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Perennial Seller

Bestselling author and marketing strategist Ryan Holiday reveals to creatives of all stripes-authors, entrepreneurs, musicians, filmmakers, fine artists-how a classic work is made and marketed. Classic. Evergreen. Cult. Backlist. We can all identify with products that seem to last forever and just keep selling. But how can we create things that can and should last, especially in an environment where short-term gain and flash-in-the-pan success are so often the benchmark, where Hollywood movies are written off after a weekend or Silicon Valley start-ups are considered to have failed if they don't go viral? Enter Ryan Holiday and his concept of the Perennial Seller, products that exist in every creative industry, timeless, dependable resources and unsung money-makers, increasing in value over time and outlasting and outstretching the competition. Holiday shows us that creating a classic doesn't have to be a fluke or just a matter of luck. In Perennial Seller he takes us back to the first principles of the models and thinking that underpin the creation of something built to last. Featuring interviews with some of the world's greatest entrepreneurs and creatives and grounded in a deep study of the classics from every genre, the book shares a mindset and approach we can all adopt to make and market a classic work. Whether you have a book or a business, a song or the next great screenplay, Holiday reveals the recipe for perennial success.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Perennial Seller

The book that Inc. says "every entrepreneur should read" and an FT Book of the Month selection... How did the movie The Shawshank Redemption fail at the box office but go on to gross more than $100 million as a cult classic? How did The 48 Laws of Power miss the bestseller lists for more than a decade and still sell more than a million copies? How is Iron Maiden still filling stadiums worldwide without radio or TV exposure forty years after the band was founded? Bestselling author and marketer Ryan Holiday calls such works and artists perennial sellers. How do they endure and thrive while most books, movies, songs, video games, and pieces of art disappear quickly after initial success? How can we create and market creative works that achieve longevity? Holiday explores this mystery by drawing on his extensive experience working with businesses and creators such as Google, American Apparel, and the author John Grisham, as well as his interviews with the minds behind some of the greatest perennial sellers of our time. His fascinating examples include: - Rick Rubin, producer for Adele, Jay-Z, and the Red Hot Chili Peppers, who teaches his artists to push past short-term thinking and root their work in long-term inspiration. - Tim Ferriss, whose books have sold millions of copies, in part because he rigorously tests every element of his work to see what generates the strongest response. - Seinfeld, which managed to capture both the essence of the nineties and timeless themes to become a modern classic. - Harper Lee, who transformed a muddled manuscript into To Kill a Mockingbird with the help of the right editor and feedback. - Winston Churchill, Stefan Zweig, and Lady Gaga, who each learned the essential tenets of building a platform of loyal, dedicated supporters. Holiday reveals that the key to success for many perennial sellers is that their creators don't distinguish between the making and the marketing. The product's purpose and audience are in the creator's mind from day one. By thinking holistically about the relationship between their audience and their work, creators of all kinds improve the chances that their offerings will stand the test of time.
12,83 € 13,50 €

Ego is the Enemy

The instant Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and international bestseller “While the history books are filled with tales of obsessive visionary geniuses who remade the world in their image with sheer, almost irrational force, I’ve found that history is also made by individuals who fought their egos at every turn, who eschewed the spotlight, and who put their higher goals above their desire for recognition.” —from the prologue Many of us insist the main impediment to a full, successful life is the outside world. In fact, the most common enemy lies within: our ego. Early in our careers, it impedes learning and the cultivation of talent. With success, it can blind us to our faults and sow future problems. In failure, it magnifies each blow and makes recovery more difficult. At every stage, ego holds us back. Ego Is the Enemy draws on a vast array of stories and examples, from literature to philosophy to his­tory. We meet fascinating figures such as George Marshall, Jackie Robinson, Katharine Graham, Bill Belichick, and Eleanor Roosevelt, who all reached the highest levels of power and success by con­quering their own egos. Their strategies and tactics can be ours as well. In an era that glorifies social media, reality TV, and other forms of shameless self-promotion, the battle against ego must be fought on many fronts. Armed with the lessons in this book, as Holiday writes, “you will be less invested in the story you tell about your own specialness, and as a result, you will be liberated to accomplish the world-changing work you’ve set out to achieve.”
13,25 € 13,95 €


