Guy Maupassant strana 2 z 5


Bel Ami

Er beschreibt den beruflichen und gesellschaftlichen Aufstieg des ehemaligen Unteroffiziers Georges Duroy im Paris des ausgehenden 19. Jahrhunderts.
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0,88 €


The story chronicles journalist Georges Duroy's corrupt rise to power from a poor ex-NCO to one of the most successful men in Paris, most of which he achieves by manipulating a series of powerful, intelligent, and wealthy mistresses.
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0,88 €

Lacná kniha Sur l´Eau (-50%)

Il y a peu de grands livres consacrés ? la navigation de plaisance. Sur l'eau (1888) relate une croisi?re de Maupassant en Méditerranée, ? bord de son yacht Bel-Ami. Ce n'est pas seulement un récit de voyage, une description des paysages saisis dans leur authenticité de jadis, une peinture de la vie maritime, mais aussi une confession. Maupassant nous parle de la vie littéraire, de ses tourments intimes, de la société, des femmes, de la politique, autant que de la mer et du vent.
Na sklade 1Ks
4,77 € 9,53 €

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Maupassant összes versei

Maupassant a regényeiről ismert Magyarországon, kevesen tudják, hogy verseket is írt. Kosztolányi fordítása erről az oldaláról mutatja be.
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2,82 €

Bel-Ami (FR)

Georges Duroy, jeune homme de province arrivé a Paris, veut faire fortune et vite. Pour cela, il est pret a tout. Intelligent et séducteur, il s'entoure de femmes influentes qui l'aident dans son ascension sociale. Bel-Ami, car c'est ainsi qu'on l'appelle, fait son chemin a force de conquetes amoureuses sur fond de corruptions politiques et financieres. A travers le parcours de Bel-Ami, Maupassant fait la critique de la société des années 1880.
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3,96 €

B. J. Harrison Reads A Meeting (EN)

The Baron d’Etraille witnesses a disturbing scene at a party between his own wife and another young man. D’Etraille decides that they have to separate, so he leaves the baroness and heads out on a long journey. He spends almost six years wandering around from one place to another, not knowing what is happening with his wife.
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5,99 €

B. J. Harrison Reads Fear and Was It A Dream? (EN)

A man’s beloved woman suddenly dies of pneumonia. He cannot cope with the loss and spends a whole night wandering around the cemetery searching for her. However, what he finds and sees there is far from what he expected. Would you feel fear after reading "Was It A Dream?"? Then it may be interesting for you to find out what the characters in Maupassant’s short story "Fear" have to say about it as well.
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5,99 €

B. J. Harrison Reads The Horla (EN)

A three-mast Brazilian ship passes by and a man standing on the shore, waving to it. After sailing on the broad and getting back home, the man starts feeling worse with every passing day. He realizes that there is a supernatural being in his home, taking his strength and sanity away. The man tries to fight back and kill the ghost but it proves more challenging than he had expected.
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5,99 €

B. J. Harrison Reads The Hand (EN)

A man keeps a disembodied hand attached to his wall. One night he is found murdered, a finger sticking out of his mouth, and the hand is missing from the wall. Later a hand with one missing finger is seen at the man’s grave. The police inspector who worked on the case wants to give some logical explanation but is there any? Or it was a supernatural occurrence? Find out in Guy de Maupassant’s horror story "The Hand".
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5,99 €

B. J. Harrison Reads The Ball of Fat (EN)

Rouen is occupied by the Prussian army and a group of ten residents decides to leave town. Although it is not that easy, they manage to get on a carriage. The group is quite colorful as every person represents a different part of the French population during the Franco-Prussian War of the late 19th century.
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8,99 €

B. J. Harrison Reads The Head of Hair (EN)

Can a man lose his mind because of a braid of hair? Can people come back from the dead? "The Head of Hair" tells the story of one poor man who gets so obsessed with a hairpiece that he comes to believe that the lady it belonged to has returned from the underworld. Nobody believes him and he ends up in an institution for mentally ill but could he have been telling the truth? Did he really get a visitor from the past? B.
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5,99 €

The Horla (EN)

Audiobook The Horla written by Guy de Maupassant. The Horla is the chilling tale of one man's descent into madness. Maupassant established a reputation in France as an absolute master of the short story, before himself succumbing to the mental illness that ravaged his later life. This story is the terrifying tale of an invisible vampire, told by a narrator himself on the brink of insanity, and written by a master of the macabre clearly at the peak of his powers.
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5,99 €

Jeden život

Audiokniha Jeden život, kterou napsal Guy de Maupassant. Dílo Guy de Maupassanta patřící k vrcholům francouzského literárního realismu a naturalismu Jeden život (Une Vie) je prvním z Maupassantovy´ch šesti románů a po Miláčkovi nejznámější. Zaby´vá se osudem nejsympatičtější hrdinky ze všech Maupassantových postav. Dobře vychovanou dívku Jeanne ze spořádané bohaté šlechtické rodiny čekal jediny´ osud: vdát se a by´t poslušnou manželkou a oddanou matkou.
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9,96 €

Great Ghost Stories (EN)

Audiobook Great Ghost Stories. A spine-tingling collection of classic ghost stories – a perfect way to pass those long winter nights! This set contains The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe, The Horla by Guy de Maupassant, Sredni Vashtar by Saki, The Mark of the Beast by Rudyard Kipling, Lost Hearts by M. R. James and The Furnished Room by O.
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8,00 €

Lacná kniha Šílenec a jiné temné příběhy/Un fou et autres contes noirs (-70%)

Výber z bohaté povídkové tvorby slavného francouzského prozaika Guy de Maupassanta. Dvojjazyčná, francouzsko-česká verze, nezkrácený text. Stejně jako ve své románové tvorbě i v povídkách akcentuje autor, který usiloval o to, aby jeho díla působila jako „kurzy lidské existence vyrvané ze skutečnosti“, erotické vztahy, pojímané v duchu naturalismu.
Na sklade 2Ks
2,58 € 8,60 €

dostupné aj ako:

Szabadulás - válogatott novellák

?? Hogyan csináltam?? A következoképpen. Ó, agyafúrt voltam, irgalmatlanul agyafúrt. Három hónap óta nem lehetett kibírni, utálatos volt, goromba, otromba, zsarnok, alávaló. Azt mondtam magamban: ?Ezt nem lehet tovább turni, el kell válnom. De hogyan?? Nem volt könnyu. Megpróbáltam megveretni vele magamat. Nem akart kötélnek állni. Reggeltol estig gyötört# eroszakoskodott, hogy menjek el hazulról, ha nem volt kedvem hozzá, és hogy maradjak otthon, ha a városban szerettem volna vacsorázni# minden napomat elviselhetetlenné tette, de megverni nem volt hajlandó. Akkor megpróbáltam kinyomozni, nem tart-e barátnot. Tartani tartott, de rettento óvatosan járt hozzá. Semmiképpen sem lehetett volna rajtacsípni oket. Nos, találd ki, mit csináltam??
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2,79 €