroval z neho spaľujúci plameň, ktorý vo mne rozpútal najtemnejšiu vášeň. Nedokázala som sa od neho odtrhnúť. Nechcela som sa od neho oslobodiť. Stal sa mojou drogou... mojou túžbou... a bol môj. Mala som za sebou rovnako búrlivú minulosť ako on a takisto som bola poznačená traumou. Vzťah medzi nami nemohol fungovať. Vždy to bolo priveľmi ťažké a bolestné... Okrem okamihov, keď to bolo dokonalé, keď sa naša túžba a zúfalá láska menili na najsladšie šialenstvo. Vzájomná závislosť nás spájala ako puto, naša vášeň nás donútila prekročiť všetky hranice a vstúpiť do sveta rozkoše a posadnutosti.
12,26 € 12,90 €

Obnažená - Crossfire 1

GideonCross vošiel do môjho života ako blesk z temnej oblohy... Bol krásny, inteligentný a neskutočne príťažlivý. Priťahoval ma tak ako ešte nikto. Po jeho dotyku som túžila ako po droge, hoci som vedela, že ma nebezpečne oslabuje. Stále som sa spamätávala zo všetkého strašného, čo sa mi v minulosti stalo, a v jeho prítomnosti ožívali zlé spomienky...Gideon si to uvedomoval. Aj on mal svojich démonov. Boli sme jeden druhému ako zrkadlo, ktoré odráža tie najtajnejšie rany a túžby.Putá jeho lásky ma premenili a ja som len dúfala, že muky, ktorých stopy sme obaja niesli, nás naveky nerozlúčia.
12,26 € 12,90 €

Egymásba fonódva

Eva és Gideon nem menekülhet a múlt démonai elől - viselniük kell birtoklási vágyuk következményeit.Megismertem Gideon Crosst, és abban a pillanatban éreztem, hogy van benne valami, amire szomjazom, aminek képtelen vagyok ellenállni. Veszélyt jelent, jól tudom, és hozzám hasonlóan az ő lelke is sérült. Ám ellenállhatatlanul vonz, s az élet nélküle elképzelhetetlen számomra.Senki nem tudja, mi mindent kockáztatott értem. Ijesztő, hogy múltunk sötét árnyai elől nincs menekvés - felfalhatnak minket. Súlyos titkainktól nem szabadulhatunk, mégis megpróbáltunk dacolni a sorssal, és megadtuk magunkat leküzdhetetlen vágyunk elsöprő erejének.A Crossfire sorozat harmadik kötete.
14,61 € 15,38 €

Entwined with You

The 7 million copy global bestselling Crossfire series from Sylvia Day continues in Entwined with You as Eva and Gideon face the demons of their pasts and accept the consequences of their obsessive desires . . .From the moment I first met Gideon Cross, I recognized something in him that I needed. Something I couldn't resist. I also saw the dangerous and damaged soul inside - so much like my own. I was drawn to it. I needed him as surely as I needed my heart to beat.No one knows how much he risked for me. How much I'd been threatened, or just how dark and desperate the shadow of our pasts would become.Entwined by our secrets, we tried to defy the odds. We made our own rules and surrendered completely to the exquisite power of possession . .
9,98 € 10,50 €

Hozzád kötve

Gideon Cross olyan hévvel robbant be az életembe, mint a sötétségbe hasító villám. Ez a gyönyörű, sugárzó férfi maga volt a fehér izzás. Soha eddigi életemben senki és semmi nem vonzott még ilyen delejesen. Úgy vágytam az érintésére, mint drogos a napi adagjára, bár tudtam, hogy elgyengít, mégsem tudtam, nem is akartam ellenállni. Sérült és törékeny lettem, ő pedig könnyedén áthatolt az eddig keménynek hitt páncélon... Gideon birtokában volt a tudásnak. Megvoltak a maga démonai. És egymás tükörképeivé váltunk, visszavetítve a másikra legbensőbb világunkat, legmerészebb vágyainkat... Szerelme megbéklyózott, átformált, és én csak azért esedeztem, nehogy kínzó múltunk elszakítson minket egymástól...
14,61 € 15,38 €