In 2016, one of the giants of modern journalism fell: Gawker Media, infamous for saying what other outlets wouldn't say, was sued for publishing Hulk Hogan's sex tape, lost the case and went bust. After countless other lawsuits it seemed that Gawker had finally run out of luck. But luck had nothing to do with it. Peter Thiel, PayPal founder and billionaire investor, had masterminded the whole thing. Still furious at an article that had outed him ten years previously, and increasingly disgusted at Gawker's unscrupulous reporting methods, Thiel had spent nearly a decade meticulously plotting a conspiracy that would lead to the demise of Gawker and its founder, Nick Denton. After a multi-year proxy war through the Florida legal system, the settlement of $140million in favour of Hogan ended it. The verdict would stun the world and so would Peter's ultimate unmasking as the man who had set it all in motion. Why had he done this? How had no one discovered it? What would this mean--for free speech? For privacy? For culture?In Holiday's masterful telling of this nearly unbelievable conspiracy, informed by exclusive interviews with all the key players, this case transcends the narrative of how one billionaire took down a media empire or the current state of the free press. It's a study in power, strategy, and one of the most wildly ambitious - and successful - secret plots in recent memory.
18,00 € 18,95 €

Az akadály maga az út

Az ego az ellenség szerzőjétől Kultuszkönyv, amelynek bölcsességét Arnold Schwarzenegger színész-politikustól LL Cool J rapsztáron keresztül James McGee ír teniszezőig sok száz híres ember ültette át az életébe. Hogyan légy sikeresebb, mint amilyen most vagy? Bármi a hivatásod, Az akadály maga az út mindenképpen segít. Ha az életedben túl sok a stressz, ha elkedvetlenedtél, mert egy problémával nem tudsz zöldágra vergődni, olvasd el ezt a könyvet! Megtudod, hogyan változtasd gondjaidat életed legféktelenebb kalandjává. Az itt olvasható történetek különböző korok kiemelkedő elméitől származnak, akik kifogyhatatlan inspirációt kölcsönöznek a ma emberének. Ryan Holiday bemutatja, hogy a világtörténelem legsikeresebb egyéniségei - John D. Rockefeller vagy éppen Steve Jobs - hogyan alkalmazták a sztoikusok módszereit a nehézségek leküzdésében. Ezek az elgondolások a lehetetlen határát súroló helyzetekben is beváltak. Ha magunkévá tesszük őket, jóval többet segítenek, mint akár a szerencse, a tehetség vagy az intelligencia.
13,36 € 14,06 €

Sztoikus nyugalmat a mindennapokra!

Sztoikusnak lenni a 21. században egészen mást jelent, mint a nagy hatású filozófiai irányzat megszületése idején az ókori Görögországban és Rómában. Vagy mégsem? Ryan Holiday új könyve 365 oldalról járja körbe a kérdést a legnevesebb sztoikus bölcsek fennmaradt intelmeiből szemezgetve. A szerző rövid, elgondolkodtató magyarázatokkal egészíti ki Epiktétosz előadásait, Seneca leveleit és Marcus Aurelius híres elmélkedéseit, amelyek a 21. század olvasói számára is frissek és hasznosak lehetnek, nem beszélve a modern sztoicizmus praktikus, a mindennapi életben is megtérülő gyakorlatairól. Lelki nyugalomra, kiegyensúlyozott életre vagy belső szabadságra vágysz? A Sztoikus nyugalmat a mindennapokra! című kötet mindenkihez közelebb hozza az egyik legnagyobb hatású, ókori filozófia kiváló mestereinek gondolatait. "Ez a könyv talán még nagyobb siker lesz, mint Az akadály maga az út. Egész évre bőséges útravalót ad: frappáns idézeteket és megfontolandó életleckéket a három nagy sztoikus gondolkodó szellemi örökségéből." - The Wall Street Journal "Gyakorlatias bölcsességek tárháza, nincs jobb és szerethetőbb kalauz: a könyvet olvasva világosan fogsz látni, és önkéntelenül állhatatosabbá válsz. Az a vicc benne, hogy még akarnod se kell." - Jack Canfield "Akár egy irodában gályázol, akár szenátor vagy, ez a könyv segíteni fog, hogy megnyugvást és békét találj a mindennapokban." - Gregory Hays, Marcus Aurelius Elmélkedések című művének angol fordítója
12,23 € 12,87 €

dostupné aj ako:

