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Klub zlomených srdcí

Pěkná Izzie Silverová, která poutá pozornost svou vysokou a vnadnou postavou, opustí domov a irské městečko Tamarin, aby hledala štěstí v New Yorku. Hodlá se postavit na vlastní nohy a založit módní firmu, která by oblékala plnoštíhlé ženy. Práce jí kvete pod rukama a život nemůže být lepší… Dokud neporuší vlastní pravidla a nezamiluje se do ženatého muže: životní lekce, na jakou se nezapomíná a kterou si navždy ponese ve svém srdci.
4,28 € 4,50 €

House on Willow Street

The warm, engrossing new paperback from the natural heir to Maeve Binchy. Welcome to Avalon: a quaint, sleepy town on the Irish coast. Nothing has changed here for generations - least of all the huge mansion on Willow Street; the house in which sisters Tess and Suki Power grew up. Now, years later, Tess is trying to save her marriage protect her glamorous sister Suki who has come back home, dreams shattered. Similarly, Mara Wilson is seeking refuge from a broken heart at her Aunt Danae's house. And Danae, the inscrutable postmistress, is hiding some dark memories of her own. Now that the big house is up for sale, change is blowing on the cold sea wind. But before they can look to the future, these four women must face up to the past...
9,03 € 9,50 €

Christmas Magic

A festive collection of short stories by No. 1 bestseller, Cathy Kelly, the natural heir to Maeve Binchy. Cathy Kelly, the number 1 best-selling author, has created her first collection of heart-warming short stories. Christmas Magic is full of charming and witty tales of life, love and the everyday dilemmas that we all face, all told in Cathy's unique voice. From Dolores and Genevieve, two spinster sisters who must finally break free from their mother's powerful personality, to Alice, who is facing having to open her home and her heart to the one visitor that she doesn't want this Christmas, from a captivating family story triggered by a letter to Lily's disastrous arrival at her best friend's wedding, these are stories to make you laugh, cry and nod in recognition. Relax and unwind this holiday season and indulge yourself in these, and many other warm and uplifting tales. Remember that Christmas comes but once a year, so let the magic reel you in ...
9,03 € 9,50 €

Once in a Lifetime

Every woman needs her Cathy Kelly time...Kenny's Department Store, with its handsome Edwardian facade and unique cherry-picked goods, is the jewel in the Irish town of Ardagh's crown. Star Bluestone sells her beautifully crafted tapestries at Kenny's. Made with natural dyes, they embody her mother-earth spirit and creative vision. She has a special reason for caring about Kenny's beyond her sales. Meanwhile for Ingrid Fitzgerald, hotshot political interviewer and wife of David Kenny, the store is the 'other woman' in her marriage. With her children leaving home and her career blossoming, she is worried by the toll the store is taking on her husband. Charlie Fallon, one of David's staff, is one of the first to hear the rumour that Kenny's is facing with a takeover bid. As the threat of closure looms and with an owner who doesn't seem his usual self -- what does the future hold for the women who are bound together by its fortunes?
9,49 € 9,99 €

Zámek lásky

Tess je svým životem spokojená: bydlí v idylickém přímořském městečku Avalonu, má manžela, dvě děti a vlastní krámek se starožitnostmi. Náhle se jí však začne manželství rozpadat - a do města se vrací její první láska, muž, který ji kdysi tak ranil.Její sestra Suki opustila Irsko už před lety a vydala se do velkého světa. Když však zjistí, že jistý autor bulvárních životopisů chce veřejně odhalit její tajemství, uchýlí se zpět do rodného města a doufá, že tu najde bezpečné útočiště.Také Danae věří, že jí Avalon poskytne ochranu. Stále se snaží, aby nikdo nezjistil, odkud přišla a co má za sebou. Mara si myslela, že našla toho pravého, ale nakonec jen sleduje, jak se její přítel žení s jinou. Musí překonat milostné zklamání, a tak se vydává do Avalonu začít nový život.Všechny hrdinky spojuje jedno trápení - minulost. Dokážou se stínů minulosti zbavit?
13,36 € 14,06 €

dostupné aj ako:

Zlaté náměstí (brož.)

Je vůbec možné předávat zkušenosti? Dokáže se člověk řídit dobrými radami? Existuje recept na spokojený a šťastný život? Eleanor Levinová se po sedmdesáti letech prožitých v New Yorku vrací do rodného Irska, aby zde završila svůj dlouhý a úspěšný život psychoanalytičky. Má bezpočet zkušeností a vzpomínek. Přiváží si s sebou také knihu kuchařských receptů a životních pouček – moudrostí, které shromáždila a sepsala její matka. Ve svém bytě na Zlatém náměstí si listuje v této knize, přemýšlí a pozoruje okolní život. Mladá, krásná a populární herečka Megan Bouchierová zažije mediální skandál a uchyluje se na Zlaté náměstí, aby si tady odpočinula a ztratila se z hledáčku bulvárních novinářů. Na Zlatém náměstí žijí i sestry O’Callaghanovy. Jedna je krásná, úspěšná a má před svatbou, druhá, Connie, je stárnoucí učitelka, která již rezignovala na lásku. V čajovně na Zlatém náměstí roznáší konvice s lahodným nápojem také laskavá a krásná Rae. Zároveň s čajem rozdává přátelství a radost. Zlaté náměstí je magické místo uprostřed Dublinu, kde se spřádají a splétají osudy několika výjimečných žen.
6,65 € 7,00 €