Bared to You

Our journey began in fire... Gideon Cross came into my life like lightning in the darkness - beautiful and brilliant, jagged and white hot. I was drawn to him as I'd never been to anything or anyone in my life. I craved his touch like a drug, even knowing it would weaken me. I was flawed and damaged, and he opened those cracks in me so easily...
13,25 € 13,95 €

Reflected in You

Gideon Cross. As beautiful and flawless on the outside as he was damaged and tormented on the inside. He was a bright, scorching flame that singed me with the darkest of pleasures. I couldn't stay away. I didn't want to. He was my addiction, my every desire... mine. My past was as violent as his, and I was just as broken. We'd never work.
9,98 € 10,50 €

Touch of Crimson

From the No. 1 international bestselling author of BARED TO YOU and REFLECTED IN YOU (Crossfire trilogy), A TOUCH OF CRIMSON is the first novel in Sylvia Day's sensationally sexy Renegade Angels series. If you fell for Gideon Cross, wait until you meet the men who really are out of this world...Adrian Mitchell is an angel of immense power and an insatiable desire for the one woman he can't have. The head of an elite unit of the Seraphim, his task is to punish the Fallen - angels who have become vampires - and command a restless pack of indentured lycans. Now, nearly two hundred years after losing the love of his life, Adrian has found his beloved Shadoe, her soul inhabiting a new body with no memory of him. Lindsay Gibson can't resist her fierce attraction to the seductive male who crosses her path. Swept into a dangerous world of tumultuous passion and preternatural conflict, Lindsay realises there's more at stake than her love and her life - both she and Adrian could lose their very souls...
9,49 € 9,99 €

Hunger So Wild

From the No. 1 international bestselling author of BARED TO YOU and REFLECTED IN YOU (Crossfire trilogy), A HUNGER SO WILD is the second red-hot paranormal romance following the sizzling A TOUCH OF CRIMSON. If you fell for Gideon Cross, wait until you meet the men who really are out of this world...Elijah Reynolds is the most dominant of lycans, a rare Alpha whose skill for the hunt is surpassed only by his primal sexuality. When the lycans revolt, Elijah becomes both enemy and coveted ally in the conflict between vampires and angels. Vashti is the second most powerful vampire in the world, a lethal beauty with a path of devastation in her wake. She approaches Elijah with a proposed alliance...and discovers his vow to avenge his closest friend with her death, even as his passion demands her surrender. Their enmity soon erodes beneath an all-consuming desire. But as war looms, each must decide where their loyalty lies - with their own kind or with the enemy lover they can no longer live without...
9,49 € 9,99 €

Melléd láncolva

A Crossfire sorozat második kötete. „Istenem… Sosem tudtam hozzászokni ehhez az archoz. Mindig hatott rám. A finoman metszett járomcsont, a sötét szemöldök, a sűrű pillájú kék szempár, és az a száj… Tökéletes vonalú, egyszerre érzéki és gonosz. Szerettem, amikor szexre csábítva mosolygott, és reszkettem, amikor vonallá keskenyedett. És amikor a testemhez ért, lángot vetettem.” Gideon és Eva lebilincselő, vad kilengésekkel teli története folytatódik. Kapcsolatuk igazi „se veled, se nélküled” – bár szenvedélyesen szeretik egymást, a régről magukkal cipelt lelki sérülések és az egymás kizárólagos birtoklására törekvő elemi ösztönök minduntalan közéjük állnak. Kísért a szörnyű múlt, a sebek túl mélyek… Elég egyetlen hibás döntés, és a szakítás immár végleges lehet.
14,61 € 15,38 €

Desnuda Ante ti

"Si hoy le recomendara un libro a los lectores que disfrutaron Cincuenta sombras... este seria el primero que les presentaria... escenas de amor abrasadoras." EL eXITO DE VENTAS DEL "NEW YORK TIMES" "Gideon Cross llego a mi vida como un rayo en la oscuridad... " Era guapo y genial, irregular y ardiente. Me senti atraida hacia el como a nada ni a nadie en toda mi vida. Ansiaba su contacto como una droga, aun sabiendo que me debilitaria. Yo era imperfecta y estaba danada, y el abria esas grietas mias con tanta facilidad... Gideon "sabia." Tenia sus propios demonios. Y nos convertiriamos en los espejos que reflejaban las heridas... y deseos mas intimos de cada uno. Las cadenas de su amor me transformaron, incluso mientras rezaba para que los tormentos de nuestros pasados no nos destrozaran...
10,44 € 10,99 €