Stillness is the Key

Instant #1 New York Times Bestseller & Wall Street Journal Bestseller 'Whether you are an athlete, an investor, a writer or an entrepreneur, this little but soulful book will open the door to a healthier, less anxious and more productive life and career.' - Arianna Huffington 'Ryan's trilogy of The Obstacle is the Way, Ego is the Enemy and Stillness is the Key are for sure must-reads.' Manu Ginobili, 4x NBA champion and Olympic Gold Medalist Throughout history, there's been one indelible quality that great leaders, makers, artists and fighters have shared. The Zen Buddhists described it as inner peace, the Stoics called it ataraxia and Ryan Holiday calls it stillness: the ability to be steady, focussed and calm in a constantly busy world. This quality, valued by every major school of thought from Buddha to Seneca, John Stuart Mill to Nietzsche, is urgently necessary today. And, Holiday shows, it is entirely attainable. Just as Winston Churchill used bricklaying as a time to recharge and reflect, or Oprah Winfrey learned deep empathy from her quiet childhood, we can all benefit from stillness to feed into our greater ambitions - whether winning a battle, building a business, or simply finding happiness, peace and self-direction. Filled with wisdom and examples from historical and contemporary figures, this book shows how to cultivate this quality in your own life. Because stillness is not merely inactivity, but the doorway to the self-mastery, discipline and focus necessary to succeed in this competitive, noisy world.
15,68 € 16,50 €

Growth Hacker Marketing

Your new business went online yesterday and you've got a marketing budget of zero. How are you supposed to create a movement around your product? How can you get to your first thousand - or million - customers? Starting from zero, it feels impossible. Enter the growth hacker. You may not have heard of growth hacking yet, but you've certainly used the billion dollar brands built by it: Hotmail, AirBnB, Facebook, Dropbox, amongst many others. Growth hackers thrive on doing what traditional businessmen would consider impossible: creating something from nothing. They 'hack' their company's growth to create a narrative of sensational success, turning excited media, users and social media into a viral marketing force that will help their business grow exponentially. Silicon Valley has realized that growth hacking - not television commercials and billboards - is the successful start-up's secret weapon. Now growth hacker extraordinaire Ryan Holiday is ready to share his experience, teaching you how to harness the power of growth to propel you to success. Featuring insights from leading growth hackers, Growth Hacker Marketing is the essential guide to the revolutionary new approach to growing your business.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Az ego az ellenség - Pusztísd el az egódat. Mielőtt ő pusztít el téged.

"Egy szó, amely összetörte fiatal géniuszok karrierjét. Egy szó, amely miatt hatalmas vagyonokat pazaroltak el és virágzó vállaltok dőltek romba. Egy szó, amely sok-sok nyomorúságért és szégyenért felel. Ez a szó - az EGO. Az EGO az ellenség! Az alkalmazkodóképesség, az ambíció és a siker ellensége. Mert amikor 160-nal száguldasz egy szabálytalanul előző kocsi után azért, hogy durvaságokat vághass a fejéhez, amikor összeveszel a legjobb barátoddal semmiségeken, amikor nem hívsz fel valakit, akit szeretsz, mert arra vársz, hogy ő hívjon fel - az egód játszik veled. Ryan Holiday világsikerű könyve megmutatja, hogyan ismerheted fel tetteid mögött a saját egódat, amely sokszor arra kényszerít, hogy érdekeid ellen dönts. Ha felismered, az első és legfontosabb lépést már megtetted! Az egódat el kell pusztítanod. Vagy ő pusztít el téged." Ryan Holiday több világsikerű mű szerzője. Texasban él, a Columbia Egyetemen tanít. Könyvei szerte a világon alapművek lettek, Thaiföldtől az Egyesült Államokig, Vietnámtól Franciaországig.
11,84 € 12,46 €

