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This Is Going to Hurt

`Painfully funny. The pain and the funniness somehow add up to something entirely good, entirely noble and entirely loveable.' - Stephen FryWinner of the Books Are My Bag Non-Fiction Book of the YearWinner of the Books Are My Bag Readers Choice AwardWinner of Blackwell's Debut Book of the YearWinner of iBooks' Book of the Year97-hour weeks. Life and death decisions. A constant tsunami of bodily fluids. And the hospital parking meter earns more than you. Welcome to the life of a junior doctor. Scribbled in secret after endless days, sleepless nights and missed weekends, Adam Kay's diaries provide a no-holds-barred account of his time on the NHS front line. Hilarious, horrifying and heartbreaking, this is everything you wanted to know - and more than a few things you didn't - about life on and off the hospital ward.
13,25 € 13,95 €

Ez fájni fog - Egy fiatal orvos naplója

A szerző Nagy-Britanniában orvosrezidensként dolgozott 2004 és 2010 között. Képzése alatt mindvégig naplót vezetett; az Ez fájni fog lapjain a Nemzeti Egészségügyi Szolgálat frontvonalának esetei és napjaink válságának elemzései olvashatók. Egy fiatal orvos számol be életéről, örömeiről, bánatairól, áldozatvállalásokról és a számunkra, magyarok számára is ismerős őrjítő bürokráciáról. Kész szerelmi vallomás ez azokhoz, akiken bármelyik pillanatban az életünk múlhat. A morbid humor kedvelői ki ne hagyják! Íme a naplóm a Nemzeti Egészségügyi Szolgálatnál töltött időmből, a véres valóság. Hogy milyen volt a frontvonalban, hogyan csapódtak le a dolgok a magánéletemben, hogyan sokalltam be egy szörnyű napon. (Elnézést a spoilerezésért, na de a Titanic vetítésén is tudni tetszettek, mi a vége.) "Fájdalmasan mulatságos. A fájdalom és a mulatságosság hogy, hogy nem, valami teljességgel jóvá, nemessé és szerethetővé adódik össze." Stephen Fry
10,70 € 11,26 €

Twas The Nightshift Before Christmas

A short gift book of festive hospital diaries from the author of million-copy bestseller This is Going to Hurt Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat . . . but 1.4 million NHS staff are heading off to work. In this perfect present for anyone who has ever set foot in a hospital, Adam Kay delves back into his diaries for a hilarious, horrifying and sometimes heartbreaking peek behind the blue curtain at Christmastime. Twas the Nightshift Before Christmas is a love letter to all those who spend their festive season on the front line, removing babies and baubles from the various places they get stuck, at the most wonderful time of the year. 'The perfect surgical stocking-filler' The Times
12,30 € 12,95 €

Mert szülni karácsonykor kell - Az Ez fájni fog szerzőjétől

Adam Kay, a ma már Magyarországon is rendkívül népszerű exorvos komikus az Ez fájni fog című könyve után "karácsonyi különkiadással" jelentkezik. A szerzőtől megszokott módon, rövid csípős humorú naplóbejegyzések révén mulattat és gondolkodtat el egyszerre. Naplóbejegyzéseiből a munkája iránti elkötelezettség, a kezdő orvos parányi bizonytalansága, a méltatlan és sokszor megalázó helyzetekből magát frappánsan kivágó ember ereje, kitartása, és vérbő, nyelvi szinten is sziporkázó szellemesség süt át.
11,33 € 11,93 €

Bude to bolieť

Tajný denník mladého lekára. Vitajte vo svete, kde má týždeň deväťdesiatsedem pracovných hodín. Vitajte vo svete, kde sa rozhoduje o živote a smrti. Vitajte vo svete nepretržitého vlnobitia telesných tekutín. Vitajte vo svete, kde zarábate menej ako automat na nemocničnom parkovisku. Zamávajte na rozlúčku svojim priateľom a vzťahom. Vitajte v živote mladého lekára. Nekonečné dni a bezsenné noci, prácou naplnené víkendy - o tom sú zápisky v denníku Adama Kaya, ktorý sa ocitol v prvej línii britského zdravotníctva. Jeho príbehy sú striedavo veselé, hrozné, ale aj smutné. Do podrobností a bez zábran v nich opisuje, čo všetko musel robiť a čím musel prejsť. Áno, zanechali mu jazvu na duši. "Veselé aj bolestné, ale to všetko pridáva na celkovej výnimočnej kvalite týchto milých príbehov." Stehpen Fry "Výnimočná kniha. Smiala som sa tak nahlas a často, že som sa takmer zadusila, ale zároveň je táto kniha mimoriadne dojemná a dôležitá." Cathy Retzenbrink "Úžasné, šokujúce, srdcervúce aj pokorné." John Niven "Neuveriteľné a pútavé. Budete sa smiať a z celého srdca držať palce mladému lekárovi." Shappi Khorsandi "Na jednej strane veselá kniha, na druhej trhá srdce..." Charlie Broker "Desivo smiešne a smiešne desivé." Danny Walace "Rovnako ako naše štátne zdravotníctvo je aj táto kniha plná nádeje, zúfalstva, zázrakov, katastrof aj britkého humoru." Chris Addison
12,26 € 12,90 €

Už zase sloužím o Vánocích

Novinka od autora výjimečného bestselleru Bude to bolet, doktore? s celosvětovým nákladem milion výtisků. Blíží se Vánoce, všude voní cukroví..., avšak 1,4 milionů zaměstnanců britského státního zdravotnictví má namířeno do práce. Adam Kay znovu zalovil ve svých denících a výsledkem je humorný a někdy také srdcervoucí pohled za blyštivou oponu svátků vánočních. Kniha se nabízí také jako ideální dárek pro každého, kdo kdy vkročil do nemocnice. Už zase sloužím o Vánocích je milostný dopis všem, kteří tráví sváteční čas na frontě státního zdravotnictví, tahají kostičky Lega a dřevěné kuličky dětem z nosu a ošetřují popáleniny z prskavek, a to všechno v tom nejnádhernějším období roku – o Vánocích.
14,53 € 15,29 €

dostupné aj ako:

