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Dick Francis strana 16 z 17


Narodil sa ako Richard Stanley Francis v mestečku Lawrenny v južnom Walese.

Otec bol džokej a syn pokračoval v jeho šľapajach. Ešte predtým však narukoval k pozemným službám anglického letectva Royal Air Force (1940), čím vstúpil prvý raz do služieb kráľovnej. Neskôr sa stal pilotom. Lietal aj na stíhačkách, ale najviac času strávil v kokpite bombardérov. Počas svojej dvanásťročnej džokejskej kariéry vyhral vyše 350 dostihov a stal sa šampiónom profesionálnych jazdcov. V rokoch 1953 - 1957 jazdil aj pre kráľovnú matku. Práve vtedy sa zranil počas pretekov v liverpoolskom Aintree na favoritovi Devon Lochovi, majetku kráľovnej. Ešte 50 metrov pred cieľom viedol, potom sa koňovi podlomili nohy a dodnes nie je úplne jasné, prečo sa tak stalo. Po nehode vymenil Dick Francis konské sedlo za pero. Svoju prvú knihu, autobiografiu Šport kráľovien, vydal roku 1957, prvý detektívny román o päť rokov neskôr. Odvtedy písal jeden ročne s výnimkou roku 1998, keď vydal zbierku poviedok 13 jazdcov v cieli. Popritom, až do roku 1973, pracoval ako dostihový korešpondent London Sunday Express.
Spisovateľ bol vyše 53 rokov ženatý s Mary Margaret. Zomrela v roku 2000. Rok pred jej smrťou sa na trhu objavil Francisov neautorizovaný životopis, ktorý označil za skutočného autora jeho diel práve manželku. Vtedy akoby rezignoval a až do roku 2006 sa odmlčal. Román Koniec stávok však tieto špekulácie jednoznačne vyvrátil. Dick Francis, pre ktorého bola najobľúbenejšou knihou práve tá, ktorú dopísal, po sebe zanechal dvoch synov Felixa a Merricka, päť vnúčat a jedno pravnúča. Práve synovia mu vo svojom vyhlásení vzdali hold slovami: „Sme zničení zo straty nášho otca. Zároveň nás však teší, že sme synmi takého neobyčajného muža.“ Muža, ktorého za jeho služby celkom oprávnene ocenila kráľovská rodina Radom britského impéria.


Lacná kniha knock Down (-70%)

When a vicious gang of horse dealers threaten bloodstock agent Jonah Dereham they soon wish they had not. Dereham flushes out the real plot, and with it finds out just who the real Mr Big is. And when he does that, life suddenly becomes very cheap.
1,20 € 3,99 €

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Lacná kniha Twice Shy (-70%)

Twice Shy is different from any other book Dick Francis has written - because instead of just one point of view, there are two narrators. One is Jonathan Derry, a mild-mannered Physics teacher who through a turn of fate ends up in possession of a computer program that can predict which horse will win a race. The second is William Derry, Jonathan's younger brother, who is working as a manager of an American millionaire's English horses. The second part of the book takes up about ten years or more after the first. Everything centres around the computer program - what it does and who wants to get their hands on it?
0,45 € 1,49 €

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Lacná kniha For Kick (-70%)

Common sense said that the whole idea was crazy...but when offered huge sums of money to move to England and help the Earl of October uncover a suspected racehorse dope scandal, Danny Roke finds the proposal intriguing. Swapping his job as proprietor of an Australian stud farm to work undercover as a stable hand in Yorkshire, Danny soon has his hands full. Whilst the Earl's attractive daughters Patricia and Elinor draw his attention, he finds himself ever more deeply involved with the vicious swindlers he is out to entrap. And if neither the money nor the swindle will keep his mind on the job, maybe the death of the Earl's original investigator, Tommy Stapleton, will...
3,09 € 10,31 €

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Lacná kniha The Edge (-70%)

A story of drama and intrigue set on the sinister side of the international racing circuit. Tor Kelsey, an undercover agent for the Jockey Club's Security Service trails Julius Apollo Filmer, a blackmailer and murderer, onto a luxury train carrying several racehorse owners across Canada.
2,17 € 7,23 €

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Lacná kniha Za trest - 2.vydání (-50%)

Příběh ještě ne osmnáctiletého Benedikta Juliarda, který sní o profesionální kariéře překážkového jezdce. Ale pro trenéry není zatím dost dobrý a přesto, že mu politika nic neříká, otec ho chce mít po svém boku ve volební kampani. Události dostanou dramatický spád, když se Ben stane terčem útoků a boj o politická křesla se změní v otevřený boj o život.
4,68 € 9,35 €

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Lacná kniha Silks (-50%)

After collaborating on Dead Heat (2007), bestseller Francis and his son, Felix, deliver another gripping thriller with a thoroughbred racing backdrop. Soon after London barrister Geoffrey Mason, an amateur jockey by avocation, starts receiving a series of threatening messages from a former client, Julian Trent, whose conviction for assault was overturned on appeal, Mason reluctantly accepts the defense of a jockey, Steve Mitchell, accused of the pitch-fork murder of fellow rider Scot Barlow at a steeplechase event. Mitchell and Barlow had fallen out over Barlow's sister, a vet and Mitchell's former girlfriend, who took her own life just a short while before. When unknown parties order Mason to lose the case, he must balance his professional ethics and his sense of self-preservation. The solid writing and engaging lead will carry readers along at a brisk pace, though some may find the dramatic courtroom revelation of the murderer overly theatrical. (Sept.)
3,62 € 7,23 €