Kouzlo Vánoc

Ve své první povídkové knize vypráví Cathy Kelly poutavé příběhy mnoha pozoruhodných hrdinek, v nichž zaručeně poznáte samy sebe nebo své blízké. Zažila to každá z nás, takové běžné všední trable i vážné situace, ať je to nevítaná vánoční návštěva, na kterou se ani trochu netěšíte, soupeření se sestrou, nedorozumění s matkou, smutek, když nám zůstane prázdné hnízdo, nenaplněná touha po dítěti, radost, kterou si odpíráte, samota po bolestivém rozchodu nebo zrada kamarádky. Cathy Kelly své hrdinky líčí s hlubokým pochopením, s laskavostí, moudrým nadhledem a humorem.
11,12 € 11,70 €

dostupné aj ako:

The Honey Queen

To discover the sweetest things in life, you sometimes have to lose your way...Vibrant and warm, Frankie manages people as a career - so her husband's silence on redundancy comes as a shock. Suddenly both their dream house project in pretty Redstone and their marriage are under terrible strain. Only twenty-seven, Peggy is opening her own knitting shop in town but her past threatens to unravel any prospect of love and a family of her own. Lillie is the friend they both need. Newly arrived in the small Irish town from Australia, she's no stranger to secrets and heartache. Wrapped in the warmth of the community, Lillie must help herself and her new friends rediscover the joy in life...
9,03 € 9,50 €

It Started With Paris

It all started with Paris ...At the top of the Eiffel Tower, a young man proposes to his girlfriend - and in that second, everything changes - for the couple, but also for their families back in Ireland ...Leila's been nursing a badly broken heart since her husband upped and left, but she's determined to put on a brave face for the bride. Vonnie, a widow and exceptional cake-maker, is just daring to let love back into her life, although someone seems determined to stop it. And head teacher Grace finds the impending wedding of her son means that she's spending more time with her ex-husband. After all those years apart, is it possible she's made a mistake?
10,40 € 10,95 €

Párizsban kezdődött

MIinden Párizsban kezdődött... Az Eiffel-torony tetején fiatal pár áll, a fiú izgatottan markolássza a titokban magával hozott jegygyűrűt. Mi lesz, ha a barátnője elutasítja? És ha igent mond, hogyan tovább? Amikor elhangzik a válasz - a turisták elragadtatott éljenzése közepette -, minden megváltozik, méghozzá nem csupán a boldog pár, hanem az őket hazaváró családtagjaik és barátaik számára is. Leila csúnyán összetört szívét ápolgatja, mióta a férje egy nap fogta magát, és elhagyta, de most eltökéli, hogy a menyasszony kedvéért jó képet vág az eljegyzéshez. Vonnie, a kivételes tehetségű tortamester fiatal özvegyként épp csak mostanában mer ismét a szerelemre gondolni - ám valaki mintha akadályt próbálna gördíteni elé. Grace pedig, az elvált igazgatónő azon veszi észre magát, hogy fia közelgő esküvője kapcsán a szokottnál több időt tölt volt férjével. Hosszú évek óta külön élnek ugyan, de talán elképzelhető, hogy annak idején hibát követett el? Ahogy az életük eseményei összeszövődnek az esküvőre készülő fiatal páréval, mindannyiuknak szembe kell nézniük a múltjukkal, mert csak így léphetnek tovább. Cathy Kelly a tőle megszokott melegséggel és megértéssel sző elragadó, egyszerre szórakoztató és megindító mesét - amelynek fonala egy rendkívüli pillanatból gombolyodik le -, majd összebogozza a benne szereplő nagyszerű emberek sorsát. "Bölcs, meleg hangú történet, mely tele van olyan szereplőkkel, akiket imádtam. Olyan, mint egy jóízű pletykálkodás a legjobb barátnőnkkel." (Marian Keyes) Cathy Kelly, aki évek óta Anglia és főleg Írország egyik kedvenc romantikus regényírója, újságíróként kezdte a szakmát. A lelki tanácsadó rovatba írt válaszokat az olvasók mindenféle bánatot-bajt elpanaszoló leveleire. Saját bevallása szerint imádta ezt a munkát, mintha az "emberekből szerzett volna tudományos fokozatot." 1997-ben jelent meg az első regénye, mely egyből a bestseller-listák élére ugrott. Többi művét is hasonló lelkesedéssel fogadta a közönség. Magyarul eddig három kötete látott napvilágot és aratott szép sikert a hazai olvasók körében. Ugyanígy a Párizsban kezdődött sem fog csalódást okozni. Cathy a családjával és három kutyájukkal az írországi Wicklow megyében él. Írói munkája mellett az UNICEF nagykövete is: felhívja a figyelmet az árva és beteg gyermekekrem és adományokat gyűjt a megsegítésükre.
12,26 € 12,90 €

