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Arthur Doyle strana 23 z 39


Arthur Doyle

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle bol škótsky spisovateľ, ktorý sa preslávil poviedkami o Sherlockovi Holmesovi, a to aj v sérii Sherlock Holmes vyšetruje. Jeho ďalšie veľmi známe dielo je Stratený svet.

Narodil sa 22. mája 1859 ako druhý syn z desiatich detí Charlesa Altamonta a Mary Foley Doyleovej. V roku 1868 začal študovať na jezuitskej škole v Lancashire. Na Edinburgskej univerzite študoval medicínu, kde získal v roku 1885 titul doktor medicíny. Potom slúžil ako lodný lekár na plavbe k západnému africkému pobrežiu, po ktorej nasledovala v roku 1882 príprava lekárskej praxe v Plymouthe. Počas štúdia ho zaujali schopnosti jeho profesora Dr. Josepha Bella pri detailnej diagnóze pacientovho stavu. Toto majstrovstvo diagnostickej dedukcie sa stalo modelom pre jeho literárnu tvorbu. Jeho lekárska prax bola neúspešná, avšak pre čitateľov mala veľmi kladný vplyv. Začal sa venovať literatúre. Prvá zmienka o Sherlockovi Holmesovi je datovaná v roku 1887. Asi najznámejším dielom je Sherlock Holmes v knihe Pes baskervilský a známy Stratený svet - taktiež vo filmovej podobe.

Mal dve manželky - Louisu Hawkinsovú a potom Jean Leckieovú a dvakrát sa uchádzal i o parlamentné kreslo, ale napriek značnej podpore nebol nakoniec zvolený. Doyle bol vášnivým lyžiarom a predpovedal, že nastane doba, keď budú tisíce ľudí jazdiť do Švajčiarska lyžovať. V roku 1928 podnikol päťmesačnú cestu po Afrike. V roku 1902 bol povýšený do rytierskeho stavu, za jeho prácu v poľnej nemocnici v Bloemfonteine (Južná Afrika) a ďalšie služby počas Vojny v Južnej Afrike. Zomrel 7. júla 1930.

zdroj: wikipedia


Podpis čtyř / The Sign of the Four

Podpis čtyř je po Studii v šarlatové druhou autorovou novelou, v níž se objevují postavy Sherlocka Holmese a doktora Watsona. Tajemný a spletitý případ je tentokrát okořeněn hledáním pokladu indického rádži a vychytralým a zákeřným protivníkem. Navíc zde doktor Watson potkává svou budoucí ženu. Z angličtiny přeložil Jan Zábrana.
8,17 € 8,60 €

Modrá karbunkule / The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle

Další dvojjazyčný výbor z díla A. C. Doyla obsahuje tři povídky – Pět pomerančových jadérek, Ohyzdný žebrák a Modrá karbunkule. V první povídce ten, kdo obdrží v obálce pět pomerančových jadérek, se za žádných okolností v následujících dnech nevyhne smrti, a až Sherlock Holmes dokáže tento nekonečný řetězec pomsty přerušit; v druhé může zmizení jistého solidního, bezúhonného gentlemana vysvětlit jenom jediný člověk, ohyzdný žebrák, a v povídce závěrečné se začne sled událostí odvíjet od kuriózního nálezu drahokamu ve vánoční huse.
7,74 € 8,15 €

Treize enquetes élémentaires de Sherlock Holmes

Que signifient cinq pépins d'orange dans une lettre ? Et cette oie avec une pierre précieuse dans le gosier ? Que veulent dire les mots bande mouchetée " prononcés par cette jeune fille agonisante ? Et ces dessins d'hommes dansants sur les murs de la maison d'un jeune couple ? " Élémentaire, mon cher Watson ! " répondrait Sherlock Holmes. Car tout est affaire de logique et le coupable rarement celui qu'on croit... Les treize meilleures enqutes du célbre détective, écrites en 1891 et 1913, sont ici réunies pour satisfaire tous les amateurs d'énigmes. Une préface inédite. pour tout savoir et fter comme il se doit le pionnier et maître du roman policier."
10,07 € 10,60 €

Z krajin soumraku

Do dějin vstoupil jako autor postavy slavného detektiva Sherlocka Holmese; kromě toho však napsal celou řadu povídek a románů, ovlivněných jeho zájmem o spiritismus, okultní a duchovědná bádání a také o záhrobní skutečnosti. V knize Z krajin soumraku se A. C. Doyle představuje prostřednictvím kratších próz, které se zabývají nadpřirozenými úkazy, tajuplnými zjeveními a - dnes bychom řekli - parapsychologickými fenomény. Jeho povídky jsou napínavou četbou, která poskytuje témata k zamyšlení nad morálkou a duchovními kořeny novodobé společnosti.
10,67 € 11,23 €

Dominoes 2 Sherlock Holmes Norwood Mystery

'For me, Watson, life is not so interesting,' says Holmes. 'I loved to read the newspaper, hoping to find some news of an interesting crime for me to investigate or a dangerous criminal for me to catch. Where are all those clever criminals these days?' Then, suddenly, a wild, excited young man runs up the stairs to Holmes' room. He has a story to tell about a strange crime that took place in Norwood. But who is the criminal? And is he dangerous? Life, for Holmes, suddenly starts to get interesting.
5,04 € 5,30 €