The Lives of the Stoics

For millennia, Stoicism has been the ancient philosophy that attracts those who seek greatness, from athletes to politicians and everyone in between. And no wonder: its embrace of self-mastery, virtue and indifference to that which we cannot control has much to offer those grappling with today's chaotic world. But who were the Stoics? In this book, Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman offer a fresh approach to understanding Stoicism through the lives of the people who practiced it. Through short biographies of all the famous, and lesser-known, Stoics, this book will show what it means to live stoically, and reveal the lessons to be learned from their struggles and successes. The result is a treasure trove of insights for anyone in search of living a good life.
19,48 € 20,50 €

The Daily Stoic Journal

A beautiful daily journal to lead your journey in the art of living--and an instant WSJ bestseller! For more than two thousand years, Stoic philosophy has been the secret operating system of wise leaders, artists, athletes, brilliant thinkers, and ordinary citizens. With the acclaimed, bestselling books The Obstacle Is the Way, Ego Is the Enemy and The Daily Stoic, Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman have helped to bring the Stoicism of Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and Epictetus to hundreds of thousands of new readers all over the world. Now Holiday and Hanselman are back with The Daily Stoic Journal, a beautifully designed hardcover journal that features space for morning and evening notes, along with advice for integrating this ancient philosophy into our 21st century lives. Each week readers will discover a specific powerful Stoic practice, explained and presented with related quotations to inspire deeper reflection and application, and each day they will answer a powerful question to help gauge their progress. Created with a durable, Smyth-sewn binding and featuring a helpful introduction explaining the various Stoic tools of self-management, as well as resources for further reading, this is a lasting companion volume for people who already love The Daily Stoic and its popular daily emails and social media accounts. It can also be used as a stand-alone journal, even if you haven't read the previous books. For anyone seeking inner peace, clarity, and effectiveness in our crazy world, this book will help them immensely for the next year--and for the rest of their lives.
12,30 € 12,95 €

Stillness is the Key : An Ancient Strategy for Modern Life

Throughout history, there has been one quality that great leaders, makers, artists and fighters have shared. The Zen Buddhists described it as inner peace, the Stoics called it ataraxia and Ryan Holiday calls it stillness: the ability to be steady, focused and calm in a constantly busy world. Drawing on a wide range of history's greatest thinkers, Holiday shows us how crucial stillness is, and how it can be cultivated in our own lives today. Just as Winston Churchill, Oprah Winfrey and baseball player Sadaharu Oh have done, we can all benefit from stillness to feed into our greater ambitions - whether building a business or simply finding happiness, peace and self-direction. Stillness is the key to the self-mastery, discipline and focus necessary to succeed in this competitive, noisy world.
14,20 € 14,95 €

Courage Is Calling

'An urgent call to arms for each and all of us.' Matthew McConaughey An inspiring anthem to the power, promise, and challenges of courage, the first in a series examining the timeless Stoic virtues from #1 New York Times bestselling author Ryan Holiday Fortune favours the bold. All great leaders of history have known this, and were successful because of the risks they dared to take. But today so many of us are paralysed by fear. Drawing on ancient Stoic wisdom and examples across history and around the world, Ryan Holiday shows why courage is so important, and how to cultivate it in our own lives. Courage is not simply physical bravery but also doing the right thing and standing up for what you believe; it's creativity, generosity and perseverance. And it is the only way to live an extraordinary, fulfilled and effective life. Everything in life begins with courage. This book will equip you with the bravery to begin.
17,58 € 18,50 €

Lacná kniha Ego je váš nepřítel (-70%)