Ask for It

Ask For It - a classic erotic romance, part of the Georgian series - by Sylvia Day is a daring, lusty tale of a young woman's resistance and surrender to a man she jilted. England, 1770. As an agent to the Crown, Marcus Ashford has fought numerous sword fights and dodged bullets and cannon fire. Yet nothing arouses him more than his hunger for former fiance, Elizabeth. Years ago, she'd abandoned him for the boyishly charming Lord Hawthorne. But now Marcus has been ordered to defend Elizabeth from her husband's killers and he has sworn to do so while tending to her other, more carnal needs. He will be at her service, in every sense. Praise for Sylvia Day, bestselling author of the sensational Bared to You and Reflected in You, first two books in the Crossfire trilogy : "Move over Danielle Steel and Jackie Collins, this is the dawn of a new Day". (Amuse). "Several shades darker and a hundred degrees hotter than anything you've read before". (Reveal). Sylvia Day is the number one New York Times and number one international bestselling author of more than a dozen award-winning novels, which have been translated into thirty eight languages. She has been nominated for the Goodreads Choice Award for Best Author and her work has been honoured as Amazon's Best of the Year in Romance. She has won the RT Book Reviews Reviewers' Choice Award and been nominated for the Romance Writers of America's prestigious RITA award twice.
9,98 € 10,50 €

dostupné aj ako:

Pride and Pleasure

Pursued by fortune hunters, heiress Eliza Martin is the victim of diabolical scheming to get her to the altar. She won't be bullied, however, and she will get to the bottom of this plot. She needs a man to infiltrate her suitors and find the villain.
11,88 € 12,50 €

Passion for the Game

Sylvia Day's Passion for the Game is a tale of deception, lust and deadly desire in Georgian England. Maria, Lady Winter, is coerced into using her searing beauty and siren body to find out why dangerous pirate Christopher St. John has been let out of jail. But pirate St. John's only chance of avoiding the hangman is to use his renowned seduction skills to melt Lady Winter's icy heart - and to discover her secrets. Entangled in a twisted game of deception and desire, Maria and Christopher are each determined to be the one to win this lusty battle of wits...Praise for Sylvia Day, bestselling author of the sensational Bared to You and Reflected in You, first two books in the Crossfire trilogy: "Move over Danielle Steel and Jackie Collins, this is the dawn of a new Day". (Amuse). "Several shades darker and a hundred degrees hotter than anything you've read before". (Reveal). Sylvia Day is the number one New York Times and number one international bestselling author of more than a dozen award-winning novels, which have been translated into thirty-nine languages. She has been nominated for the Goodreads Choice Award for Best Author and her work has been honoured as Amazon's Best of the Year in Romance. She has won the RT Book Reviews Reviewers' Choice Award and been nominated for the Romance Writers of America's prestigious RITA award twice.
9,98 € 10,50 €

Sedm let hříchu

Před sedmi lety, v předvečer své vlastní svatby, se ctnostná a spořádaná lady Jessica Sheffieldová stala svědkem hříšné podívané, jakou si taková nevinná mladá dáma nikdy nedokázala představit. Tento výjev ji šokoval a podivně vzrušil zároveň. Tajemství o zhýralém Alistairu Caulfieldovi si nechala pro sebe a provdala se, jak od ní všichni očekávali. Avšak i po dlouhých letech poklidného a šťastného manželství ji Caulfieldův obrázek neopouštěl a vyvolával v ní nemravné představy… …o to sladší pak byla odměna.Alistair utekl od představy nádherné lady Jessiky s vášnivým pohledem v očích až do Západní Indie. Coby úspěšný obchodník měl už jen málo společného s chlípníkem, jakého kdysi znala. Když se čerstvě ovdovělá Jessica nalodila na palubu jeho impozantního korábu na cestu přes oceán, zůstane jediným strážcem sedm let potlačovaných tužeb jen pár vrstev jemného hedvábí. Brzy oba poznají, že den, kdy pokušení podlehnou, se nezadržitelně blíží…
13,35 € 14,05 €