Dominoes 1 Sherlock Holmes Emerald Crown

The Dominoes series of readers offers more support than traditional readers to both teachers and students. The series caters to a wide range of tastes, with traditional and modern titles, both fact and fiction. It uses the same grading scheme as the Oxford Bookworms, from Starter to Stage 2. There are colour illustrations throughout, and a larger than usual format, help to make the stories more accessible. At the end of every chapter or section, two pages of integrated activities help students to understand what they have read. Five pages of project work at the end of each reader give further ideas on how students can get the most out of the text. The series should be suitable both for students working individually and for teachers wishing to support reading with class activities. Cassettes are available as reinforcement and to enhance enjoyment.
4,85 € 5,10 €

The Hound of the Baskervilles

The terrible spectacle of the beast, the fog of the moor, the discovery of a body, this classic horror story pits detective against dog. When Sir Charles Baskerville is found dead on the wild Devon moorland with the footprints of a giant hound nearby, the
3,47 € 3,65 €

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

From his rooms in Baker Street, Sherlock Holmes´s brooding figure emerges into the foggy streets of Victorian London to grapple with the forces of treachery, intrigue, and evil.
3,47 € 3,65 €

Sherlock Holmes and the Sport of Kings Oxford Bookworms Library 1

Horseracing is the sport of kings, perhaps because racehorses are very expensive animals. But when they win races, they can make a lot of money too money for the owners, for the trainers, and for the people who put bets on them to win. Silver Blaze is a young horse, but already the winner of many races. One night he disappears from his stables, and someone kills his trainer. The police want the killer, and the owner wants his horse, but they can't find them. So what do they do? They write to 221B Baker Street, London, of course to ask for the help of the great detective, Sherlock Holmes.
7,59 € 7,99 €

Sherlock Holmes and Duke´s Son

Dr Huxtable has a school for boys in the north of England. When the Duke of Holdernesse decides to send his young son there, that is good news for the school. The Duke is a very important person, and Dr Huxtable is happy to have his son in the school. But two weeks later Dr Huxtable is the unhappiest man in England. Why? And why does he take the train down to London and go to Baker Street? Why does he need the help of the famous detective Sherlock Holmes? Because someone has kidnapped the Duke's son . . .
7,59 € 7,99 €

Sherlock Holmes Short Stories + CD

Sherlock Holmes is the greatest detective of them all. He sits in his room, and smokes his pipe. He listens, and watches, and thinks. He listens to the steps coming up the stairs; he watches the door opening - and he knows what question the stranger will ask. In these three of his best stories, Holmes has three visitors to the famous flat in Baker Street - visitors who bring their troubles to the only man in the world who can help them.
8,36 € 8,80 €

Sherlock Holmes and Duke´s Son + CD

Dr Huxtable has a school for boys in the north of England. When the Duke of Holdernesse decides to send his young son there, that is good news for the school. The Duke is a very important person, and Dr Huxtable is happy to have his son in the school. But two weeks later Dr Huxtable is the unhappiest man in England. Why? And why does he take the train down to London and go to Baker Street? Why does he need the help of the famous detective Sherlock Holmes? Because someone has kidnapped the Duke's son . . .
8,64 € 9,09 €

Sherlock Holmes and the Sport of Kings + CD

Horseracing is the sport of kings, perhaps because racehorses are very expensive animals. But when they win races, they can make a lot of money too money for the owners, for the trainers, and for the people who put bets on them to win. Silver Blaze is a young horse, but already the winner of many races. One night he disappears from his stables, and someone kills his trainer. The police want the killer, and the owner wants his horse, but they can't find them. So what do they do? They write to 221B Baker Street, London, of course to ask for the help of the great detective, Sherlock Holmes.
8,64 € 9,09 €

The Hound of the Baskervilles + CD - OBL 4

Dartmoor. A wild, wet place in the south-west of England. A place where it is easy to get lost, and to fall into the soft green earth which can pull the strongest man down to his death. A man is running for his life. Behind him comes an enormous dog - a dog from his worst dreams, a dog from hell. Between him and a terrible death stands only one person - the greatest detective of all time, Sherlock Holmes.
9,41 € 9,90 €

Sherlock Holmes: Two Plays + CD

Sherlock Holmes is the greatest detective the world has ever seen, and he knows it. As the famous bank-robber, John Clay, says to him, 'You think of everything, Mr Holmes. You're very clever.' People come to him with problems that no one, not even the police, can solve. Holmes sits, and thinks, and smokes his pipe, and in the end he finds the answer. In these plays, based on two of his stories, Holmes, helped by his old friend, Dr Watson, uses his great intelligence to solve two unusual and interesting cases.
8,64 € 9,09 €

Le Monde Perdu

Cote que cote, Ned Malone a décidé qu'il arriverait arracher une interview au professeur Challenger. C'est un savant réputé, mais colérique et redoutable, qui n'a que mépris pour les journalistes. Contre toute attente, c'est lui qui entraînera Ned au coeur de l'Amazonie pour d'inoubliables expériences dans un monde perdu o l'évolution s'est arrtée des millions d'années plus tôt.
8,50 € 8,95 €