Between Sisters

The sparkling new novel from Number One bestselling author Cathy Kelly told with her unique blend of Irish warmth and humour. Sisters Cassie and Coco have been there for each other ever since their mother disappeared when they were children. Responsible Cassie spends every moment trying to be perfect wife and mum, but can't help feeling she's getting it all wrong. Commitment-phobic Coco adores running her vintage dress shop - but since a disastrous break-up, her love life's become an antique. Their lives are full to the brim - so why do they both feel that something is missing? As the sisters try to find their way to lasting happiness, fate has a few surprises in store as the past makes a sudden appearance in the present ...
10,40 € 10,95 €

Secrets of a Happy Marriage

A family gathering, a moment of celebration, a time to come together - and fall apart... Recently married Bess should be blissfully happy, but as she plans a party for her husband, the cracks are beginning to show. Jojo, Bess's stepdaughter, has a point to make: Bess has swept into her father's life but she won't ever replace Jojo's late beloved mother. Cousin Cari is a strong career-woman who isn't unnerved by anything - apart from facing the man who left her at the altar - and he's on the guest list. As the party brings them all together, can the Brannigans discover the secrets of a happy marriage before it is too late? Everyone loves Cathy Kelly: 'Wise, warm, compassionate and full of characters I loved ... it's like having a great gossip with your best friends' Marian Keyes 'This top-notch storyteller once again cuts to the quick of modern women's lives and their relationships' Woman & Home 'Entertaining, moving and as vivid as a screenplay' Irish Independent 'A heart-warming story about family, love and loss' The Lady 'Love, laughter, tears and understanding are the perfect ingredients for a fabulous read' Sun 'An involving, heart-warming read about family, friends, love and disappointment' Fanny Blake Sunday Express Magazine
10,40 € 10,95 €

The Year That Changed Everything

Three women celebrate their birthdays . . . 30. 40. 50. But their milestone birthdays mark the start of a year that will change everything . . . Ginger isn't spending her 30th the way she would have planned. Tonight might be the first night of the rest of her life - or a total disaster. Sam is finally pregnant after years of trying. When her waters break on the morning of her 40th birthday, she panics: forget labour, how is she going to be a mother? Callie is celebrating her 50th at a big party in her Dublin home. Then a knock at the door mid-party turns her perfect life upside down . . . Full of warmth and wisdom, this is a story about finding happiness on your own terms from international bestseller Cathy Kelly.
15,15 € 15,95 €

The House on Willow Street

The warm, engrossing new novel from the No. 1 bestseller, Cathy Kelly Welcome to Avalon: a quaint, sleepy town on the Irish coast. Nothing has changed here for generations - least of all the huge mansion on Willow Street; the house in which sisters Tess and Suki Power grew up. Now, years later, Tess is trying to save her marriage protect her glamorous sister Suki who has come back home, dreams shattered. Similarly, Mara Wilson is seeking refuge from a broken heart at her Aunt Danae's house. And Danae, the inscrutable postmistress, is hiding some dark memories of her own. Now that the big house is up for sale, change is blowing on the cold sea wind. But before they can look to the future, these four women must face up to the past...
12,30 € 12,95 €

The Year that Changed Everything

Warm, witty and wise' Marian Keyes Three women, three birthdays, one year that will change everything... Ginger isn't spending her thirtieth the way she would have planned. Tonight might be the first night of the rest of her life - or a total disaster. Sam is finally pregnant after years of trying. When her waters break on the morning of her fortieth birthday, she panics: forget labour, how is she going to be a mother? Callie is celebrating her fiftieth at a big party in her Dublin home. Then a knock at the door mid-party changes everything... Treat yourself to the heartwarming and life-affirming new story from international bestseller Cathy Kelly *** Everyone loves Cathy Kelly: 'This book is full of joy - and I devoured every page of it gladly' - Milly Johnson 'Filled with nuggets of wisdom, compassion and humour, Cathy Kelly proves, yet again, that she knows everything there is to know about women' - Patricia Scanlan 'Packed with Cathy's usual magical warmth' - Sheila O'Flanagan 'A lovely story of life and change' - Prima 'Comforting and feel-good, the perfect treat read' - Good Housekeeping
10,40 € 10,95 €

The Family Gift

'Honest, funny, clever, it sparkles with witty, wry observations on modern life. I loved it' Marian KeyesThe greatest gift of all... Freya Abalone's life looks perfect from the outside: big family, dream career and a gorgeous new home. But she can't stop thinking that something is missing, that maybe she's not good enough... And now Freya's happy, blended family is about to be turned upside-down. For years Freya has raised her husband's daughter as her own, but now her glamorous, party-loving birth mother, Elisa, has crashed back into their lives. If there's one thing that Freya's sure of, it's that her family is the greatest gift of all - and when life gives you lemons, you throw them right back!
9,98 € 10,50 €