Kays Anatomy

Do you ever think about your body and how it all works? Like really properly think about it? The human body is extraordinary and fascinating and, well... pretty weird. Yours is weird, mine is weird, your maths teacher's is even weirder. This book is going to tell you what's actually going on in there, and answer the really important questions, like: Are bogies safe to eat? Look, if your nose is going to all that effort of creating a snack, the least we can do is check out its nutritional value. (Yes, they're safe. Chew away!) and... How much of your life will you spend on the toilet? About a year - so bring a good book. (I recommend this one.) So sit back, relax, put on some rubber gloves, and let a doctor take you on a poo (and puke) filled tour of your insides. Welcome to Kay's Anatomy*. *a fancy word for your body. See, you're learning already.
14,73 € 15,50 €

Kays Marvellous Medicine

The brand-new, hilarious book from bestselling, record-breaking author Adam Kay. The olden days were pretty fun if you liked wearing chainmail or chopping people's heads off but there was one TINY LITTLE problem back then . . . doctors didn't have the slightest clue about how our bodies worked. It's time to find out why Ancient Egyptians thought the brain was just a useless load of old stuffing that might as well be chucked in the bin, why teachers forced their pupils to smoke cigarettes, why hairdressers would cut off their customers' legs, and why people used to get paid for farting. (Unfortunately that's no longer a thing - sorry.) You'll get answers to questions like: Why did patients gargle with wee? How did a doctor save people's lives using a washing machine, a can of beans and some old sausages? What was the great stink? (No, it's not what doctors call your bum.) If you're sure you're ready, then pop a peg on your nose (there was a lot of stinky pus back then), pull on your wellies (there was a lot of poo there too), wash your hands (because they certainly didn't) and explore this gross and gruesome history of the human body! Praise for Kay's Anatomy: 'An enjoyably gross look at the human body. Hours of gruesome fun guaranteed' i 'Like listening to a teacher who makes pupils fall about' Sunday Times 'Totally brilliant!' Jacqueline Wilson 'Fun and informative' Malorie Blackman 'Very funny - this exciting book is bound to inspire the next generation of medics'
15,68 € 16,50 €

Bude to bolieť

Vitajte vo svete, kde má týždeň deväťdesiatsedem pracovných hodín. Vitajte vo svete, kde sa rozhoduje o živote a smrti. Vitajte vo svete nepretržitého vlnobitia telesných tekutín. Vitajte vo svete, kde zarábate menej ako automat na nemocničnom parkovisku. Zamávajte na rozlúčku svojim priateľom a vzťahom. Vitajte v živote mladého lekára. Nekonečné dni a bezsenné noci, prácou naplnené víkendy – o tom sú zápisky v denníku Adama Kaya, ktorý sa ocitol v prvej línii britského zdravotníctva. Jeho príbehy sú striedavo veselé, hrozné, ale aj smutné. Do podrobností a bez zábran v nich opisuje, čo všetko musel robiť a čím musel prejsť. Áno, zanechali mu jazvu na duši.
Predaj skončil
8,90 €

Lacná kniha Kays Anatomy (-90%)

Do you ever think about your body and how it all works? Like really properly think about it? The human body is extraordinary and fascinating and, well... pretty weird. Yours is weird, mine is weird, your maths teacher's is even weirder. This book is going to tell you what's actually going on in there, and answer the really important questions, like: Are bogies safe to eat? Look, if your nose is going to all that effort of creating a snack, the least we can do is check out its nutritional value. (Yes, they're safe. Chew away!) and... How much of your life will you spend on the toilet? About a year - so bring a good book. (I recommend this one.) So sit back, relax, put on some rubber gloves, and let a doctor take you on a poo (and puke) filled tour of your insides. Welcome to Kay's Anatomy*. *a fancy word for your body. See, you're learning already.
1,55 € 15,50 €

dostupné aj ako:

Kay's Marvellous Medicine

The brand-new, hilarious book from bestselling, record-breaking author Adam Kay. The olden days were pretty fun if you liked wearing chainmail or chopping people's heads off but there was one TINY LITTLE problem back then . . . doctors didn't have the slightest clue about how our bodies worked. It's time to find out why Ancient Egyptians thought the brain was just a useless load of old stuffing that might as well be chucked in the bin, why teachers forced their pupils to smoke cigarettes, why hairdressers would cut off their customers' legs, and why people used to get paid for farting. (Unfortunately that's no longer a thing - sorry.) You'll get answers to questions like: Why did patients gargle with wee? How did a doctor save people's lives using a washing machine, a can of beans and some old sausages? What was the great stink? (No, it's not what doctors call your bum.) If you're sure you're ready, then pop a peg on your nose (there was a lot of stinky pus back then), pull on your wellies (there was a lot of poo there too), wash your hands (because they certainly didn't) and explore this gross and gruesome history of the human body!
11,35 € 11,95 €

Amy Gets Eaten

The first-ever picture book from Adam Kay and Henry Paker. This is the hilarious (and admittedly a tiny bit gross) tale of Amy, a small piece of sweetcorn who is eaten by Noah, a medium-sized boy. The story follows Amy on her funny, gooey and anatomically-accurate adventure through the human body as she discovers lots of facts about digestion. (It's fair to say that parents might learn a little bit too.)
10,40 € 10,95 €