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Lacná kniha Slay Ride (-50%)

British investigator David Cleveland hadn't come to Oslo dressed for the Norwegian weather. But he didn't know what cold really was until someone tried to drown him in a fjord. Of course, it could have been an accident that the speedboat cut David's dinghy to ribbons. Just as it could have been a coincidence that champion jockey Robert Sherman had disappeared from Norway right before the National, a race he was certain to win. And right before his wife was about to give birth. But accident and coincidence couldn't explain the gruesome string of deaths that David Cleveland would find was meant to include his own…
2,25 € 4,50 €

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Lacná kniha Blood Sport (-50%)

Gene Hawkins woke on the first day of his holiday with his hand on the Luger under his pillow, and a ringing in his ears. His boss was on the phone, inviting him on a family boat trip up the Thames. Keeble didn't fraternise with his employees unless he wanted something. What he wanted now was for Gene to spend three weeks looking for kidnapped stallions in Kentucky. He wouldn't take no for an answer. But before the afternoon was out Gene's survival skills were called on cloer to home - catapulting him into a maelstrom of blackmail and murder that would turn the blue grass of Kentucky to red...Rivals his excellent Flying Finish" - "Times Literary Supplement". "Thundering skullduggery...impressive turn of speed ...champion form" - "Sunday Telegraph"."
4,20 € 8,40 €

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Lacná kniha Under Order (-50%)

Beloved series character Sid Halley, a champion jockey, makes a welcome return in the latest fast-paced crime novel from bestseller Francis (Come to Grief). When a crippling injury forces Halley into retirement, he begins a second career as a PI. Thanks t
4,96 € 9,92 €

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Lacná kniha 10 Lb. Penalty (-50%)

A wanna-be jockey accepts a job in his father's campaign for Parliament--and realizes that politics can be the most perilous horse race of all.
3,31 € 6,61 €

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Lacná kniha Bonecrack (-50%)

At twenty to midnight Neil Griffon's home is broken into and he is roughly abducted by masked men. He has no idea who they are, or what they want. But when Neil wakes up, hours later, he quickly discovers that unless he cooperates his kidnappers will destroy his father's precious horses, racing stable and ultimately Neil himself. Returned to take charge of the stables, Neil can tell no-one about his ordeal. Vicious threats and horrible violence against his horses become a day-to-day reality and he is forced to comply with his blackmailer's wishes. Trapped in a war of attrition, Neil realises he must find a way to stop these criminals before his nerve gives out. After all, a choice between his integrity and his life is no choice at all...
4,05 € 8,10 €

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Lacná kniha Field of 13 (-50%)

There's a bomb scare at Kingdom Hill racecourse, where failed conman Tricksy Wilcox watches his dreams blown to kingdom come...At Cheltenham's glittering National Hunt Festival, protocol is rocked as a love-struck owner falls madly in love with her jockey ...There is passion - and revenge - at the glorious Kentucky Derby...and then ten other tantalizing stories to hold you enthralled from the starting gates to the finish. Award-winning Master of Crime, Dick Francis tackles a new distance with thirteen nerve-tingling tales of politics, passion, horses and crime - each one of them tied to a milestone event in the international racing calendar. The result is beyond question.
4,20 € 8,40 €

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Lacná kniha Dead Heat (-50%)

The reputation of Max Moreton, a young wunderkind chef with a restaurant in Newmarket, England, suffers after guests at an affair he caters fall ill with food poisoning. This calamity nearly jeopardizes another job—feeding several dozen attendees at a maj
4,14 € 8,27 €

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Lacná kniha Vyšetřovací komise (-90%)

Nové vydání známého románu z dostihového prostředí. Profesionální žokej Kelly Hughes je obviněn ze záměrného zadržení koně při dostihu a přichází o licenci, stejně jako trenér Cranfield, pro kterého jezdil. Kelly se rozhodne nespravedlivé nařčení vyv rátit a s nasazením života pátrá na vlastní pěst po lidech, kteří ho udali komisi rozhodčích, a po důvodech, jež je k tomu vedly.
1,17 € 11,70 €

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Lacná kniha Motiv koní (-90%)

Charles Todd je anglický malíř, známý portréty dostihových koní. Především je to ale muž se smyslem pro spravedlnost. Vražda Reginy Stuartové, manželky jeho bratrance Donalda, která se, jak to vypadá, připlete do cesty zlodějům, a požár v domě bohaté vdovy Maisie jej proto nemohou nechat chladným zvlášť když se následné policejní vyšetřování zaměří pouze na nervově se hroutícího Donalda. S přáteli Jikem a Sárou se proto pouští do pátrání na vlastní pěst, jež je přivede na stopu skupiny padělat elů obrazů a nesmlouvavých podvodníku velkého kalibru. Záhy je jasné, že střet je nevyhnutelný
1,17 € 11,70 €

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Lacná kniha Horké peníze (-25%)

Malcolm Pembroke je obdařen pěti bývalými manželkami a devíti potomky, kteří mezi sebou neúnavně bojují o jeho přízeň a peníze. Potom je ale krutým způsobem zavražděna Malcolmova poslední žena Moira a zanedlouho se ocitne v ohrožení i Malcolm sám. Na pomoc povolá jediného člověka, kterému věří svého syna Iana, amatérského žokeje, se kterým se před lety ve zlém rozešel. Závist a trpké vzpomínky nejsou však jediným tajemstvím, které rodina skrývá.
9,13 € 12,17 €

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