„Ve své nové knize si Ryan Holiday bere na mušku největší překážku k dosažení mistrovství a skutečného úspěchu v životě – naše nenasytné ego. Svým inspirativním a praktickým způsobem nás učí, jak zkrotit a vycvičit toto divoké zvíře v nás, abychom se mohli lépe soustředit na to, na čem opravdu záleží – na odvádění kvalitní práce.“ - ROBERT GREENE, autor bestselleru Mastery Ryan Holiday, jeden z předních myslitelů své generace, ve své zatím nejlepší knize rozebírá ego, které je, dle jeho názoru, nepřítelem všeho, co opravdu chceme dokázat. Snad každý člověk se považuje za dokonale vyrovnanou osobnost. Nicméně ego se o slovo přihlásí u každého, kdo má nějaké ambice, schopnosti, motivaci, nějaký potenciál, který chce naplnit. Přesně to, co z nás dělá slibné myslitele, manažery či podnikatele, co nás nutí dostat se v daném oboru na špici, nás činí zranitelnými vůči temnější stránce naší psýché, vůči nezdravé víře ve vlastní důležitost. Vůči aroganci. Sebestřednosti a vlastní nadřazenosti. Sklonu si za všech okolností prosadit svou. Autor se svou knihou a poznatky v ní obsaženými snaží pomoci potlačit naše ego dřív, než nás zlozvyky z něj plynoucí svedou na scestí, a na četných příkladech ukazuje, jak různá úroveň přebujelosti ega ovlivňuje úspěch člověka a jeho schopnost prosadit se. Ego nás někdy svazuje tak, že nejsme schopni své předpoklady posoudit realisticky a s nadhledem. Člověk má vesměs sklon se nekriticky přeceňovat a zveličovat své ambice … o to bolestnější pak bývají jeho pády. Kniha, jež se okamžitě po svém vydání stala bestsellerem, poskytuje návod, jak postupovat, aby ego nebránilo člověku v jeho rozvoji a dovedlo ho na cestu pokory a vnitřní disciplíny. Zvláště v období, které „glorifikuje“ internet, sociální sítě či jiné formy sebeprosazování, má být boj proti přebujelým egům, slovy autora, veden na všech frontách. Tuto knihu plnou nezapomenutelných příběhů ze současnosti i historie (Eleanor Rooseveltová, George Marshall), strategií a životních lekcí by si měl přečíst každý, kdo chce něco opravdu dokázat. Ryan Holiday je známý spisovatel a bývalý marketingový ředitel firmy American Apparel. Založil společnost Brass Check, mezi jejíž klienty patří takové firmy, jako TASER či Google.
3,60 € 11,99 €

dostupné aj ako:

Az egyensúly a kulcs

Az akadály maga az út és Az ego az ellenség című bestsellereiben Ryan Holiday az ókori sztoikusok bölcsességét osztotta meg velünk. Sportvezetőket, informatikusokat, politikusok új nemzedékét és persze a hétköznapok emberét segítette praktikus tanácsaival. A mozdulatlanság a kulcsa című, újabb sikerkönyvében a sztoicizmus mellett a buddhista filozófia gondolatkörére támaszkodva vezet rá bennünket: az előrejutásban épp a lelassulás képessége válhat titkos fegyverünkké. Napjainkban el vagyunk halmozva ingerekkel, teendőkkel. Állandó versenyhelyzetben, stresszben és a média információs zajában telnek a hétköznapok. Képesek lehetünk egy helyben maradni, miközben zakatol körülöttük az élet? Hogyan zabolázhatjuk meg a temperamentumunkat, hogy semmi ne zökkentsen ki bennünket, miközben a munkára és a döntésekre összpontosítunk? A nyugalom, mozdulatlanság egy különös állapot, amely nem a cselekvés puszta hiánya, hanem az önuralom előfeltétele. Holiday szerint fontos képesség, melynek birtokában fegyelmezetté és összeszedetté válunk, és mindvégig kontroll alatt tarthatjuk viselkedésünket. A szerző megmutatja az utat, amelyen haladva elsajátíthatjuk ezt a hasznos, ősi bölcsességet. Az emberiség teljes műveltségéből merít a legnagyobb gondolkodókat idézve - Konfuciustól Senecáig, Marcus Aureliustól Thich Nhat Hanhig, John Stuart Milltől Nietzschéig.
10,68 € 11,24 €

Discipline is Destiny

The inscription on the Oracle of Delphi says: 'Nothing in excess.' C.S. Lewis described temperance as going to the 'right length but no further.' Easy to say, hard to practice - and if it was tough in 300 BC, or in the 1940s, it feels all but impossible today. Yet it's the most empowering and important virtue any of us can learn. Without self-discipline, all our plans fall apart. Here, Ryan Holiday shows how to cultivate willpower, moderation and self-control in our lives. From Aristotle and Marcus Aurelius, to Toni Morrison and Queen Elizabeth II, he illuminates the great exemplars of its practice and what we can learn from them. Moderation is not about abstinence: it is about self-respect, focus and balance. Without it, even the most positive traits become vices. But with it, happiness and success are assured: the key is not more but finding the right amount.
18,00 € 18,95 €